Neo x Reader - Alone Wolf (RW...

By Obahar_

18.9K 415 368

A gender neutral Y/N was nothing but an old folktale to the people of their village. So when an imminent thre... More

Voting Ended: Neo is the CLEAR winner here!
Chapter 1: That Lone Guardian
Chapter 3: Initiation
Chapter 4: Sweet Encounters
Chapter 5: The girl with the coloured hair
Chapter 6: Everyone has a story
Chapter 7: Dastardly
Chapter 8: Christmas
Chapter 9: My Warning
Chapter 10: Under Her
Chapter 11: To Duel & Dance

Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon

1.4K 44 21
By Obahar_

Bassetts: "Seems that guy Qrow has a friend who wanted to meet your Papa, so I guess you'll go to see him and maybe they'll ask for your help with something... but if you don't want to help them, you can always come and find me!"

Y/N: "... a new role? But you are very kind Ms. Bassetts, just like my Papa said."

Bassetts: "Thank you dear, I appreciate that more than you know... I suppose you'll need my full name if you ever need to find me later. I'm Bassetts... Bassetts Politan. It's been truly fantastic to finally meet you Y/N Sorbet."


Pilot: "Alright Ms. Politan, this is your stop for now, there'll be a connecting flight to take you to Atlas from here."

Bassetts: "Ah, well I suppose its about time I catch up with my old friends from the village! I wonder how they're all doing?"

Y/N: "Fare-... Farewell?"

Bassetts: "Yes, I suppose this is goodbye for now. It was nice to finally meet you Y/N! I'm sure your Papa is very proud of who you've become, and I look forward to hearing more about you on the news! Haha!"

Y/N: "Thank you, I will do my-... my best?"

Qrow: "That's the plan. Move it along Politan, we can't keep these airships waiting around forever."

Bassetts: "So pushy! I'm going, I'm going!"

Qrow: "Also, we know where you're being placed, so if Y/N ends up turning down the old man then we can send them your way."

Bassetts: "Ah, well that's a comfort to this old ladies heart! I suppose I should make myself sparse before the pilots start yelling at me too! But here, please take these letters Y/N: one of them is for you, the other... well, the other is for my granddaughter!"

Y/N: "... Ok."

Bassetts: "Well... tata for now you two!"

Y/N: "Good- Goodbye."

Qrow: "hic About time... alright Pilot, get us to Beacon!"

Pilot: "Yes, sir!"

. . .

Qrow: "Hey Kid, you ever had a good drink?"

Y/N: "A... good drink? Papa had a well, I kept well clean so water always safe."

Qrow: "Nah, I don't mean hic water. I'm talking about booze... hic alcohol. You never had any Kid?"

Y/N: "Booze? No. Alcohol... Papa said Alcohol was for cleaning wounds, Papa never said you could drink it..."

Qrow: "Shame, you coulda done with some. The stuff's great... for numbing pains, not just cleaning them. hic I'd offer you some, but you're about to meet the old man, and it'd probably not leave the best first impression... plus you're still just a kid."

Pilot: "Hey! You two back there! Beacon's just coming into view, it's definitely worth a look if this is your first time here!"

Qrow: "Eh... I've seen it from a bird's eye view too many times at this point... but uh- you should probably take a look kid. Look out that window there."

Y/N: "Ok."

Y/N: "Wow... that's a tall house... do all the villagers live inside it together? What about its Guardians?"

Qrow: "Heh. That's no village kid, it's an Academy... you know, a School- for teaching kids how to do stuff."

Y/N: "Teaching... so, no Guardians?"

Qrow: "This place creates Guardians. But we call 'em Huntsman and Huntresses out here."

Y/N: "Huntsman... are they good?"

Qrow: "Heh. We try to be... we try to be... Come on kid, strap yourself back in. We'll be landing soon."

Y/N: "ok."

. . .

Qrow: "Alright Pilot, we're clear!"

Pilot: "Roger that, heading back to base now. Enjoy Beacon you two!"

. . .

Qrow: "Gonna assume that was your first time flying in an airship, right kid?"

Y/N: "Yes. Very strange... we moved very fast on the outside, but not at all on the inside."

Qrow: "Heh, you're going to learn a lot out here in this new world you've found yourself in kid!"

Y/N: "But... what do I do now?"

Qrow: "Well for now, I'm going to take you up that tower to meet that friend of your da- of your Papa. And then I guess you'll see where you go from there?"

* * *

As the two walked through the school, Y/N couldn't help but notice just how many people there were around them, more people were just casually walking around now than Y/N had ever seen before in their life!

Qrow: "You seem kinda overwhelmed there kid, I guess this is quite a change from your life in solitude, hmm?"

Y/N: "Yes. Very loud. Lots of movement. Hard to hear threats hiding like this."

Qrow: "Heh, I can imagine! But you don't need to worry about threats in here, relax a little kid. You're off duty for the first time in your life."

Y/N: "Off... duty?"

???: "Uncle Qrow!"

Qrow: "Damn, she noticed me! Heh. You might want to take a couple steps back kid."


???: "Did you miss me?"

Qrow: "hmmm... nope!"

Qrow then let his arm fall back down to his side and let gravity play its part in forcing this rambunctious girl fall to the floor. But she didn't stay there for long before jumping back up to her feet and launching more questions towards Qrow at such speeds it was difficult to understand what she was saying.

