His Lips

By ilovekat_

90.4K 2.6K 507

"I can't change the past but I can change the future and I want that future to be with you." ~~~ After one ki... More

New Years Eve Is Evil
Define History
Family Dinner
White Guys
So This Was Happening
Ponce De Leon
0 to 100
Slightly Less Of A Heartless Bitch
Booty Call
Friendly Advice
Glutton For Punishment
Monongahela River
Double Date
40? 50? 55?
Never Have I Ever
Neck Deep
Guys Are Idiots
¡Dios mío
The Future


2.3K 72 11
By ilovekat_

Author's Note: Hey, hey. I posted a picture of Woody Harrelson as Gregory (the homeless guy) Vote and comment my beautiful readers!

|Chapter 19|

Jess burst through the door of my dorm room, while I was half naked and getting ready for another date with Carter.

I shrieked, trying to cover myself up with a blanket, "Jesus Christ, Jess, have you heard of knocking?"

Jess rolled her eyes, "Oh, don't be such a prude. So I got some amazing news today!"

I continued dressing, sliding on a red skirt. I sighed, "So you heard I broke the bet?"

Jess's eyes bulged out, "You broke the bet?!"

Shit. Way to open your big mouth, Phoenix.

I muttered, "Uh, maybe."

Jess smirked, "Well, that's awesome but no, I have better news."

I turned around to face the blonde haired girl with gleaming, forrest green eyes. Her hands were ever so lightly shaking. Hell, I hadn't seen Jess this excited since she moved out of her aunt and uncles place.

Jess shouted, using dramatic hand gestures, "I'm going on a date with Jade!"

I scrunched my eyebrows together, "Jade? As in the straight, Jade with a boyfriend of two years who works at the tattoo shop?"

Jess nodded eagerly, "Yes, I went down to the shop to get a tattoo and.."

I interrupted, "Oh, what'd you get?"

Jess screeched, "Phoenix, shut up, now is not the time! Anyways, as I was saying, I was down at the shop and Jade came over to talk to me. She informed me that her and her boyfriend had FINALLY broken up. I jokingly commented that I wouldn't mind making her feel better and being her rebound, and she agreed! Phoenix, do you have any idea how long I've waited for this moment? Jade is like my dream girl, she's perfect!"

I smiled, "That's great, Jess. I'm happy for you."

Jess stepped forward, putting her hands on my shoulders and began shaking me like a rag doll, "Oh my god, I can't believe this is happening! Phoenix, you have to help me. I have no idea what to wear or where to take her. God, I haven't been on a date...in well, like ever."

I put my hands on her shoulders to stop her from shaking me, "Okay, first off, you need to calm down. Take a deep breath."

Jess closed her eyes and began breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth. Jess was not the type of girl to freak out, ever. She was always the one with the 'fuck it, who cares, whatever happens happens' attitude, so this was surprising.

I asked, "Alright, now when's the date?"

Jess spoke a bit calmer, "This Saturday."

I seethed, "Ew, I have a game at Louisville on Saturday and I fly out tomorrow."

Jess shrieked, "But Phoenix! I need you!"

I sighed, pausing for a moment to think, "Alright, I'll just come back to my dorm after my date, instead of going back to Carter's and having a night of awesome sex and help you."

Jess' face lit up, "Thank you, thank, you, thank you!" She didn't seem to mind that I was re-scheduling my plans to fit her in but like the saying goes 'bros before hoes' right? I internally giggled at the thought of Carter ever being my hoe.

I grumbled, "Yeah, yeah. Now get out of here, I have to meet up with Carter soon."

Jess began walking toward the door, "Alright. Text me when you're finished."

I waved goodbye and finished getting ready. Would my life ever slow down?

"So we're going somewhere but yet we don't need my car?" asked a very, confused Carter.

I sighed, getting annoyed after explaining this to him for the third time, "That's correct."

We continued walking down the sidewalk, as he rambled on, "But why can't we just take my car? Why do we have to walk?"

