Never Forget (Male Reader X M...

By La_Flame20

62.6K 1.3K 153

what do you do when those you trust let you down? what do you do when those you love get hurt because you did... More

It's Beautiful, Isn't It?
Bring It On, Fate, 'Cause I'm Ready
It's My Turn to Win
Not Today. Nice Try Though
And So It Begins
Back To School
Sorry for the delay
I'm sorry, But I Have To Know.
She's Too Good At This
Yay, Dinner With The Enemy
That Was Easy
Not Strong Enough, Sweetie
Round 1, Start
All Good Things...
Reset to Status Quo
And So It Begins

Trust Me, It's Not As Bad As It Looks

4.2K 105 7
By La_Flame20

Yn let go after her kiss and they stood still hugging each other when Juleka's eyes widened before she kicked yn away. She clutched her head as she screamed in pain.

"What's wrong? Juleka. What's wrong" He turned to ladybug with a pleading look. "What's happening? What's happening to her?"

He tried to snap her out of it but she kept on screaming, tossing and turning pushing him away from her.

"Hawkmoth is trying to take control of her. We have to get the akuma."

Ladybug got back into a fighting stance while cat noir did the same.
They nodded to each other in agreement before cat noir dashed to hold juleka. Yn tackled juleka down when she kicked cat noir away.

"Juleka listen to me. It's me, Yn. I here with you." All his attempts to reach her fell on deaf ears as she screamed even louder, frantically clawing at him kicking her legs around.

Ladybug seizing the opportunity raised her hand up and called out "LUCKY CHARM!"

A red flare gun appeared out of nowhere and fell into her hands.

"Okaayy, even though this is a bad situation I think we can handle it. No need for help." Cat-noir said with wink.

I'll figure something out. Just help Yn. Ladybug's sharp order to Cat-noir startled him a bit but he focused on Yn and Juleka/Reflektor struggling a few feet away.

Yn struggled to hold juleka down even with the help of cat noir. Her strength seemed to have tripled somehow.  Her screams of pain rang through the halls echoing again and again. She kept flashing between herself and Reflektor. It hit Yn like a flash; a way to save her.

"Jule if you can hear me, you have to let go, let him take over." He nodded when she glanced confused at him for a split second. "Stop fighting hawkmoth. Trust me. Please."

She nodded slightly and suddenly went limp. Cat-noir raised an eyebrow at Yn when he let go and stepped back.

"Why did you say that. She could gakk-"

He flew across the room to crash right into the wall. A cat noir shaped outline was what remained when he staggered back to his feet. He snapped his jaw back in place with a wet click.

"Are you OK?" Ladybug run to check on him feeling along his face.

"Uh huh. But a kiss from you will make me a thousands times better." He nodded making kissy faces at her. He was clearly in pain but always will be Cat-noir.

She rolled her eyes and was about to scold him when wild laughter from behind called their attention.
Reflektor had taken full control of juleka and was standing there laughing. She stopped and turned to them when hawkmoth's holomask formed on her face.

"I've had enough games." She declared in two voices, hers and hawkmoth's. "Those miraculous would be mine."

Cat noir turned to ladybug with a questioning look. "What's the plan?"

"I think I know where the akuma is. Follow my lead." She replied before swinging on her yoyo line around reflektor. Cat-noir extended his pole to vault after her.
Yn grabbed a nearby chair leg and threw it at reflektor, calling her attention to him.

She grinned before catching it in midair and throwing it back. Yn ducked and rolled out the way, glancing behind him to see her right above, coming down with a leg out trying to kick him. He sidestepped it, blocked the follow up punch but she hit him in the side faster than he could react. He flew straight into the school's main switchboard, breaking through the protective case. Thousands of volts ran through his body, faint arcs of electricity forming around him. he was motionless before falling over face first.

A deep feeling of satisfaction settled in Hawkmoth/Reflektor's chest. "That'll teach you to interfere in my plans." She didn't gloat long as she had to jump back to avoid being hit with cat noir's pole.
"You won't get me so easily." Her smile faded when she realized he hadn't tried to attack again. She looked back only to see ladybug shoot the flare at her. It's brightness blinded her and she fell helplessly out of the air.

"Now. Cat-noir, use your cataclysm." Ladybug called to Cat-noir also falling herself.

"Right. CATACLYSM." He raised his hand high and a dark energy gathered in his palm. Reflektor fell right onto his outstretched hand. Her purse which was strapped to her hip absorbed the destruction energy and disintegrated. Her phone fell to ground and slid away from them.
Reflektor pushed cat-noir off her and tried to get to it. LadyBug swung forward also reaching for it. But reflektor got there first, knocking ladybug down as she picked it up.

"That. Was. a close one." She let out a sigh of relief while ladybug and cat-noir drew their weapons again. "I already told you. This time I win. You can't beat -"

"Hey reflektor. This yours?"

She turned sharply to the voice behind her, the voice of a person who shouldn't be standing right now but yet here he was. Worse he was holding her phone.

"What! when did you?" She looked down to see her hand was empty.

"Give me that now." Her face distorted in rage at the constant thorn in her side. Yn smirked before nodding.

"You want it? Come get it." She threw herself at him but he dropped the phone and crushed it.

"Nooo. No no no." Reflektor cried out in despair, falling to her knees when the holo-mask disappeared with yn kneeling by her as the akuma flew out of the broken phone pieces. Ladybug had been waiting ready for this moment.

"Time to de-evilize." She captured it with her yo-yo and after a while released it sending it off with a friendly wave. "Bye bye, little butterfly."

She threw the now empty flare gun in the air. "Miraculous ladybug"

Mystic energy flew around repairing what was damaged and healing those injured. Yn stayed by juleka as the Reflektor evaporated away and she passed out falling into his arms.
Taking a look around and satisfied that everything was back the way it was, the heroes fist bumped said their signature catchphrase: 'POUND IT'

The victory was cut short when yn's increasingly loud voice reached them. He cradled juleka to him trying everything to wake her up but nothing. Wake up please wake up. Say something.

He turned to the heroic duo, helplessly holding onto her pale, still body. The only words he spoke were:

"Why won't she wake up?"

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