The Code Of Dawn (ON HOLD)

By sxcrai

257 24 13

Esme loves drawing. Her drawings are almost beautiful if one didn't take the time to see the darkest pieces... More

What Started It All
A Heavy Intrusion
The Cracks In A Skull
Cleansing The Dirty
Crossing Paths

Sign of the Devils Staircase

34 5 3
By sxcrai

God has let me live another day and I'm about to make it everyone's problem -Sinth

As I lay there on the grass. Feeling the sun's rays. I began to draw a Ferris wheel. In my head, this wasn't any kind of carousel wheel. The horses weren't attached to poles. These horses were free. No poles, no chains. These horses floated on the Ferris wheel. Their smiles not plastered on. Their smiles were genuine. They were happy.

I could finally see the happiness.

But I couldn't have done it without him


Waving off our last customer. I walked around the countertops taking a seat on one of the bar's stools. A little sting was still sensible on my nose. I was exhausted. More people came and more people went. Jugs and mugs and all kinds of glasses were plastered in the sink. I took in the last couple of people which means I had to do the dishes. Oh, there were so many dishes.

Freddy and Iona already ran off to their rooms. Sneaky little bastards. Leaving the enormous pile of dishes to me. How thoughtful.

This little bar surprisingly held 5 secret guest rooms. Nobody knew about them except Iona, Freddy, and I. When Iona and I were little, Freddy made us promise to never tell anybody about the secret bedrooms. He was afraid people would ask to stay. And like I said, he was a very kind-hearted man, therefore, he would've welcomed them. I loved that about Fred.

I leaned past the countertops staring up at the steps leading to the secret bedrooms.

"Oh man, I'm so fucking tired." I moaned. I laid my head over the countertop incasing it with my 'oh-so tired arms. On the verge of drifting off, I heard a voice mumble,

"Well that's out of sorts isn't it?"

I jumped out of the bar stool. So frantic I almost fell.

Regaining my balance I turned around. Coming face-to-face with Sinth.

"Uh, you're still here?" I said rather doubtful.

"I thought you left after tending to my, 'not at all asked for' needs." I teased.

He was leaning against the door. As if he just arrived. His tall figure standing comfortably against the door frame. Like he had no plans on going anywhere anytime soon.

He chuckled as if I said the stupidest thing in the world. As if my words were nothing more than just a minor inconvenience.

"I just wanted a drink is all," he said. His voice so smooth and raspy I got butterflies in my stomach for the second time today.

I smiled impatiently "Yeah well we're closed," I said bluntly. Even though that was a complete lie. The bar didn't close until much later. I still played it off as if it were closed though.

Sinth could obviously see through my bullshit and made his way across the room faster than I could I protest about it. He planted his feet right in front of mine. So close they were almost touching.

"Yeah, so about that drink." his mouth letting out a small breath that quivered through my hair. He raised an eyebrow. A hint of a smile showing on his face.

I stepped back. My back colliding with the countertop like an idiot. I didn't meet his eyes even though he wanted me to. I just kept my eyes on his chest. Almost mesmerized by his boldness.

He raised his hand and I feared he was going to hit me, only he didn't.

He reached for the stool next to me pulling it out. He sat there. His hand resting in his hands. Not taking his eyes off of me.

Giving up on my little protest. I huffed and went around the bar quietly.

"What do you want?" I asked in a hushed voice as I was getting a rather clean enough mug.

"What was that?" Sinth asked. His voice, a little harsh.

"I said what do you w-,"

He cut me off with a swift hand in the air.

"Oh, I heard you, darling. I just don't accept the way you said it. When you talk to me I expect you to show some respect. Try again." A gleeful smile spread across his mouth.

Wow. For some reason, my stomach started getting flimsy. Like him saying that sparked something deep within me. I don't know if it was what he said or how he said it. I was shocked.

"What would you like?" I asked. This time with a little shake in my voice. I kicked myself for showing what I was feeling.

He chuckled lightly as if amused with my change in demeanor.

"Ale would be fine love."

With the mug in my hand, I grabbed the ale pouring just the right amount.

He sighed, "a little more if you would."

I scoffed, pooring more into the mug. My hands shaking a little.

I don't know why I was intimidated by this man. It wasn't his tallness because tall people come to the pub all the time. It wasn't the way he carries himself. He walked in here kind of lazily. It could have been his looks because this guy was drop-dead gorgeous. Or his voice which was hard and deep. I don't really know but I didn't really care. This guy was not going to disrespect me like this.

"When you finish," I said passing the mug to him. "You will leave. It's late and I don't serve the bar at such a time like this." My eyes never meeting his. They were strictly focused on the ale bottle. "If you are still thirsty you can wait here. I'm sure Freddy will be down here once he here's I've cleaned up all these dishes" I waved to the monstrous mess of dishes behind up.

Without a care in the world of what this Sinth had to say. I walked off. Heading for the mountain pile of dishes."

Realizing I really had to pee. I detoured into the side bathroom. There was only one in the whole pub. Gender-neutral and right by the secret staircase to the secret bedrooms.

Opening the door as I felt my bladder rather expand. I ran to the toilet. Letting out a fresh batch of urine. The door slammed behind me. Just my luck because I was unable to close it all the way before relieving myself.

As I was peeing I heard dishes clatter. They clattered so loud and so violently I forced myself to pee faster. Wiping myself and washing my hands fast and hard. I ran out of the bathroom to be greeted by nothing.

All the dishes were cleaned and set in the cabinets. Not only that, but Sinth was gone.

"What was that Esme?" I heard Iona's footsteps echo down the staircase. She was in a bra and some very short shorts. She looked scared. She walked around the pub looking for the racket.

"Iona it was just the dishes."

She sighed with relief.

"Oh Esme, I thought someone broke into the bar. I was about to grab the pistol Freddy hides under the countertop."

I just smiled not being able to open my mouth. I was so confused and kind of scared. Who did the dishes? And how'd they done it so fast? That's what's scary.

Iona turned to me embracing me in a warm hug.

"Let's go upstairs it's getting late."

I nodded and followed her up the stairs. As I went up the stairs I heard whispering. It was demonic whispering.

"Iona do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" She asked turning around to me only to let out a loud shriek.

I heard a gunshot from behind me and I stumbled down the stairs. Hitting my head as the world went black.

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