Dirty little secret.

By magicmahone

9.5K 457 17

Ashton was the good girl. She got Good grades. Played sports. She's Never done anything bad. Had a 3.8 gpa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Epilouge #1
Epilouge #2 (last one)
New book !

Chapter 9

537 17 0
By magicmahone

I woke up to someone knocking on my balcony. I looked over and didn't see anyone. I quietly got up and walked over to my doors and opened them. It was another note.

Your gonna go through hell at school. -Anonymous

I looked around and saw no one. I closed the door and put the note on my desk and I heard Austin say ;

" What's that ?"

" A note." I said

I heard him stand up and walk over to me. He stood behind me and put his head on my shoulder and grabbed the note.

" I don't know what it means I go through hell everyday." I said

" If there right your gonna have a really bad day.." He said

" I know.." I whispered.

He set the note down and hugged me from behind.

" I wish there was something I could do." He said

I turned around and looked at him. He gave me sympathetic eyes and I stared into them.

I reached my hand up and softly touched his cheek and smiled at him.

He touched his forehead against mine . We slowly leaned it. Our lips brushed but he pressed our lips together. Our lips fit together like they were made for each other. They moved perfectly together. He picked me up and sat me on the desk so he wasn't leaning down as much.

" Ashton are you awake ?" I heard Valerie say.

" Someone always interrupts us." Austin said

I laughed a little and pushed him into the bathroom.

I acted like I just woke up and opened the door.

" I am now." I said kinda snotty.

" Okay I thought I heard footsteps." She said

" Okay ?" I said

" Do you need to be snotty ?" She asked

" Do you need to be a skank ?" I asked

" You used to be so nice and fun. Now your just a bitch what happened.?" She said

" Pain does funny things to you." I said quoting Austin and then closed and locked my door.

I pulled him out of the bathroom and he smiled at me.

" What ?" I whispered.

" You quoted me." He said.

" Your such a dork." I laughed

" Ashton are you talking to someone.?" I heard Valerie say.

" No?" I lied

" Go back to bed ." She said

" Planning on it." I said

I walked to my bed and laid down.

Austin walked to the other side and said ;

" It's hard for me to sleep with a shirt on.. Can I take it off ?"

" Whatever floats your boat." I said

He took it off and turned around to lay it on my desk.

Holy fuck he has back dimples.. Back dimples are my weakness.. Fuck fuck fuck.

I breathed in quietly and he turned around. I looked away and he laid down.

His back was facing my and I started drawing on his back with finger.

" What are you doing ?" He mumbled.

" Drawing on your back." I said

He turned around to face me and we just looked at each other.

He proper his self up and looked down at me.

" What time is it ?" He asked

" 3 am." I said

" Damn. We should prolly go back to bed." He said

" Yeah." I said

He looked at me and as if he was debating on doing something.

He bent down a little and kissed my forehead. I wrapped my arm around him and he pulled me closer. I soon fell back asleep.

• 6:30 am•

I grabbed my phone and turned off my Alarm. Austin was still sound asleep. I moved from his grasp and walked to the bathroom.

I lifted my sleeve and saw the cuts. There was dried up blood on them so I turned the water off and tried to clean them quickly.

" Ashton ?" I heard someone say.

I looked in the doorway to see Austin. I quickly pulled my sleeve down and turned off the water.

" What was that ?" He asked

" Nothing..." I said looking away from him.

" Ashton.." He said

I still didn't look at him and he said ;

" Look at me."

I shook my head and I heard him getting closer.

He turned my head towards him and he said ;

" Did you do that to yourself ?"

I slowly shook my head and he just looked at me.

" I didn't want you to find out.. I didn't want anyone to find out.. I'm sorry.." I said

" It's okay.. I mean it's not okay but it's Okay." He said putting his hands on my waist.

" Don't tell anyone.." I said

" I won't." He said

" You need to go home and get ready." I said

" I know.." He said

I pushed him to the balcony doors and said ;

" Go get ready."

" But this is the last time I'm gonna talk to you for 8 hours." He said

" Just go." I laughed.

He smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

" I'll see you later Ashton." He said than climbed down.

I watched him walk his house and he climbed up his house to his balcony.

He looked at me and winked.

I felt my cheeks got hot and he walked inside.

Am I really falling for him ? No I can't. But you are. But I can't. He's gonna break my heart like everybody else has. And can you not forget your suppose to hate him ? Oh my god the girls would hate me . But don't they already ?

I sighed and unlocked my phone. I went on my weather app and saw it was suppose to be colder today.

I walked to my closet and picked out a sweatshirt that said Normal people scare me , light gray skinny jeans , a black beanie , and black uggs.

"Maybe I'll try to be how I used to today. " I mumbled to myself.

I grabbed my make up bag and put on foundation , mascara and eyeliner. I never used to wear foundation until my father decided to. Yeah. Let's not say it.

I don't even know what I did ? Like I was a good kid. I played basketball like he wanted me too. I got good grades. I had good friends. Ever since he started talking to Valerie he's been a dick.

I sighed and plugged in my curling iron and quickly curled it. I put my beanie on and saw I had a message.

From: Austin.💘🔥

I'm coming to see you before school. I don't care if I saw you a few minutes ago. Text me when your done getting ready baby girl.

To: Austin.💘🔥

I'm done getting ready.

I heard someone knock on my doors and I looked over and saw Austin.

He walked in and I said ;

" You can just walk in you know."

" I know but I don't want to scare you." He said

" You wouldn't." I said

I faced the mirror and he stood on the side of me and wrapped his arms around me. His head was leaning on mine and he was looking at the mirror.

I grabbed my phone and took a picture.

" Awe we cute." He said

I went to my pictures and set it as my home screen.

" Won't someone see it ?" He asked

" Not if I don't let them on my phone." I said

" Makes sense." He said

" How are you not hurting your back or something ? Your really tall and I'm really short. " I said

" I can do this for a while." He said

" Okay well I have to go to school." I said

" Me too." He said letting go.

He leaned down and pushed our lips together.

I get butterflies everytime I feel his soft lips on mine. But this time. He got more and more aggressive with the kiss. He bit my lip but quickly let go.

" Austin we have to go." I said parting.

" Your Right. " he said

" I'll see you at school. " I said

" Bye baby girl." He said kissing my forehead than quickly left.

I looked in the mirror and saw my lip was bleeding.

" Asshole." I mumbled but laughed a little.

I heard someone walk into my room and saw Iris.

" Oh hi." I said surprised.

" Hey." She said

" Can we go get paisley ? Her dads car broke down." She said

That's why she's here.

" Yeah do Addie and Jordan need a ride too ?" I asked

" Yeah." She said

" Alright where does paisley live.?" I asked

" About a block away." She said

" Alright." I said

" Why is your lip bleeding ?" She asked

" I bit it." I lied.

" Oh ouch." She said

" Yeah."

I grabbed my phone and we walked downstairs.

" Bye. " I said

" Bye have a good day !" My dad said

" Why is sophie here ?" Iris asked

I didn't answer and got in the car and she said ;

" Where's your mom ?"

I looked up and tears filled my eyes. I miss her ..

" She died yesterday.." I whispered.

" WHAT " Iris yelled

I nodded and Iris hugged me.

" How ?!" She asked

" She got in a car accident." I said

" I'm so sorry Ash." She said

" It's fine.. But now I have to live with Sophie because my dad was having an affair with her mom." I said

" And you knew about it ?" She asked

" Yeah but he told me not to tell anyone because he would leave us." I said

" I'm so sorry Ash.. " she said

" It's fine." I sighed pulling out of my driveway.

• skips to school•

Well all the girls now know about my mom and the affair.. But that doesn't even affect me anymore. What my dad does to me affects me. And I can't tell them that.

We walked into the school and we walked to our lockers.

I grabbed everything I needed and someone smacked it out of my hands causing everything to fly everywhere.

I sighed and closed my lockers. Everyone was laughing, even the girls. I bent down and started picking it all up.

I looked up and saw Austin, Alex, Robert and Zach picking stuff up.

