You will be my revenge (NEW V...

By NoNameUncreative

13.3K 480 23

The Evil Queen has been waiting for her revenge for way too long. So as word spreads that Snow White is about... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 5

799 29 0
By NoNameUncreative

5. The Dream
Trigger warning? Implication of rape.

Everything was dark. I wasn't even able to see my own hand in front of me, I started crying. She promised not to send me back but she still did, I thought, but why did I even trust her she is the Evil Queen after all. I looked up searching for that tiny light coming through under the door, but I couldn't find it. I try to get up but it feels like I am frozen, as If I couldn't control my body anymore, something definitely feels very wrong.

Suddenly the room gets brighter just like magic. It's still dark but I can see a person in front of me, no actually it's two people and there is a huge bed.

"Mom?" I ask realising who the people in front of me are.

"Killian, where am I?" I question but they simply just look at me for a long time before Killian finally moves, stepping forward.

"Why do you ask, you're Home, this is your room, honey." he says something unreadable in his voice.

"Can we go outside please, I don't want to be in the dark any longer?" I question as he steps even closer to me pulling me up into his arms so he holds me tight with a firm grip.

"Oh Emma, you will not go anywhere ever again you are mine now and the only thing you will be from now on is my toy!" he says, harshly digging his nails into my skin until i actually feel blood and scream out in pain.

"Killian please!" I try to plead, not understanding why he would do something like this, but he throws me onto the bed. I try begging him and my mom to let me go, but the latter is simply just watching.

"This is what's best for the kingdoms" she states before turning and walking out of the room leaving me with the horror I'm about to face.

I can feel Killian push up my dress, i try to fight him but he starts punching me until I can't move anymore, I am just crying now as I watch him with disgust and despair as he pulls down his pants, he looks up at me and grabs my throat digging his nails into my soft skin once more.

"You're mine, no one will ever help you!" he yells as he does what I knew would inevitably happen and I scream out in pain.

"Emma, Emma" I hear someone call out.

"Princess wake up" someone starts shaking me, I can't make out any of the words. The only thing I can think of is Killian and the way my mother just let him do that to me. I immediately shoot forward, struggling to get out of the bed I was just in and running to the door, before I feel myself being lifted into the air and pulled back onto the bed through magic.

"No, No please don't hurt me please!" I start screaming, covering my face with my arms. I can feel someone wrap their arms around me and try to free myself unsuccessfully.

"Please don't hurt me again!" I whimper and that's when I suddenly hear her voice, the Queen's voice.

"Shhh, shhh it's okay, you're here, it was a dream, it was just a dream!" she soothes calming me down as I look at the room I'm in and see the windows realizing he wasn't here, I suddenly feel very tired and weak again melting into those arms holding me tight.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to.'' I whisper stumbling over my words trying to clear my head, tears rushing down my face. The Queen then suddenly starts stroking my hair, just for a moment.

"Shh just calm down, it's okay I know you didn't mean to run, just relax, I won't hurt you!" She states calmly and I don't know why but at this point I am starting to think my mother was exhilarating while talking about the evil Queen.

I know she could hurt me or send me back to that room, but would it be worse than what might happen back at 'home' and I was for some reason pretty sure that as long as I did what I was told she wouldn't hurt me. Maybe she just needed someone who let her take care of them, someone to love her? Holy Wait Love?!?!

My thoughts stopped when I heard her voice again and there was once more something incredibly soft about it.

"Tell me what happened, what did you dream about, my princess". She whispers

"I-I I'm not I," I stumbled over my words and she started stroking my hair again which somehow calmed me down a little.

"I was back at the White Castle, at least I think that's where It happened" I didn't want to sound so weak but my voice was shaking, the Queen didn't interrupt me she just waited for me to continue.

"I - I was in a room and there were no Windows just a door a-and then he was there and .. and my mom." I explain and at the mention of her enemy Snow White the Queen's grip grew tighter around me.

"He.. he told me that I - I belonged to him and that - " my whole body was shaking now "..that I would never be allowed to leave and then he- he dragged me onto the bed an he- he-" I couldn't go further I couldn't explain what I saw and what happened I was shaking badly.

"Shhh it's okay sweetie, he can't get to you here, I assume it was that prince you were talking to at that ball? I heard you yell at your parents because of some wedding plans?" She asked I couldn't answer so I simply nodded.

"Is that why he said you were his? But why would Snow just watch?" she questioned obviously trying to make sense of what she had heard.

However It took me a few moments until I was able to answer in my still shaken up state but to my great surprise the Queen simply continued to hug me not pushing me to tell.

"They were going to make me marry him the- the wedding was supposed to- to be the week after the ball and my- Snow said it- it- I had to d-do what's best for the- for the k-kingdoms." I whimper and at those last words I started crying again, how could my parents be so cruel.

To my surprise the Queen didn't ask anymore questions she just turned me around in her arms so that I was now facing her and kept stroking my hair.

"He can't hurt you here, none of them can, I know what you felt and even if it was just a dream something like that is horrible and I do hope it never happens to you and even though it might not feel that way right now, you are safe here, little one!" she whispers kissing my forehead before pulling me closer and I buried my head in her neck not caring anymore who my mother told me she was, right now she was here holding me, comforting me and even if it was just a scheme to break me and destroy my mother, in that moment I really didn't care, maybe it wasn't and if it wasn't I'd want to get to know her for her. I cried for a while until I felt myself slowly drifting into a deep and dreamless sleep.

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