OUT OF MY LEAGUE || Wilbur So...


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[SLOW UPDATES] He made it his job to annoy her for the rest of her life, and to also protect her from any for... More

. . .


611 20 14

Jules was very pissed off.

After dancing the night away with Will, Jules received a call that she'd be going to her dad's workplace to start learning the basics on music producing.

Of course she asked Will to come. But he declined her request with the excuse that he had a stream to do and videos to record.

She understood that of course, it was how he made most of his money after all.

But blatantly ignoring her for almost an entire day by leaving a text after he left was a really shitty thing to do.

Not Romeo
Sorry, im gonna be really busy today, pls dont bother texting or calling
Will call u later

"What's got you all down in the dumps?" asked Jeremiah as he took a seat beside her on the couch.

"William's been ignoring me," frowned Jules as Jeremiah shook his head smiling slightly at her.

"You two have always been inseparable. I'd suggest giving it a day or two," he leans back on the couch as Jules let out a sigh.

"Yeah, but it's almost been a whole day!" Jules didn't get it either, sure maybe Will needed his space, but why would she feel so upset over this.

"Hm.. Well, we are talking about Will here, plus it's only 5pm Julie," teased Jeremiah, causing Jules to pout and lay back on the couch.

"You need some cheering up," exclaimed Jeremiah as Jules felt him get up from the couch. "We're done here right? Let's go chill somewhere," he offered her his hand to get up which she accepted.

"Thanks, Jerry. But er- no offence, why are you here? You don't do music stuff,"

He shrugged at her as he kept his hold on her hand, "Just wanted to hang with you and see you work,"

"Oh- uh-" Jules stuttered causing him to let out a chuckle, "Flattering, I know. Let's go. I'll be your William for the day!"

She threw him an unamused look, "He's not MY William,"

"Well.. you are the only person to call him that and besides, he follows you around like a puppy, you basically own him by now- no wait actually, its the other way around," joked Jeremiah, causing Jules to punch his arm lightly.

"Ouch, please don't ever forget that you've had ten years of karate lessons because that was a hard hit," teased Jeremiah as Jules rolled her eyes at him.

"Mm.. nah. I basically gave up the second year so you're probably just weak as fuck," she challenged.

"I could literally carry you and throw you into the fountain outside, BUT since I'm such a nice person, I won't," replied Jeremiah, chuckling as he started walking.

Jules smiled at him before following him.


"So.. Julie. What have you been up to recently?" asked Jeremiah as he drove them to an ice cream shop per Jules' request.

"Right, hm. You've done photography before right? Well I started streaming recently," Jules thought out loud, earning a chuckle from Jeremiah.

"Photography and streaming technically aren't the same thing, but since it's you, I'll let it slide," Jules slowly felt slightly embarrassed upon realising what he said,

"Ahem! Anyways, yeah. I've started streaming, and I will say that it is INCREDIBLY successful," Jeremiah raised an eyebrow at her before replying,

"No offence or anything Julie- but like surely Will had something to do with it?" he meant for it to be a tease but Jules let out a huff in annoyance,

"Well.. sure he was the one that suggested it, and set up everything, and tweeted about it," she mumbled.

She heard him let out a chuckle before she felt a hand on her head, "I'm sure you've done a great job entertaining them," said Jeremiah before removing his hand.

Jules looked out the window and covered her face with her palm, hoping he wouldn't see how flustered she was getting.

"But Julie, can you really juggle two jobs?" asked Jeremiah as Jules frowned slightly upon realising.

"I probably could, seeing as how I've literally got nothing else to do," she replied smoothly as Jeremiah let out a soft chuckle, "Knowing you? You probably could. But, I don't mean this to be offensive, you should quit streaming when you.. you know.. get serious in the music industry,"

They both stayed quiet for a bit, Jules unsure of how to feel about his words, whilst Jeremiah was waiting for her response.

Finally, she broke the silence,

"Jerry, I get that you're trying to look after me. But I'm not gonna quit doing what currently makes me happy. This goes for your whole photography thing too," she knew it'd struck a nerve. The boy had given up photography for the sake of taking over his parents' business. While everyone else supported his decisions, Jules was the only one who had the guts to tell him that it was a stupid idea.

Jeremiah lets out a chuckle as he shook his head softly, "You are one of a kind, Julianna,"

Jules scrunched her eyebrows in confusion, but shrugged it off as soon as Jeremiah turned on the radio.

The rest of the car ride was quiet, both of them enjoying what was being played on the radio, occasionally making jokes here and there.

After getting some ice cream, Jeremiah offered to bring Jules to a skate park nearby.

"You used to skate right? I know a few people there that'd gladly borrow us their skateboards," Jeremiah said as he continued eating his ice cream.

"That's cool. I might be a bit rusty though," Jules thought out loud causing Jeremiah to snicker, "I might be a bit rusty though," he mocked her, causing Jules to roll his eyes.

"I'm serious! It's been a while since I've skated. After breaking my wrist a second time, William literally came into my house one day and smashed all my skateboards," Jules frowned slightly as Jeremiah lets out a laugh.

