Karna The Mortal God


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What if when Kunti abandoned Karna Surya Dev the Father of Karna save him and take him to his lok Surya lok w... More

Karna Birth
Sangya accept Karna as his Son
Kunti Marry Pandu
Birth of Kauravas and Pandavas
Karna goes to Parshuram
Karna Vs Indra
Karna return to Surya lok
Karna to became Dev
Bleesing from Gods
Karna Vs Arjun
War on Drupad
Krishna visits Suryaprasth
Karna Slays Arankasur
Pandavas in Rakshasavrat
Dhristdyumna The Fire Born Prince
Draupadi The Fire Born Princess
Duryodhan Yuvraj Abhishek
Krishna meet his Sakhi
Invitation of Swayamvar
Karna's Birthday
Draupadi Swayamvar
Karna Draupadi Marriage
In Search of lost Pandav Prince
Visiting Hastinapur
Pandavas Arrival
Finding Answers
Karna Kunti
Karna Kunti Confrantation
Indraprasth 2
Pandav Wife's Cast
Unknown Fellings
Krishna's Boon
Nakul Naiytri
Journey to Dwarka
Saving Subhadra
A Proposal for Naiytri
Nakul Naiytri Marrige
Nakul Naiytri Marrige 2
Welcoming Newly wed
Arjun Subhadra Vivaha
The End of Asurasur
Blissful Night
Good News
Cravings + 9 Month's
Rajyasuya Yagya
Revenge of Humiliation
Karna In Patal Lok
Dyut Sabha
End of Vanvaas
Agyatvas In Matsya
Keechak Vadh
Virat War
New Generation New Entries
Attack on Hastinapur
Sambha abducts Lakshmana
Uppandavas In Matsya
The First Meet
Tara's truth
Aditya Saves Tara
Propsal of Peace
Krishna Vishwarrop
Mission To Dwarka

Arjun's Exile

1.9K 108 32

1 Month passed after Nakul Shadev marrige Nakul was still in Dwarka and in Indraprasth 2 People's were getting closer

They are Arjun and Subhadra and everyone has noticed that

Kunti Pov

From the time I met Subhadrka I want her as my Kulvadhu and looking at them I think they love Eachother I think I should talk to Krishna and Balram about their Marrige

Meanwhile in Hastinapur

Shakuni- Those Pandavas has establish relation with many powerful Kingdoms including Vidarba and Chedi but I know those 2 Kingdom never help Pandavas

Dushasaan- But why Mamashri

Shakuni- Because both Kingdoms are rivals of Krishna that's why they never help them and that Shishupal only Krishna is in the Universe who can kill him

Duryodhan- How is it possible

Shakuni- It's a long story I tell you years ago Chedi raj Dhamaghosha and his wife Shrutasharava blessed with a son
He was Shishupal but he was not normal

Dushasaan- Not Normal what do you mean

Shakuni- Shishupala was born with three eyes and four arms His parents were inclined to cast him out but

Duryodhan- But what

Shakuni- They were stopped by an Akashvani not to do so, as his time had not come. It also foretold that his superfluous bodyparts would disappear when a certain person took the child into his lap and that he would eventually die at the hands of that same person

Duryodhan- So that means that Krishna took Shishupal into his Lap

Shakuni- Yes the Extra Eye and Arms disappears so only Krishna can kill him that's why in wars Chedi has been never defeated and if defeated no one can kill Shishupal

Dushasaan- But why you telling this to us

Shakuni- I am telling you this because my Spies in Dwarka informed me that Krishna has advised Karna to perform Rajyasuya Yagya of that Karna performed that Yagya then that Karna will became Samrat of whole Aryavarth

Duryodhan- No Mamashri the Crown of Chakravartin Samrat is mine it belongs to me I can't let him perform Rajsuya Yagya do something we should stop them now

Shakuni- I have a plan

Duryodhan- What

Shakuni- If Karna or that Draupadi if they commit a Sin then they cannot perform the Yagya

