It Was Accidentally on Purpos...

By sleepingpup

562K 11.5K 2.1K

where one ambivelent girl trusts one cheeky boy who ends up being exactly who she thought he was when they fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 *LAST ONE*
Authors Note :)

Chapter 10

13.6K 293 57
By sleepingpup


When Tiffani walked out of her apartment, I was speechless. I hope she didn’t notice I was staring at her because I just couldn’t get my eyes of her. She looked amazing. Her dress fit her absolutely perfectly, and it was just the kind of dress I was hoping she’d wear. It revealed her long, thin legs and her waist fit in it so delicately. Her beautiful blonde hair was flattened instead of wavy which made her look different, but good different.

Once we got to the club I was surprised the paparazzi found us so fast. We hadn’t even gotten outside the car to realize they were already surrounding us. I grabbed Tiffani’s hand and pulled her towards the entrance. I could feel her stiffen and try to pull her hand away but I wouldn’t let her.

Once we got inside I let go of her hand. I looked up at her and she was gazing around the whole club.

“Whoa…” I heard her say over the loud music. I smiled at the thought that she liked it here. Then I heard a familiar voice. Louis and Eleanor came up from behind us.

“Hey Haz! Hi Tiff!” He said. He nodded at me then he directed his gaze to Tiffani. “Hope he didn’t drive you too crazy on the way here.”

She shook her head slowly. “You have no idea.” She said jokingly. Or at least, I hope she was.

“Tif, this is Eleanor.” Louis said introducing the two of them. They both said hi to each other and then all the boys started showing up around us.

“Should we go to the VIP area?” Yelled Zayn over the music that was getting louder.

We all nodded and followed him to another room. Then Louis pulled me aside.

“Remember tiger, no moves tonight. Just friends.” He said cautiously. I nodded and we both walked inside.


The club was amazing! I probably looked like an idiot staring at all the decorations when we walked in but I couldn’t help it.  It was the hottest club in London and here I was in it with One Direction. I blinked. Whoa that sounded pretty weird.

When Louis and all the boys walked in I could tell they were somewhat impressed I could pull off a dress like this. I caught Niall staring at me for a little then he looked away when Harry gave him an irritated look. I pushed my hair back behind my shoulders.

When we walked in the VIP area, it looked the same as the other room except less crowded. I can see why people like them would prefer coming in this area than the other, they don’t have to worry about crazed fans or anything.

I shrugged, I didn’t really have to worry about that though. I wasn’t famous for anything. As we all walked in the VIP area, we all started splitting up.

Niall and Liam went down the hall, I think because Liam was waiting for somebody. Louis and Eleanor walked over to the dance floor and started dancing. They were seriously the cutest coupe ever. Louis was so gentle with her, dancing with her slowly and romantically. Not like other guys who’d dance with you as if they were raping you. I shivered at the thought. I don’t even dance, and even less with a person I didn’t know.

Zayn was over in the other sitting room with Perrie, who had decided to dye the tips of her hair pink tonight. So she had purple and pink hair. The cute thing about those two? They both loved their hair.

So, that left me alone with Harry.

We sat there for a few minutes in silence until he asked me if I wanted a drink. We walked over to the bar and sat down.

“You look very pretty tonight.” Harry said handing me a martini. I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Oh, so does that mean I wasn’t pretty yesterday? Or the day before yesterday?” I looked at him curiously and he broke out in panic.

“No no no no!” He said shaking his curls. “You just look, extra pretty tonight.” My checks flushed.

“Wish I could say the same for you.” I joked. He sipped his drink and looked in my eyes. I think I said this already, but he seriously had the most gorgeous eyes ever. They pierced in the darkness and were almost irresistible to stop looking at.  Finally I looked away.

“So, thanks for inviting me.” I said shyly and brushed my hair back. He could probably tell I felt awkward because I was fiddling with my hair a lot. Something I did when I was uncomfortable.

“No problem ba-” He caught himself. “No problem Tiffani.” I let out a nervous laugh and finished my drink.

“So when was the last time you went dancing?” Harry asked me ordering another drink.

“Um, maybe two months ago.” I said embarrassed. He probably came to these things every night. He widened his eyes.

“Really? Well you should go more often. It’s loads of fun.” He said smiling at me.

“Yeah and bonus for you guys, getting to see all these girls in tiny dresses!” I said pushing his shoulder jokingly. He ran his fingers through his curls and smiled sheepishly.

“I don’t really care if girls wear mini dresses or not, I’m just saying I prefer it.” He winked at me and I rolled me eyes.