They walked over to me and handed me the stuff.

" Hold on." I whispered.

I put the papers I had in the folders and then grabbed the pairs from them.

" Thanks.." I said

" Your welcome." They said then walked away.

" You guys are really fucking nice." I said to the girls then stormed away.

I walked into my first hour and I sat down.

I put my head in my hands and I felt my phone go off.

I looked at it and it said ;

From : Austin.💘🔥

Are you okay ?

To : Austin.💘🔥

Yeah. I'm just tired and don't feel good.

From : Austin.💘🔥


I looked at him and he had a weird look on his face. I laughed and he started laughing too.

To : Austin.💘🔥

You can't get pregnant off a kiss stupid.😂😂

I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket.

• 3:00 pm •

" Hey you guys wanna hang out tonight.?" I asked

" We are going to the movies and my mom said only 4 people could go.." Addie said

" Oh okay.." I said

We got in my car and I dropped them all off at Addie's.

" Bye !" They said

I didn't say anything and pulled out. I got to my driveway and saw Sophie and Kaleb. I groaned and walked inside.

" Your still here ?" Kaleb said in disgust.

I ignored him and went to my room. I slammed my door and I climbed down my balcony.

I walked over to Austins and climbed up his balcony. I sat down and texted him.

To : Austin.💘🔥

Hey are the guys coming over ?

From : Austin.💘🔥

Nah. I'm gonna be home alone for a while.

I stood up and knocked on his door. He looked over and smiled at me. He walked to the door and unlocked it.

" Hey cute thang." He said

" I am so tired." I said

" Then go to sleep." He said

" Oh my god can I have your bed." I said laying on it.

" No." He said laying next to me.

" What do you want to do ?" He asked a few minutes later.

" Not sure." I said

" Wanna watch movies ?" He asked

" Yassssss." I said

He giggled and walked downstairs.

A minutes later he walked back upstairs with a few movies.

" What movies are those ?" I asked

" White chicks, Bench Warmers, Despicable me and step brothers." He said

" Good movies." I said

" You know it Gurl." He said in a girly voice.

" Can we get a scary one too?" I asked

" Yeah hold on." He said than ran back downstairs.

I grabbed his phone and went to his camera. I took a couple pictures and he ran back upstairs. I quickly put it back and acted like I did nothing.

" What did you do ?" He asked

" Nothingggg." I said

" Lies." He said then grabbed his phone.

" Oh that's cute." He said laughing.

" What movie did you get ?" I asked

" Insidious 2." He said

" I've never see the second one." I said

" It's kinda scary." He said putting it in.

He walked to his balcony doors and closed the curtains and turned off the lights to make it dark.

" Austinnnnn." I whined.

I didn't hear him and I looked around.

I felt someone get close to me and then they yelled ;

" BOO !"

I screeched and Austin busted up laughing.

" You scared me you little fuck boy." I said then looked away from him.

" I'm sorry." He said putting his forehead on my shoulder.

" don't be mad at me ." He said kissing my back.

I moved away from him and he sat down on his bed and wrapped his arms around me. He left small kisses on my cheek and then laid his head on my shoulder.

" Cmon princess." He mumbled into my neck.

I didn't say anything and smiled.

" I know your smiling." He said

" Am not." I said

He looked up at me and said ;

" Liar . I can see your cute dimples." He said poking my cheek.

" Stop." I laughed.

" Seeeee." He said

He started tickling my sides and I couldn't stop laughing.

" Austin. Stop." I said in between laughs.

He stopped and I laid there for a second to catch my breath.

" Can we watch this movie now ?" He asked

" Yeahhh." I said

He pressed play and I sat up. He put his arm around me and leaned onto his shoulder.

• 2 hours later •

I looked up at Austin and he was sleeping. I wanted to leave cause I was hungry for once but he looked so comfortable and I love being with him. I carefully got out of his grasp and laid him down.

I covered him and grabbed my phone. This kid sleeps a lot. I walked to his balcony doors and I heard him say ;

" Where are you going ?"

