The Green Bunny and The Pink...

By New_Start12

52.4K 735 1.2K

A Mina X Izuku story Ever since Mina Ashido was saved by Izuku Midoriya , she's taken a liking to the boy and... More

Ch.1 Thanks!
Ch.2 The Hangout
Ch.3 Feelings
Ch.4 Glances and movie
Ch.5 Groups
Ch.6 The 2v2
Ch.8 Helping friend/Christmas Pt.1
Ch.8 Helping Friend/Christmas Pt.2

CH.7 I'm in What?!

3.8K 65 64
By New_Start12

I have a question for ya'll. If I were to upload questions n stuff on the conversations page or tab  thing. Would ya'll respond to it? If yes ill put updates on the fanfic and ask y'all questions there.


Midoriya woke up feeling very groggy from sleeping too much. This had been the one time in a while that he'd allow himself to sleep in. The reason for this? It was because the prison that was holding Danjuro Tobita aka "Gentle Criminal", didn't open till 12 PM. It was now two twelve PM. Midoriya then got up from his bed, and got ready, then he had retrieved a bottle to put in some tea to give Tobita.

Once arrived at the first floor, Midoriya walked his way past the common area to the kitchen, made the tea that Tobita praised Yaoyorozu for in their first run in, and made his way to the common area. While doing so, he glanced at the dining area and saw Mina Ashido, then he stopped.

Midoriya couldn't look away from her. Then he got that feeling again. The feeling that he cant describe and it was eating him inside that he couldn't. Usually finding answers to problems are easy, but not this one. A blush grew on his face as he saw Ashido talk, smile, and laugh with her friends. Midoriya didn't care that if he skipped the visit trip to Tobita if it meant to be able to spend time with her. But he couldn't. He needed these answers. So he slapped himself to regain his conscious and left the building. Once he did, he went to the faculty lounge to get permission to leave, which was granted. But he had to lie to the staff about where he was going. Which Midoriya said that he was going to visit family, when in fact he was going to visit a criminal.

Which brought up a memory about the time when Ashido and himself left the school to hang out with one another .

*On the subway to the city*

"H-hey Ashido, how did you get the 'go ahead' to leave the school, I don't think "Hanging out" would be a good enough reason to leave the campus" Midoriya asked the Acid quirk user.

"Easy. I lied about what we were gonna do silly" Ashido informed the boy "Of course they wouldn't let us leave for just any reason, so I said we were gonna get the groceries for the class and that I needed help" 

Midoriya smiled at the memory. But he also felt bad about lying.

Once he made it on the train, Midoriya reached for his pocket to retrieve his phone, but panicked to find that It wasn't there.

'oh crap... I left my phone in my room' Midoriya thought to himself. 

Midoriya sighed as he slumped down his seat. Feeling regretful for accidentally leaving his phone. While yes he hardly uses it. Train rides are usually his favorite times for looking at the hero news. Finding new heros to take notes on and reading about their advances in society. But alas, this time he'd have nothing but his thoughts on the train ride to the city. 

At times when thinking himself, Midoriya would usually dwell on hero's and the schoolwork that was assigned to himself. But this time he couldn't. Midoriya could only think of two people. Ochako Uraraka and Mina Ashido. 

For Uraraka. The time that mostly popped up in his mind was the rejection that he had received when presenting to the girl that he had feelings for her. It had hurt him a lot, and if he was honest with himself, he's still recovering from it. Losing the closeness of his best friend hurt him deeply. But hopefully with time, their friendship could continue, but at the moment he couldn't face her for long. Not while avoiding her. But Midoriya recently noticed that Uraraka has been approaching him more recently.

'she must be trying to become closer friends with me again'

Was all Midoriya could think of. As much as he'd love to, seeing her just hurt him.

On the other hand was Mina Ashido. From becoming a friend, to being one of his closest friends now. It hasn't been long since they had become friends. Heck, they still don't really know much about one another. But he loves all of their moments together. There was always a pleasant feeling when she was around. There wasn't anything about her that he disliked. Though he wishes that he had her level of confidence. Though Midoriya would mainly use the confidence to ask more about herself and her quirk. Hell, he even took pictures with the girl. Yet. Midoriya had gained a feeling that he couldn't describe. Hopefully Tobita could help with it.