???: "Ididn'tknowthatyouwerehere! Whendidyougethere?"

Qrow: "About ten minutes ago."

???: "Andyoudidn'tevencomeandsayhi! Whatareyoudoing? CanIhelp?! Ooh! Ooh! Can I?"

Qrow: "Nope, I'm just here to see Ozpin and have him meet my friend here."

???: "Oh? Who'sthis? They'reaboutthesameageasus, aretheyanewstudent?"

Y/N: "Student?"

Qrow: "It means that you'd be learning at this school, and no Ruby. Oz just wanted to talk to their da-... to talk to them about something."

Ruby: "Oh? Thenyoumustbesuperstrongthenright! What'syourname?"

Y/N: "wh- what?"

Qrow: "Slow down will you Ruby? Its been a good couple years since they last spoke to another person, they're definitely not ready to interact at that speed of yours!"

Ruby: "Wha-! Whatdoyoumeanthatspeedofmine?... Oh. Let me try again... ahem"

Ruby: "Hi! I'm Ruby, what's your name?"

Y/N: "Hello. My name is Y/N... are you a Huntsman too?"

Ruby: "A Huntsman?"

Qrow: "Heh. That's uh- that's not how that works Y/N. The guys are referred to as Huntsman, but the girls are called Huntresses, and this school is here to train people up to be Huntsman and Huntresses."

Y/N: "Oh... I am sorry, I do not understand very well your rules. They are... confusing."

Ruby: "Do you uh- come from another nation then?"

Qrow: "I uh- I wouldn't really call it a nation, it was a cave in the middle of Grimm-infested forests."

Ruby: "Oh! WOW! YoumusthaveareallycoolweapontobeabletoliveouttherewiththeGrimm! CanIseeit? Ilovetoseeotherpeople'sweapons!"

Y/N: "I... did not understand?"

Qrow: "Ruby..."

Ruby: "Oh sorry! I guess talking about weapons just gets me really excited, I'm a bit of a weapons geek!"

Qrow: "Well that'll have to wait until later, if you have the chance. I'm sure the Headmaster is starting to wonder where we are."

Ruby: "Oh wait! I completely forgot I was meant to meet with my team! I gotta go! Bye Uncle Qrow, and it was nice to meet you Y/N!"


Qrow: "She's a good kid... but come on Y/N, it's about time you meet the Headmaster already."


Qrow: "Hey Oz! There were some... uh- complications, but I brought somebody back at least!"

???: "Oh?"

???: "They seem... younger than I remember. A lot younger..."

Qrow: "There were some... unfortunate complications with the task you gave me Oz."

???: "Complications? All I asked was that you let Mr. Sorbet know that I would like to meet him again."

Qrow: "And that's the problem, he uh- he's been dead for about four years now... This is his kid here."

???: "Ah... I see... hmmm..."

Qrow: "Yeah, the whole town bolted when a bunch of Megoliath Grimm were heading towards them or something, unfortunately Mr. Sorbet didn't make it, but the kids been out there fending for themselves and protecting the town all on their own. "

???: "You seem to be quite the individual for someone so young, may I ask your name?"

Y/N: "...Y/N. Were you... were you really friends with Papa?"

???: "Nice to meet you Y/N. My name is Ozpin, I am the Headmaster of Beacon Academy... And yes, I would like to think me and... your Papa were good friends. My condolences for your loss."

Y/N: "Headmaster? Condolences?... you say strange words. I do not understand well."

Qrow: "Yeah, unfortunately it seems our young new friend here did not get the most comprehensive education out in the middle of Grimm country."

Ozpin: "That does seem to be the case, indeed. But that can be easily remedied over time, yes?"

Qrow: "I suppose so... so you have a plan in mind then?"

Ozpin: "In a manner of speaking... but only if Y/N here would accept it of course!"

Y/N: "What do I have to do?"

Ozpin: "Do? Oh no, you seem to misunderstand me. I am not giving you an order, I am offering you a place here at Beacon Academy."

Qrow: "Oz?"

Ozpin: "To have survived so long, all alone in a Grimm-infested lands, you must be quite the adept survivor with better than average skills dealing with the Grimm already. A place here could be used to fine-tune your skills for a broader scope, no?"

Y/N: "Training... I would like that... but I would like other thing too... if I can?"

Ozpin: "Oh? What is it? I'm sure we can try our best to provide it for you."

Y/N: "uh... the paper sandwiches... I do not remember the name. With the words inside... I want to speak the words better here."

Ozpin: "Ah, you want some reading material to improve your speech? Sure, we have quite the library of books you can peruse... however I'm going to have to ask you to respect Beacon's traditions first, with a small initiation test."

Qrow: "You can't be serious? This is their first day off in over four years of constant vigilance, and you want them to head out into that damned forest? And don't you only deal in teams of four, who are you going to team Y/N up with?"

Ozpin: "Relax Qrow. This is only a courtesy, I want to see how much knowledge their father imparted upon them and to gauge their skill level, as for a team to assign young Y/N to... I suppose we will have to wait and see how they handle the forest first, right?"

Qrow: "grumbles"

Y/N: "I am fine with test. I want to have power of mine valued by a... Head Master you said?"

Ozpin: "Fantastic! This way then please..."

<1900 words>

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