
By briisk_333

54.4K 1.3K 3.5K

Sequel to "Tough Times". During college, Cheryl realized a change in Toni. Toni was starting to party more o... More

Into The Future
We Meet Again
New Beginnings
Exposed News
Going Away
Time Passed
Figure It Out
Got You On My Mind
Not Again
Good News
Sexy Time
A Second Chance
The Silent One
A Mess
Revealed Part 1
Revealed Part 2
Revealed Part 3
Revealed Part 4
Bad luck
Waiting Game
Almost Here
Bundles of Joy
New Life


1.6K 44 121
By briisk_333

November 26,2024

Cheryl's POV

I woke up feeling total pain in my lower area, and nearly shrieked, realizing there was a naked body cuddling me.

I slowly turned my head and nearly jumped out of my skin, noticing that it was my ex, Toni. I started shaking her and she groaned, slowly opening her eyes.

"What's up....shit!" she yelled as she realized the situation right now. She unwrapped her arms from around me, while I covered myself with the bed sheets.

"Did we..." she paused, looking at me for an answer. I rolled my eyes and said "What do you think Toni? We're both naked and woke up in each other's arms did we not".

She rubbed the back of her neck and murmured out a 'sorry'. I sat there in the bed and widened my eyes at the thought of something.

"We did use condoms right" I asked, slowly turning, just to see Toni frozen in her spot. "Shit I don't know" she said under her breath, but I heard her loud and clear.

"What the fuck do you mean you don't know Toni" I spat, getting heated as seconds went bye. "I-Cheryl, we were both drunk out of our minds, so how do you expect me to know" she argued.

I held the sides of my head, feeling a raging headache coming through. I realized my upper body was exposed due to me letting the sheet go, but I don't care right now. I sighed and looked around on the floor or bed, until I saw a used condom in the trash.

I bit my lip thinking maybe she did use a condom, but only one? I shook my head and turned back to Toni who now had her face in her hands.

"What's wrong with you" I asked her and she just sighed. "I-I'm sorry, this was my fault. I should have just put you to sleep and go back to my apartment" she mumbled into her hands.

"It's not your fault, things just got out of hand and we just have to let it be. It happened and it's not like we can reverse it. And there's a condom in the trash, so I think we're good" I told her.

I got out of bed and used the sheet to wrap around myself. "I'm going to shower then you can too after I'm done" I said, barely being able to keep myself standing. Once she nodded, I walked to the bathroom and nearly fell on the floor as my legs failed me.

God help me with that monster, Toni calls her dick.

I pulled myself up, using the help of the bathroom counter. Once I dropped the bed sheet, and looked in the mirror, I gasped at how I looked.

My bright red hair was tangled and all over the place. Tracing over the red and purple marks across my stomach, shoulder, I sighed.

I turned to look at my back and nearly choked at the sight. There was multiple hickeys that created the letter "T", and I'm sure Toni tried claiming me.

With the assistance of the counter, I made my way into the bath and stretched to turn on the water. It was already at the right temperature, so I didn't have to worry about that. I took some Epsom salt from the side of the bath tub and poured it in the water.

When the water was at a reasonable height, I laid back and just let my body relax. I couldn't help but think about what the hell happened last night. I know I got drunk, but was I really that drunk to the point where I would sleep with Toni.

I'm still iffy about what happened at the mall where she went all ballistic. I felt a bit nervous right now if I'm being honest.

Before last night, the last time Toni and I did it, was when she forced herself one me, in which I couldn't walk for days and felt pain down there, only to find out she tore something.

I shook my head, telling myself that Toni isn't like that. I know she has been trying before the whole situation, so I'm really praying I gave my consent before we did anything. The sound of knocking on the door brought me out of my thoughts.

"Who is it" I yelled out, in which a soft voice said "It's me Mommy". "Come in baby" I yelled slightly, and I watched as the door opened slowly. Anastasia walked in and closed the door behind her, before walking over to me to sit on the floor.

"Morning baby girl" I spoke as I leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Good Morning!! Mommy what is Daddy doing here" she asked immediately.

"What do you mean baby" I asked her. "Daddy is in your room. I don't want her here" she pouted.

I sighed and swayed my legs in the water, before looking back at my daughter. "Stasia baby, she's your other parent and she's going to have to be in your life, whether you like it or not. When has she ever yelled at you or hit you ever since she came back home".

I looked at her, waiting for an answer, and she mumbled "She hasn't".

