Last Chance - CR Sequel (Comp...

By darksprinkles_321

14.2K 1.2K 231

Warning: This is the sequel to Cruel Reality if you have not read that story first than do not continue readi... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Bonus Chapter

Part 5

402 30 4
By darksprinkles_321

**Tong's POV**

It was a fairly decent day, all of my students were fairly good at paying attention and I was anxious for lunch. 

The past 50 years have been rough but I think Win saved me from myself. After I lost Zee and than found out about all of the cruel things he had done, I was devastated. 

The day of his and Tul's funeral was the day I found out about Gun. He had barged into the building crying and demanding someone to tell him what happened. That's when he came up to me and smacked me. 

Of course I was confused as hell because for me I had just had some random stranger I had never seen come up to me and hit me. After that I found out about how him and Zee were together and he was only using me to keep an eye on Max. 

Once the truth was out I locked myself up for a few months until Win would come in every Saturday and bring me a book to read. Than it progressed to two books and a meal and on wards. He would start to do it on Wednesday and Saturdays before it became an every day thing. 

After two years he would fall asleep next to me in my room because I would have nightmares and there were a few glances and gestures that kind of hinted at the fact that we were into each other but neither of us were ready to admit it. 

It had gone like this for what seemed like forever and before we knew it we were flirting for 10 years. After one night when the both of us got a little drunk we kissed for the first time and than spilled the fact that we liked each other. 

One of the hardest things was convincing his parents but now that it's over and we've been happily married for 17 years I don't feel so sad anymore. Every once in a while I do get flashbacks and it's kind of hard to have sex on a daily bases but I am slowly getting better. I don't even know what it is, there are just some days where I am not in the mood and if Win even gives me a hug I will break down in tears. 

No matter how much I push away though he is always by my side encouraging me to over come my fears. 

I love him so much...

Becca: She raises her hand as I shake my head to clear my mind before nodding toward her. "Sir, what is the solution for question 3?"

Tong: Looking down I flip through my book and than grab my chalk before turning around. "For this we need to start with the equation of..."

Win: The door slowly opened to a smiling Win. "Am I interrupting?"

Tong: "Win it's the middle of class!"

Win: He glances at the clock before laughing. "Lunch started 5 minutes ago, did your students forget to tell you again?"

Tong: I look at the clock to see if he was right and than I groan before turning my attention to my students. "Really?"

They all start laughing before each one of them began to pack up. I watched silently as they all exit the classroom one by one until Win walks up to me and kisses my cheek. 

Win: "You need to learn to stop day dreaming in class."

Tong: "Hey if my students enjoyed eating lunch more than teasing me than this wouldn't be an issue."

Win: He helps me organize my things as I wipe off the chalk board. "Where does your mind wander every day?"

Tong: "The past mostly."

Win: "I wish I was able to find a way to help you forget."

Tong: "It's really okay, I don't mind. Some days are just harder than most."

Win: "Are you sure?"

Tong: I let out a sigh as I finish cleaning up my things. "You ask me every time we talk about this. Yes I am sure and if we don't hurry we're going to miss our lunch."

Win: He just shakes his head and follows me as I make my way out of the classroom. "You and your time lines."

Tong: "What? I don't like being late."

He went silent as we made our way toward the parking lot. Our lunch is usually an hour long and he always liked going to actual restaurants which takes more time than the food stalls outside the campus. 


Win: He points at me as I stare at the menu like its a mystery game. "If you keep staring at it without ordering we really will be late and it will be your fault this time."

Tong: I just stick my tongue out at him before looking back down at the menu. "Everything just looks so good how am I suppose to choose?"

Win: "Close your eyes and point, eventually you'll find something you want."

Tong: With a sigh I close my eyes and touch the menu but when I opened my eyes my finger was on something I didn't want. "It didn't work."

Win: "Do you just want to share what I got?"

Tong: That made me smile as I set the menu down and nod. "I can do that?"

Win: "Your not stealthy Tong, I know what your doing. Every time we go out to eat somewhere that you don't really like or can't decide you just end up eating my food instead. 

Tong: "Damn, was it that obvious?"

Win: "Just a little bit."

Tong: Barely a mumble. "Ruining my plans..."

