A Court of Secrets and Shadows

By _____Amour____

79.8K 2.3K 333

When Azriel was born, he was born with a twin. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

2.5K 74 14
By _____Amour____

****That is what Delia looks like.

(Nyx POV)

Nyx woke with a pounding head, she did not often get hangovers but she felt like her brain was on fire. Though she knew she drank heavily she knew the real reason her head was splitting at the moment. Most of the night was spent making false memories in a the way Orin taught her too if she ever encountered others who can pry into minds. The other half of her night was spent playing the role of Delia to the Prince and Princess.

She opened her eyes and looked at the drapes of the large unfamiliar bed she was in. The drapes were a dark red color, washed out by the black ceiling they were under. She was alone thankfully, even though she did not sleep alone last night and she fought the shiver of disgust that went up her spine. She always knew Brannagh and Dagdan shared everything but to be laying in their bed with ghosts of their hands over her body made her stomach twist. They were surprisingly loving bed partners. She assumed they would be like that with each other but would be violent with her but they worshiped her body like she was a goddess. Go figures they would be submissive in bed, another thing of Hybern that she was shocked to find out. She figures they could give pain to anyone they want whenever they want but for a bed partner they might act differently.

She cursed herself for going into this with her prejudice. The twins for all their sadism, were still just Fae. She shouldn't have assumed the way they would act in front of enemies would be at all similar to how they acted when they were supposedly safe.

So she laid there staring up at the drapes and started her mantra. "My name is Delia Helith of Hybern."

When she started to wonder what her real name was she got up, not allowing her brain to fill in blanks. The more she fell into Delia the more she convinced herself she was the petite brown haired Fae.

Her thighs ached as she swung her legs over the side of the bed grimincing as she felt the echos of Dagdans cock between her legs. He didn't finish inside her, his sister thankfully objecting to that but he was still plenty sizable, especially considering she hasn't had a male for a good five years.

The room was impressive, last night her vision was filled with the twins so she never got a chance to look around, the walls had beautiful paintings on them. Several doors were in the room which she assumed to be to the bathroom, closets and the hallway. There was a small dark grey couch and chair on the right side of the room in front of a smoldering fire place and a small table. On the opposite side there were dressers and a large white fur carpet. The rest of the floor was sleek dark wood that went beautifully with the black walls. There were candles all over the room that were lit up despite the large window behind the bed spraying sunlight into the lit room. All in all it was a beautiful room.

Nyx stood fully nude and looked to the ripped blue fabric of her dress and winced. She didn't have much money and she was planning on wearing that more than just one night. She wondered, running her fingers along the couch pleased with the soft feeling it possessed. Where she assumed Hybern would have harshness she's only seen it's softness.

They were so similar to the Night Court it made her homesick. They used their reputation just as the Night Court did, to dissuade enemies from their shores. The only differences was when it came down to it, they would gladly enslave lesser Faes and humans alike. Where the Night Court provided freedom, Hybern had chains.

Nyx never understood that, humans were weak where Fae were strong, aged where Fae stayed youthful. Hybern shouldn't need slaves let alone human ones. But it was all about power and little else. They saw the humans as beneath them and sought to control and play with them, despite humans having little to no power to stand against them. It was cruel, morally unjust, and to be completely honest quite stupid of them to go to war over.

She closed that train of thought knowing it would just drive her mad to try and understand the reasons behind Hybern. Instead she walked to one of the several doors in the room and prayed it would be a closet not a hallway. She opened it with a small candle in hand for it to be lit up and smirked when she chose correctly. It had to be Dagdans closet seeing as it was mostly filled with male clothing. Her hands slide along his clothes feeling mostly silk and satin before plucking a red dress shirt out from its place in the closet. She slide it over her head and it covered her entire body down to mid thigh. She was quite shorter than both twins in this body.

Nyx then looked through the dressers until she found a pair of Brannagh's panties that were a similar color to her twins shirt and pulled them on.