" I'm gonna get something to eat. I'm actually am hungry for once." I said

" I'll make you food." He said

" I'm sure your mom Is coming home soon and your tired." I said

" Please stay." He said

" No cause I don't want your mom to walk in. " I said

" Well can I at least have a hug ?" He asked

I walked to him and he sat up and hugged me.

He waited a few seconds than flipped me over him and held me down. Then He started kissing all over my face.

I started laughing and tried to turn my face away from him but couldn't. His lips met mine and he held them there for a few seconds then parted.

" I feel better now." He smiled.

" Do you ?" I asked

He nodded his head yes and he let me up.

I walked to his closet and grabbed a sweatshirt.

" I will gladly take this." I said

" But won't people get suspicious?" He asked

" They won't know it's yours." I said

" But it has my cologne on it." He said

" It could've been my dad or brothers." I said

" Okay. " he said

" You better be glad. I love that sweatshirt." He said

" I feel special." I said

He laughed a little and I walked to him.

" I'll talk to You later." I said then kissed his cheek.

I climbed down his balcony and ran over to my house before anyone saw me.

I quickly climbed up and right as I got to my balcony Kameron walked in.

" Hey what we you doing ?" He asked

" Oh just looking outside." I said

" Family dinner downstairs." He said

" You mean You dad Skank , whore and I. " I said

" Stop being so disrespectful." He said

" If only you really knew Kameron." I said

" I don't care. Be respectful." He said then slammed the door.

I rolled my eyes and took off my sweatshirt so I could put on Austin.

" ASHTON DOWN HERE NOW !" I heard my father yell.

" I'll be down in a sec!" I yelled back.

I quickly put on sweatpants and grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.

" Who is gonna tell her ?" Kameron asked

" Tell who what ?" I asked

" Sit down Ashton." Kameron said.

I sat down next to him and took a smile bite of food.

" Ashton. Valerie and I are getting married. " my father said

" I knew that was coming." I said not really caring at all.

" And we're having a baby." She said

I dropped my fork and looked up.

" You mean to tell me that you are brining another life into this hell house.? " I said

" It won't be hell for the baby. We will actually like that baby." Valerie said.

I stood and walked out of the door slamming it behind me. I got into my car and started it. I can't stand it here. I hate them all.

Kameron is even being a dick to me. The one that cared about me for so long is now letting them treat me like this. He is just like the rest.

I got out of the car and walked inside.

" Here are your damn dog tags." I said ripping them off my neck and threw them at him.

I slammed the door and went back to my car. I got in and drove away.

I plugged my phone into the aux cord and called Austin.

Convo : ( M-Mahone D- Dawson there last names since there first names both start with A )

M- Hello ?
D- Austin ? Did I wake you up ?
M- yeah but are you crying are you okay ?
D- Kameron hates me now. He yelled at me for calling Valerie a skank and then he let them say I'm not wanted. I want to die Austin. I have nothing to live for. My friends are 2 faced with me and my family hates me..
M- what about me..
D- you can live without me Austin.
M- where are you ?
D- I don't know. I'm just driving I can't be there.
M- I'm coming to find you. It's dark out so no one will be able to see our faces.
D- Please don't Austin..
M- I'm not going to let you be alone.
D- Please..
M- We can be alone together.
D- Austin.. I don't want you to be near me right now.
M- Why ?
D- because ..
M- too bad.

He said that then hung up. I want to be near him.. but I can't.. I pulled over near the park at the end of my road and I grabbed something out of under my passenger seat.

I checked to see if it had bullets in it. It did. I put it towards my head and I heard someone yell ;

" ASHTON NO !" Then pushed it away from me and it came out of my hands.

I looked over and saw Austin.

" Why did you do that.." I whispered

" Because.. You may feel like no one cares. But I do Ashton. I know I used to be a dick to you but after hanging out with you i care about you now. When I saw that gun in your hand I ran as fast as I could. The fastest I've ever ran." He said

I looked at him and tears filled my eyes. I pulled him into hug.

He put his hands on my cheeks and looked my into the eyes.

