The Divine Hero: Izumi Midori...

بواسطة TriggeredIida

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A broken doll...and it's masterful puppet. That was how Izumi Midoriya felt for the first 14 years of her lif... المزيد

Prologue: Hope
Chapter 1: Indignation
Chapter 2: Anger
Chapter 3: Trust
Chapter 4: Sadness
Chapter 5: Pity
Chapter 6: Fear
Chapter 7: Joy
Chapter 8: Happiness
Chapter 9: Pride
Chapter 11: Wrath
Chapter 12: Penitence
Chapter 13: Conviction

Chapter 10: Deceit

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بواسطة TriggeredIida

Knowing that engaging her two opponents at the same time would prove to be her downfall, Izumi had to quickly think of a way to take care of them. She stood toe to toe with Katsuki when they were training a while back, but there was a large possibility she wasn't anymore. She didn't even know how strong Shouto was, but she was sure she'd be able to melt any ice that came her way. Mineta, who she restrained for being a pervert, was going to be of no use for the battle coming in less than a minute. "Hehe," she looked down at the floor before crouching, "I'm going to fail, aren't I?" Suddenly, an alarm blared through the building, she assumed it to be the signal to begin so she stood. "Still," she began running further into the building, "I can't not give my all in this fight!"

She had made it up one flight of stairs and stood at the bottom of another one after clearing the second floor, making sure that there was no one and nothing on the floor. She began to climb the stairs, wary that there was a trap awaiting her nearby, "Izumi!" She heard Katsuki bellow through the stairs above her, she looked up towards the ceiling, only to see that the borders of the stone were frozen. With a loud explosion, Katsuki came blasting down on a slab of concrete, "try not to die!" Izumi had a fair bit of influence on Katsuki's outfit, so she was worried when she noticed his hand on the pin that set off his most dangerous weapon. It couldn't have been filled to the brim, but if he did any working out in the five minutes they had, she would've already lost. She noticed a ceiling light gleaming off of his skin, so she knew that it was no bluff, which was why she tried to dodge. But, she was doomed the moment Shouto dropped down onto the concrete, for she couldn't budge from her spot, ice quickly encroaching over her lower half. "I hope that you won't hate me after this!" He pulled the pin, causing a flash to appear from the muzzle of his grenade like gauntlet.

This was Izumi's loss, there wasn't a doubt within her mind. However, her fist acted on it's own, hitting the ice with fiery knuckles shattered it, but there was no way she'd be able to dodge the fireball that was two meters away from her and quickly approaching. Maybe she'd be able to dodge? Left? Right? Down? She might've been able to duck, but for whatever reason the two worked together amazingly. Izumi should've acted faster, thought more about the situation, but she rushed into this without a decent plan. She took into account everything about Katsuki, but not about the partner that just surrounded her in icy walls. Melting them was out of the question, unless she had more time. The battle...had been over before it even began.

"I'm not giving up!" She shouted, a stinging pain began to form in her throat as she rushed head first into the explosion. "I," her skin burnt as she willingly immolated herself in his explosion, "will win!" Like an axe cutting through wood, Izumi split the fireball in two, landing straight on the falling concrete staircase. Katsuki, who adapted to the situation faster than Izumi could swing, blocked the kick aimed at his leg that was going to knock him down. She wasn't skilled in close combat, but she excelled in subduing her targets. Dozens of fiery ropes came from her upper back, poising themselves to attack Katsuki as she took an explosion to her stomach. With a single thought, she tried to force them to wrap around and capture him, but she didn't know that Shouto could freeze her docile flames.

Knocked onto her back, Izumi couldn't help but accept defeat, there was nothing she could do to break through their impregnable defense. When the sound of destruction ended from them, she began to hear the sound of birds chirping. Instead of the cold stone beneath her, she envisioned herself lying on warm grass as the sun beat down on her. She noticed Katsuki at her side who had picked up her left arm, holding her hand gingerly and with love. "Thanks," it was around noon, "I could barely move my arm, Kacchan." She looked at the stone ceiling, aiming her palm at the space directly above the trio. "With this," a burst of light came from her hand as it broke straight through to the outside, meaning that three different floors of concrete rubble would rain down upon them, "victory is mine." Either she'd take them with her in this trap, or she'd be trapped under the rubble.

From the brief contact of sunlight with her skin, Izumi gathered enough of it to melt through enough of it if she were trapped alone. Which had turned out to be the case, meaning that the entire front of her body had tons of concrete piled onto it. She could feel her skin break, her muscles tear, her bones shatter, but she endured it. Or at least tried to hold on to her consciousness, otherwise she'd certainly die trapped under it. A heat radiated from her body, turning the rock into a slurry of ash and what felt like cement. The stone liquid covered her body as it dripped down, if she didn't raise the heat then she'd drown with cement in her lungs. I don't have a plan, it was like swimming through a thick gelatin as she tried breaching through the liquid, but that's okay. At least I am giving it my all, she coughed out any residue that made it into her mouth as she reached sunlight, maybe I can win against these two demons? With the warm sun beating down on her, the heat she was radiating increased to the point where the stone was evaporated.