"Exactly, because your Daddy changed for the better. I know you saw me pick you up crying and heard me talking with your uncles and Aunties about your Daddy when we got home, which is why you may not like her right now. Remember, she's a little bit sick in the head, but she's trying okay. Sometimes the sickness beats her and makes her do things she doesn't want to and we have to understand that right".

She nodded her head and so did I. Now I wasn't only doing this to convince Anastasia, but to also convince myself.

"Mommy was just sad that your Daddy has to go through that sickness. Now go and apologize to your Daddy cause I heard you said you hated her. Remember we don't use that word in this house. When I get out the bathroom, I better see that you two made up. If not, you and I will be having a serious conversation later on".

I watched as she stood up and gave me a thumbs up before leaving the bathroom. After she exited, I let myself stay in the bath for a few minutes, before deciding I should go shower.

I drained the tub and stepped into the shower as the water leveled down in the tub. After taking my nice long shower, I grabbed my towel off the rack and dried myself off.

My clothes were in my closet, so I just decided to wrap the towel around me and exited the bathroom.

As I exited, I looked at my bed to see Toni and Anastasia giggling at something on Toni's phone. I don't think they noticed me, so I took that chance to go and get moisturized and clothed. Once I came out the closet (LOL) I saw Anastasia on Toni's phone, yet Toni was nowhere in sight.

"In the bathroom" Stasia spoke, without looking up from the phone. I looked at the bed and realized Toni had actually cleaned up, in which I nodded my head at how good she did. I went to my nightstand and picked up my phone, seeing that the battery was low.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Toni walk out the bathroom, and I struggled to pull my eyes away from her. I decided to distract myself by looking for my charger, so I could charge my phone downstairs.

"Um Cher do you have any clothes I could uh wear" Toni asked from behind me. I pointed to the closet and I'm guessing that's where she went.

"Mommy why was Daddy with no clothes when I came in here" Stasia asked which made me widen my eyes. My legs started to shake again which made me sit down on the bed.

"She was a bit hot honey, so she had to....take off her clothes to cool off" I tried explaining. "But it's winter" she said confused and I almost told her to shut the fuck up, but remembered she's my daughter.

"Just keep playing on the phone okay" I said with a smile, and she just shrugged, doing what I said.

Toni walked out of the closet, and I noticed how nervous she looked. Looking at my phone, I saw that it was like 10 in the morning, and I looked at Anastasia. "Did you eat yet" I asked her, and she nodded her head yes.

"I'm hungry, so whenever you two wanna eat, food will be downstairs" I spoke, before leaving my room with my phone and charger.

As I was walking down the stairs, I decided to slide down them, since it seemed much easier. When I reached the bottom, I used the railing to get up and slowly walked to the kitchen. I plugged my phone in one of the ports and then started preparing to make food.

"Someone had fun" I heard from behind me, which made me jump. I turned around to face Dinah who had a tired Normani on her back. "What's that supposed to mean" I asked, trying to act oblivious.

Dinah pointed to my neck and legs, then said "Plus Mani and I were up late watching movies and cuddling, and we heard you two going at it". I mentally smacked myself, forgetting that the room Dinah and Normani were staying at was basically right next to mine.

"We were drunk" I simply said before limping to the fridge and getting ingredients out. As I walked to the stove, I saw Dinah sit Mani down on the counter in the middle of the kitchen. "Why not just get back together already" Dinah said from behind me.

I took out two pans and responded "Recently got out of a relationship, and I don't really want to rush things. Last night was kind of rushed, but it wasn't really expected. Things will just be slow". I heard her hum and it was silent, until I heard the others coming down.

As I let the eggs cook on the stove, I turned around, seeing the others sit around the countertop. "I just realized you all have been living in MY house for like a week" I stated. Lauren shrugged saying, "YOUR house might as well be a hotel with the amount of rooms you have".

"Did I mention the part where it's rent free right now". Lauren groaned and pulled out her wallet, giving me $500. "No, I was jo-" "No take it, Dinah and I broke one of your vases anyways". "You what?!?!" I asked while glaring at both of them.

"It's fineee, nobody got hurt" Lauren waved me off. I rolled my eyes and went back to making breakfast for only myself, Toni, and Stasia. When finished, Toni and Anastasia finally came downstairs. Watching them talk, I wonder what they said to make up so quickly.

I shook my head and grabbed a plate, dishing out the amount of food I wanted, then sat down next to the others. "Where's mine baby" Hope asked from beside me, which made me roll my eyes. "Josie keep your girlfriend under control" I said with a slight smile.

