Reconnected (Tokio Hotel FanF...

By Midnightriter

28.5K 443 48

Sephora lives a semi-normal life. I mean she lives with her mom, when she's in town, but more rather than no... More

Prologue- Wir Sterben Niemals Aus (We'll Never Die Out)
Ch 1- Durch den Monsun (Through the Monsoon)
Ch 2- Hey Du (Hey You)
Ch 3- Geisterfahrer (Phantom Rider)
Ch 4- Kampf der Liebe (Pain of Love)
Ch 5- Lass uns Laufen (World Behind my Wall)
Ch 6- Vergessene Kinder (Forgotten Children)
Ch 7- Screamin'
Ch 8- Strange
Ch 9- 1000 Mere (1000 Oceans)
Ch 10- Schrei (Scream)
Ch 11- Sonnensystem (Dark Side of the Sun)
Ch 12- Attention
Ch 13- Leb die Sekunde (Live Every Second)
Ch 14- Übers Ende der Welt (Ready, Set, Go)
Ch 15- Für immer jetzt (Forever Now)
Ch 16- Komm (Noise)
Ch 17- Schwarz (Black)
Ch 18- Automatisch (Automatic)
Ch 19 [Part 2]- Humanoid (Humanoid)
Ch 20- An Deiner Seite (Ich Bin Da) (By Your Side)
Ch 21- Heilig (Sacred)
Ch 22-Wenn Nichts mehr Geht (When You're at a Loss)
Ch 23- Nach Dir Kommt Nicht (There'll be Nothing After You)
Ch 24- Ich Bin Nicht Ich (I am not Me)
Ch 25- Reden (Talking)
Ch 26- Rette Mich (Rescue Me)
Epilogue- In Your Shadow

Ch 27- Hilf mir Fliegen ( Help me Fly)

426 6 0
By Midnightriter


Ich bin hier irgendwo gelandet/ Kann nicht mehr sagen, wer ich bin/ Hab die Erinnerung verloren/ Die Bilder ergeben keinen Sinn/ Bring mich zurück, bring mich nach Haus/ Ich schäff's nicht allein hier raus/ Komm und hilf mir Fliegen/ Leih mir deine Flügel/ Ich Tausch sie gegen die Welt

(English Translation)

I've landed here somewhere/ I can't tell anymore who I am/ I lost the memory/ The pictures don't make any sense/ Take me back/ Take me home/ I don't make it out here alone/ Come and help me fly/ Lend me your wings/ I exchange them for the world- Tokio Hotel- Hilf mir Fliegen

Ch 27

April 6, 2011

Voices echoed in my head, hitting every wall, becoming louder with the rebounding pulse. I pulled my hands over my ears clenching my eyes even tighter to block out the noise. But it only intensified. "Be quiet!" I yelled. My mouth moved ever so slowly with vibration cutting through water.

In an instant the detonation faded. My voice had been heard.

Without my sight I could feel their eyes upon me. I dared not to move, yet the silence invited my breathing in a steady pace. "Sephora..." My name floated off his lips. "Wake up Sephora." The warm voice brushed against my cheek in close proximity. With the directions, my eyes drifted open greeted by four faces enclosing my vision.

"And you told her to go get wasted."

A girl nodded slowly. "Only once."

"Worst idea ever," added another.

My eyes wavered between the boys. "It was to get you off my mind. And it seemed to work until you showed up." Pushing myself up to allow myself more space, the twins moved backwards. "Now where's the alcohol?"

"Who says you are going to get more alcohol, missy?"

"Who said you had control over me?" I snapped. "Adileigh can you get me a bottle of something?"

She looked at me as if I was insane asking a question about the living dead. "You've been here and there for months and you come back expecting me to be ok with you sleeping around with guys and to encourage it with more alcohol? I think not."

"Oh, so, you've decided to side with them, have you?" My anger boiled. "Trader."

"They came back for goodness sake."

"Ya. Not before Tom broke cruelly stepped on your heart. He played with you and your willing to-"

"I'm willing to do anything to fix my best friend. I shouldn't have to go through a drunken phase with you again. It happened once and I was the only one around. It's happened again and this time you have more support. They've been there for you even if you think they were gone. They care Sephora, just look at them." She stared at me, unmoving. "I know not all of us, together, have had the best relationship, but we are all family even if the same blood doesn't run through our veins. Family sticks together-"

Bill uncharacteristically interrupted, "I've always had this connection with Tom knowing when one of us was in trouble or hurt. And in the past months our connection ha grown with you. We thought it was just a twin thing, but we are family. We, both, had this nagging feeling of hurt, hopelessness. It was you. You, of all people, needed someone. And it couldn't be ignored."

"We, we want to help," added Tom, "whatever we did, we want you to be the fun, energetic girl we met in Europe, at a festival and at a concert. But most importantly we want you to be the Schwester we grew to love on tour even through all the stress, games and pranks. We want that Sephora in our lives."

Tears sparkled in Tom's eyes.

My head wasn't clear of thoughts or of liquor, but I spoke strong. "It wasn't anything to do with you," I admitted. "It was neither of you. And as cliché as this sounds, it was me. I've connected myself with so many others and in the end I've always gotten hurt. Not one person, out of everyone I've trusted, has not left their mark on me. I wasn't ready to let someone else leave another scar." A sniffle itched at my nose as I stroked a tear from my eyelid. "I just wasn't ready for anyone else. But with you, it was something I hadn't experienced. I never had any family except, except for mum. Adileigh and Mrs. DePice, they were family, but we always had our fights as friends. So to have family, it was a new experience," I sighed, "I wouldn't have given it up for the world."

Smiles illuminated the room in a overwhelming glow. More than one pair of arms encircled me in a hug, cutting off my supply of air. "Can't breathe," I whispered.

"You'll live kleine Schwester," Tom replied.

"Now where's my alcohol?" I asked politely with a chuckle brightening my voice. A chorus of laughter followed.

Elle stood in the corner giving us a little space. "Join the fun," I told her, finally able to stand up from my position on the bed in our dorm.

"Can I please have your autograph?" she squealed, fangirl-ing the twins. "Please?" She looked at me dead on with a serious tone, "And yours too?"

"I'm not the famous one here," I pointed out.

"But you will be."

And I didn't know how right she was in that moment.


Well that was the last chapter!! How did you like it?? To much dialogue?? Not enough description?? Let me know cause soon this will be in the editing process and I would love some feed back. Of course this is just the first draft so it will change and more details, chapters and events will be added. But I've finished the hardest part of a book. Writing it from beginning to end.

Now if you wouldn't mind maybe going back through and voting on each chapter. I will love you forever for it!! (Not in a creepy way).

Thank you all for this wonderful journey. I've enjoyed every minute of it even if there were sometimes of distraught and stress. Being imaginative and creative defiantly expanded some of my knowledge. And I hope you connected to the characters, listened to the music, and enjoyed the adventure.

With all my love


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