“Whatever Harry.” I  said looking at the dance floor. There were so many people dancing I don’t even know where Louis and Eleanor went. Harry stood up.

“I’m gonna go make a phone call.” He said. “I’ll be just a few minutes.”

“Okay.” I said not really looking at him. “I’ll wait here.”

He nodded and walked off. I have to be honest, it wasn’t going as bad as I thought it would. Buy now I thought we would have had an argument and I would have asked him to drive me home. But he hasn’t gotten me upset. In fact, I think he was making an effort not to flirt with me, and I really appreciated it.

I just wasn’t going to tell him that.

Maybe we could be friends. If he knew his limits around me, perhaps it could work out. The boys seemed really cool to be around and I think Lucy was right… maybe they could become good friends. I looked over to the direction Harry was in but I couldn’t find him.

Maybe Lucy was also right again about him being a sweet heart? He was just flirty, so maybe the whole image of him being a “player” was just something the paparazzi had created for him. I sighed thinking about how harsh I was on him before. When he got back I was going to apologize for giving him a hard time.

Then out of nowhere Louis scrambled in front of me.

“Whoa, hey Louis.” I said kind of intimidated how close he was standing by me. He had a very scared look on his face.

“Um, yeah. Hey have you heard the weather forecast this week? Possible snow storms and everything!” He rambled. I stood up and looked at him funny.

“You okay Louis? You look kind of worried.” But he just kept on mumbling about random things.

“The average monkey can climb 20 branches in 8 seconds.” He said with a weak smile. I decided that something was happening and it wasn’t good.

I tried walking passed him but he moved in front of me again. I looked at him irritated.

“Louis. Let me through.” I said getting irritated. His blue eyes moved from me to Liam who was standing by a girl. He had the same expression on his face as Louis.

“Tif, you really don’t want to go that way.” He said pleadingly. He looked hurt and disappointed in his eyes.

“I think, I do.” I shoved passed him and gasped at what I was looking at. Harry was kissing a girl on the dance floor. A wave a jealously surged through me and I don’t know why. Harry asked me out to the club, not this girl. Who was she anyways and more importantly, why was he kissing her?!

I looked back at Louis who wouldn’t meet my eyes. Liam ran over and touched my arm.

“Tif, it’s not what it looks like.” But I didn’t want to hear it. This was bullshit. I ran passed Liam and grabbed my bag. I shoved passed people everywhere, just wanting to get out of that place.

Once I got outside I started walking away. My house was only 15 minutes from here. I could walk. I shook my hair out of my face. What was I thinking back there?  A few minutes ago I was going to apologize to him for thinking he was a player! Then what happens? I see him kissing some random girl? Ugh! I picked up my hair and put it in a pony tail.

I need some time to think. This whole thing was confusing.


I finally thought things were a little better between Tiffani and me. She seemed a bit more relaxed and not so harsh around me. When I got up to call Louis, a girl came up from behind me and kissed me. I turned around and it was Tiffani. She grabbed my face and kissed me hard. I put my hand behind her neck and kissed her back. When I opened my eyes I could see Tiffani’s beautiful hair covering her face.  I pushed it aside so I could see her better. She kissed me over and over and I did it back. But when I opened my eyes again, it wasn’t Tiffani. In fact it never was.

It was a random fan. She pulled back and started smiling widely. She then ran away singing “I kissed Harry Styles! I kissed Harry Styles!”

Oh god. What did I just do. I turned around and saw Liam and Louis talking to each other, they both looked irritated. But I didn’t see Tiffani anywhere.

Oh no. I thought to myself. What if she saw me kissing this girl? How was I supposed to explain to her that the only reason I was kissing her was because I thought it was Tiffani? That would make her think I want to be more than friends and ruin my whole plan! I yanked my curls hard trying to think clearly.

I walked over to Louis and Liam. When they both saw me they shot me a deadly look. But before they could start lecturing me I had to talk to Tiffani.

“Guys, lecture later. Where did Tiffani go?” They pointed in the direction they saw her go in. Once I was outside I covered my head with my hoodie and followed a sidewalk along the building.

Once I turned around the corner I could see a tall figure walking alone down the path. Her hair was up in a pony tail and she was carrying her heels in her left hand.

It was her.

“Tiffani!” I yelled running after her. She turned around. She probably didn’t recognize who I was which I was grateful for because or else she wouldn’t have let me catch up with her.

