Gravity Chronicles Book 4: W...

By the_shy_wallflower

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Summer Clark is a newcomer to Gravity Falls, Oregon. Her parents sent her here, so she could be safe, when re... More

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By the_shy_wallflower

I didn't move as the creature grinned and floated to me. It's almost white hair flowing behind her like flames. Her green eyes pierced into my soul.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked.

The creature grinned even wider. "I am Mabel, a dream demon. You look familiar. What's your name?" Her voice was so sweet, but she looked so dangerous.

"S-Summer Clark," I stuttered.

Mabel narrowed her eyes and studied me. She even circled around me a few times. Then she got a huge grin. "Now I know. You're from the Clark pack. A werewolf family."

"I'm not a werewolf," I lied. But Mabel waved her finger at me as if scolding me.

"Bad idea to lie to me, Summer," Mabel said. "You see... I know everything. You can't hide anything from me. Your father's name is Frank Clark and your sister's name is Winter. Shall I continue?"

I stared wide eyed at Mabel. She really is a dream demon.

I looked out the window and saw the sun started going down. I need to get to Winter's. Tonight isn't the night I transform, but sometimes it happens early. I want to be at her house.

"Look, it's been nice chatting, but I really need to go," I said turning to leave. The door shut without someone touching it. I turned around and saw Mabel with a big grin on her face.

"Why leaving so soon?" Her smile grew wider, if that was even possible. "Let's play something I call, Attic Junk Mini Golf." Then a club appeared out of nowhere. It had blue flames all around it. This cannot be good. "Fore." She swung the club and it hit me right in the head. I groaned and clutched the wound. I slowly took my hand away from it, it was covered in blood. Black spots started blocking my vision. Then I hit the floor, unconscious.


When I opened my eyes, I was in Winter's front yard. How did I get here? "Summer!" I heard Winter yell. I looked the direction of the yelling, and my older sister was running to me, with her hood up. The sun was just vanishing over the tops of the trees. She helped me up and dragged me to the house.

When we were safely inside, Winter pulled her hood down and looked me over. "Are you okay?" she asked. I saw her canine teeth were sharper than usual. One of the effects before transformation.

"I'm fine," I said, not looking in Winter's eyes. Winter didn't say anything else, she just hugged me tight. I didn't hug her back.

"The sun was going down and I had no idea where you were. I just don't want to lose you."

"I told you I'm fine. I'll be in my room until sunrise," I said, walking to the staircase. Winter didn't say anything. I didn't say anything to her. I've done is for years with Dad. He always made Mom and the rest of us kids in our bedrooms at night. Mom was from another bloodline so she never transformed.

My eyes stung from tears thinking about my siblings. I was the eighth child. There was someone younger than me, one of my brothers, but he died, just like the rest of them.

When I made it to my room, I wiped some tears that had gotten loose from my eyes. When I was finished, I laid down on my bed and put my hands over my eyes. I can't cry. Not here.

Then I got that eerie feeling again, like someone was watching me. But this time, it felt different. Like rather than observing me, someone was watching over me. Kind of like a guardian angel.

I sat up in my bed and tried to shake the feeling, but it wouldn't go away. What is up with this room? Every time I come in here I feel something weird.

I threw the thought from my mind and started thinking about the town. Tomorrow I will explore more of it. Hopefully, I won't run into Mabel again, or any kind of horrible being.

I sighed and took my hoodie off. I had my black tank top on underneath. I looked at my right arm and almost screamed. A symbol was carved into my arm. It was a triangle surrounded by a circle. There was dried blood around it. How did I not feel pain?

I started hyperventilating. Mabel must have done this. If she has done this, this probably means she's not done with me. She'll be back. I'll see her again.

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