An Agents Life

By EGH15-01

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Josh is the leader of the FBI team in New York and Maya is one of his field agents. Josh has been in London f... More

Special Agent Joshua Matthews
Ridiculous behavior
First crime scene
Breaking the law one step at a time
Past memories
The Arrest
The interrogation
Another story idea
The Aftermath
One step back
The support group
The dinner
Back to work
True friends
Mixed Feelings
Taking a break
The Big Blow Up
The Night Before
With a heavy heart
Not part of the deal
The Beginning Of The End
A Step In The Door
A dose of reality
Having Backup
Hormones and Drugs
New Motivation
Starting Over
Stepping It Up
Playing The Part
Day Out
Step In The Door
Another Step
Missing Her
Getting A Plan
The Charity Event
Boiling Point
The Climax
Breaking The News
Pure Anger
Plan exposed
On The Clock
Moving in
The Old Warehouse
Not Over Yet
Back Of The Ambulance
Hospital Blues
Battered and Bruised
Finally Home
The First Night
Friendships never die
Physical Therapy
Lazy Day


482 17 10
By EGH15-01

Hey everyone! Thanks for reading and commenting! Hope you guys enjoy!!

Maya groaned as she waved her head away from the spoon in front of her. Josh glared at her.

"You have to eat." He said. He tried to put the spoon back up to her face but Maya once again turned her mouth away.

"I'm not hungry." She told him. Josh sighed and placed the spoon back down in her jello cup that was on her tray in front of her.

"That's what you've been saying the last two days. Maya, starving yourself isn't going to help you get out of this hospital faster." He scolded her as if he were talking to a five year old.

"Hospital food sucks." She said. Josh rolled his eyes and sat back in the chair beside her bed, taking her jello cup with him and finishing it off for her. "How long does it take to make sure that I'm not bleeding eternally anymore?" Maya complained. She wanted to go home.

"About as long as it takes for you to refuse to go to the hospital and continue to put more stress on your body, I suppose." Josh said sarcastically. It was Maya's turn to glare at him.

They had been snipping at each other like this back and forth for the last two days now. Josh had refused to leave Maya's side until she was able to go home, leaving him to sleep in the chair beside her. And Maya had argued with him telling him it wasn't necessary for him to do so.

Josh had been having Lucas and Zay bring him his paperwork from work so that he could still be working technically while he was keeping an eye on Maya. The team not interested in taking any other cases right now as they were still dealing with the after effects of this last one.

Riley had came in and took over instantly. Demanding the doctors tell her what injuries Maya suffered, giving Maya lectures about not taking care of herself and putting her health first. And she even turned on Josh and blamed him for Maya not being treated so soon. Josh just rolled his eyes and let his niece vent our her feelings, knowing it wouldn't do any good to try and tell her the truth of what actually happened.

Riley would have stayed with Maya, but with a two year old and then another one on the way, she was ready to pop at any moment. And a hospital wasn't the best place for her to be at the moment. So Lucas had taken her home and Josh had promised Riley that he would give her every single update that he was given, as soon as he was given it.

Shawn and Katy had also been by the hospital. With Maya's little show on national tv, it was hard for anyone not to know what she was doing or what had happened. Josh's phone had rung off the hook by family and friends demanding to know what had happened.

So he caved and told the family what happened to Maya and why she was undercover. Except he bent the truth a little bit, he didn't think that it was necessary to tell them that Maya had neglected to go to the hospital when she was told to or that she was now on a three month suspension. If she decided to tell them that then she could, it wasn't his place to make that decision for her.

Then along with Shawn and Katy came Cory and Topanga, then of course Josh's parents- and well- the nurse had made a comment that she hadn't seen that many visitors for one patient in a long time.

And with all the excitement with so many people coming in and out for the last two days, Maya hadn't been told the extent of her injuries by the doctors. Just that she needed to take it easy for a while and not be rushed into getting back into the field anytime soon.

"Do you think I'll still have a job in three months?" Maya asked. Josh snapped his head out of his thoughts and looked up at the blond. She seemed very distant over the last two days. Staring off into space with a blank expression.

"It depends on if you do what you're told." Josh told her honestly.

"And are you going to be the judge of that?" Maya asked. Josh didn't say anything for a moment.

"Helton, he's taken it upon himself to make sure that you're taking every step that's asked of you during the next three months." Josh said. Maya let out a sigh.

"So in other words, I'll catch you on the other side." Maya said sarcastically. Josh shook his head.

"No. If you do everything your told-"

"But that's just it, Josh. I don't even know what everything is. You won't tell me until I'm discharged and I don't even know what all is wrong with me." She said.

"You're not going to get fired, Maya." He stated. Josh looked back down at the remains of the jello cup and fiddled with it. "I won't let you." He mumbled, not raising his eyes to meet hers.

Whatever Maya was about to say was cut off by the door of her hospital room opening. Both Josh and Maya snapped their attention towards a doctor and nurse that came into her room with her clipboard.

"We have some good news and some not so good news." The doctor said. Maya narrowed her eyebrows.

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"Well not so good news is what we say when it's not necessarily bad news, but not great either." The doctor clarified. "I've gone over your chart and stats, your EKG looks good. We were able to stop the bleeding from the inside during your surgery but there was still a few tears that we weren't able to get to. They should heal up with time, but you have to be extremely careful not to overdo yourself with the risk that they start bleeding again."

"You also have three broken ribs and a pretty serious concussion," he continued. "Which is a lot less than what I would have thought for a beating like this. Your shoulder took a lot of damage, and considering you had just been stabbed earlier this year, it seems that you might want to give that some extra care. Some of the nerves in the shoulder suffered some damage. We were able to repair as best we could but only intensive physical therapy will tell in time how badly it's been injured. My advise to you would be to get on that as soon as you get out of here."

"Will I still be able to do my job with my shoulder the way it is?" Maya asked. The doctor looked hesitant in answering.

"Like I said, that depends all on time and physical therapy. I will tell you, the time of therapy that you'll need to do will be extremely painful. So I'll prescribe you some painkillers to help-"

"No painkillers." Maya said. Josh sighed and closed his eyes, shaking his head a bit.

"Uh, I don't think you realize just how intense therapy can be." The doctor said. "It's going to be really painful for your shoulder. I think you should reconsider."

"No." Maya said. "I don't want them." The doctor looked over at Josh, who just shook his head but didn't say anything.

"Alright, I'll write the prescription anyway just in case you change your mind." He told her. "Good news is that you'll be ready to go home tomorrow. Not so good news is I don't think you should be by yourself. You'll need someone to stay with you considering you won't be able to drive for a while and I wouldn't recommend going back to work- or at least in the field for three months."

Three months, how ironic.

"You want me to stay with someone for three months?" Maya asked him.

"You don't have to, but that's what I recommend. Someone to also keep an eye on you and make sure you're doing what you need to be doing to get better and let your body heal." The doctor said.

"Is that all?" Maya asked.

"You're incredibly lucky, Agent Hunter. I've seen much worse with far less. You're lucky we were able to stop the eternal bleeding. It concerns me how easily we were able to because I'm afraid that means it will start back up again at any time. So please, take my professional advise and allow yourself help." He said. "Discharge is tomorrow at noon, I'll have your nurse bring in the papers for you to sign."

He turned around and walked out the door with the nurse by his side. Maya groaned as she threw her head back. These next three months were going to be torture.

Thanks for reading!!

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