Hope was always playfully flirting with me and I always ended up slapping her. Josie pulled Hope's ear and she growled something in it which made Hope gulp. "Haha sorry about that Cheryl" she apologized and I nodded.

Everyone was in the kitchen and we just stayed there, eating and chatting. When I checked the time again, I saw it was like 2 in the afternoon. I washed the dishes and went to my office to see what I had to sort out.

As I unlocked my computer, I saw that I had so many emails and of course, most of them were talking about what happened yesterday. I decided to ignore those for now, and saw an email talking about Nick St.Clair. I nearly threw up in my mouth just looking at that name.

I read through the email my manager sent, and it was talking about how Nick was claiming that Anastasia was actually his. I rolled my eyes and simply responded to the email saying that Anastasia was not his at all.

I got on my phone and went to Instagram first. I found a nice picture of Anastasia and wrote out the caption.

'As you all may know, this is my daughter Anastasia. For a few years her other parent was not in her life, but now she is back. Yes, I said she, because Toni, my baby daddy is a girl who was born with a male private part. Toni and I were high school sweethearts, and in my sophomore year of high school, we found out I was pregnant. Anastasia is only mine and Toni's daughter, no one else's. If you heard rumors about Anastasia being Nick St.Clair's that is obviously false. Take another look at the picture and compare that with Toni and I, then Nick and I. You'll see for yourself that Anastasia looks nothing like Nick. Stop believing everything that you see or hear, without trying to look at the obvious.'

I pressed post and likes and comments started pouring in. My notifications were turned off already, so i didn't need to worry about that. I then headed to twitter and simply tweeted something to get people off my back.

"Nick St.Clair is not Anastasia's father, and he will never be in my life. Toni and I had our little blessing who is Anastasia 7 years ago, and we are her true parents. Our DNA runs 100% in our daughter, and no one else".

I tossed my phone to the side and decided to look at the emails about the incident that occurred with Toni. Most of them were about how I need to clear up the situation, or I won't have my partnerships any more with some of these businesses or whatever since it brings them "bad rep".

I replied to all of them saying how I would speak with my social management team to sort the issue out. After replying to all the emails, I felt stressed, but continued to contact my social manager.

She told me that I should simply explain what happened and that I'll make sure nothing happens like that. She also said that she will try and set up some interviews to answer any questions.

I agreed and then went on Insta to post on my story.

"My ex-fiancee, Toni, had an altercation with this boy yesterday at the mall. The boy was trying to trigger Toni in any way that he could, and he tried to degrade me in the process, which didn't sit right with Toni, and things started getting crazy after that. It's not a surprise to most of you that Toni is a bit "sick" if you  would call it that. It was difficult for her to control her sickness  yesterday, and the boy aggravating her didn't help. On my behalf I would  like to apologize for her actions, and ask everyone to respect our  privacy right now, and to stop bashing her and calling her crazy".

As  soon as I posted, knocking was heard on my door. "Come in".

The door  opened and there Toni was, peeking her head inside. She walked inside  fully, closing the door behind her.

"What's up" I asked as I went back  on my computer to sort things out. "I-um, I came her to apologize" she  whispered, but I heard her.

"For what" I asked her,confused. "Well sorry  for going all crazy yesterday, even though I promise I'm not actually crazy. Um Lauren found out that they gave me the wrong prescription for  the voices you know and yeah".

I nodded my head, now understating why  she was like that yesterday all of a sudden. I noticed the energy shift  in her body at the mall, right before she attacked the boy, so I knew it  wasn't actually Toni herself.

"And I actually wanted to say sorry for um what happened last night. You probably think it was a mistake anyways-" "No I don't think it was" I said honestly.

I may not have wanted that to happen, but I won't call it a mistake, because even though I was drunk out of my mind, I had some sense of what was happening.

"Well even if it wasn't a mistake, I feel like I should still apologize, cause I could have liked just left-" I cut her off again.

"Toni stop apologizing for that. We both had an idea of what was going on, and we let it be. We obviously both wanted it, especially since I can barely walk with my damn legs right now". I saw her blush as she mumbled out a 'sorry'.

A small smile formed on my face as I realized how nervous she looked in front of me right now.

"Okay, I'll stop apologizing about it, but I have a question" she spoke up. I looked at her, giving her the go ahead to ask away.

"Are you, you know, scared of me because of what happened yesterday" she asked nervously.