Once she noticed me, she kept walking. “Go away Harry.” She mumbled under her breath.

I tried to touch her arm but she shifted away from me. “At least let me explain?”

“No.” She said coldly. “I know exactly what happened.”

I looked at her nervously. “You do?”

She nodded and folded her arms. “Yeah, you only brought me here to prove to me you could get any girl. And congratulations, I believe you.”

She marched away and I stood there trying to understand what happened. No! She was so wrong about this! But I didn’t know how to explain to her what I was feeling. If did, it could ruin our friend ship. Then again, I think it was already ruined.

I wanted to chase after her and tell her that I only kissed the other girl because I thought it was her. But that sounded crazy. Just saying it in my head sounded stupid. Plus what would she say if I told her I wanted to kiss her? “That’s not what friends do.” I could picture her saying. Or “How did you get that girl confused with me? She doesn’t even look like me!”

I put my face in my hands and looked back up. Tiffani was gone. I groaned to myself as I laid my back on the wall.

Harry Styles you are such a screw up.


At this point I was just boiling, steaming and fried. Harry Styles was the biggest jerk in the world. I knew that from day one, but me being a softy just had to give him a chance.

It all made sense now. The only reason he wanted me to go with him to the club was so he could snog a girl in front of me to prove he could get any girl, and that I was a waste of his time.

I growled under my breath. I was determined to never give him a chance again. Heck, I was going to stay the hell away from him as much as possible. If Louis wanted to see me, it’d make sure it was only him. If any of the boys lied to me and tried setting me up with Harry, I was just going to drop all of them.

Once I was home I took of the dress and slipped on my pj’s. I collapsed on my bed and crawled over to my bag to get my phone out.

What time was it? 12:30… Lucy was probably still awake. She only lived like 10 minutes from here, hopefully she wouldn’t mind coming over. I needed my guidance counselor.

*30 minutes later*

Lucy just got here and brought coffee from starbucks with her. Thank god, I need something nice and hot to warm me up. We sat down in my room with the tv on. I narrated every thing that happened tonight. Of course, adding a few things in my own opinion about Harry that made her wince.

“Are you sure it was him kissing her and not her just making a move in him?” She asked hopefull. But I shook my head.

“I’m sure he was kissing her back, Luce. He had her hand behind her neck and everything. It was disgusting.”

She frowned. I hated telling her this considering the fact she looked up to Harry and his mates. But I didn’t, and I didn’t know why anyone body should.

“Look Luce,” I said crossing my legs on my bed. “I understand you love them, but I don’t. Just because I can’t be their friends doesn’t mean I’m going to stop you from liking them.”

She looked up at me and smiled. She gave me a huge hug then pulled away.

“Did you listen to his side of the store?” She asked me. I looked down at my feet feeling a tad guilty.

“No…” I said honestly. I watched as Lucy processed my answer. Then bing an idea hit her.

“You have to hear his side of the story Tif!” She said straightening up. “Maybe what happened was a huge misunderstanding!”

But I just shook my head and loosened my pony tail. “No, I don’t really care Luce. Even if what happened wasn’t what I thought, I just didn’t care.”

She nodded but I could tell she was disappointed.

“Hey, it’s not my fault tonight didn’t go as planned. He’s the one who screwed up! I was even starting to think we could be friends.”

Her gaze snapped on to mine and she started looking at me cheekily. She raised an eyebrow at me then looked away. I rolled my eyes.

“Not that kind of friend, Luce.” I said sleepily. “I just thought he wasn’t who I thought he was. And apparently he was so, whatever.” I flipped over to one side of my bed and laid my head on my pillow.

I started thinking about how differently the night could have been if Harry didn’t end up kissing that girl. What would have happened? Would the evening be more pleasant of just end up failing differently. What if I got drunk and I was the one who ended up kissing a random person? Or if I went home with a stranger? I tighned my eyes shut to all these horrible thoughts.

But then I thought about the relaxing things I would have liked to happen tonight. Maybe Harry would have asked me to dance and our faces would end up closer to each others. Or after a while I’d get tired and lay my head on his shoulder? And he’d grab my hand as we took a break from dancing. He’d give me a hug and put his warm hand on my shoulder and shelter me from the cold.

And maybe, just maybe we would have kissed.

I snapped out of day dreaming to find that Lucy had left a note on my forehead.

“Went home, Love. Sleep tight. Love you xx –Luce”

I saw up in my bed and rubbed my temples. I turned my tv back on and watched about 12 episodes of Full House, before I felt myself dozing off again.

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