"I haven't given up, you two!" It was like she was becoming the sun she so desperately relied on for her nameless quirk. She wanted to continue fighting on, but she was struck by an unseen hand to the back of her neck, knocking her out. However...neither Shouto or Bakugou were near her to deliver the blow. So who did? It couldn't have been Hagakure, for she was standing next to Ochako at the moment. Just who was the one who attacked her? That was the thought on her mind as she fell down into the remnants of the concrete stew, Katsuki blew open a hole in the fallen concrete, letting the flow of the stone stew flow out. He hadn't done it to save Izumi, but open up a hole for him to subdue her. So, even he was surprised to find her laying unconscious on the floor.


Izumi would've woken up moments later, but she'd exhausted her body too much. So when she awoke, she found herself in the infirmary she'd been in after the entrance exam she passed. Her head ached as she opened her eyes to the blinding white light of the fluorescent bulbs above. Her hopes had come true when she found out that no one had been watching over her. "I lost," she sat up from her laying position, "damnit..." It had been the first time she'd cursed, otherwise she avoided it like the plague, in fear that she too would become cursed in some way. But it seemed that she let her grip loosen on that moral for the time being. She rubbed the male of her neck, remembering the distinct pain that came with it. It was like someone delivered a punch that had the strength of a bull funneled into it.

Sighing, Izumi pulled the covers off of herself and slid out of bed, each of her individual muscles aching as she stood on them. Slowly, she shuffled towards the door and walked out of it. Knowing that there were doors leading out to the two courtyards, Izumi began to shuffle until she got halfway down the empty hall. To where the doors were, she was about to turn the knob and walk out into the lit courtyard, but the sound of feet hitting the ground stopped her. She looked to her right to see All Might skidding to a stop, "I am here, Midoriya-Chan!" He shouted before booking it in her direction, instead of opening the door and letting it close behind her when she went into the courtyard, she held the door open for the massive hero. "Thank you," he said, following her into the sunny outdoors, "nothing like some fresh air, am I right?"

A deep breath brought the delicious scent of grass to her, "yes, nothing beats the clean feeling of fresh air beating itself into your lungs." Izumi took a few more steps to get the sun to cover every inch of her battered body, "anyway, All Might, sir, what did you need from me?" Slowly, a relief came over her body as the pain slithered away.

"Not much, I just wanted to check up on my student," she should've figured as much, seeing that she'd probably suffered the most damage out of anyone else from her own choices. "So how are you feeling?"

She shrugged, causing her shoulder to crack, "other than feeling sore all around, not too bad." Izumi seemingly caught onto his real intentions when she realized that what she did was just as unorthodox as Aizawa's teaching method. "You came here to lecture me, didn't you?" A quick shake of his head caused his blond hair to bob, "I should've known, I'm sorry that I-wait, you didn't come here to do that? Then why did you come here?"

"Well, as much as I want to say that you burying yourself in rubble could've killed you, it isn't why I sought you out." All Might's blue eyes sparkled from beneath his serious gaze, "during your mock battle did you notice an alarm go off? Well, that alarm was set off by someone breaking into the campus." His expression didn't relent, "normally I wouldn't be telling any normal student this, but you're not normal in this case. In the teacher's lounge there were computers and laptops thrown around, but that wasn't all, there was also a message." Izumi's eyes widened as All Might spoke, his usually smooth voice hardening to be as sharp as a .308. "Give us Izumi Midoriya or there will be consequences," who could possibly want her? "Obviously, there's a bounty on your head," with forgiving eyes, All Might looked down at her in pity her life was being threatened, "any idea who might be after you?"

"No...not one bit," Izumi instinctively answered, not wanting to delve deeper into it.

"Not even the person who's been infecting others with his quirk?" Izumi looked shocked, but kept her cool, "my friend, Naomasa, mentioned a girl that could cure the affliction his quirk caused, but he never gave a name. Are you her?" Izumi nodded as she choked down her saliva, "it's as I thought...don't fear, Midoriya-Chan," he took a few steps forward before placing a hand on her head. "I will not let anything happen to one of my students," hearing those words come from the number one pro hero made her hopeful that nothing would befall her, "I promise that I'll keep you and the rest of your classmates safe." With that, Izumi had been marked for death by whoever the owner of that infectious quirk was. But little did they that they made a very powerful enemy in one stupid move.


Two weeks had passed since the death threat on Izumi's head had been revealed to her. Currently, even as they traveled off campus, the twenty students had nothing much to fear. In that time gap, Izumi had sent the outfit Momo created to be repaired and upgraded. They were menial, such as to be flame retardant and sturdier since it got scorched by the explosion she ran through. But they were menial enough to take more than two weeks, so she was the only one wearing her gym uniform as they traveled to a place named USJ. It was an acronym so she didn't know what it stood for, but she knew it had to do something with heroics.

