(Countryhuman) Deep In The Fo...

By chasemegames

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Countryhumans "My Prey" it's a countryhumans story but They are have animal appearances. it's not omegaverse... More

Lost in the Forest
list of more What animals they are
Toyed with
Meet up
Beware of the bite
The bat Cave (zeal x phil)
Out in the town (egypt x Phil)
Thank you for 100 followers
chapter ?? meet up
Chapter 9?
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 14 (Phil x Egypt)
chapter 15 (Germany x Phil)
I'm still alive
Chapter 16 I think.... (Kzk x Phil)
chapter 17 (kzk x Phil)
Chapter 18, Mexico's nightmare
chapter 19 A dead rose with blood
chapter 20 - safe with us
chapter 21 - back in our arms
chapter 22 - the force field is back up
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25 - im not giving up
Chapter 26 - Where have you been?

13 (Phil x Canada)

858 36 24
By chasemegames

Canada takes Philip back to his house. "You're going to be with me for a while, I'm not letting anyone have their hands on you!" Canada tells Philip. "Eh? O-okay.." Philip just goes with the flow. Canada won't let go of Phil's hand. Canada finally has his chance to he alone with Philip. When they arrived at Canada's house, Canada gave Philip a  tour of his house. Canada isn't very organized but he isn't too messy, it's just teh right amount. Phil loves animals. Phil loves dogs but.... Phil doesn't know about hyenas. Canada treats hyenas like they are puppies. Canada knows that Philip is scared but Canada find it very funny and entertaining that Philip is scared of Hyenas.

It's Canada's tactic to make Philip stay close to him because the Hyenas scare Philip. Canada's can communicate with hyenas. Canada made sure that they will all behave and that they I'll leave Phil aloe and not hurt him, and of course they won't eat him. If the Hyenas hurt Philip, Canada would gut the hyena alive. Canada won't show any mercy to anyone that would hurt Philip. Phil is really adorable. "Hey Phil" Canada calls out to Philip. Philip smiles at he pets the baby hyena. The adult hyenas are getting jealous of the bay hyena because Phil will only pet the baby hyenas.

"Why don't you pet the adult Hyenas too? Richard and Henry wants to be petted as well" Canada tells Philip as he takes something out of the freezer. "Who?" Phil asks in confusion. Canada then points to the two grown hyenas that are looking at him. "Come on, they won't bite, look" Canada comes close to Philip then he calls the two Hyenas. Canada then starts to pet them. Phil sees that they act as if they are just like normal dogs. This eased Phil's mind a bit. Philip tried it. Philip starts to pet the hyenas. The Hyenas seems to like him. They aren't bitting at all. Phil is also starting to enjoy this. Canada smiles. It's like Philip is taking care of their children.

"What's with the big smile, nada?" Phil asks with a bright and happy smile. Canada sees that Phil would be a great mother to his children. "You know, you would be a great mother" Canada tells Philip. Phil only laughs which melts Canada's heart. "I've heard that a lot" Phil replies to him. Welp, what did Canada expect? Of course people would notice that Phil would be a great mother. "Well what if you were to be my wife? Would you bear my children and take care of them?" Nada asked with a smile. Phil looks at him, speechless. "What...?" Phil doesn't know how to respond to that and thus he fakes a smile. "No, nevermind that, I'm just joking, haha.." nada says a bit forced and heartbroken. Nada knows that Philip will leave this place.... Philip will leave them all..... That's because Philip doesn't belong here....

"Nothing, nevermind" nada says it's again. "Oh okay?" Phil says in a questioning tone. "Anyways, do you eat meat?" Canada asks him. "Eh? Oh.. no... I can't eat meat" Phil tells him. "I've always wondered, why can't you eat meat?" Canada asks. As a carnivore, Canada loves to eat meat and thus he doesn't have any vegetables. "Oh well.... we Rabbits can't digest meat, meat Will make us sick..." Philip explains to him. "Well that sucks! I can't imagine eating vegetables and fruits for the rest of my life, I can't imagine my life without meat!" Canada tells him to which Phil giggles at. Phil finds it funny because that's exactly how most react when Phil tells him that he can't eat meat. Phil not eating meat isn't a choice. "But have you ever eaten meat?" Canada asks.

"To be honest.... Yes, I have eaten meat before, it's when my mother wasn't home at the time and my brothers didn't know that I cannot eat meat, I puked it and my mother scolded them for feeding me meat. I felt sick for days" Philip tells the hyena. "Well that's a bummer.... All I have is meat, I even have meat connected to my body, hahaha, know what I'm saying?"
Canada's cheeky smug face was met with Phil innocent smile. "Yes! Our muscles?" Phil asks with pure Innocence. Canada wants to kneel on the ground and pray to the lord. Canada didn't know that Philip was this innocent.