"Of course Will would do that. He cares for you a lot," Jules let out a scoff as Jeremiah bumps his shoulder to hers- well, arm, considering how short Jules was compared to Jeremiah and Will.

"I'm being serious, Julie! You two are so close that people could easily mistake you two as a couple," Jeremiah added as Jules raised an eyebrow, "Was that what you thought of us?"

Jeremiah smirked at her as he put an arm around her shoulder, "Nah, I've known you two my whole life. You guys are too awkward to even think about making the first move,"

Jules rolled her eyes and smacked Jeremiah's chest lightly, causing Jeremiah to let out another laugh.

The two continued to walk to the park with Jeremiah's arm still around Jules. She didn't mind at all, even though she'd had a crush on him during highschool. Because of the fact that she hadn't seen him in so long, she'd managed to shoo most of those feelings away.

Plus, she knew that Jeremiah would never look at her as someone that's more than just a friend, just like how Will wouldn't either.

"Well, here we are!" said Jeremiah, letting go of Jules, who's now slightly flustered upon realising how close the two must've been while walking and talking here.

A few guys soon waved at the two, which caused Jeremiah to wave back at them, "Those are my mates. Come on, I'll introduce you to them,"

Jules smiled slightly as Jeremiah lead them to three guys,

"Jeremiah, mate! I see you've been well," said the brunette, "Yeah, it's been too long. We thought you'd ran off with that other chick that kept dragging you around," said the blonde, which was surprisingly the same height as Jules.

"Looks like we were wrong," added the guy with dyed hair as he eyed Jules. Despite the hair colour being unique, she thought he looked extremely attractive.

"Aha, yeah. I'm back in town for a bit, to do business and whatnot. Anyways, this is Julianna, although she prefers to be called Jules," Jeremiah grinned at her as the boys stared at her, causing Jules to feel slightly flustered.

"Uhm, hey," she raised a hand to wave slightly at them as they shot her a grin, "Nice to meet you, darling. The name's Brett, with two T's," said the brunnette.

"I'm Liam and the guy with the atrocious hair colour is Jamie," said the blonde as he referred to himself and the guy with the dyed hair.

"Jere doesn't often bring his chick friends here, do you skate?" asked Jamie as he smirked at her challengingly.

"Oh yeah, she skates. She's better than me, dare I say," Jeremiah nudged Jules slightly as Brett and Liam let out "Ooh"'s.

"Don't listen to Jerry, the only reason why he's spouting nonsense is cause his ego is probably the same size as his micro penis," Jules smirked, causing the four to laugh out in surprise.

"I like this chick already. Say, what's about you show us some moves?" asked Jamie as Jules shook her head, "I'd just get nervous and fall, I haven't even stood on one of those in ages," Jules pointed to his skateboard.

"Well, that's just not good now is it? Boys, why don't you guys go show Jules your moves, Jeremiah you can take my skateboard while I keep the little lady company," said Jamie as he handed Jeremiah his skateboard.

Liam and Brett didn't hesitate to get on their skateboards whilst Jeremiah eyed Jules hesitantly.

"Go on, I'll be fine. You practically dragged me all the way here, eager to skate. Go show us some tricks," Jules shoo'ed him away as Jeremiah lets out a chuckle.

"Alright, but if Jamie is boring you, let me know," teased Jeremiah as Jamie lets out a scoff, "Cocky bastard thinks he gets all the girls out of us four,"

Jules lets out a chuckle as they both walked to a bench nearby to sit down and chat.

"So, you live around here?" asked Jamie as Jules shrugged, "Well, sort of. I live a bit further from here, but I do have a friend that lives close by,"

"Oh, yeah? How come I've never seen a pretty lady like you around these parts?" he asked smoothly, causing Jules to feel flustered, "Uh.. well, I guess fate never brought us together,"

"Cute," Jamie said as he scooted closer to Jules, "So.. can I get your number? If you don't have anyone of course," he asked as Jules felt slightly shocked, but regained her com-posture immediately afterwards.

She flashed him a small smile before reaching in her pockets to grab her phone. She hesitated slightly, not sure why.

Just as she pulled her phone out to ask for his number instead, a voice interrupted them,

"Ahem. That's my future wife your flirting with,"

Jules jumped slightly and turned around to find none other than Will standing there, cross armed.

Jamie lets out a chuckle as he stood up, "I think you're a bit delusional there mate, why don't you run on back to wherever you came from yeah?"

Jules stood up and automatically stood beside Will as said man rolled his eyes, "If you even think for a second that you'd get her to go out with you then you're the delusional one here mate," he mimicked him as Jules suppressed a laugh.

"The hell? Jules, can you believe this guy?" Jamie looked at Jules to back him up but she simply shrugged, she was definitely not gonna pick sides.

"Yeah, why don't you scram. I'm picking her up so we can go choose our 50 cats for our marriage day," Will said as Jules lets snort, a cough followed after as an attempt to hide her almost laughter.

Will started dragging Jules away as Jamie stood there in disbelief. Jules simply smiled and waved at the man as she walked away with Will.

