The Babysitter

By LuckyBaton6590

49.3K 1.4K 2.2K

Lime was just an ordinary crewmate. Well, maybe not quite 'ordinary', to be honest... He'd always been an ou... More

Meet da Crew
Emergency Meeting
Body Reported
Another One Down
My Room, 11:00
Early Start
Admin Bad
Quick A/N because blood types can be confusing
It Was You
New Discoveries
One Last Imposter
Wasn't Our Fault
Still Here
Future plans
Final Plan
The Last Death?
Bad News
What The Adults Say
Can It Get Worse?
It Can Get Worse...
She's Awake
Next Mission?

We Know Who You Are

1K 33 56
By LuckyBaton6590

Red's PoV:

Oh, great...

The lights had to turn on at that EXACT moment, didn't they?

I had been able to see perfectly, I knew they were there but I'd planned to finish off Yellow then vent away somewhere. Now I've been caught.
They know what I am.
A murderer. A cold blooded killer.

If it was just Lime, it would have probably been fine for me, I could pass the blame onto him, however Blue was there too. Good old trustworthy, reliable, highly respected Blue.

"R-Red..." Lime gasped. "Y-You... why? Why would you?"

I gulp before honestly replying, "I had no choice-"

"No excuse" Blue snapped, calling an emergency meeting. "We're done here."

"No!" I shout, turning to Lime. Surely he would do something. "Lime, what about Scarlet? Do you want to see her suffer?"

"No, Lime don't listen to her! Would you like to see everyone else on this ship and their children suffer? Enough children have been through too much pain already." Blue reasons.

"I..." he squeaks, clearly stressed. "Red, you were going to kill all of us? Why did you do this to us? Did NASA even send you here?"

No they bloody well did not send us.

"Lime," Blue says, grabbing into his arm, "She will kill you, too. What would all the other kids do without you?"

"I... I'm sorry..." he sobs. "I'm sorry Red"

"No! No don't-"

Blue drags me to the cafeteria, where Black and ten of the children are stood. Waiting.

"Black, it's Red! Lime and I watched her do it!" Blue exclaimed, "we saw her kill Yellow, meaning that she and Purple were right! Cyan and Red are both imposters!"

"Slight problem with that theory" Lime mutters. "Where's Cyan?"

"They lied. It's Blue" I lie. "Blue threatened Lime into agreeing with her."

"I... I don't know.... who to believe..." Black nervously admits. "Uh..... I don't think I can make the deciding vote... dang I wish I had just been there, if I had seen it..."

"Okay" Blue declares, "each take a piece of this paper and a pen. Write down who you think the imposter is. This way we aren't pressured or influenced by what the others are voting"

Oh no... that'll make it harder. If I don't know what the others are voting, then I can't use it against them.

Uh... I'll vote for Blue.

Oh, no... Blue and Lime both voted for me. And Black didn't vote for Blue. He voted skip.


Scarlet's PoV:


"No, no no no no STOP!" I yell as Blue pulls Red over to the balcony.

Coal walks over to me. "Scarlet, it's okay"

"Coal... I'm scared" I admit.

"Lime," my mother sadly says in defeat. "Look after my daughter. Its not her fault she was dragged into this. I love you, Scarlet."

"NUUUU!" I screech, racing over to try to stop Blue from pushing my mother over the edge.

Lapis marches over to me, pulling me back. "We have to do this. Your mum killed lots of our parents, it's dangerous to keep her."

"Lapis LET GO of me you STUPID person you don't understand! She didn't have a choice she had to-"

"Lapis, let go" another child mumbles through her tears. It's Peach... oh, yeah... she lost her father this way. She understands.

Emerald and Rose come over too, pulling me out of Lapis's grip.

"Lapis, you're great most of the time" Emerald says, "but you don't understand this. Not like Peach does, not even how Rose and I do."

Lapis seems confused, and protests a little before finally sulking back over to the rest of the group of children.

But it wasn't enough. Blue heartlessly throws my mother over the edge of the balcony.
Rose, Emerald and Peach all hug me tight, and a very distressed Lime comes over to join us.

"So" Blue declares as calmly as if she hadn't just killed another person. "What about the child?"

"I'll take care of her!" Lime quickly pipes up, but Blue shakes her head.

"No, I mean she's probably dangerous too. She can't stay here"

Wait... what? They're going to throw me off too?

