Zeraora: Chronicles

By sylvxon_117

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The world is a cruel one. This was what Zeraora learned when he first came into existence. - A monster. A d... More

Prologue: Thunder and Lightning
Chapter 1: Origin
Chapter 3: Roaring Fists
Chapter 4: Pecha Berry
Chapter 5: Curse
Chapter 6: Garden
Chapter 7: Crossing Paths
Chapter 8: The Future I Choose

Chapter 2: Claws of Death

261 10 54
By sylvxon_117

Right, where was I?

Ah yes, the part where I said 'you reap what you sow'.

I killed one of the hunters, so I had to pay a price.

Soon enough, the name 'Zeraora' had spread throughout the village I resided nearby. And by that, I mean 'Zeraora the murderer who had killed an innocent person who went exploring the mountains', not 'Zeraora who had his mother killed because of selfish hunters and ended up killing one of them in self-defense'.

That's just the world, where stories are one sided. Have a look at my Pokedex entry: 'It approaches its enemies at the speed of lightning, then tears them limb from limb with its sharp electrocuted claws.'

Yes, thank you, I know I'm quick, but what's with the second half? I don't tear my opponents apart from limb to limb! I pretty much value peace and tranquility, and I only fight if I was forced to. Ahem, in my defense, the hunters attacked me first, and that was when I was just born. I just happened to fight and accidentally murdered one of them in self defense, which is morally correct. I mean, hey, they killed my mum, and they're going after me next, so, that's justified killing and morally correct.

It wasn't long before more hunters braved the mountains to go on a hunt to capture me— the incarnation of death.

Naturally, I'm not going to let that happen, but I don't feel like killing anyone either. So, I would send thunderstorms to the village so as to keep the hunters at bay.

Was that the right decision?

Yes and no.

Yes, because they didn't dare to brave the mountains when it's raining Meowth and Growlithe. Of course, it's better safe than sorry. Even though the hunters are jerks, they have brains. Science 101: water conducts electricity. They're not going to risk getting electrocuted when they're dripping wet from head to toe.

No, because nobody likes rain. Crops go 'bye bye, imma go die' and kids go 'wah wah wah sad human crying noises cause no playing in the rain', then pissed villagers cause all that rain is disturbing their daily activities .. which kind of give the hunters one more excuse to hunt me down: 'Zeraora is a devil who sends lightning down to earth as judgement for us humans'.

In simple words: hate + fear = support for the Zeraora hunt. Soon enough, a 'Zeraora defence squad' was formed in the village— a group of Pokemon trainers who were convinced into believing that 'Zeraora is a devil', uniting with a common goal in mind: hunting me down. 

But again, I'm not going to sit around like a good (and idiotic) Pokemon, welcoming the hunters with open arms, going like 'oh, hey there, hunters! Nice to meetcha! Wanna kill me? Go on and do so!'.

Just the sound of that is ridiculous. Sorry, but I value my own life— I pretty much prefer staying alive. But as I have mentioned, humans aren't stupid. If they don't have the guts to brave the mountains to face me, they'll just find another way to lure me out, namely, by setting the mountain on fire.

What a genius method.

(Around 3 years after I was born)

I bolted through the flaming forest, panting heavily as the blazing heat scorched my fur and paws. There was a wave of panic throughout the forest as the Pokemon screamed and ran for their life. 

All because of me.

I'm pretty sure this is a trap, but I just can't let the Pokemon suffer just because of me, right? Afterall, I'm their only target.

No. I can't let the fire spread throughout the forest.

Skidding to a stop, I slammed my palms ono the burning ground, summoning forth rainclouds The sky roared as lightning struck the ground. Rain started pouring over the mountains, putting out the fire slowly.

Only that the other Pokemon just screamed even louder because of the lightning.

Just great. It's not my fault that rainclouds that I summon come with lightning. Hey, there was an attempt, at least I'm contributing to putting out the fire. If I were them, I'd prefer lightning over fire. At least the probability of getting struck by lightning and dying is farrr lower than that of getting burned to death by a forest fire, right?

Maybe the fact that I had a constant scowl on my face was another reason why they were scared of me and my lightning. But seriously, am I supposed to wear a cheesy grin while roaming around the area? I'd bet I'd be labelled as creepy if I do that.

"Over there!" Voice shouted.

I growled. Right. One downside of lightning is that it's easy to spot. So much about stealth.

Arching my back, my paw pads crackled with electricity as I shot forward, leaping overhead. I focused the charge into my claws, shredding the net behind me as I landed onto the forest ground, immediately changing my stance to deliver a Thunder, thwarting the humans' attempts to chase after me.

That was when I heard a series of screeching and frantic wingbeats in the distance.

Whoops. One of the thunderbolts might have hit an unfortunate Pokemon or destroyed their home.

Hurray. More (metaphorical) hate-mail. I am so very thrilled to get pelted by berries when I wake up tomorrow.

I jumped back swiftly, bolting off at top speed as I dodged an attack.

Sharpening my claws, I delivered a Slash to a nearby burning tree, which toppled over, squashing one of the trainers' Pokemon and blocking the other's path.

I swerved out of their line of vision to prevent getting spotted. It wouldn't be long before they get that tree out of the way. Bits of ashes drifted past the menacing, thick orange smoke around me. It stunk of burnt trees and perhaps burning corpses. Pretty unpleasant, if you ask me. I squinted my eyes in an attempt to improve my blurry eyesight caused by the thick smoke stabbing through my eyeballs. Can't do anything about that, though. Covering my sensitive nose with one paw, I quickly made my way through the burning forest.

Now, the difficult process of making a decision.

Run or fight?

If I run, where am I going to escape to?

If I fight, how am I going to defeat all of their Pokemon?

Irritated, I shot out another bolt of electricity, which hit one of my pursuer's Pokemon who just so happened to be planning to deliver a sneak attack from behind.

What luck.

I ducked low and sprinted between the trees. The moonlight leaked through the charred leaves barely hanging onto the crumbling branches.

Then, a sudden thought hit me. A brilliant idea.

I'll leave this place and start off anew.

Leaping from branch to branch to confuse my pursuers and buy some time, I charged up electricity between my claws.


Crackle crackle crackle.

I blinded my opponents with bright flashes of electricity before landing onto the ground with my  palms pressing into the earth below without a moment to waste.

Surges of thunder blasted out from the ground, forming giant cracks which messed up the entire terrain.

Shooting one last glance at the coughing silhouettes among the smoke, I jumped off into the distance.

I'll leave.

I'll go somewhere far, far away where no one could find me.

Or at least that was what I thought back then.

Leaving wasn't a bad idea to be honest. What happens after that is the problem.

In this densely populated world with cheerful, mindless, selfish humans exploring every corner of the Earth, one simply couldn't find peace and tranquillity, let alone a proper place to settle down.

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