*While Midoriya was leaving*

Meanwhile, at U.A.. Mina Ashido was sitting down eating and indulging a conversation with them. Sitting with her are Hagakure, Yaoyorozu, and Asui. All talking about the classwork that they need to work on. 

"Ugh I really need to catch up on math" Ashido complained to her friends "Momoyao can you help me please!"

"I would love to but, this week I have to help Kaminari, Sero, Ojiro, Kirishima, and Tetsutetsu and next week with Koda, Hatsume, and Tokoyami, which they preferred to be alone"Yaoyorozu responded

"mmm I would help but, math isn't my strong suit *Ribbit*" Asui chimed in

"Same" said Hagakure

Ashido sighed and leaned back on her chair. She was upset because there wasn't much else to go with, Todoroki would be awkward and he'd keep to himself, Bakugo would always yell at her, and Mineta was out of the question. Then it hit her. But before she would state her problem solver, Hagakure had informed her of her plans for math.

"Ya know, Midoriya is gonna help me with math and tutor me if you wanna join" 

"wait what?! Since when you and Midori so close?" the Acid quirk user responded to the invisible girl

"well after last time with lunch and the two-on-two match, we started to talk more, and then we became friends" Hagakure informed the pink girl.

The pink girl was bewildered from what she had heard. Mianly because herself and Midoriya were mainly with one another before hand, so this had must be recent. But she couldn't help but feel a bit envious that she hadn't thought before hand of Midoriya helping her with her studies. 

"Are you sure its okay to join you?" Ashido questioned Hagakure

"Of course! Plus you're better friends with Midoriya than I am so I'm sure he'd be happy to see you there" Hagakure reassured her friend "speaking of Midoriya, you've been spending way to much time with him, when are you gonna hang with us again?" 

But while Hagakure was asking her, her question. Ashido was distracted when she saw Midoriya leaving the building.

'someones in a rush.. I wonder where he's going' Ashido thought to herself.

"Ashido" Hagakure tried to get the girls attention "Ashido!" Hagakure said in a loud voice

"What?! Huh?" Ashido was scared by the action of the Invisible girl.

"You okay Ashido" Asui asked the girl

"Yeah it's just... Midori left in a rush, I wonder where he's going" 

*With Midoriya*

The One for All user was now making his way down to the jail where Gentle Criminal was being held in. But the closer and closer he had gotten, his anxiety would rise. It had been a while since their fight at the school festival, hoping that enough time has passed for Gentle Criminal to forgive him.

*No idea how this works, so skipping to the room*

Midoriya sat down looking at Danjuro Tobita sitting down at the opposite side of a concealed room. 

"Izuku Midoriya... why are you here to pay me a visit"

"W-well I came to ask you a bit of a weird question... if you don't mind"

"Of course! you brought me one of my favorite tea that I haven't had since our fight, So I will grant you one request" Tobita informed the boy, then had a serious tone " but only one since I still hold a grudge for what you did to Aiba"

This made Midoriya light up in glee. He was happy that he was given a chance to at least ask one question. Also understanding that Tobita had given him only one for what he had done. To foil their plans to invade 1-A. But he had to, for Eri. If Tobita had been successful, then Eri wouldn't have gained her smile, her happiness, or her freedom from Chisaki back.

"So, what is your question boy?"Tobita questioned the green haired boy

"well...Its a feeling that Ive been getting recently, that I only got a feint sensation of it during out fight" Midoriya started "And now I've been getting that feeling a lot more recently, and I wanna know what it is"

"hmmm.. tell me, when do you get this feeling?" Tobita asked Midoriya

This surprised Midoriya, namely because Tobita said that he'd only answer one question, but was grateful that he had peaked the ex-criminals interest enough to keep going.

"I get the feeling when I'm with a certain friend I get his feeling of happiness, security, and I also get really nervous when I'm around them... but even so, I feel like I can be myself around them with no worry"

Tobita smiled at the boys confession, about his feelings that he obtains when he's with a friend of his. While yes their enemies, Tobita couldn't help but root for the boy in his troubles.