Duryodhan- A Sin Mamashri those Pandavas follow Dharma and who follows Dharma can't do any Adharma

Shakuni- Who said this the people who follow Dharma can't do Adharma

As he remembers what happened with Gandhari years ago

Shakuni- Mera Bacha their many ways

Duryodhan- Like

Shakuni- If Karna kill a Bharamin then he will not able to perform Rajsuya Yagya he performed the killing of Bharmain

Duryodhan- No Mamashri As far as I know Karna he can't do anything like this

Shakuni- I know this Second if he kills the Horse of Ashwamedh Yagya

Duryodhan- Imposible because no kingdom is performing Ashwamdeh Yagya and If any kingdom was performing then it was captured by any Kingdom of they have strength any it not reached till Indraprasth

Shakuni- Third if Karna kill a Cow then he will perform Sin of Killing a cow and who ever do this gods don't bless them easily

Duryodhan- Mamashri but how will Karna do like this

Shakuni- We don't have to anything this work he will do it for us

Duryodhan/Dushasaan- But Who Mamashri

Shakuni- Come with me

Shakuni take Duryodhan and Dushasaan to a cave

In Cave

Dushasaan- Mamashri why we come here

Shakuni- You will get to know

They reach their Shakuni close here eyes start chanting a Mantra

Dushasaan- Jyshat what is Mamashri doing

Duryodhan- I don't know Dushasaan keep quiet and listen

Suddenly Shakuni open his eyes

Shakuni- Dishmukh come I Ghandhar Raj Shakuni has invoked you

Suddenly a Black cloud come from somewhere and land on the ground
That cloud transformed into an Asur

Dishmuk- Parnipat Gandhar Raj

Shakuni look at him

Shakuni- Dishmuk now Time is come to return the favour

Dishmuk- As you say Ghandhar Raj years ago saved my life and give me permission to live in the cave of Ghandhar I can do anything for you what I have to do

Shakuni- Listen you have your Mayavi powers and make Karna to kill a cow of Bharmin so that he cannot perform Rajsuya Yagya they are in Indraprasth

Dishmuk- As you say

Shakuni- And Remember use you power yo disappear on correct time

Dishmuk- As You say Gandhar Raj

He disappeared


Arjun was making new strategies for the Army he was busy when he heard the sound of Payal and recognize it

She was Subhadra

Arjun looked at her and Subhadra was coming

Arjun- Stop their

Subhadra- What happened Rajkumar Arjun

Arjun- don't step their

Subhadra- But why

Arjun- I have put Mayavi chakra here if you step their you will fall into Patal and no one can save you

Subhadra- So what I do

Arjun- Step their

Arjun- Now their

Arjun- And now their

Subhadra reached near her

Arjun- Well Rajkumari Subhadra you Dance really good

Subhadra- What

Arjun laugh

Arjun- Their was no Mayavi Chakra

Subhadra get's Angry on Arjun and start leaving

Arjun hold her hand

Arjun- Where are you going

Subhadra- Far away from you

Arjun- Don't say that

Subhadra see Arjun eyes she see love for her

Subhadra- Bharta Krishna Rajkumar Nakul and Rajkumari Naiytri are coming today so I will be leaving for Dwarka for Tomorrow or a Day after or a after week

Arjun- And If I wish that you stay here for forever then

Subhadra- Then you have to talk my Bhartashri

Saying this Subhadra run

Arjun looked at her

Arjun- I should talk to Mata and Bharat Karna they will talk to Madhav

Meanwhile somewhere in Indraprasth Dishmuk reach near a Bharmin house used his Maya on a cow and release it

Dishmuk- First phase complete time for second phase

He saw some soldiers who were on patroling he attacked them and defeated and killed some soldiers

Dishmuk(laughing)- Call your Coward king say that his death has arrived

They soldiers run towards place to inform Karna in the way a soldier meet Arjun

Arjun- What happened Soldier

Soldier- Senapati an Asur has attacked Indraprasth he killed the soldiers who are with me on Patrol