It was only a five minute walk but he was whining like he didn't attend the gym almost everyday. You can handle strenuous work outs but not a five minute walk, are you serious?

"Because, I have a different set of transportation lined up for us."

Carter shoved his hands in his jean pockets, "Well, what is it?"

I grumbled, "Jesus. I've already told you it's a surprise!"

Carter heaved, "But I don't like surprises."

I blew out a large breath of air, "Clearly." Who knew a man could make such a big deal out of nothing.

We finally rounded the corner and arrived at our destination. Carter looked around, when I stopped walking.

Carter adjusted the adorable black beanie on his head, with a disgruntled look, "Is this it?"

I gave a slow nod, "Yes, Carter."

"But this is a bus stop."

I rolled my eyes, "Wow, you're observant."

Carter stared at me like I was an idiot, "Phoenix, we don't have to take the city bus, I have a car."

I sighed for the millionth time, "I know that. But I wanted you to get a taste of how the other side lives. I wanted to broaden your horizons."

I smirked at him and he huffed, "But I grew up poor, I told you this. I've already experienced the other side."

I scoffed, "You were just a kid, you probably don't even remember what it was like."

Carter thought for a moment and huffed, "Yeah, I guess you're right. But still I don't want to ride this."

A few people waiting for the bus as well, looked at Carter like he was being a spoiled brat which was true.

He added, "It's going to be crowded and smell bad and imagine all the germs! My car is clean and has good music!"

A lady standing next to us scowled dramatically and muttered something incoherent under her breath. Carter was about two seconds away from getting bitch slapped.

I murmured quietly, "Would you please just shut up and do it?"

Carter groaned, "Fine....you're so annoying."

I was annoying?!

I muttered, "And yet you're still here."

Carter half-smiled and leaned down to peck me on the lips. Was it normal to a hate a person so much but also, like them so much at the same time? I supposed so.

I knew my parents grew annoyed with each other quite a bit but they still loved each other. Ah, the perks of having a significant other (well, almost, kinda). When would he ask me out?

Carter wrapped his arm around me and joked, "Next, you'll be wanting me to eat food out of the McDonald's trash cans to save money."

I joked back, "No, we'll go somewhere more luxurious than that, maybe Olive Garden's trash cans."

Carter rolled his eyes but we both laughed.

I wasn't trying to force Carter into doing things he didn't want to or change him, necessarily. But simply, give him a different outlook on the world and make him appreciate what he has. I mean, I wouldn't complain if he also became a little less stuck up as well. I liked the boy but damn, was he stuck up.

I looked up to see a smiling Gregory, walking my way. I didn't have any way to contact Gregory but I had learned his bus riding schedule quite quickly- he always rode Thursday's and Sunday's at 6pm, so I tried to take the bus then just to see him.

I chirped to Carter, "I have someone I want you to meet."

Gregory exclaimed, "Sunshine! It's been awhile since I've seen you, how are you?"

Gregory stood in front of me, giving my shoulder a light pat. He looked pretty much the same as usual, except for the new facial hair that was forming into a nice beard. He also appeared to have a new scarf tied around his neck, it was white and looked like it was crocheted by hand.

I grinned, "I'm good. Just been busy with tennis. How are you?"

Gregory gleamed, "Wonderful, wonderful. Now who's this gentleman you have with you? I don't think I've ever seen you bring a friend along for a ride."

I glanced back at Carter, motioning with my hands, "Gregory, this is Carter. Carter, Gregory."

Gregory stuck out his hand for him to shake and Carter paused. I swear to God, if he didn't shake his hand, I was going to beat him to a pulp.

Luckily, Carter stuck out his hand, giving him a strong handshake, "Nice to meet you." I could tell Carter was trying not to judge Gregory, simply on my behalf but I appreciated it.

The bus arrived with a loud squeak and Carter eyed it like it was a death trap. We all hopped on, paid our $1.00 due and set down.

Carter took a seat next to the window, while I sat next to the aisle in order to talk to Gregory.