"Have there been any times where you felt over protective of them, perhaps even felt more sorrow than others whenever their hurt physically or emotionally?"

This made midoriya think for a bit, but he has recalled many times where he was very upset whenever something bad happened to Ashido. Namely the time where he had threatened someone to never speak to Ashido after a girl had insulted her, then going to Ashido to try and cheer her up. 

Another time was when Class 1-A and 1-B had a joint one-on-one fight and he had to face against Neito Monoma. Midoriya would've fought fair, but he had overheard Monoma insult Ashido, so Monoma had gotten pummeled by Midoriya, to the point where Monoma couldn't even touch the One for All user. Which anyone who knew Midoriya, could see that he was visibly angry throughout the whole fight.

"y-yeah, plenty actually" Midoriya confessed

"How bout jealousy whenever someone had confessed their feelings for the girl romantically?"

Which surprisingly actually happened. 

It was a normal day at the 1-A dorms when Midoriya had overheard a conversation from all of the girls in a group at the common room.

"Guys you're never gonna guess what happened!" Ashido questioned her friends

"What happened? *Ribbit*" questioned Asui

"A boy confessed that he had feelings for me!" Ashido answered Asui who spoke for the girls.

This had Midoriya feel very strange, never once had he felt like this before. Well only once, when he saw Bakugo have an All Might figure that he didn't have in his collection. It was Jealousy 

"O.M.G what did you do next?" Hagakure asked with excitement" 

"Well.. I had to let him down gently, I already have feelings for someone else" Ashido responded

Midoriya have felt so relieved when he heard that. Not knowing why, but when leaving the area, he had the biggest grin on his face.

Midoriya nodded.

"Oh my, Well Izuku Midoriya... It sounds like your in love!" Tobita answered impressed. 'or just really good friends' the imprisoned ex-criminal thought to himself. 

"I'm in what?!" Midoriya shouted 

The gray haired man chuckled to himself. Amazed at the boys mental state of mine. 

"Alright that's time, Please exit the room" Said a guard from the corner of the room.

"Farewell Izuku Midoriya, may the odds ever be in your favor" said Tobita as he have the One for All user a bow.

"Thank you.. Gentle Criminal" 

Midoriya was now outside the prison, now feeling very relieved. Why hadn't he seen it sooner? He knew what it felt like once before, but why not this time? Midoriya felt that a weight lift from his chest from this. Walking back to the train station, he began to think back to more on the times they had spent time with one another: the movie, the time they went out to the city, and even the time they fought against one another in the two-on-two training. 

Now there was a new problem he had to face, and depending if he would act on it or not. 

Does Mina Ashido feel the same way?

Thai made the boy worry, but wondering if he had a chance with the girl. But then there was another aspect of the situation. Should he even pursue a relationship with the Acid quirk user. Why did he ask this question? It was because he knew that one of his friends had a affectionate view of the girl. Which was Eijiro Kirishima. There was even a point where he had helped the red haired boy to ask the girl out. The two had a very close friendship. Kirishima even telling Midoriya about his middle school days and his first interaction with the pink girl, and now he was in love with her? What was wrong with him? There was one person he could go to. The one person who wasn't in their class that was basically his best friend. A friendship that could rival his friendship with Uraraka at the time before his rejected confession. 

Ibara Shiozaki. 

Their friendship had begun when Midoriya was jogging around campus and had taken a break at a quiet grassy area that was surrounded by trees. The One for All user was taking a rest at a worn down wooden bench. Then suddenly he was heard rustling from being him. Then he was seen Shiozaki walking toward the bench. 

"oh... Izuku Midoriya correct?" Shiozaki questioned the boy

Which midoriya promptly nodded.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, but may I join you?" 

Midoriya moved over and patted down the spot next to him "S-Sure I don't mind" 

Then noticing in the girls hands were wood planks, paint, nails, and a hammer. 

'Was she planning to fix the bench?' The boy questioned to himself.

" I didn't realize that anyone else knew about this location, I often spend my time here, so I thought that I could try to fix this appliance"

"I-I can help you if y-you want?" Midoriya asked the Vine quirk user.

