Vanished Into Thin Air

Від BeeHappySisi123

603 0 3

When Sammantha's family moves to a clique little town. Not is all that it seems. After finding a ghost who li... Більше

Vanished Into Thin Air, Chapter 2
Vanished Into Thin Air, Chapter 3
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 4
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 5
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 6
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 7
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 8
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 9
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 10
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 11

Vanished Into Thin Air

140 0 1
Від BeeHappySisi123

Ok this is my second story I'm posting, I hope it will be more popular than my first one is turning out to be lol. Ya! Its all edited and pretty


Endings and Beginnings

            I knew that leaving Florida would be one of the hardest things I ever had to do.  My mom came up to me one day and said joyfully “Sam we are going to live in Indiana with your father! Aren’t you excited?”- that day was most likely the worst day of my life.  Today we are leaving, Mom explained to me that we are going to keep the house, but just not live in it in the school year.  The house that I lived in for ten years of my life is now my new summer home. 

“This is so stupid!” my best friend Jamie exclaimed she was helping me pack to go to my ‘new’ home.  Jamie was my best friend since the first grade, which was the year I moved down to Florida.  She always had short blond hair and that golden brown skin.  She was always the most beautiful girl in the school,  last year at the time of homecoming dance ten guys asked her out, unlike me who went alone.   In general Jaime was my complete opposite, she lived here in Florida her whole life- I moved to Florida when I was six-years-old from England.  Because I was from England, I'd never had a tan in my whole life.  Jamie's soft blond hair always looked perfect, like she was ready to get her picture in a magazine or something.  Me, I had long red hair that tangled easily and always got in my way.  Jamie was always out going and talked to everyone, and everyone knew Jamie.  People knew me because I was friends with Jamie.  I looked over at her  and she was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling, then suddenly she sat up “Why do you have to go to Indiana?” she was yelling as loud as she did at the prep rallies at school, and her blue eyes look fierce, “What is so special about Indiana?”

“I don’t know, but all I know is that I’m not eighteen yet, but when I am I’m going to live with you and your mom” I told her.  She help me finish packing, I couldn't help but look at her.  Her face look torn, and tears filled her eyes.  Why was she so sad?  She was the most popular girl at school; she has a thousand more friends, a thousand friends who are most likely to be in prom court.  Yet a tear came rolling down her cheek as she put a picture of us in my suit case and zipped it up.  Then she walked out silently of my room, I could not help but feel bad that I was leaving Jamie my one and only friend though the two years of high school I had already when though.  Next year is my junior year and I’m clueless as a freshman, I would most likely the odd ball in school like here in Florida.  I picture the first day as I took my suit case off my bed, the first day of a new high school is like a death sentence or at least that’s how it looked in my head. I rolled my suit case out of my room and into the hallway.  I took one last look at my room.  I would miss the walls that had a drawing of the beach on them.  I would miss the big window that would wake me up at sunrise, and my big, deep blue bed that reminded me of the ocean.  Then with a sigh I closed my door for the last time in this year, me and Jamie walked slowly to my mom’s car like when we were seven-years-old and I didn’t want Jamie to leave we would walk to the car slowly and hope my mom would change her mind.  I got into the car and there was Jamie, standing there with the saddest look on her face.  “Will you write to me every day?” she said as if where to start to cry if I said no.

“Duh. What kind of a friend would I be if I didn’t write to you every day?” I replied.  Jamie looked as happy as the day she won student console president.  Then she started to jump up and down, and gave me a big hug, the hug was so big I could hardly breathe.  But, I had to close the door and say good-bye to my house, a big two story pale house.  When I moved here to Florida I though this house was the one I would grow old in, and I want to grow old in this house but that dream is gone now. 

“Don’t worry honey. There are always endings and beginnings in life.” Mom said keeping her eyes on the road

  The rest of the day went in a blear; the moment that stood out to me the most was when the air plane was up in the baby blue sky I remember saying good-bye to my dear Florida.  I would have never left Florida if it was my choice, I could never leave the pretty tan colored sand beach, the sound of seagulls flying above the ocean and the sound of the waves crashing on shore.  On the plane was the last time I would see the sun set over the ocean, the last time I would see vibrant color fill the sky and then slowly sink into the ocean.  It was about 1:00 am when we landed in Localville, Indiana.  The air port was like the ones you always see in movies when the people go to a small town, it was small, the walls had several paintings of fields on them, and everyone that worked there had a smile on there face.  Oh, yay I would be so happy if I was working at an air port and had to stay till 1:00 in the morning.  My dad was waiting for us at the exit, he hadn’t changed much. He was still very tall, there was still no sign of ageing on his face, his bright green eyes still looked joyful, the only different was that his light brown hair had a touch of gray in it.  He looked over at me “Sam!” he exclaimed “Look at you.  How is my little girl doing? Well I guess I can’t call you little any more.  You gotten so…..tall.”

“Hey, dad,” I said as he ran up to me and gave me a one arm hug. “You have not changed that much.”

“Nope in fact you don’t look a day over thirty.” Mom chimed in to the conversation.  Then Dad looked at her the way that looked like he only had eyes for her.  It was like I was watching a scene in a romance novel.  It made me feel like I was going to barf see my parents look at each other that way, I mean I guess its good that they see love each other but I thought the staring into each others eyes dreamily was suppose to end after they had a child.  I also thought after the hours of labor, weeks with swollen ankles, and about a thousand of case of morning sicken is why my mom never wanted to have second child.  Yet, they still didn’t move an inch since the time they started staring like that.

“Okay,” I said ruining the moment, “Are we going to see the house today or are you just going to continue to stare at each other?”  My parents looked away from each other and Mom looked like she was blushing.  We finally got to the car; it was my favorite car in the world, a dazzling maroon convertible mustang. 