" Promise me you will never try that again. " he said

" I don't make promises.. But I can try.." I said

He pushed his lips onto mine and held them there for a few seconds. After a second he parted them and said ;

" Come with me."

I turned off my car and grabbed my keys and put them in my pocket.

" Awe your wearing my sweatshirt." He said

" It's comfortable. " i said

He closed the door for me and held out his hand. I put my hand on his and he intertwined our fingers.

" I'm kind of jealous." He said

" Why ?" I asked

" Because you look better in that sweatshirt than I do." He said

" It's been 1 week." I said

" Since what ?" He Asked

" We started talking." I said

" Oh yeah. Now you want me to tell you the truth about you." He said

" Yeah." I said

" Well. The truth about you. " he said than looked at me.

" Yeah?" I said

" I say the truth about you is that no matter what anyone says you are mentally the strongest girl I have ever met. Your dad beats and rapes you along with you ex-boyfriend that cheated on you with you ex-best friend and your mom dies, your dads skanky girlfriend moves in and you have to deal with her and her daughter who is that slutty ex best friend and you best friends are 2 faced with you. That's a lot for 1 girl. Your Personality is one of the best ever. Your so broken and yet you still want others to be happy. You put others before you. And not to mention you are one of the most gorgeous girls I have ever laid eyes on. You have bruises and cuts all over you yet I thought you were beautiful with them. Your smile is absolutely amazing. If I could see you smile all the time I would. Your dimples are the cutest things ever. And the way your eyes sparkle In the light makes you even more gorgeous. And your height. You are really short. But I love how short you are. Your the perfect height for me. And your weight. You don't even have to worry about what number that is. You are no where near being fat. In my eyes you are perfect exactly the way you are. And if anyone says anything other wise they are jealous. If it's a guy that just wish their girlfriend would be as amazing as you are. " he said

I just looked at him and stopped walking.

" You really mean that ?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

He let go of my hand and looked at me.

" With every ounce in me." He said

I didn't know what to say.. That's the nicest thing someone has ever said to me.

He grabbed my hand again and said ;

" I don't know what Kaleb was thinking when he cheated on you. "

" I guess I wasn't what he wanted.." I said

" Your everything I ever wanted." He said

I smiled and looked down.

" You can have that sweatshirt by the way. " he said

" Really?" I asked

" Yeah." He said

" Where are we going ?" I asked

" I don't know." He said

" Can we go back to the park please.?" I asked

" Why are you scared ?" He asked in baby voice.

" No..." I said

" Aweeeee poor baby." He said

" Please Austin." I said

" Yeah Cmon. " he said turning around.

" It's 8:40." Austin said

" Well I don't want to go home." I said

" We cant stay out here." He said

" Why not ?" I asked

" Because my mom comes home around now and I don't want you to be out here by yourself. " He said

" Alright ill go home." I said

" I'm walking so no one sees my get out of your car." He said

" Alright. Try and come over if you can." I said Once we got to my car.

I looked at him and stood on my tip toes and gave him a quick kiss.

" I'll see you later beautiful. " he said

" I'll see you later Handsome." I said then drove away.

I felt bad making him walk but he's right. No one could see him get out of my car. I pulled into my driveway and sat at the end of my driveway.

I watched him walk to his house. It took him awhile but he eventually got there. He looked at me and winked.

I looked down and smiled. That damn wink gets me everytime and he knows it's. After a few minutes i hesitantly walked in and saw everything was dark. Oh that's nice they didn't even care I was gone.

I walked into my room and locked the door. I checked everywhere to make sure no one was in there and I was alone. How I like it. I locked my door and laid down. I was tired and wanted to sleep.

I turned on my tv and laid there for a few seconds when I got a message.

From : Austin.💘🔥

Good night my beautiful princess. Tomorrow's Friday and we can spend the whole weekend together.

To : Austin.💘🔥

Good night my prince. Okay I'm down.❤️ Visit me in the morning ?

From : Austin.💘🔥

Of course princess. I'll see you in the morning.

To : Austin.💘🔥

Thank you My prince.

I locked my phone and set it on my desk.

Within seconds I was sleeping.

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