Win: "Let's just order and than we can go back to work." I wanted to tell him to just order his food because I really wasn't that hungry but I might take a little bit when the waitress comes up to us. "Can I have two of these?" He points at the menu and than points at me. "My husband wants the same as me but can you forget the onions on his."

Tong: He smiles before writing it down and than walks away when I look at him in surprise. "Heyyy!"

Win: "What?"

Tong: "Why did you get two?"

Win: "You were going to tell me that you weren't hungry right? I can only fall for that so many times, I am hungry today and I would like to eat my own food today."

Tong: Barely a mumble. "Meany..."


Like always Win was right, I was hungrier than I had thought I was and all of my food was non existent before he was even half way done with his. After eating we had 10 minutes left to get to work and than the rest of the day has gone by smoothly. 

My students didn't play any more pranks on me today and it was nice. The class before lunch is always the most troublesome class but they are all nice kids so I don't mind too much. 

Currently I was walking around the campus trying to find someone that seemed alone and distracted because it was time to feed and Win didn't like it when I told him about it so I tend to try to find time on my own to look. 

There was a secluded flower garden on the right side of the campus and usually there are a few students there that like to read alone. 

When I had gotten there my prediction was right, there was a young lady who couldn't be any older than 25 reading a book by a tree. I did feel guilty having to mess with peoples memories to survive but there was no way for me to change who I was. It was annoying that most hunters thought that all half-bloods are vicious killing machines but I have never been one of those. 

Walking over to the lady I crouch down with a smile. 

Tong: "Hi miss, what are you reading?"

Stranger: She looks up with confusion before a smile crawls onto her face. "Oh hi Mr. Thanayut what are you doing on this side of the campus?"

Tong: I guess she knew who I was but I don't think she is in any of my classes, maybe she's in one of Win's classes and that's how she knows me. Without a second hesitation I look at her with a smile and try to keep her calm. "Miss, I know your not going to remember what I'm about to do but I want you to stay quiet and close your eyes. When I tell you to open your eyes again you wont remember anything."

She slowly closes her eyes and I gently hold her neck before biting down. Like always feeding felt amazing, it was like a rush of energy but the hard part was stopping. Whenever I stop it feels like I have to rip out my own teeth. It was either pain or killing the person I was feeding on and I would prefer the pain any day. 

When I was younger I did enjoy feeding more than I do now but after being with and knowing Win for so long my joy in it has slowly slipped away and now I just feel guilty. 

Tong: Once I was sure I had enough I slowly pull away and wipe my mouth before cutting my finger and rubbing it over her wound. My blood did heal but it did not heal as much as pure bloods do. "You can open your eyes now."

Before she was able to see me I disappeared around the corner. Now it's time to find Win and go home...

It wasn't very hard though, he was waiting by the car when I showed up and gave me a smile as I got in.

Win: "Everything okay?"

Tong: "Everything is great, I do have a lot of papers to grade though."

Win: He pulls out of the driveway and we start heading home. "That's okay, I forgot about a project I gave my students and today they turned them all in so I have quiet a few things to grade too."

Tong: "Your worried about Max right?"

Win: He looks over at me in surprise. "How did you know that?"

Tong: "Because your only calm about me working at home when your worried about your brother. It means were going to be spending our afternoon in the living room until he comes home."

Win: "Damn..."

Tong: "It's okay I don't mind, I just think you need to loosen your leash on him a little bit. He isn't a little kid, you guys are only 3 years apart. He's 155 years old."

Win: Barely a mumble. "Yea you would think he would be smarter after living that long. Dumbass..."

That made me chuckle as I looked out the window. I usually try my best not to argue with him about his brother but sometimes it's hard not too. 

I feel like I married a child. 


Surprisingly he was being a lot better than I expected. After the first 30 minutes of us sitting around the kitchen table with all our papers spread out he actually got really into grading and has stayed quiet for the most part. It's been at least 2 hours now since he asked about Max. 

Win: He lets out a yawn and lays his head against the table. "Can we call it a night?"

Tong: "Tomorrow is Friday though, when are your grades due?"

Win: "I usually put all my grades in on Tuesdays."

Tong: "Than if you want to stop you can clean up and rest in my lap."