"I will be honest, I was a bit scared. I used to be on the receiving end of those hits and I know how much pain that boy must have felt, even though some may say he deserved it. You were really beating his face up and it did bring some flashbacks of when I tried getting away from your hits. Fangs, Kevin, and Heather calmed me down, trying to make me realize that it wasn't really YOU who did it if you know what I mean".

I paused and looked at Toni as she fidgeted in her spot in front of me. I sighed and got up to lay on my couch that was to the side. I then opened my arms, in which she looked at them with a confused expression.

I made a grabby motion with my hands and she walked over to me, and I pulled her down so she rested between my aching legs. I grabbed her face and gave a small kiss on her forehead, which made her scrunch her nose adorably.

"See how I can be this close to you and everything? I'm not scared of you Toni, and I sure as hell would show if I was scared of you, no doubt. I'm telling myself that you've changed which you have and as long as you promise to stay this way, maybe even get a bit better, then we're fine".

She nodded her head, and as she looked up at me, I realized the amount of hickeys on her neck. "Shit did I do that" I asked, tracing over the hickeys with my finger. Toni nodded her head again and I murmured out a sorry.

"Now about that bitch who messed up your medication" I started off, which made Toni laugh. "Lauren got it handled" she said, but I didn't quiet believe Lauren actually handled it or Lauren would have bruised knuckles. I shrugged and then we started talking about people's thoughts on what happened yesterday.

Weeks later (December 20,2024)

Right now I was about to have an interview, when I felt my stomach churn, making me run to a bathroom. I threw up and gagged as the vomit left my mouth and groaned. I continued throwing up, until it stopped after a few minutes.

I heard my manager call for me, asking if I was okay, and I just nodded my head groggily. I really don't think I was okay though, because I have been throwing up a lot for the past 2 weeks.

My manager helped me up and brought me to the sink for me to wash my mouth out. I heard her flush the toilet for me, and she reached in her pocket to give me some gum.

I popped it into my mouth, and smoothed out my dress, making sure I looked presentable.

After I felt like I was okay, my manager and I exited the bathroom, to be told that I needed to get on stage ASAP.

I quickly walked to the area I was to walk through, and I was handed a mic to put on my dress, which I did.

As my name was called, I then walked out onto the "stage". I heard the sound of the crowd loudly clapping and I smiled as I walked over to the chair. "Hey Jimmy" I greeted with a wide smile.

"Heyy Cheryl, how is it going" Jimmy Fallon said as he stretched over to give me a hug, in which I returned. "I'm doing really good actually. How about you". He responded with a great, and we sat back down and Jimmy looked at me with a smile.

"So, we all know this isn't your first time on the show". I shook my head and said "Nope, I've been here a few times, but this definitely isn't the first time". "Well since the last time you were here, things have changed" he stated, and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah, my baby girl is now 7 and she's all grown up now" I said and the crowd did some shouts and claps. "And her other parent is back in her life again. I'm sure some of you already know that her name is Toni Topaz".

"And this Toni Topaz of yours, who is she really besides your daughter's other parent, if you don't mind me asking" Jimmy said.

"Well, Toni and I were high school sweethearts. At the beginning we really hated each other, so I guess you could say we had an enemies to lover type of thing" I chuckled, and so did the crowd.

"I actually was only 17 when I got pregnant, and I have no shame in letting others know. Shout out to all those teen moms, cause it sure isn't easy being pregnant so young" I stated, in which the crowd cheered for.

I heard Jimmy chuckle too and he said "I don't know what it feels like to be pregnant, but if it's hard for a grown woman to do, I'm sure it's probably even harder for a teenager to do so".

"So yeah, we dated all throughout high school, and into our second year of college we had some issues. Some of you may know what they were, but I don't feel comfortable saying it. We split up, I had to take care of Anastasia, with the help of some of my friends and yeah".

"We have seen some pictures from the other day of you two being really close. Are you two going to be a thing again" he asked.

"Well, it's known to everyone that Lyria, my recent ex-fiancee and I had split. I'm not sure if Lyria would like our business being spread, so I won't say the reason why. Our split was recent though, so right now I'm not trying to rush into anything. I will say that there are some feelings that are coming back between Toni and I, but nothing will be rushed. We just have to see what the future holds for us".

The crowd awed at how I talked about feelings coming back and I blushed. "Aww, is Cheryl Blossom actually blushing" Jimmy teased and I waved him off.

"Well, I'll be honest, I think you two look cute together. Don't you think so too guys" he asked, and the crowd went wild which made me laugh. "Yepp, and the crowd tells no lies. Anyways, time for some serious topics" he said, and my laughter died down.

