Fake Love *A BTS Reverse Hare...

Por AdoredbyMinAgustD

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This is the sequel to "With The First Kiss * A BTS Reverse Harem" I recommend to read that one first. But yo... Más

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Por AdoredbyMinAgustD

"What the hell!" 

He pulls away in shock and I'm completely in a daze so I don't recognize the voice right away. Only when my eyes land on his soulmate, I understand. 

Oops. Haha he's mine, no matter what you believe. I slide away from him as he looks at her with big eyes. He crosses his arms and she glares at me. Hey I was kissed. I didn't start. I did kiss him back though, but I don't care. As he's not hers, and he never will be. 

I don't believe he gave her the mark. She may claim for it to be so, but I believe he never even  kissed her. I don't know how, or why I know this, but I believe it firmly. 

The memories rush through my brain, but I can't really focus on them as I try to slip away. I don't want to be here right now. Her eyes follow me and she ignores him completely. As he realizes this, he looks to where I was just a few seconds ago.

Not seeing me has him turn on the spot til he finds me. And as our eyes lock I shrug. "She is your soulmate, you deal with her." I tell him as I stop being invisible and just walk to the elevators. I know I shouldn't entertain this, but now the memories come back slowly, the latest come first so the hurt he caused me crashes over me and this is my revenge. Sort of. 

My number one priority is sorting through my memories and asses what is weird. And then finding Yoongi. Being my complete self again has the need to find him that much stronger burning through me. 

I walk past her and she tries to slap me. Really slap? Are we children? I catch her hand and she gasps. I smile, and point at him. "Deal with him. He kissed me. So he is at fault." I release her hand and walk away. I call the elevator and when it arrives I get on. Happy to leave the quarreling couple behind. 

For now I'll go home and try again tomorrow. So I leave the building and call for a taxi. I need to wait for a couple of minutes and as I finally get into one, I see her come out. She doesn't look happy. 

Living in the dorm now will be absolute hell. Aah well, I'll survive. The Taxi drives away and I lose her line of sight. I mull through my thoughts. And I realize I still miss about two days of memories. The days before that final confrontation are still missing, but I think I know what happened. 

But not really remembering makes the impact not as heavy as it normally would. And as it's so long ago, I don't know. It's just weird. I'm weird. Why is the impact so mellow? Maybe the horror of it will come later? Or maybe this is it? I really don't remember anything. Just that picture Jimin showed me. 

The Taxi reaches my home and I pay, with tip. I get out, and as I'm looking for my key, I'm not looking at the door. 

"Hey babygirl," a very familiar voice says. I look up in horror, "what the fuck are you doing here?" I can't help but ask. I stop and look, no glare, at him. "I came to visit my girlfriend." He drawls, and I remember. He still thinks that I believe the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing. Let's play along, and see where this is leading. And I'm wondering how he planted all those fake memories into my brain. I can't ask him directly, he will deny it. 

"But I dumped you. What makes you think I would take you back?" I ask him as I cross my arms. I regard him and I see he didn't expect this. He probably thought I would run straight into his arms. Too bad for him it's the old me. The One who hates everything about him. And as I'm standing there I realize I don't have time for this. 

"Get the fuck away Luke. It's over and we will never, and I mean absolutely never get back together." I say as I walk closer to him, but more specifically the door. I think I'll move out for now. It's going to become volatile in the dorm, and Luke knowing where I live is not good. 

I push past him and he grabs me and wants to pin me to the wall but I don't give him any chance as I use the momentum to spin again and throw him against the wall. His head cracks against the wall and he groans. "This is my final warning. Leave me the fuck alone, and get lost. If you don't I won't hold back next time." I open the door and enter. And close the door in his face. 

I slump against it and let my breath go. I push off the door and enter my room. I get one bag, and fill it with my clothes. Next I get everything from the bathroom and stow that into the bag as well. 

Suddenly a knock on the door halts me in my packing. The door opens and Ame enters. When she sees what I'm doing she sighs, "did they finally scare you away?" She asks me, and I laugh out loud. 

"No it has nothing to do with them, and I'm just leaving for a couple nights. I'll be back again." And I close the bag. "Then what?" And I hear the confusion. "My ex is here, and I mean right outside, in front of the door. 

"Your ex?" And I nod. "What is he doing here?" She wonders aloud, and I get suspicious. I don't let her know I find it weird what she said, but this doesn't bode well. 

I hug her, "you let me know when I'm needed and where?" I ask her. I trust her with that at least. She nods and she looks sad, and I'm sorry I have to leave her, but if she is playing me, I need to know. And me leaving should get the others to treat her normally again right?

I heave the bag over my shoulder and leave for the front door. Before I open it, I peek through the door viewer and he is still in front of the door. Suddenly I get yanked by my shoulder, I turn and Pearl's face is right before mine. Really close. The others are behind her and I see her. She still isn't happy and glares at me. 

"You don't go kissing someone's soulmate," Pearl screams at me. I take a step back and rub my ears. "You don't have to scream, I can hear you just fine when you talk." I say as I smile at her. 

"Get angry and fight back," she screams again, and I chuckle. Shaking my head I keep smiling. And she is the second person in one day who wants to slap me. And as before I catch her hand before it can even come close to my face. I hold it tight, not hurting but also not letting go. 

"I did nothing wrong. I can't help it if he wants to kiss me instead of her. Now, I don't have time for this." I release her hand, take a firm grip on my bag, heave a deep breath, and open the door. 

The Taxi I called while packing, is just slowing down. I walk quickly past Luke and evade his grabbing hands. I dash to the taxi and get in. I tell him to take me, with a detour, he can take as much time as he wants, to a good hotel. We drive around for hours, I don't mind. He is friendly, and sometimes talking with a stranger about your problems can help. I tell him everything and he listens. At some point I see a coffee shop and I tell him to stop and wait as I get us some coffee and snacks. 