Arjun- What

Soldier- Yes he challenged Maharaj Karna he said his death is arrived

Listening this Arjun get Angry

Arjun( Anger)- Where

Soldier- West coast jungle

Arjun- Don't inform Maharaj Karna I will handle it by myself

Arjun leave the palace in anger and reach west coast and another soldier tell Karna everything and the other soldier who told everything to Arjun he also tell everything

Karna- Arjun I have to go

Bheem- Jyshat Vasudev is about arrive Arjun wilk take care of that Asur

Karna- No I am feeling it's a conspiracy
Because from the time we build Indraprasth no Asur has attacked us suddenly

Shadev- It's a sudden attack

Karna- You all stay here and I'll go and stop Arjun

West  border jungle

Arjun- Where are you Asur you challenged my Jyshat look his Anuj has come to fight you

Dishmuk- I have listened that Karna is very Brave but he is not he is hiding behind his younger brother

Arjun- I come here by myself and I am enough for you if you defeated me then my Jyshat will fight with you

Dishmuk used his powers to attack Arjun arjun counter it Dishmuk throw Rock's on him Arjun counter it with his Astra

Dishmuk used his powers and became giant and start laughing he throw a giant tree and then rock but Arjun destroyed it Arjun use An Astra and he became Normal

Arjun- Now you will Die Asur

Arjun launched an Astra Dishmuk saw the cow he move backward and on correct time he disappeared the Arrow strike the cow and the cow dies

Arjun get shocked what just happened with his hands he killed a Cow

Arjun(shouts)- No

Arjun was standing Numb The family of that Bharmin reached their and saw their Cow dead they break into tears

Bharmin- Who did this

The Bharmin look at Arjun

Bharmin- Senapti Arjun you did this

Karna reached their he was shocked looked what just happened

Karna- Arjun

Bharmin- Maharaj look what your Anuj has done he killed my innocent cow he will get punishment for this

Karna- Bharmain Dev I will give you 100 Cows but forgive my Brother he is innocent an Asur attack here our soldiers informed us in Anger Arjun left to fight that Asur

Bharmin- A lie don't lie Maharaj it not suits you if I take the life of your Brother then forgive me were is that Asur if he has attacked and fighted Rajkumar Arjun then he must be dead  where his body we have heard that Rajkumar Arjun defeated Maharaj Drupad if that is true where is the dead body of that Asur show me Maharaj

Karna looked down

Bharmin- You don't have an Answer of my question he gets punishment and you to Maharaj

I Bharmain Dev Vijay curse you both


They heard the voice and he was Krishna

Krishna- Parnipat Bharmin Dev Bharta Karna

Karna- Parnipat Keshav

Krishan look at Cow he feel the pain of the cow

Krishna- Parth

Arjun- Believe me Madhav I have not done it intentionally

Bharmin join his hands

Bharmin- Vasudev you do justice Rajkumar Arjun killed my cow and Maharaj is supporting him trying to hide his crime

Krishna- Bharmin Dev I know what happened with you it's wrong but Parth has not done it intentionally an Asur used his Maya first on the cow and then he challenged Bharta Karna but before that Arjun reached and start fighting with that Asur when Arjun was about to kill him he vanished and the Arrow hit your cow

Bharmin- So you are supporting Rajkumar Arjun

Krishna- No Bharmin Dev I am supporting who is right

Krishna saw what happened to that Bharmin

Bharmin (join hands)- Vasudev I am sorry but I have said I will curse them

Krishna- Bharta Karna has not done any mistake so he is not touched by your words but Parth is you have to complete it

Bharmin- I can't curse him he is innocent he is innocent he was following his Dharma as Senapti to fight that Asur but he has to spend 3 Years in Exile away from his family

Karna- Bharmin Dev now pls accept the Donation of 100 cows from me

Bharmain Dev just nodded and left with his family

Krishna- We should go back to palace

They all 3 left

In Palace

Kunti was restless from the time he heard the new that Arjun went to fight An Asur

