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The next day, the triangle was still on my arm. Before I left my room, I put on my hoodie so Winter wouldn't see. I don't want her to worry. She might not believe me anyway.

As I walked up the stairs, I felt the same feeling that I felt last night. Like a guardian angel is following me. I tried to ignore it, but it was like a ghost was following me.

When I walked into the kitchen, the feeling vanished and I went to refrigerator. I got some orange juice out and drank straight from the carton. When I finished, I found a note on the table.


Won't be back til four in the
afternoon. Don't leave the house no
matter the cost.


I crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash. I'm going out today. I want to explore Gravity Falls.

When I finished eating, I put my hood up and went outside. It was just like yesterday, sunny. I looked around the house for anything I could use as transportation. When I went in the garage, I found a bicycle. I got on it, and rode out of the garage into town.

As I rode through the town, I could sense fear in the people around me. Everywhere I went, people either stared at me, or hid behind something. These people are jumpy. I stopped the bike in front of an old tent with a sign that said Tent of Telepathy. I didn't go in it though. Not after what happened yesterday.

I stayed at the tent for a while. Then I started riding my bike to the other side of town. To the edge. For some reason, something drew me to it. I didn't stop riding until I saw the sign that said, You are now leaving Gravity Falls.

I stopped my bike, and just stood by the old sign. Then I got goose bumps on my cheek. That's weird. I put my hand where the goose bumps were. I wonder what made that happen? But I didn't stick around to find out. I turned the bike around and rode back into town.

As I rode through town, I decided to stop at some of the stores and restaurants, see if they're still open. I was beginning to get hungry, so I stopped in front of a wooden restaurant.

When I walked in, a bell rang over my head. I expected everyone to look at me, but everyone continued to eat their food. I went to the bar and sat down on a stool. A teenager gave me my menu. I'm surprised that this restaurant is still in business, considering the look of the town.

"One order of cheese fries with a Pitt Cola," I said putting the menu down. The woman wrote my order down and took my menu.

I got out of my stool, and went to the jukebox. I put a quarter in and started looking through the music. I cringed at the old Sev'ral Timez songs. I've heard one of their songs before, and I've never really liked them.

When I picked a song, I walked back to my seat. It wasn't ten minutes before my cheese fries and Pitt Cola came. I ate the fries like no one's business. I really should be eating meat, to build my strength up, but this one thing of cheese fries couldn't hurt.


After I finished my cheese fries I decided to leave the restaurant. But before I went to the door, someone pulled me back and into the shadows. "Dude," I said. When I got a good look at him, it was the crazy old man that ran in front of Winter's house. "Who are you?"

"The name is Old Man McGucket," he whispered. "I just wanted to warn you. No new person has been in this town for over thirty years. The people here are the survivors from thirty years ago. And tomorrow is the anniversary. You need to get out of here."

"Why?" I said challenging.

Old Man McGucket glared at me. "You don't know what you're getting into. You'll be in danger like the rest of us. Just remember. If you see a boy with brown hair and kind of looks like a spirit. Tell him we need him. He's one of the only people that can destroy her."

Then the crazy old man walked away from me. I gave a baffled look and left the restaurant. What was up with that?

Gravity Chronicles  Book 4: WelcomeWhere stories live. Discover now