"Yeah....... And I'm uhh also holding meat.... Cow meat" Canada says. Canada just shut his mouth and stopped trying to be his weirded mouth self. Phil is just too pure. "Hey Phil, well uhm... Since you can't eat.... I only have some apples and uhh..*Mumbles*.carrots.."Canada mumbled the last word which Phil didn't understand. "What was that Nada? I'm sorry but i couldn't hear you right" Phil made him say it again. Canada is turning red. "carrots..." Canada finally said loud and clear which Phil understood. "What's wrong with carrots?" Phil asks the blushing Canadian. "Well... Since you're. A Rabbit... I thought that you would love carrots.... But turns out that it was just. Stereotype because you love apples more than carrots..." Canada says. Canada is very embarrassed right now.

Phil giggles at him. "It's fine Nada, I also eat carrots" Phil tells him.

"Yeah but aren't you mad? I just wanted you to like me.... I think I bought too much.." nada says.

"It's fine Nada, you didn't know" Phil tells him as Philip goes to him to hug him.

Canada's eyes widen because of the sudden hug. "Uhm... Why are you hugging me?" Canada asks, he loves the hug but he's getting too red. "

I hug because I like you, and I'm showing Mya appreciation" Phil tells him with a bright smile. "Wh-when you hug... It means that you are thanking? And that you like that person?" Nada asks. Philip nods his head with a smile.

"I'llf*ckingmarryyou,justyou f*ckingwait" Canada whispered and said it fast for Phil to not understand.

"Did you say something, Nada?"

"No... Nothing...."

"The carrots are in the other fridge" Nada tells him. Nada then goes to grab a green apple to give to Philip. Phil Thanks him before washing the apple to eat it later.

"Oh don't worry, the apples don't have any wax on them, they are freshly picked from my tree outside" Canada says as eh points to the apple tree outside.

Phil is amazed to see a lot of trees, he didn't realize it earlier but these trees aren't like the trees that surround the whole forest.

"I'm not good at planting flowers but I am good at planting trees, specifically Maple trees" Canada tells him.

"Woah" Phil is very amazed. "They are beautiful aren't they?" Canada says with a proud smile. "Yes.... They are very... beautiful" Phil is stunned because of the beauty. "Mate why do you look like that? Don't tell me that it's the first time that you have seen a maple tree in real life" Canada says, jokingly.

"Yes, it's the first time I've seen a maple tree in real life" Philip tells him.

Canada is surprised.

"Ain't the world cruel?" Canada says.

"Hmm?" Phil looks at the tall man.

"It's cruel because they won't let a beautiful person see something so beautiful" Canada says to Philip.

Philip then laughs at the pick up line.

"What? I'm just stating facts!" Canada says with a smile as he joins Phil in laughing.

"Oh please!" "Wag mo Naman ako bolahin!" Phil says which confused Canada. "Huh?" Phil forgot that he doesn't know how to speak Tagalog. "I meant, don't praise me like that! It's kind of corny" Phil says to him.

"Still, it's still a fact!" Nada says proudly as Phil laughs again.

Phil then goes to the other fridge to see the carrots. As soon as Phil opened it, carrots fell down the floor. Phil's eyes widen at this. "I thought what you meant by much was ten carrots...." Phil doesn't know how to react. The whole fridge is filled with carrots... It's overflowing, when you open it, carrots will fall.

"Yeah.... I should have brought 400 apples instead" Canada says, regretting his choice of buying too much carrots.

"Nada.... What?! How much carrots did you buy!?" Phil asks him.

"I don't know.... 400? 500? 600?" Canada can't remember.

"This has to be a joke.... Nada why?! This is a waste... I can't eat all of this!" Phil tells him. "I'm grateful for the thought but it would be a waste since I cannot eat this much Carrot" Phil tells him.

"I should have bought 400 apples the-"

"No! No..." Phil tells him no.

"If you want to buy me apples then please.... Just 4 at a time.... I don't want to waste apples when people In need could have had them" Phil tells him.

"You're such a goody two shoes, alright fine... If it makes you happy, I'll bring most of it to the orphanage... Okay?" Canada tells him.