“So, Sam since you’re sixteen I guess you will need a car.” Dad said casually, I could tell he was planning one of our father daughter bonding events.

“No, I’ll be fine with out a car,” I told him, try to avoid an afternoon with Dad going to all the car companies in this county, and him going on and on about how hard it is to find a good car these days and stuff like that. “I mean I’ll meet some kids at school that will live near us so I can just get a ride with them.”

“Oh, because I just remember you saying how much you love this car, I was thinking maybe you would like to have it... I already have two cars for me and your mother.”  Dad said, even if he is annoying when we are trying to bond he does pay attention very well.

“You’re...You’re joking.  Oh, Dad thank you so much, this is the best car in the history of cars.  Thank you so much, I’ll be the envy of all the kids at school.”

“I’m glad you’re happy.” That was the last thing said as we drove home from the air port.  We soon pulled up in the dive way.  The house that Dad had been living in was big, white, and looked like one of house that belonged to the perfect family, like the Brady Bunch.  I got my suit case out of the trunk of the car without taking my eyes off the house.  I pictured myself in a tie die shirt, bell bottom jeans, and hair in long braids.  I opened the front door and it was like I stepped into a Home and Garden magazine.  Down stair all the floor was wood; the dinning room had a beautiful old chandelier and table in it. The living room had a huge flat scene T.V. on the wall, a black couch that wrapped around the whole room, and a speaker in every corner of the room.  I walked up stairs, the first room to the right looked like my room, I walked in the room.  The floors where wood just like down stairs, I looked at the walls, they where paintings of place in England.  I enjoyed that Dad was an artist in his free time because he always does a wonderful job in my room.  At the back of the room was a round bed, the bed spread was polka doted with blue, green, and purple, it reminded me of the ocean.  Beside my bed was a pearly white side table, the top was covered with pictures.  Then a bight light filled my room, I looked toward the light.  There is was a French door that led the way to a small beanie; it was one of those beanie you see in the romantic movies when the guy serenades the girl.  The beanie looked over a beautiful garden; it even had a small pond in the center.  This was the perfect house, but I refused to be happy that I had to move, Florida will always be my home no matter where I live.  I looked over my room again, and I noticed a letter lying on my bed.  It was from my new school, it read:

Dear Student,

          We are very glad to have you be a part of our school this year. There are a few thing you will need be successful at this school.  The first is the supplies; we sent supplies list a mouth before school so you have gotten the supplies.  The next thing you well need is a great attitude about attending our fine school, we will not accept student who will complain about every little thing, and skip school with out a note from a parent/guardian explaining the absences.  The last thing you need is your text books you well in to carry the text books to class every day unless you are instructed not to.  If you have these three things it will be a wonderful year at Localville High.


              The staff of Localville High School

The letter must have been sent to every student attending school.  I looked over my room searching for my supplies and text books.  After about an hour of searching I found the supplies but not the text books.  I went down stairs to ask Dad where he put the text books, when I got down there I found him and Mom making out on the black couch.  I know that they have not seen each for like a year but it was so gross that I walked in on that.  I thought that is why people had rooms so they had privates so that they could make out and not gross out there kids.  I cleared my throat and my parents jump to the other side of the couch in a blink of an eye.  “Sam, we…we didn’t think that you would come down here” Mom said her face was as red as a cherry.

“Ya, I read the letter from the school and it said I need text books.” I looked over at Dad who was staring at the ceiling. “Do you know where the text books are Dad?”

“Yeah, there in the attic I was going to get them for you, but I kinda forgot about it” Dad said he now was staring at Mom, and Mom was staring at him.  I got the idea that Dad was not going to get my text books for me, so I would have to get them.  I left the room quickly, knowing that there was a 99.9% change my parents where going to start making out again.  The attic was not very hard to find, at the end of the hallway upstairs a small rope dangled.  I pull the rope and a ladder plopped out, it looked like it was going to break any minute.  I put one of my feet on a piece of fungus infected wood, I put some of my body weight on the step to see if it was going to fall apart as soon as I stepped on it. I pulled myself up the latter, and gently opened the door to the attic.  As I opened the attic door I heard a noise.

“Hello?” I whispered “Is anyone there?”  I stepped into the attic.  My knees began to become shaking as I heard the sound of someone breathing.  I tried to get it out of my head, I looked at the attic.  It was like any other attic, covered in dust, very little lighting, and smelled that the old stores downtown in my old home town.  I saw an old mirror, for some reason I always had a fascinations with old mirrors.  I walked over to it quietly, so if someone was in the attic with me they would not hear me.  I stared at the mirror, because it was cover in dust.  I soon saw my image, but something was bizarre about the image I saw.  I looked at the image a little longer and saw a head right over my right shoulder.

“Hello.” The head said and a smile appeared on the head’s face.

“Who are you!? What are you doing up here!?  This could be qualified as breaking an entering!” I yelled out of my being scared.  I turned my head to see if the head was really head over my shoulder or if it was just a figure of my imagination.  There it was the head still looking at the image in the mirror.  I jumped back in shock; I stared at the person still looking at the mirror.  He looked about my age, he had jet black hair, green eyes, and he was transparent.  He slowly turned his head to look at me.

“I won’t cause any harm to you.”  He said quietly, his green eyes seemed sad.  But, I had to no reason to find out what caused the sorrow of the person in the attic.  I flew down the latter and ran inside the comfort of my room.  I thought I was safe that no one could come in here, it was my sanctuary.  Yet, there he was sitting on my bed with a black and white picture in his hands.  “I need your help.”  He said seriously not taking his eyes off the picture.  I walked over to him and studied the picture too.  It was a picture of a young man standing in the center of a garden or meadow smiling.  Soon, I realizedthat the young man in the picture was him.

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