⒈ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐘 → 𝐫𝐞...

By TaffyTides

90.4K 4K 831

BOOK 1. Francesca Sharpe doesn't like to be touched. Don't ever touch her, because you might just scar her wi... More



4.6K 240 97
By TaffyTides

𝟷,𝟻𝟶𝟼 𝙳𝙰𝚈𝚂


THE FIRST TWO WEEKS OF SEVENTH YEAR, felt like absolute hell to Francesca Sharpe. The professors threw them straight into tough lessons and mountains of homework. The stress was becoming too much as each teacher had such high expectations.

Now that she was back at Hogwarts, students were back to playing the game, taking their chances of trying to touch her again. No less than ten people had already fallen to her hexes. Not only was Francesca hexing students, but the Marauder's were also hexing them on her behalf. To mess with Remus' crush was messing with them directly.

It gave her a warm feeling knowing that they were looking out for her. Someone other than Aurora looked out for her.

In her tired state, Francesca crawled out of the Hufflepuff common room, walking a few paces down the corridor until she came face to face with a portrait of a fruit bowl. Her hand reached up, tickling the pear.

It's giggles were loud in the silent corridor, but it opened the door. She walked into the empty kitchen that was usually full to the brim with house elves.

She loved the creatures, talking to them and finding out if they had come up with any new creations. She was always up for testing food.

She walked straight to one side, pulling open a drawer and grabbing a spoon.

She was completely obvious to the pair of eyes following her actions as she pulled open the freezer door. Her hand pulled out the tub of peanut butter and strawberry ice cream.

She was craving the ice cream, digging the spoon into the heavenly goodness and eating it as quick as she could, avoiding brain freeze.

"Fran, what are you doing?"

She screamed, not expecting to hear another voice in the kitchen. When she turned around, her hand was clutching her racing heart as she found Remus sat on the counter with an amused smile.

"Bloody hell, Rem." She sighed in relief only finding it to be him and not someone else.

An odd look took over his face. "Rem?"

"Yeah." Francesca was nervous for a second as she took a seat to him on the counter. "You gave me a nickname so it's only fair that you have one as well." She rushed, as if she was rambling. "You don't like it do you? I can change it, I'm sure I could come up with something different."

"Fran, I love it." Remus grinned, angling himself on the counter to face her. There was a small gap keeping them apart.

He quickly scanned her appearance, appreciating the messy look on her; red hair placed in a loose bun, a jumper that was way to big for her and—.

His eyes flashed gold for a second seeing that she was in short pyjama shorts. If she did notice his eyes momentarily change, she didn't mention it.

"Okay good." She sighed in relief. "What are you doing down here?"

"I had a craving." Remus shrugged, holding up his plate that had a brownie on it.

"Great minds think a like." Francesca grinned, holding up her tub of ice cream. "Trade?"

Remus nodded his head and they immediately swapped food, trying each others.

"You know what would make this even better?" Remus asked.

Fran's head tilted to the side, waiting for him to continue.

"Combining them."

Fran put the plate down between them as Remus spooned out the ice cream and placed it on top of the brownie. They took turns digging into the dessert they had made, Remus careful to make sure that they didn't touch.

They talked about complete nonsense, not wanting to leave each other's presence.

But Remus was also biding his time. He wanted to bring up a certain conversation with Francesca but didn't know the best way about it. He was nervous.

"Professor Varlett, is literally the biggest bullshitter, I've ever met. I swear none of his predictions have come true." Francesca ranted about her divination professor. "Like honestly, his name is Dolian Varlett, his first name literally means liar."

He could listen to her rant all day, merlin, she could literally talk about anything and make it sound amazing. Anything coming out of her mouth sounded amazing.

"I like you." He suddenly blurted out. His mouth closed in surprise and his cheeks reddened.

Francesca had stopped her rant and just stared at Remus. "Come again."

"Really?" He groaned.

"Yes. Now say it." Francesca grinned. She heard him the first time, but just totally wanted to hear him say it again.

"I like you." He looked into her eyes. "Like a lot. And I know nothing could ever really happen between us because of your rule. Which I fully accept, but I'd like to think, I could one day be the exception."

A grin broke out onto her face.

"I'm mucking this up, aren't I?" His head fell down, dejected.

"Definitely not." His head raised in surprise. "I don't want to make any promises or anything, but I actually like you too, Rem."



"Hold out your wrist." Remus said.

Her eyebrow rose sceptically.

"Don't worry, I'm not breaking your rule already. Just trust me?"

Francesca raised her wrist up, holding it between them. Remus pulled his wand out of his pocket and tapped her wrist, muttering an incantation under his breath. He'd had this idea for a while now, thinking of way he could get closer to her.

As soon as he was done, a black ribbon appeared on her wrist.

Remus hopped off the counter, ignoring the sharp pain he got in his joints as he did. His hand reached out towards the ribbon and it extended so that he could hold it. With a small tug, he had her off of the counter and twirled her under his arm, until they came close. Close enough that they could feel each other's breath, but there was still that gap keeping them apart.

"If I can't hold your hand, then I'll take the next closest thing." Remus whispered, having no need to talk loudly because they were so close.

Francesca was astounded, no one had ever done something so thoughtful for her before. And then that warm fuzzy feeling in her stomach reappeared again.

It seemed to happen a lot, whenever she was alone with Remus.


AN: has anyone worked out what day the countdown is leading to yet? because you definitely can 😏

cute moment between my beans

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