As we enjoy everything I got, sitting on a bench beside a park. "No one has ever done this for me," he tells me as he holds up his coffee. "Thank you."

I chuckle, "I don't mind. I enjoyed talking to you so far. My heart somehow feels lighter. So thank you." He smiles at me, and we sit in comfortable silence. I dispose of the trash and we get back in the taxi. "I'll take you to the best hotel." And he does. We talk while he drives, and when he finally stops before the hotel, I give him all the cash I had on me, which is a lot. And he refuses. The coffee and snacks, but more the company are enough for him. 

I don't accept, and stash the cash into his hand and curl his fingers over it, "take it. I've got plenty. Do something worthwhile with your family." I bow my head and get out of the taxi. I enter the hotel, and walk to check in. I get a room, I don't need a lot, and leave the deparatue open. Riding the elevator up, I enter my room when I've found it. 

The room is still bigger than I need and I walk into the bedroom and unload my bag into the wardrobe. The toiletries go in the huge bathroom. It's white with gold faucets and knobs. Not really my style, I don't like gold. I sink down on the couch, and turn the TV to a music channel, turn the volume down to background noise and let the memories wash over me. 

I close my eyes as I lie down. Every first kiss with them flashes trough my mind, and the arousal lights my body as I remember the more intimate moments. And the last significant memory is that fatal confrontation just before my accident. 

The arousal leaves, and hurt replaces it. As the memories have their rightful place in my mind, and I'm fully up to speed, I think. 

'He hurt me, and with him, they did too. But now they don't remember, except Yoongi, so I can't hold it against them now. Maybe I can tell them what happened, so they believe that over the memory of what happened. Should they remember at some point. Yoongi, Yoongi. What to do with him? Am I angry at him? Back then he was the only one who didn't look angry. Just hurt, but he still stepped away as I reached for him. So he believed Jimin over me. How does that make me feel? Hurt? Yes. Do I hold it against him? I don't know. I'll wait till I find him and we can talk, maybe then I know how to feel. I know I love him. Should I just tell him?' 

I doze off, and wake hours later, hungry. I check my phone, and it's around 9 pm. I get my shoes and coat and put them on. I leave after putting the keycard in my pocket with my phone. Outside the hotel I hail a taxi and get in. I had the hotel get me cash so I could pay when needed. I let him bring me to his favorite place to eat and get what he recommended to me. 

It tastes delicious, and my tummy is very happy after eating. After paying I leave and take a stroll. In the distance I see a park with a bridge, and I get curious. I walk closer and in the middle is a man leaning on the railing, looking out over the river. Getting intrigued, I take longer steps, and stop next to him, copying the same pose as he holds. 

In the corner of my eye, I see his head turn, so mine turns too. His eyes light up in recognition when we're face to face. 

"We meet again, Dove." He chuckles. He's tall, so I look up, "Dove?" And I giggle. He nods, "when I was younger, my parents once took me to see a magician, and he used colored doves. Pink, blue and yellow. But the blue one stayed with me, it had something ethereal, and free." He turns back to the river, and I'm overjoyed, Cowboy. I missed you. And I drink his eyes as he looks back at me. I wait. It feels like there should be something more. 

I always come here to think, and I find myself here a lot lately. The whole soulmate thing is bothering me. There is absolutely no physical attraction whatsoever. And mentally we don't mesh well. What to do? I look over the river and lean on the railing. I girl stands next to.me, and in the corner.of my eye I see blue, so I look at her. 

Aqua. What are the odds. Just the one I wanted to see. I need to test it. When I saw her for the first time, in the bookstore, the attraction was instant. When she was up on the stage she mesmerized me. And I was hard. Instantly. 

Why with her, and not my soulmate? And now she is in front of me. And as my eyes travel down and up quickly, I get hard again. Yep its definitely her. But why? 

"We meet again, Dove." I finally say. "Dove?" and she giggles, it's cute. I nod, as I ready my mind to tell her. "When I was younger, my parents once took me to see a magician, and he used colored doves. Pink, blue and yellow. But the blue one stayed with me, it had something ethereal, and free."

As I remember my parents, I look out over the river again. And her presence comforts me, and the memories aren't so heavy. I look back at her, "you remind me off the blue one, Dove." I tell her and search her eyes, but I don't understand what I'm looking for. 

"Have we met before?" She asks me, and I get flustered a little. Doesn't she recognize me? I know I wear a face mask, but I'm hoping she will recognize me. "Read any good books lately?" I ask her instead, and she giggles again. And the sound would fit perfectly in a song. 

"Actually I have. About hybrids. And you?" She asks, and my heart sinks into my shoes. She doesn't recognize me. I get my heart back where it belongs and answer. "It is about a man who invents a time machine. Not really great, but not bad enough to quit." 

If she doesn't know who I am, then this doesn't have any point. And I need to go back anyway. "It was great talking to you," I say as I take a step back as I stand upright. " Good day to you, and maybe we'll meet again if faith wills it so." I turn and walk away from her, even though I don't want to. I just want to have her in my arms. They feel empty, and I don't understand why that is. 

I walk back to the dorm, and get inside. I take off my shoes and walk to my room. I don't meet anyone and get clean boxers and go and take a shower. After drying off, I brush my teeth and crawl into bed. The release in the shower didn't help at all. I'm hard again as I lie in bed, and she floats through my mind. 


Whose POV is it?

Could it be Hoseok?

Could it be Taehyung?

Could it be Namjoon?

Could it be Jin?

Tell me what you think otherwise. 

Leave it in the comments. 

Have a happy life ❤

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