They all 3 return

Kunti- Arjun are you fine Putra that Asur didn't harm you right Karna you are also fine na

Saying this she hugged them

Arjun- Mata I have done a Sin

Kunti- What are you saying Putra my Sons can't do any Sin

Arjun just left the place

Kunti- Karna Krishna what happened tell me

Yudishter- Jyshat tell us what happened

Draupadi- Arya what happened what Sin Bharta Arjun was talking about Sakha you tell us

Karna narrated everything what happened their

Kunti fall on ground

All 5 present sons reached near her

Kunti- Arjun has to go again on Vanvass no Krishna do something

Krishna- I can't Bua it her Niyati

Subhadra was crying in his room when she get to know what happened

After sometime Arjun get ready to leave for his exile

Arjun took the blessing of Kunti and then Yudishter Bheem he hugged Nakul and Shadev he moved near Karna he was about take his blessing when Karna hugged Him

Karna- Till the time you will not return I will not wear the crown of Samrat I will not Perform Rajusya Yagya

Arjun- But Jyshat

Karna- Don't say anything

Then he took Blessing of Krishna Krishna hugged him

Krishna- Where will you go

Arjun- I will go in East Direction

Krishna- When you were returning first come Dwarka

Arjun- As you say Madhav

Arjun looked Subhadra who cried alot


Dishmuk inform Shakuni what happened in Indraprasth and Shakuni was happy that for some time Rajsuya yagya was stopped

Meanwhile in Palace

Bhanumati get unconscious

Duryodhan take her to his room

Duryodhan- Dasi call Raj Vaidya right now

Raj Vaidya arrived In Duryodhan room

Duryodhan- Raj Vaidya check what happened to Bhanumati

Vaidya Nodded and check Bhanumati Dhithrashtra Gandhari and Bheeshma arrived in his room

Gandhari- Putra what happened to Bhanumati suddenly

Duryodhan- I don't know Mata we were talking and she get unconscious

Raj Vadiya complete the check up

Duryodhan- What happened to her Raj Vaidya

Raj Vadiya- Yuvraj it's a good news Yuvrani is pregnant

Everyone gets happy

Duryodhan- I am going to be a father

Raj Vaidya- Yes and

Duryodhan- And what

Raj Vaidya- Yuvrani is Carrying Twins Yuvraj soon she will get consciousness

Raj Vaidya leaves

Duryodhan- Twins Mata I am going to be a father of Twins

Gandhari- Yes Putra

Bheesham- Congratulations Putra

Dhithrashtra- Taatshree I am going to be Pitamaha of Twins and you Paar Pitamaha the Next Generation First successor

Gandhari- Where is Bhartashri and Dushasaan Arya they will be so happy after knowing this news

Duryodhan- Specailly Mamashri I want see his reaction

Bhanumati gets consciousness and she wake up

Bhanumati- Arya what happened to me

Duryodhan look her wife

Duryodhan- Thank you Thank you for giving me the best news my life

Bhanumati- What are you saying Arya Mata Pitashri Pitamha what is happening

Gandhari- Putri Thank you so much for me making me Grand Mother

Bhanumati- Grand Mother

Duryodhan- Yes Bhanumati we are going to be parents you are Pregnant with twins

Bhanumati place her hand on his Womb

Bhanumati- I am Pregnant

Duryodhan- Yes

Tears happiness fall from Bhanumati eyes

Duryodhan- Why are you crying

Bhanumati- These are tears if Happiness Arya

Then Both Duryodhan and Bhanumati take the blessing of Dhithrashtra Gandhari and Bheeshma they left

Duryodhan- I love you Bhanumati

He kissed on his forehead

Bhanumati- I love you Arya

Duryodhan softly place his hands on Bhanumati womb

Duryodhan- And Love you to

Soon Shakuni get to know about Bhanumati's Pregnancy and he was very happy

Precap- Arjun Subhadra Vivaha

Today is my Birtday guys so I am posting Double update

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