I turned to Gregory as the bus started moving, "So, how are you and Callie?"

Gregory gave a sheepish grin, "Great. She made me this scarf actually." He lifted the scarf up to give me a better view. I smiled, "It's beautiful."

Gregory agreed, "Yeah, she's amazing at crochet, she's thinking about selling some of her stuff on the streets to make some extra cash. Oh and you won't believe it, Phoenix! Recently a few guys showed up at the homeless shelter and they're teaching us how to write job resumes and how to do job interviews and they're even setting up interviews for us! The other day, I had an interview with a fast food restaurant, I think my chances are good."

I couldn't stop the excitement in my voice. I had wanted so long for Gregory to get on the right path and be happy again, if anyone deserved it, it was him. "Oh my god, Gregory. That is fantastic!"

Gregory nodded with bright eyes, "Can you just picture it, Phoenix? Maybe in a few months, I'll have enough money saved up to get a little apartment with Callie!"

I beamed, "Oh, that'd be perfect. I really hope you do get the job. You deserve all the happiness in the world, Gregory."

Gregory's pale blue eyes glossed over as if he was going to cry, "You know, Phoenix, since day one, you've always been so kind to me. Probably kinder than I really deserve but I appreciate it. I really do. You're one of the greatest friends I've ever had."

I teared up a bit and stood up to hug him, regardless if he smelled a little bit or his clothes were a little tattered. I squeezed him tightly, giggling, "You little bastard, you're going to make me cry."

I sat back down and Gregory wiped away a fallen tear, chuckling, "Sorry. I just don't think I've ever expressed how much your support and kindness has done for me. It made me have hope again. So thank you, really."

I shook my head, "There's no need for thank you's. I didn't do anything but treat you exactly the way everyone else should, like a normal human being."

Gregory gave a slow nod and looked down at his hands, trying not to cry. The bus came to a sudden stop and I looked up to see we had already arrived at the mall. I patted Gregory's shoulder, "I'll see you as soon as I can, okay? I wish you luck on everything!"

Gregory gave me another "thank you" before Carter and I walked off to the bus and into the mall.

Carter immediately turned to me with an unreadable expression, "So you're actually friends with a mid-fifties homeless guy?"

I smiled, "Yes, I'm actually friends with a mid-fifties homeless guy." It wasn't something I would ever dare be ashamed of and if he had a problem with it, well he could kiss my ass.

Carter chewed on his bottom lip, "Do you give him money?"

I rolled my eyes, "No. Gregory wouldn't dare ask anyone for money, even if I offered it, he wouldn't take it. He's a really good guy."

Carter shook his head but smiled, "You surprise me more and more everyday, Phoenix."

I shrugged, "Might as well get used to it."

Carter stated, so lowly that I think he was talking to himself, "You're a far better person that I ever will be."

I grinned, but said nothing. Carter had just as much potential to be a good person as I did. He just needed a little push in the right direction.

Carter grabbed my hand and we began walking to 'Ponce De Leon'. I, of course had to show him where I worked.

I heard a light squeal as I entered the store and was unexpectedly hip bumped roughly by Ashley, causing me to fall over on Carter.

Ashley grinned, "Hey bitch."

I roughly shoved her back, "Hey slut."

Nothing had changed since the few weeks I'd been away from the store. The walls were lined with white tiles, as well as the floor. Most of the clothes on the racks were still ugly, boring, neutral colors. But spring was arriving soon and we'd get a few more vibrant colors up in here.

Ashley peered around me, gawking at Carter, "Damn. Who's the hottie?"

Carter awkwardly looked away, pretending he didn't hear her. I laughed, that was typical Ashley for you.

"This is Carter." I lifted our intertwined hands up so Ashley could see. "And I like him, so hands off." Ashley giggled.

"And Carter, this is the very blunt, Ashley."

Carter gave a small wave, "Nice to meet you."

Ashley very openly, checked out Carter from head to toe and murmured flirtingly, "Hmm, you too."