Not having to say anything else he silently starts to clean up and than adjusts himself before laying down in my lap. He was staring up at me before his eyes began to close as I continued to work. 

I'm not sure how long Win slept in my lap but he was rudely woken up when the front door opens and in comes a very exhausted looking Max. He looked like he walked all day. 

Tong: "What's wrong with you?"

Win: His eyes pop open as he stands up and walks over to Max. "Where have you been?"

Max: He looks at Win before heading to his room. "I was looking for a library, spent all day looking for it but I haven't found it yet."

A library?...

Win: I watch as he follows Max down the hallway. "Why are you looking for a library?"

Max: I could hear them talking from Max's bedroom. "I met somebody and they... they mentioned going to a library to study but never told me what the name of the library was."

Win: "Maybe they were trying to blow you off."

Max: "No... It was my fault for not being able to ask..."

Win: "Well take a break you look exhausted." There was silence for a little bit before Win walks back into the living room and whispered. "I feel like he's lying to me."

Tong: "Well if he is than he must have a good reason too."

Win: He annoyingly sits down and rests his head against the table. "I wish he wouldn't, I just want to help him. Maybe this has something to do with him not wanting to come home..."

Tong: I didn't like seeing him like this so I got up and grabbed his arm. "Come on."

Win: He looks up at me with confusion. "Where are we going?"

Tong: "To bed."

He was silent as I pull him to his feet and tug him toward the room. I knew that he was upset right now and I would like to try my best to distract him. 

Once the door was locked behind us I pull him to the bed and get down on my knees. He was jut staring blankly at me as I slowly un zip his pants and pull them down to his ankles. 

Win: He starts to rub the back of my head as I lean down to kiss his thigh. "You don't have to do this babe."

Not giving him a verbal reply I wrap my arms around his waist loosely as I gently move my lips over the shaft of his dick against the fabric. In no time it began to harden against my lips and that made me smile. 

Grabbing the hem of his boxers I pull them down as he lifts his ass to help. HIs member had hardened against his stomach as I pull on his shirt until he was sitting Infront of me in all his naked glory. 

I really love this man...

He left out a soft sigh as I lick my way up the shaft of his dick until my lips parted against the tip. As I was slowly sucking him off he had adjusted his hand against my neck as he rubs the back of my head. Gripping his sides I continue to quicken and slow my paste until his hand abruptly stops against my neck and he pushes down. 

Before I felt him tense up he lets go and pushes me away softly before grabbing my arm and pulling me up on my feet. I was confused for a moment until he starts to unzip my pants. As he was pulling them down along with my boxers I help by pulling my shirt over my head. 

As it was falling from my hand I feel his soft lips against my chest and I let out a sigh. Looking down I could see him looking up at me as he wets his finger and brings his hand between my legs. Closing my eyes I felt as his finger slowly pushes at my entrance until it slides in as he engulfs my member with his soft mouth. 

I had my hand resting on his head and shoulder as he slowly begins to slide his fingers inside me and keeps a steady paste on my dick. My grip on his shoulder tightens as I let out a small moan and feel myself coming close to a climax. 

Slowly pulling his finger out of me he softly grips my balls as he begins massaging them and that was the last straw as I pull his hair and cum deep down his throat. He pulls away with a grin before grabbing my hand and pulling me into his lap. His grip on my ass was firm as he slides himself into me and I moan against his lips. 

Moving my hips against his I slowly allow myself to slide against his hardened member. He was giving me soft grunts as I kiss his neck until he grips my back and holds me tight against his chest. picking me up without sliding out he turns us around and places me on the bed only enough to where my back was against the mattress. 

My ass and thighs were being gripped by him as he quickens his paste and my body begins to arch. Biting my lip I try to control my moans as the feeling of my eyes changing pulls me to reality. Th excitement and pleasure from each of his thrusts has caused me to change and I think he found it hot because he bends down and kisses me as it deepens and I could feel my lip being pulled by his teeth.

The room was filled with the smell of sex and the sounds of moans until Win came deep in my ass and slowly pulled out of me. I was panting against the bed as he lifts my legs and wipes me off. I could feel my cheeks growing red at the thought of being so vulnerable around him. 

No matter how long I am married to him I don't know if I will ever be use to this but I love it. 

He really is the best thing to ever happen to me...

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