Aru Shah Oneshots!

By Newtina_For_ever

18.9K 131 172

This is just Aru Shah one-shots that I came up with I just suddenly want to make this despite having some ot... More

Oh ya your a boy
Kamadeva of the school
When will they stop?
Dense Aru
Dense Aru part 2
Dense Aru part 3
School Dance
Which Hogwarts Houses They Would Be In!
Crush Song
Operation Get Aru To Realize That Aiden Likes Her
Operation Get Aru To Realize That Aiden Likes Her Part 2
Would You Be So Kind
Cat Ears
Just Friends (Song Fic)

Aiden x Aru fluff alphabet a-g

707 5 9
By Newtina_For_ever

A- activities

Aru and Aiden would probably spend a lot of free time just taking walks together to get food like ice cream and also using a ton of free watch movies at Aru's place

B- beauty

Aru- Aru admires Aiden's looks and hair. She could probably just stare at Aiden's face the entire day and not be bored. I mean that is what she did to earn title 'Aiden Stalker'-

Aiden: Aiden would probably admire Aru's hair and maybe skin, her hair looks amazing in the day already, but at night when the moon's out, her hair seems to look magnificent, and the moonlight reflecting off her skin made it look like she was glowing, and he just loves that about her natural beauty

C- comfort

Aru- Aru would be there silent and embracing Aiden into a small hug, every once in a while saying stuff like, "it's ok Aiden," "cry it out" "things will get better" she wouldn't really know how to comfort him that well, but to Aiden what she does helps a lot

Aiden- Aiden would get a ton of pillows and blankets and embrace Aru into a large hug and he would put his face into the crook of her neck, and let her cry silently, he would pat her head and say kind words about her and if someone made her cry he might get to the point where while he's comforting her he also says some things he's gonna do to punish the person who made her cry

D- dreams

They have a lot of dreams that they want to live in together, so they're trying their best to keep their love going and to make the place they would live their hopes and dreams at

E- equal


F- fights

They could get into a fight every once in a while but because of how much they love eachother it would get solved in the same day it started

G- gratitude

They would both be so grateful that the other came into their life to make their days all they greater

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