"That would be most appreciated" Shiozaki responded with a smile

And so, after many hours (Due to them being inexperienced) their had fully repaired and repainted the bench. They highfived each other and began to have a conversation.

"you know, I thought all 1-A students were stuck up brats, but I'm glad they all aren't" Shoizaki confessed 

"Well, Kacchan can make enemies very easily" Midoriya responded 

"Kacchan? I don't believe i've heard of that student" 

"o-oh well, I call him Kacchan, but I was talking about Katsuki Bakugo" 

"oh... him... I do agree he is a very... agitated soul that should be saved... but hell pay for his sins in the fires of hell" Ibara said in a annoyed tone 

"I half agree, but, please don't think that we're all like him, like theres Ashido, Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Ojrio, Kirishima, Koda, Tokoyami, Sato and more!" Midoriya listed his classmates.

"well... I'm glad I was able to meet you Midoriya... perhaps we can become friends?" 

"I'd be glad to call you my friend Shiozaki" Midoriya responded 

Later on they'd spend time with one another, collectively going out to enjoy some coffee, tea etc. Even more tine where'd he spend time with the girl at the 1-B dorms.

Midoriya always liked to think back on how they started to become friends, but needed to focus at the task at hand. He had to contact Shiozaki

Midoriya made his way back to U.A and went straight to the 1-B dorms after notifying the teachers that he had returned. When entering the building, Itsuka Kendo had greeted his and asked if he was meeting up with Shiozaki, which he promptly nodded. 

"She's up in her room, you know where it is" Kendo informed the green haired boy

The green haired boy thanked the big sister of 1-B and made his way up to his friends room. Once he had made it, he knocked on the door, which was quickly opened.

"Oh Izuku, it's lovely too see you, how have you been?" asked the holy girl.

"Hey Ibara, I've been fine, how have you been?" 

"I've been good recently, would you like to come in and have a seat?" 

"Yes please" Midoriya responded 

They both sat down at the small round desk that Shiozaki had in her room. They both sat in silence while they drank some tea that she had made for the two of them. It wasn't uncomfortable for either of them, since having many quiet tea breaks was something they needed. Sometimes they'd sneak off from lunch to spend in a quiet room so they won't be disturbed from their loud classmates. 

After some time, Shiozaki was the first to speak. 

"So Izuku, what seems to be the matter?"

"Well... I recently, with some help, come to the realization that I've fallen in love with someone... and I need your advice" Midoriya informed the Vine quirk user.

"awww that's adorable, so who's the lucky person?" 

"It's Mina Ashido"

"Oh I know her, it's that really good breakdancer pink girl right?" Shiozaki guessed "you've been spending a lot of time with her, you should come by more often you know"

"I'm sorry!... but theres one small problem" Midoriya started "Well.. this whole feelings towards her is a bit new... but theres someone else who have feelings for her, and he had them for years...I just can't go between them ... can't I"

"oh my.. this is very serious" Shiozaki confessed

The two sat there in silence once again. This time Midoriya was feeling very guilty about his feelings. He didn't want to act on them to upset his friend, but he didn't really want to let Ashido go. She was special to him, and just being friends didn't sit right with him. But if shove comes to push, he'd would support her relationship with Kirishima. Shiozaki was perplexed, her facial expression showed it too. But when she looked at Midoriya, she saw that he was feeling very guilty and upset. 

"I'm gonna be honest Izuku, I've been in this situation before, and it wasn't pretty" the Vine quirk user admitted "And obviously that there's someone thats gonna be hurt in the end, but if I were you, I'd go for it"

"Really?" Midoriya asked in a very surpsied tone. Shiozaki nodded

"I'm rooting for you Midoriya, and you're my best friend, I wanna see you be happy with the person you love"

They both stood up and hugged one another.

"Thanks Ibara, you're the best" Midoriya praised his best friend then left to go see Ashido.

Ibara smiled and sat back down. She was happy for her friend, and hoped he would prevail.

"Goodluck Izuku"



Okay nows heres the true ending. I'm very sorry for my mistake!

Till next chapter. "CH.8 A helping friend/ Christmas" 

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