Along the way, Izumi rested her head on Katsuki's shoulder. Over the past two weeks, he'd been increasingly distant. She hated the fact that he was, so she wanted to bring it up at some point, preferably when they were alone. Today, she could recall the two words he said to her after coming to school on his own, "good morning." Sure, he didn't seem any less tender in school around her, but for all she knew that was just a ploy, covering up how he truly felt. It made her heart ache to the point where she felt it'd burst. She lurched off of him when the bus came to a stop, would she be able to ask him here? Or would it wait until later? Sometime during their experiences at the USJ would be the best time, but she felt that there weren't going to be many instances where they were alone. A slight chill ran through her spine as she stared at the glass dome that was off campus, just what would they do here?

She continued to wonder what they could possibly be here for, until they stopped in front of a hero wearing what seemed to be an astronaut suit. "Thirteen?!" She could hear Ochako's voice squeal out, could she have been her favorite hero?

"Yes," a muffled voice spoke out, it sounded as if she were speaking through a tin can, "that is me. Welcome children, to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint! Your normal instructors and teachers decided that it'd be best to get you guys on track to be heroes as fast as possible. So in order to get your provisional licenses," Izumi felt the same cold sensation run her back, as if invisible hands were dragged alongside it. She was alarmed by the sensation of a palm touching the small of her back, so she turned around ready to restrain Mineta. But he was nowhere to be found, which is why she looked for him through the other 18 students. He was standing next to Denki, simply just listening to the teacher without lust for anyone else. A wave of relief washed over to her before panic settled again. If Mineta hadn't, then who touched their palm to her? Nobody was behind her, and there was nobody near her at the back of the crowd. Could it have been a clothed Hagakure? Did she even have enough time to dress down and back up in the matter of moments? It was when an invisible hand grasped her chin that she freaked out, although silently. She could see it's outline in the air as it pulled away and folded it's finger over to the staircase. It was...beckoning?

Izumi, knowing that there was something other than the teachers and her classmates here made her follow the hand. She walked past the crowd, past Thirteen, ignoring their rising calls to her. She looked for something, some semblance of another life within the domed building. Before she was turned around, a bout of nausea fell over her when she noticed the growing purple orb in the center of everything. She almost fell forward and down the stairs before someone reached out and grabbed her by the elbow. Whoever it was pulled her to safety, "are you alright, bro?" Judging off of their mannerisms, Kirishima was the one to pull her to safety, "you almo-"

"Attention class 1-A!" A voice shouted from where the orb was, Izumi, along with everyone, turned to face it. Some were worried, some scared, other's, like Katsuki, were raring to battle the 'enemies' about to attack them. "We are here," Izumi counted five figures down there, indistinguishable faces combined with odd disguises made sure that she couldn't tell who they were. But, there was a white haired man dressed in black and with his hair in a ponytail, weaponry was attached at his hip, one sword for each side. "To interrupt," another was a blue shirt haired boy with small lumps covering his hand, when Izumi squinted she could see they were hands. "Any attempts at creating," a man dressed in a suit stood next to the blue haired boy, purple smoke covered his body, or maybe it was his body? "A new generation of heroes! That, and," the last human had long black hair that went down to his shoulders, he looked sickly, too pale to even withstand the strength of the sun, his body was much too frail to even bare the weight of his head. "To kill Izumi Midoriya!"

The last figure, was nothing near human. It's face consisted of a beak, however it shouldn't have been moving with its brain exposed. It's skin was as black as pitch, like a never ending abyss, with red lines going throughout it, as if it had been scarred, though they were usually white not rose red. It was after Izumi inspected each of the five figures, that she noticed everyone's gaze, even the five, were all looking at her. She wanted to ask what was wrong, but with the sound of bubbling hanging over head, she didn't have the chance to. The same purple substance that created the orb in the center, rained down on her and transported her. To her knowledge, she was the only one to be transported...but nearly everyone else had been.

Izumi seemed to be alone, at least in the terms of her friends and teammates. Otherwise, she was surrounded by the five she identified earlier, nothing but a gaggle of villainy. The scent of fresh blood hung in the air, so she looked as to where it was coming from. From the beak of the creature, blood leaked out, as if it had recently eaten something.

"Well," she heard the weak voice of the black haired man speak, "if it isn't Izumi Midoriya." He reached out to grab her but she doubled back, fire came out of her arms. "The one who can get rid of my quirk's effect," how did he know that? "Izo," he began, causing the man with the swords to reach for them, his right eye was closed, "end her." With a dash, he pulled the katana from the sheath on his right hip and swung it at her neck. The air wizzed past her ear before a loud collision came from her left, it was All Might. The only man that deserved the name of a rolling tornado, for his strength was parallel to one. Izumi knew the man couldn't reach her, but something pushed her forward, cancelling out her dodge backwards. This, caused the gleaming katana to slide from one side of her neck, to the other. She couldn't react as blood sprayed from her. A rasping knuckle sounded out as it came from a wooden door. Suddenly, a vantablack door appeared in front of her before cracking open. Was this...death's door? Suffocation took over her body as the sounds of everything faded from her ears, she could only tell two things. One, that All Might was yelling something, probably her name, the second, was the man ready to decapitate her.

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