I slapped her arm and she laughed loudly, "I'm just appreciating the view, chill. Anyways, how are you?"

After talking to Ashley for a bit longer, we started shopping. Most guys typically hate shopping with girls so I tried to speed up the process a tad bit but surprisingly, Carter didn't seem to mind.

He enjoyed watching me strut out of the dressing room in different outfits. I guess that was one of the perks of liking someone whom cared about their fashion and their appearance because they care about yours as well. Plus as Carter jokingly phrased it, "you're going to be hanging around me a lot, so I have to make sure you look presentable."

Carter ended up purchasing me 3 'date' dresses, two pairs of high heels and some jewelry. After shopping in the first store, I learned that I would have to sneak off from Carter to actually be able to purchase anything myself, so that's what I did and Carter wasn't too happy about it but oh well. I refused to let him buy me everything, it was absurd.

Then after my shopping was done, we moved on to him which actually took longer than shopping for me. He bought 5 pairs of athletic tennis shoes, some Gucci shirts, a watch, 3 gold chains and 2 pairs of khakis.

At around 9 o'clock when my stomach was growling obnoxiously loud, we finally got some Japanese food in the food court.

Then we were walking hand in hand to the exit when he stopped us. I looked at him curiously, to see him looking at one of the largest fountains in the mall.

He muttered, "Let's sit down for a minute."

We sat down on the edge of the foundation, listening to its quiet melody of splashing water for a moment.

Carter cleared his throat, looking off into the foundation as he spoke, "You've been really patient with me and I know that's not the easiest task to do. I just..."

Carter rubbed his head, his obvious cue that he was nervous. What was going on?

"I just think you're one of the most amazing people I've ever met." He finally looked over at me, his eyes connecting with mine. "You're endlessly interesting and adventurous and so fucking kind to everyone and smart and funny without even trying to be and...beautiful, God, so damned beautiful."

My cheeks were incredibly hot, I could only imagine looking like a tomato right now.

"And you make me want to be a better person. And I want to continue being influenced by you because you're the best influence I've ever had. I want to be around you all the time. I want to protect you and care for you and make you happy."

I blinked rapidly. I felt like my throat was closing up and I couldn't breathe. Why was he saying this? How could he feel this way about me? I was nothing extraordinary- just an unnoticeable, middle class, white girl. But him, he was Carter Sanders. Carter freaking Sanders!

"So, what I'm saying is...I want you to be mine, Phoenix. I want you to be my first ever girlfriend. Will you please give me the opportunity to be yours?"

He stared at me with anxious, hopeful eyes and I stared back, unmoving, seemingly frozen in time. Was this happening right now? Was this real? I had honestly thought that this day would never come, that he'd just break my heart and send me on my way.

I stuttered, "I-um-me? Are you sure you're talking about me?"

Carter chuckled, "Yes, Phoenix. I'm asking you to be my girlfriend. So stop with the anticipation and give me an answer!"

Oh right, an answer. Hmm, well.

I nodded eagerly, "Of course, I will. That's all I've ever wanted."

Carter smiled so large that it looked almost inhumanely possible to smile that big. He leaned forward, wrapped his hands around the back of my head and kissed me deeply.

He pulled back, still smiling, "Oh, I almost forgot. I got you something."

I rose an eyebrow. I was his girlfriend now, what else could I possibly need?

Carter pulled out a Tiffany and Co. blue box from one of his shopping bags. When did he get that?

He popped open the lid, revealing a gold chain with a gold heart on it. Upon closer look, I could see 'Carter' etched into the heart.

I gave a short laugh, "You're giving me a necklace with your name on it?"

Carter nodded, "Yeah and I got one for myself, too." He pulled out a gold necklace with a gold dog tag on it from underneath his shirt and etched into it was 'Phoenix'.

He grinned, "So now, everyone will know I'm yours and you're mine." God, I loved the sound of that.

I pecked him on the lips, "Thank you. I love it." He placed the necklace around my neck and I twiddled the heart in my hand. Carter Sanders was mine.

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