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"Winter," I said. I stood at the top of the stairs. I wanted to ask Winter a question. Well, I have a lot of questions, but there's only one I really need an answer to.

Winter turned to me. "Why did you tell me not to go outside without your knowledge?"

Winter sighed. "Summer, this is a dangerous town. I just don't want you hurt or killed. I left you to come to this town because I figured Mom and Dad would never come here. I guess I was wrong."

I nodded and went into the living room. I thought Winter loved me. But she never wanted to see me or my family again. I never wanted to come here. I hate Winter and I always will hate her. She caused my parents pain and she's one of the reasons why all of my siblings are gone except for her. I hate her to the core, and nothing can change that.

Someday I will go in that basement. I will find out what Winter is hiding. And she can't stop me.

"Winter!" I yelled. "I'm going out for a while!"

"Hang on!" Winter yelled back. She took five minutes to walk to me. She had walkie talkies in her hand. "Take this with you. Just in case. Remember your hood."

I nodded and took the walkie talkie. When I opened the door, I put my hood up and put the walkie talkie in my pocket.

When I walked outside, I could tell right away something was different already. An old man with a white beard ran by the house, which was weird because the house was three miles away from the main road.

I sighed and started walking up the three mile long road. I'm not used to walking this far just to get to the town, but I need to build up my strength. My transformation is just a few days and I don't want to be weak.

When I finally left the road, I sniffed the air. Something smelled like death and anger. I turned around and saw I was facing the entrance to a forest. Well, might as well soothe my curiosity.

I put my hands in my hoodie pocket and walked into the forest. I saw on a tree was an old sign that was an arrow. It said 'Mystery Shack'. I had no idea what it was, so I went the way the arrow was pointing.

I walked through the woods and saw more and more signs like the first. Then I came to an old building. A lot of the letters were gone, but I knew this was the Mystery Shack.

It looked interesting to me so I walked closer until I came to the door. When I had my hand on the doorknob, I pulled out my walkie talkie to make sure it was still working. Sure enough, it was.

I took a deep breath and turned the doorknob. The door opened with creaking. The inside was even creepier. It looked abandoned and some of the items were creepy. I saw a weird bobble head and shivered a little.

I walked through the shop part, and went through the door that had a sign that said, 'Employees Only'. This place is abandoned so I went through the door. The next room looked like a living area. There was an old television, a couch, and a chair.

I walked through the living room and saw there was a staircase. I walked up the staircase as cautiously as I could. The smell of death and anger grew stronger. There was something up here.

When I made it to the top, I froze at what I saw. Something with long, blonde hair was looking out a triangle shaped window. And it turned to me.

Gravity Chronicles  Book 4: WelcomeWhere stories live. Discover now