She found the bathroom after that and brushed through her hair and fixed the makeup she slept in. Once she was done she laid across the bed, a book in her hands from the large bookshelf in the room, and an crystal glass full of amber liquid. She barley got into the first hundred words into History of Sword Making, which she could already tell would be boring, before a door swung open both twins both gliding into the room.

Both twins were wearing a dark purple outfits and Nyx smiled shyly at them going to stand and properly address them but Brannagh waved her hand to tell her she didn't need to bow.

"I didn't expect you to still be here." Brannagh said and Nyx chuckled lightly.

"I might've been gone, My lady, but it seems that my clothes are less than wearable." She told her gesturing to the floor.

Brannagh blushed lightly and Nyx found it charming despite who she was.

"Ah yes, I'm sure my brother is sincerely sorry for that-" she was cut off by a noise of objection.

"We all know that was you, dear sister." Dagdan said a teasing smirk on his face while he pressed up against Brannagh.

"No matter, I'll call a seamstress to get you more clothes." Brannagh told Nyx who smiled appreciatively.

"And if I wish to see you again, My Lady?" Nyx asked hoping the answer would be yes.

Both twins shared a glance almost out of surprise.

"You don't have to if you do not wish too Delia." Dagdan said almost shyly and Nyx wondered if the sadistic twins were truly a facade.

"Why would you think i wouldn't, My lord?" Nyx asked genuinely curios.

Brannagh scoffed lightly. "We're siblings to start, not many appreciate our love."

"It's true, I do not understand it. I would never imagine my sister and myself together. But that doesn't mean I can't see the love you hold for your brother My lady. I can see how much you love him despite only knowing each other for a few hours. I would never be able to look down on your love despite not fully understanding it." She told the two and it's almost true. She never imagined herself with Azriel in any way like that. But it is genuine love between them. Not to mention Fae aren't indifferent to incest if the time calls for it, Cousins have been mated, as has siblings in rare accounts.

"Hmm. Your more surprising than I thought you would be little bird." Dagdan told her and she grinned.

"As are you, my Lord." Nyx told him without lying.

"And how did you picture us to be?" He asked her and she took a sip of the liquor and gestured to the bed, they joined her.

"May I speak plainly. My lord and Lady?" She lightly asked and getting two nods in response she started.

"I've heard the story's of course. Of how after your mother passed the two of you became attack dogs for our King. A noble job but one that required you to become cruel. I assumed that is what you would be- cruel and unable to love anyone but each other. You were at first." She told them truthfully. "When we were still in the bar. Your hands gripped too tightly and I was scared to be honest. But eventually as the night got quieter your touches became softer and your presences more welcoming. I was confused for at first. But as time went on the more and more I became curious. Of the two of you, the way you would look together in bed, the way you would respond to my own touches and more. And when you did invite me into you bed I only became more curious. Curious on how some of the supposedly cruelest Fae submitted so beautifully to each other and myself. I woke this morning and wondered if I would be able to push you more and just how much you would allow me to do with you." Nyx told them her voice slightly above a whisper as she looked into her glass.

Fingers ran along her jaw and tilted her head until she was face to face with Brannagh. The Faes dark eyes seemingly black with lust. Nyx allows herself to be pulled into the kiss. She felt Dagdan pressing up behind her and felt him press kisses to her neck. It didn't distract her from the dark claws pressing their way into her mind and she put forth what they wanted to see. Relying on her false memories and the truth she littered throughout her words to appease the twins. She moaned and felt the claws withdraw, either they got what they wanted or they got distracted by her.

She pressed against Dagdan as Brannagh pulled away. The twins shared a kiss with each other, Nyx sandwiched between them. She brought her hands to the dark haired females waist and petted gently knowing the cruel female only wanted comfort in this dark world, which Nyx gave easily.

"What do you want us to do?" Dagdan asked her when he pulled away from his twin panting lightly.

