Will it last? (Discontinued)

By salty_reads

27.9K 677 152

Y/N has a crush on a certain potions teacher she daydreams in class and doesn't pay attention surely this can... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors note (important)
Authors note (important)

Chapter 16

741 23 0
By salty_reads


I wake up and feel coldness, I turn to my side and see that Severus is not there I don't think anything of it so I get up and get ready for the day I head down to the great hall for breakfast and join Matt and Issy for breakfast they both look at me and Issy says "so Y/N where were you all weekend" I just look at her and say "I got attacked by Angelina Professor Lupin found me and took me to Snape as Madame Pomfrey is on holiday I was out for a day and half" they just nod and Matt says "I swear to Merlin I'm going to kill Angelina when I see her" me and Issy laugh and I say "don't worry I already have something planned for when I see her" they both laugh and say I bet you do, just then Angelina and her 'minions' walk in she clocks me and walks straight over to me she grabs me by my hair and pulls me up out of my chair and throws me to the floor and screams "STAY AWAY FROM DRACO Y/N HE DOESN'T EVEN LIKE YOU, YOUR A GOOD FOR NOTHING SLUT" I just laugh and stand up and say "I'm a good for nothing slut I'm not the one throwing my self at the whole of Slytherin and any one else who will take you for a shag I mean I would say a good fuck but my Merlin Angelina even Blaise said your shit in bed" everyone bursts out laughing at this and she stares at me in shock and says "ye right whatever Blaise was just joking he knows I'm the best person here to shag" I just laugh and say "ye sure whatever but I don't think anyone is gonna wanna shag you anymore I mean who would anyway" she looks at me and pulls her wand out and shouts the spell "avada Kedar-" before she can finish the spell I've already pulled my wand out and said the spell "expelliarmus" her wand goes flying out of her hand and seeming as she is know not able to cast any spells I use the spell "Petrificus Totalus" to paraylze her I then take this opportunity to punch her in the face multiple times not giving a fuck that everyone is watching that is until Severus walks through the great hall doors sees me punching the living daylights out of Angelina and coming over and dragging me of her, he drags me out of the great hall and to Dumbledores office we wait over 15 minutes before Dumbledore, Lupin, McGonagall all walk in and say..

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