"Yes please, thank you Canada" Canada's heart will melt because of Phil's adorableness. Phil will be the death of him. "Uhmm Canada... Your nose is bleeding" Phil tells him "sh*t-" Canada cusses as he panics to go and get a tissue.

"Hey Phil, I have a lot of clothes, you should change your clothes" Canada tells him. Phil is now left alone. Phil feels quite safe with the Hyenas.

Phil feels that the Hyenas are protecting him. And they are.

The Hyenas then make Philip follow them to Canada's bedroom.

Canada's bedroom is a bit messy.....

Most of the items are colored black. And some are plaque. Philip goes to the closet to find something to wear.

Phil finds that everything is too big for him but the smallest one, even if it's still big, it won't slip off and show his collarbone or his shoulder so he picked the red plaque, button up shirt.

Phil also cleaned around the room. When Canada arrived, Phil was sitting on his bed, wearing his old red plaque button up shirt. "Hey Phil" Canada stopped himself from saying that Phil looks so adorable and that he could just eat him right now, right here.

"You didn't have to clean the room" Canada tells him. Phil is somewhat a clean freak and thus it's a force of habit for him to clean.

"I'm sorry... I just wanted to.." Phil apologizes. "No.. no... You don't need to apologise, I'm the one who has to apologise" Nada tells him because it breaks his heart to see Philip frowning, his ears are meaning that he's sad and sorry.

"Your nose is bleeding again Canada" Phil says.

Canada has been holding back from hugging Philip and squeezing the hecc out of him. Phil isn't wearing any pants but he is wearing Canada's old boxers. The pants just won't fit Philip so he just gave up.

An hour and a few minutes had passed, Phil and Canada had both grown more comfortable and used to each other.

"Hey Nada"

"Yes Phil?"

"Can I visit the orphanage too?"

"I'm sorry but not now Phil, when the others come back then I promise to bring you there" Canada promises him.

"Okay, and come to think of it why have you come back and they haven't? Did something happen?"

"Oh that?

"They refuse to leave until they are finished and also we don't trust, Vietnam and Brunei in taking care of you. And do t trust China too much... That a**hole is a two faced motherf*cker'"

Canada replies.

They both watched the television the whole day, after eating dinner. They just sat on the couch, beside each other.

"Hey Philip, why not write a book? Like a dictionary, about your adventures with us in this forest"

Phil thought a out what he said.

"Write them?"

"Yes, I'm sure the Children would be thrilled"

"I'll get you a camera so that you can take pictures"

'Keep memories with us known, don't forget us' Canada wanted to say to Philip this but he didn't continue. He wants Phil to not forget him..... He knows that Phil would one day have to go and leave this forest... And he might forget him too....

"*Yawn* okay...."

"Yes it's a g-"

Canada quickly shut his mouth when he felt Phil lean on his shoulder.

Canada starts to blush like a tomato.

The Hyenas are smilling with smug faces since they can easily make noise to wake Philip up.

Canada glares at the Hyenas, threatening them that he would gut them alive if they took this one and only chance away from him. The Hyenas left because they got scared.

Canada is enjoying this time with Phil's head leaning on his shoulder.

After a few minutes, Canada moved a bit because he got tired of staying still in one place. Phil then fell on his lap. He blushed even more like a tomato.

Philip soon got comfortable, acting as if Canada's lap was a pillow. Canada is very happy right now and he wants this to last an eternity. But he also wants Phil to be more comfortable by sleeping on the bed. And thus, Canada slowly but gently shook Philip. 

"Phil, wake up, let's go to the bed, and or, let me Carry you there" Canada says in a low, soothing voice.

"Nuuu" "five moooree minuteszzzzz" Phil falls asleep on his lap again. Canada sighs. His Hyenas 'accidentally' knocked over something which created a Very loud sound. Phil didn't wake up. Just just continues to sleep.

Canada then tested something, Canada grabbed Phil's arm gently then he started to swing it around, even moving Phil's head a bit but still... He's sound asleep.

The Hyenas again creates a loud sound by breaking a glass. They even pushed one of their own kind, down the stairs to make a really loud noise but Phil still didn't wake up.

Canada then grabbed Philip like he's holding a bear plushie, Phil is just sound asleep. Canada then swung Philip around the room but he's still asleep.

'what the f*ck? How can you still sleep?' Canada is very puzzled but he then thought of an idea.

He sat back down to the couch but now, he sits comfortably while hugging Philip. Phil out of nature, cuddled with him without even noticing.

Canada is very happy to cuddle with such an adorable bunny.

Yes, Canada can be a f boy but he won't take advantage of a small sleeping bunny like that.

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