Nyx turned in his grip to look him in his eyes and pressed a light kiss to his collar bone.

"I want to watch you fuck your sister." She said watching as his pupil disappeared and he let out a low growl capturing her lips with his.

*gross incest sex that I refuse to write*

Nyx wiped her mouth with the back of her hand pulling away from the convulsing female with pride. She has always been quite skilled at sex but her partners being satisfied always brought slight pride to her even if it was for a mission. She was rung out collapsed in between the twins. Brannagh moved her head to rest lightly on Nyx's chest, her inky black hair sprawling across her stomach and Nyx ran a hand through her hair bringing her face into the light more. She could not deny the beauty Brannagh held, but it was nothing compared to the one who held her heart.

They didn't rest for more than a moment before the doors got knocked on, which made her jump with surprise.

Brannagh chuckled, "Its a servant, don't worry." She said but still pushed herself into a sitting position wrapping the sheets around her waist but not bothering with her chest. Nyx on the other hand pulled them up further but moved until her own head rested in Brannaghs lap. She molded herself into the role the servants would expect without hesitation, the role of the whore. Brannagh petted her neck lightly smiling softly at her before her entire persona changed when she looked away.

She watched as the twins entire composure switched into the Fae she met last night and wondered if they could only be themselves with each other.

"Enter." Dagdan called when his bed partners were covered well enough. He didn't bother, lounging stark naked and watched with narrowed eyes as a small male entered the room. His gaze immediately was on them before quickly diverting his eyes. He bowed deeply.

"I brought food and drink. My lord, my lady." He said eyes trained on the floor, still deep in a bow.

Nyx waited with the room wondering when the twins would speak.

"Bring it." Brannagh said her voice akin to ice. And the male turned and brought back treys of food setting it on the table in front of the fire place. He stood next to the table waiting to be dismissed his eyes on the floor and Dagdan ran his hand over the swell of her breast, lightly dancing over the nipple. Nyx moaned softly, still overstimulated from the round they had moments before.

When the males head lifted from the spot on the floor she immediately knew it was an unwise choice. She didn't allow herself to wince when his knees cracked on the wooden floor. She knew he was no longer in control of his mind.

"You dare grace your eyes on her?" Dagdan asked his voice softer than she's ever heard but filled with a dark threat.

Brannagh laughed cruelly as the male shook his head fiercely.

"I'm sorry, My lord. I di-" his voice was choked out.

"Perhaps I should cut them out then." Dagdan told the male who eyes were shining with tears unable to be shed.

Nyx tensed at the threat for show more than actual freight. She has seen and probably done worse, but Delia hasn't.

Dagdan felt her, and glanced down for a moment none of the gentleness there anymore as he croned out "And what do you think dear, it was you that he stared at so disrespectfully."

She hesitated with her answer only to feel the black claws from earlier pet her mind soothingly. Brannagh's voice filled her head. If you wish to stay with us, you mustn't show weakness to those beneath my brother and I. And if you are with us you are above him.

"Wandering eyes are harmless, it's his tongue I'm worried about. I would hate for my first night here to be spoiled by servant gossip." Nyx purred, nuzzling her head against Brannagh stomach. She knew that the twins wouldn't just allow this male to walk away freely. He was unlucky serving the twins on this morning, she knew  gossip that came with a new partner wouldn't be kind. People would question who Nyx was, if she made them weak, if she was something that could be exploited. They had to make an example out of someone to let it be known she was not to be touched or even looked at in fear of their wrath, in all honesty she feels almost touched with how quickly they came to like her. Though she does tend to have that effect on people. She looks at Fae and without any mind powers can figure out just what they want and how to make them trust her more. She says the right words, looks the right ways, and acts how they would want her to act.

The servant whimpered lightly and she was drawn back to him looking with slight pity for what was to follow. Nyx only hopes that the servant would rather have his eyes than his tongue.