Before anyone else can say another word, I wriggle free of Peach, Emerald and Rose, making a beeline for the nearest vent, one on the balcony. I hop straight in and crawl through as fast as I can without looking back once.

"Scarlet, wait!" I hear Lime yell, I feel guilty as I ignore his plea and continue crawling.

Once I think I'm a safe distance away, I lie down on my back and sob loudly.
So this was how all the other children felt, the ones whose parents the imposters had killed? My mother had caused this pain? My mother and...

And now they want to kill me, too.
I swear I never did anything. But in a way they're right. I'm a danger, aren't I?

Lime's PoV:

Why would they do that? Now Scarlet is hiding because of them. Okay, I may as well go find Teal and what's left of her mother, then I can see how Indigo and Lemon are going, and after I'll find Scarlet.

They were at the launchpad, Teal curled up by her mother's side sobbing.
"Teal... come here" I offer, bending down to her height.

"N-No I want my mummy..." she whispered

"I'm sorry, Teal, it shouldn't have happened like this... but the killer is gone, so we're safe now."

"I watched it happen" she told me through her tears, "I... saw... Red did it right in... in front of me... she didn't even care..."

Oh no...

"My mummy trusted her though. Like I trusted Scarlet, so I thought her mother was safe too"

"Scarlet would never hurt you" I assure, "And I think she's feeling really bad at the moment. You're still her best friend, right?"

She thinks for a few seconds before nodding in response, wiping her face on her sleeve.

"Well then it could be nice for you two to talk to each other? You both lost your mothers today, I'm sorry that should have never happened."

"Okay" she agrees, "I'll talk to Scarlet. I wish we'd never gone on this stupid mission"

"Yeah, you and I alike" I murmur. "Scarlet is hiding somewhere. She went in the vents."

"Lime, pwease can u stay with you?" She begs.
Oh, yeah... I've only looked after her once or twice, because aside from that she is always with her mother.

I feel so bad for all of them, but there's not much I can do. I wish I could do more, I wish I could bring them all back. But I can't.

Indigo's PoV:

Why... why? Both of my parents, killed, apparently right in front of Blue and Lime.

I didn't even get to say goodbye to them, I was just in the cafeteria the whole time like the rest of us. It was all the crew's fault for not believing them last time. They had it all right.

At least... at least I wasn't completely alone.
"It's... it's okay, Indigo" Lemon murmured.

"The crew didn't listen to them" I tell her.

"I know" she says, giving me a hug.

A few of the other children had gone to console Scarlet. Why? She was the killer's child.
At least Lapis had tried to cheer us up. Only he has talked to us since the incident, no one else.

Lemon's PoV:

I'm Indigo's older sister. I'm supposed to be the one to make her happier and ensure that she feels safe. Why can't I even do that?
Lapis almost made her smile, something I couldn't achieve.

"Hey, Lapis" I say after leaving my little sis talking to Chocolate for a while. "How are you so good with... this kinda stuff?"

He smiles. "Thanks. I don't really know, I think I just get it from my mother"

"Well, thank you." I say, glancing back over at Indigo, who seemed to be okay now. "I really appreciate that."

"No problem" he replies.

He doesn't know it, but I think he's pretty
cool - he just knows what to do in every situation. He's a good leader.

Lime's PoV:

I got back to the cafeteria with Teal, but Indigo and Lemon seemed to have already been cheered up slightly.

Right now, the children were playing a game of 'Lapis says', aside from Teal who was by my side. She was quite dependent.

"Well," Blue declared "I think we can say we've succeeded in removing the imposter. Three innocent survivors. It's just a shame we had to lose so many on the way... however, justice is served"

"Is it, though?" Black asks. I know where this is going...

"We lost 8 crewmates. One of which, we killed ourselves. Does that make us any better than them? We just reported the body and moved along. But is that where it ends? Of course not. What about the children? The children who will carry this pain for the rest of their lives? The ones that you have ignored?"

"Well I-" Blue defends herself. "There were more important matters at hand"

"Lime took care of every single one of these kids. I'd say he's the only innocent survivor here, along with the children."

Blue glanced over at me.

"Never mind. This meeting is over" she mutters before quickly walking off, making his best attempt to compose herself.

"Hey, Lime" Black hissed after Blue was out of earshot, "I think you just showed her you can swim"

Oh, right... the inspirational Einstein quote thing. Not that I forgot about it - everything Black says is interestingly memorable.

Laughing, I reply "you do know I will never understand your intuitive philosophical thoughts. But thank you"

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