"Really? 50 cats?" asked Jules as Will lets out a scoff, "That was the first thing that came to mind, you try coming up with things on the spot. Besides, you barely said anything except stand there and laugh. Heck, you almost gave him your bloody phone number!"

"Well, technically. I was gonna ask him for his instead-"

"That's besides the point. He looked so.. dodgy. Where was Jeremiah anyways?" Will asked, with a hint of anger in his tone.

"He's off skating. Also, just because the guy had sexily dyed hair, doesn't mean he was dodgy. Actually, how'd you know I was here with Jerry?" Jules shot him a look, which he ignored as he continued to drag the girl.

"I texted him, duh. He told me he was with you. Also, he did not have.. sexily dyed hair, it looked like some unicorn vomited on it instead," Will mumbled angrily as Jules lets out a chuckle.

"Well, for someone that ditched me all day, you sure are jealous," Jules teased as they got to Will's car.

"Get in," he simply said as he got into the driver seat, leaving Jules to get in the passenger seat herself.

Throughout the car ride to God knows where, Jules wanted to open her mouth to tease or make conversation, but something about the atmosphere made her change her mind.

Finally, Will stopped at a beach. As he was parking his car, Jules checked the time, it was almost sunset. Jules and Jeremiah had spent all day together.

"I prepared a little picnic for us at our spot," Will suddenly said as Jules let out a hum.

"Let's go then," Jules said as they both got out of the car and started walking side by side.

"You know, you shouldn't be hanging out with Jeremiah that much if he's just gonna ditch you like that," Will said, causing Jules to let out a snort,

"He didn't ditch me, I told him to go skate without me. Plus, I was gonna look for a certain someone, but he basically told me to fuck off and wait for a signal to stop fucking off," Will lets out a laugh.

"I had a video to record with Tommy, plus I also had to set up this whole picnic," Will said as he grabbed her hand to gently pull her to walk even faster.

Jules didn't know why, but the simple gesture made her heart skip a beat.

Ignoring the feeling she replied, "Yeah? Well this picnic better be extrao- woah,"

As they finally arrived at the spot, it had been decorated with fairy lights and two chairs with a small table. It was simple, yet Jules knew how hard it must've been for Will to do all this on his own.

"Damn. What's the occasion?" she looked to him as he simply shrugged in response, "Just thought we'd celebrate you becoming an official streamer, and to also wish you good luck on your soon to be job,"

Jules lets out a disgusted noise as she took a seat, "Don't even remind me. I love working in the music industry and all, but I don't know if I'd wanna do it now, y'know?"

"As someone who LOVES creating music, I'd say you're an absolute fool for thinking that. But then again, as your friend, if you think you're going too fast then you can always talk to your dad and take a step back," Will said as he sat down with her.

Jules stayed silent for a moment before replying, "Best friend," she corrected him as they both shared a smile.

"You're stuck with me forever, Julianna," said Will.

"The same goes for you, William," replied Jules.

And just like that, the two enjoyed their day with a bit of food and drinks.

Jules :) | Juwullery
really pulled a ghostbur on me , but u r forgiven @WilburSoot :)

> Wilbur Soot | WilburSoot

> Penny | PennyLetsPlays77

> Jeansz! | GenshInImpactPlayer813

> dream | dreamwastaken
What are those?

> joshua | gamingboy780

> emi | emiwasnotfound

*(Reminder: Travel ban is not applied, as Covid doesn't exist in the fanfic)*

> karl :) | KarlJacobs_
Maybe we should hang out soon, also u guys are adorable !

> quackity4k | quackity4k

> karl! | honkkarl

> Jules :) | Juwullery

> ellie | ellieispogchamp

> Wilbur Soot | WilburSoot
No :)

> BadBoyHalo | BadBoyHalo
Aww Wilbur better not drop you q-q

> quackity4k | quackity4k

> BadBoyHalo | BadBoyHalo

> lemoney | sweetlillemon
lmaoo poor rat

> Jules :) | Juwullery
let's hang out soon bad !

> BadBoyHalo | BadBoyHalo
Yes! :D

> Corpse Husband | Corpse_Husband

> Jules :) | Juwullery

> TommyInnit | tommyinnit
Uh oh Wilbur became a simp

> Tubbo | TubboLive
Is this what they call "hoes before bros"

> Jules :) | Juwullery
hi tubbo !

> TommyInnit | tommyinnit

> Tubbo | TubboLive
oh hi mysterious lady you look nice today :D

> Ranboo | Ranboosaysstuff
Nice save

> TommyInnit | tommyinnit
That was disappointing

> Jules :) | Juwullery
tubbo is my favourite !

> Tubbo | TubboLive

> Ranboo | Ranboosaysstuff
I'd really prefer if you reconsider that once we hang out

> Tubbo | TubboLive

> Jules :) | Juwullery
i doubt you could change my mind but yes let's hang out soon !

> Ranboo | Ranboosaysstuff

> Wilbur Soot | WilburSoot
Hi stranger :)

> Jules :) | Juwullery
hello good sir .

> millie | BeesAreAwesome

> Jae | PoggieJaeHearts
pls just date already

> LookieDooki | OhWowLookAtThis
imagine they run away together.. jkjk.. unless..

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