Dagdans dark eyes narrowed, a flash of delight speeding across them. "Your quite correct. You wouldn't be a male prone to sharing gossip would you?" He asked without looking up.

Nyx watched though as he violently shook his head, he opened his mouth to say something only for his jaw to clamp down. Blood spewed down his face instantly, as did his now severed tongue. Nyx blinked lethargically, she didn't quite know how she imagined them to cut it out but that wasn't what she expected.

"How sad, he ruined the rug." She said watching the white fur stain a dark red. Brannagh's claws danced in her mind with amusement and slight joy, happy to see her new companion taking her life in stride.

Dagdans face though twisted in annoyance. "Take the rug and leave. Now." He commanded to the man, who was still forced to kneel until he dropped the control on him and he fell to his stomach. The servant twisted in obvious pain, but whether he was terrified or forced by one of the twins he got to his feet quickly and half ran ran out the door once the rug was properly rolled with his tongue somewhere in it.

Once the door was shut fully, Nyx scrambled to her feet. She pushed through the bathroom door quickly and forced herself to throw up. Delia didn't have the stomach for violence.

She felt the presence of the twins behind her and didn't flinch when her hair was pulled away from her face. Brannagh hummed soothingly to her while Dagdan chuckled lightly.

"I remember the first time I took someone's mind. I made them choke. It was an accident, I was angry at a tutor and wanted her to stop talking. I got my wish, it was also the first time I killed someone, I couldn't get her to breath no matter how hard I tried. I threw up for hours after the fact. Until my sister pulled me out of it. Then I realized the power I held. Able to make someone do anything I wish without objection. It was a power trip, it still is. But you my dear, you have none of that power and you still looked at that male and punished him accordingly. And quite brilliantly might I add. Would've been a waste for me to take his eyes." Dagdan told her and Nyx fell into Brannaghs arms while staring at the male leaning in the doorway.

"It was easy. I didn't think it would be to watch that, but it was. I think I only threw up because I wanted to be disgusted, I felt angry with myself that I'm not." Nyx told the two and it was so similar to words she shared with Orin long ago.

Dagdan's eyes dilated, and he smiled at her. "You continue to surprise little bird."

"Let's get you cleaned up." Brannagh told her and helped her to her feet. They were sitting on the couch only moments later.

Nyx was sandwiched between the two, both of them picking food out and putting it on her plate but she didn't touch it.

"He was so powerless." She finally mummered. "You could've done anything to him and he wouldn't have been able to move." She felt both twins tense slightly almost afraid of what she was to say next. "I can see how it would be a rush." She said breathlessly.

Brannagh's bell like laugh came unexpectedly. And the female smiled down at Nyx. "I once made these noble girls I hated dance like water wraiths in front of some males they fancied. I've never seen a Fae so red before in their lives." Nyx giggled at that too, delighted at the scene her mind pulled up.

The rest of lunch went that way. Well into night the twins shared little stories of their powers and the way things worked around the castle. At one point Dagdan even mentioned his annoyance with the amount of generals wandering the castle, which Nyx carefully shuffled away in her memories. Every name mentioned, meeting complained about, location dropped she filled it away, pleased with each sliver of information she could get her ears on.

Despite how inclined Dagdan was to call her little bird she knew what she really was in those moments. A fox fully prepared to manipulate, trick and if necessary kill her way to Rhea. The one thing not allowing her to slip fully into Delia, was the constant thought of her love. Hidden away from the twins dark claws, was Rhea.

Ew I'm sorry I fucking hate incest but yolo i couldn't imagine any other way for a Nyx to get in hahah. But don't worry she hates the twins and everything but like understands them at the same time. Also I wanted Nyx to see the twins in a different light then others do and that's why I put them as submissive. Also it just makes sense seeing how they are constantly supposed to be like horrible people, I could see them being submissive bed companions in response to always being in charge.

Anyways let me know how you liked this chapter! I live reading your guy's comments!


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