"So rumors have been going on about you and Nick St. Clair, and there were some arguments all over social media about you and your possible new boo, Toni. Do you want to clear up some things about that". I nodded and looked at him seriously.

"I shut down those rumors about a month ago about Nick and I. I despise Nick ever since I was back in my hometown, Riverdale. He did something to me which I still remember today, and I want no contact with him whatsoever. My child looks nothing like him. If you put Anastasia next to Toni and I, she looks like us both (let's pretend she actually does guys). She has more of Toni's features though. Aaand, Anastasia has Toni's complexion, Nick St Clair is straight up pale like I am, so put the pieces together" I explained.

"So Nick St.Clair is 100% not the father" Jimmy stated and I nodded my head. "Okay guys, you heard it here, St.Clair is not the father at all, but Toni Topaz, the high school sweetheart is" Jimmy said loud and clear.

"Onto the second topic" Jimmy said and I sighed deeply. "Toni has schizophrenia actually, so she sometimes hears things in her head. Before you all think she's crazy, she really isn't. She takes this special type of medication that dials down the voices that she hears. Sometimes the voices overpower her and makes her do things that she doesn't want to do, which is what people saw the outcome of about a month ago. Some of the blame is on the boy since he continued to pester her until she just broke, but he didn't deserve all of that. All I have to say is that things just got out of control and shit went down. Toni's medication was wrong, because of the pharmacist and that's what caused her to lash out".

"Some people had arguments on why you would choose Toni over Lyria, what are your opinions on that".

"Well, Toni was my first love and she helped me realize my sexuality, which is a lesbian. She was there for me when no one else was and loved me when no one else did at the time. She holds a special place in my heart and I think she will always have that special place in my heart, no matter what happens". The crowed awed again and I smiled.

"I think that's true love right there" Jimmy joked and I laughed, dropping my face in my hands, to hide my blush.

After that, we talked more about my career, modeling, my make-up and sunglasses line. "Well that's it for today folks. It was wonderful having you here Cheryl, and I hope we can talk more again another time". "I hope so too Jimmy, and I was happy to be here" I spoke with a smile.

I got up and we hugged each other one more time before I waved at the crowd and left the stage. As soon as I took off the microphone, I quickly walked over to my manager.

"Hey can we go the pharmacy really quick. I think I may need a pregnancy test, or tests" I rushed out and she looked at me with wide eyes. "You're pregnant" she asked shocked, and I hit her in the arm lightly.

"I think I might be, I don't know, so I need those tests" I whispered and she nodded, before looking at her phone.

"You don't have anything else for today, so we can go now". I nodded and we gathered all my stuff from the room back stage and left. I got inside the car quickly, and my bodyguards entered after me.

My manager got in the front seat, and we made our way to the pharmacy. I watched as my manager exited the car and went to go and get the tests. She rushed back inside the car and handed the bag to me.

The next destination was my house, and I couldn't wait to get there. When we reached, I said bye to everyone in the car before exiting and walking to my front gate to enter the pass code.

When the gates opened, I heard the car from behind me drive away and I quickly walked my way to the front door of my house.

I'm guessing Kevin saw me through the gate camera, cause he opened the door for me.

"What happened Cheryl" he asked as he followed behind me to the bathroom. I locked the door behind him and emptied the bag, making pregnancy tests fall out.

I heard Kevin gasp and I shook anxiously as I took the tests out the boxes. "I need water" I rushed out and Kevin got a bottle of water from I don't even know where.

I gulped down the water and took a cup from the cabinet. I waited a few minutes, and quickly, I felt like peeing.

I pulled down my pants, not caring about Kevin, cause he's seen me naked before. I peed into the cup and set it down on the counter, before pulling my pants back up.

I took each of the tests, and one by one dipped them into my urine, before placing them on a piece of paper towel.

I set a timer for 3 minutes on my phone and sat on the toilet seat anxiously bouncing my leg up and down.

Kevin came and placed his hands on my knees to calm me down. "Hey, hey, whatever happens, we'll figure it out. Most likely it's Toni's so we'll have to let her know if it turns out positive and you two will work something out okay".

I nodded my head and suddenly the timer went off, which slightly scared me. Kevin turned over the tests for me and as I looked, they all read....

Haha, have to wait until next chapter to find out😋

Thoughts on Anastasia and Toni making up?❤️

Cheryl talking abt Toni during the interview?

Do you guys think Cheryl is actually pregnant?👀

I have headache so I'm going to. Hope you all enjoyed and I love youuu😘❤️

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