Stuck With You | ✓

By tr_trin

911 88 7

Abigail is on the run after stealing an expensive necklace. Darcy, the rich and spoilt son of a businessman i... More



23 4 1
By tr_trin

Abigail's POV :

In my room, I practiced the mass hypnosis that I had used ages ago so it was a bit hard to recall exactly what I had done. Picking my lighter, I moved around but something felt wrong like it wouldn't work in the main scenario.

" Jeez! ", I rolled my eyes and dropped on my bed when I heard a knock. Getting up, I opened the door to see Darcy.

" Hey... I'm not interrupting, am I? ", He asked.

" No! Come in. ",
I moved and he stepped in.

Darcy had his hands behind him, implying that he's definitely hiding something so I tried to see what it was but he kept hiding it.

" Can you stop peeking around and come with me? I want to show you the hall decors. ", He said and I agreed readily.

Locking the door, we both walked out.

" It's only been three hours, how did you finish already? ", I asked but he didn't speak as if to create suspense.

We soon got in and a gasp left my mouth.

" There's no way you did all this with that little money! You put your money in it, didn't you? ", I asked him and he nodded like a little child.

" I did add some but it's mostly Ralph's. Ignore me giving money and focus on what I made... Do you think it's good? ", Darcy asked.

" Honestly why am I even practising my hypnosis? Anyone will be impressed by this alone. You did a great job! ", I said excitedly and showed my two thumbs up. He smiled and pulled out his hands from behind. Darcy had a box with him.

" Thanks. While I bought some items, I also got you a dress. I figured that you don't have any party dress so I bought it for you. I got one for me as well so here. ", He said and handed me the medium sized box.

" You didn't have to... ", I said.

" Then what would you have worn? The t-shirt you are wearing since yesterday? Don't be ridiculous and take it. ", He forced so I took it from him.

" Wait, how on earth do you know my size? ", I asked, eyeing him suspeciously.

" I'm a professional fashion designer, I can tell proportions just by looking at someone. ", Darcy smiled cheekily when we heard footsteps coming towards us.

" Abigail! Darcy! How's ev— Am I in heaven? ", Ralph walked in but as he saw the hall, he paused in shock.

Darcy quickly looked at me.
" Shouldn't it be hell as it's all red themed? ", he asked.

I let out a laugh hearing his question.

" How on earth is this my auction hall? This literally looks like heaven! ", Ralph said dramatically and started running around, checking from the tables to the curtains.

" I'm glad you like it. ", Darcy smiled.
Ralph turned around and in the most dramatic way possible, he ran up to him and hugged Darcy. I could swear that he had tears in his eyes.

" Ralph you okay? ", I asked.

" Your boyfriend is the best! No one has ever done something like this for me!! ", He said, muffled in his neck.

Me and Darcy met eyes again.
I opened my mouth to correct him but no words came out. Darcy looked at me like he was waiting for me to argue against it.

" Mr. Ralph? The financiers will get here in about half an hour. ", One of his workers came in and informed.
Ralph broke the hug and looked at both of us.

" Go get ready now. Let's meet as soon as possible. ", He demanded and walked away from us. As Ralph was out of the hall, Darcy walked close.

" I thought you'll start screaming that I'm not your boyfriend any minute now. ", Darcy chuckled as he walked.
" But you didn't... "

" You didn't either. ", I shrugged and walked away from there as well. Getting in my room, I unwrapped the box and looked at the dress he got me.
It was a short red dress with a low neck.

" This looks so costly! Why does he keep spending so much money on me! ", I whined to myself but I had to rush so I put the dress on and did some mild make up. Tying my hair up, I walked out to see Darcy walking towards the hall as well.

He wore an all black suit with a golden branded belt that radiated wealth.

" You look handsome! ", I said when he forwarded his hands so that I can entwine my hands in his.

" You look lovely as well! Once again! My fashion sense pulled off greatly. ", Darcy spoke highly of himself. I mean, he sure is great in absolutely everything he does but this man is teeny bit narcissist.

It wasn't annoying though.

" How's your preparation with the whole hypnosis thing? You said you can't hypnotise more than two people so you'll be okay right? Won't you faint like that night? ", Darcy suddenly asked before we could enter the hall.

I myself was worried about it.

" I won't. ", I lied, " Mass hypnosis is a bit hard but if I pull it off in one go, then it won't be a problem. "

Darcy didn't look convinced but I had nothing but words to comfort him with.

" Don't do it then. ", He suddenly said.

" What do you mean? Ralph will literally throw us out if we don't get the money! ", I said as he probably didn't know how true to his words Ralph is.

" I will sponsor this whole thing so don't do something that can hurt you. Obviously a fashion house can't sponsor an auction hall but I can do it person— ", Darcy started but I quickly placed my hands on his.

I don't think I've ever had someone worry about me like this.

Not my family.

Not Ralph.

Not any connection that I made throughout my life.

" It's okay. Let's at least try but even if I do faint, you'll be there to catch me. Won't you? ", I asked and a smile cracked on his face.

" Always. ", Darcy reassured and we walked in to see that the group of financiers already in there. Wearing the fanciest of clothes, they stood with Ralph who showed them the hall.

" Best of luck. If you feel even a bit sick, just call me and I'll handle everything. ", Darcy said before we reached the group. All eyes turned towards us.

" They are my dearest friends who have come here to attend this party. Meet Abigail and Darcy. ", Ralph introduced us. The group introduced themselves to us as well.

" Oh my! Such a lovely couple. ", An older women said and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

" Thanks for the compliment ma'am. You all look beautiful this evening as well. ", I said and slowly started to pull out my lighter. It's time to start my mass hypnosis.
" There's something that I would like to show you all. "

Saying so, I was about to pull out the lighter in front when Darcy suddenly came in between.

" I prepared a song for everyone just to create an ambience for all our guests. Please take a seat. ", He said and signaled one of the worker to hand him the guitar.

" Darcy! What are you doing? ", I whispered in his ears.

" Let's try to impress them without it. ", He said while taking the guitar and started strumming it. The guests looked intrigued and sat down. I sat on one of the front seats.


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