By myjflower_101

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"๐—œ๐—ณ ๐—œ ๐˜๐—ผ๐—น๐—ฑ ๐˜†๐—ผ๐˜‚ ๐—ฎ๐—ฏ๐—ผ๐˜‚๐˜ ๐—ฎ๐—น๐—น ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ฑ๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ธ๐—ป๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜€ ๐—ถ๐—ป๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—บ๐—ฒ, ๐˜„๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—น๐—ฑ ๐˜†๐—ผ๐˜‚... More

Chapter 1: Way out
Chapter 2: Donuts
Chapter 3: Slow Brandy Words
Chapter 4: Don't Believe Me
Chapter 5: You've Seen It
Chapter 6: Rich Cousin
Chapter 7: New Disaster
Chapter 8: First Blaze
Chapter 9: Second Blaze
Chapter 10: Memorandum
Chapter 11: Friends
Chapter 12: Library
Chapter 13: Cognize My Sadness
Chapter 14: Rising Restlessness
Chapter 15: We're Not in Love
Chapter 16: Beg No Avail
Chapter 17: Word Of Honor (Horror)
Chapter 18: False Incrimination
Chapter 19: Inner Clash
Chapter 20: Dangerous Throwback
Chapter 21: Enclose a Beginning
Chapter 22: Trapped bars and feelings
Chapter 23: Blague
Chapter 24: D.I.M 2
Chapter 26: Traitor
Chapter 27: Micheal
Chapter 28: Divulge A Mystery
Chapter 29: Random Ransom
Chapter 30: Hope
Chapter 31: Piping Blather
Chapter 32: Exchange
Chapter 33: Depraved Affection
Chapter 34: The Wrong Heir to the Throne
Chapter 35: Insentient Love
Chapter 36: Pressurized Snow
Chapter 37: Haunting Progress
Chapter 38: Helpless
Chapter 39: Garden of Myths
Chapter 40: Lie to me
Chapter 41: Unruly Inferior
Chapter 42: A Year
Chapter 43: Traitor In a Dilemma
Chapter 44: World Disasters
Chapter 45: Killing Machine
Chapter 46: King of Veracity
Chapter 47: Progress
Chapter 48: One Team
Chapter 49: This Isn't You
Chapter 50: Rekindling Connections
Chapter 51: Buried Truths
Chapter 52: Verdict of Fury
Chapter 53: The Pendant
Chapter 54: Welcome Back Micheal
Chapter 55: My Name
Chapter 56: Risk
Character Q&A: Getting to Know the Cast
Character Q&A: Your Questions Answered
Chapter 57: Tension
Chapter 58: The Retrial
Chapter 59: Cutie
Chapter 60: Stirrings Of The Soul
Chapter 61: Sealed It
Chapter 62: Only You Babe
Chapter 63: Stay Away
Chapter 64: Deceptive Royal Guard

Chapter 25: Royal Scheme

16 3 5
By myjflower_101

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

5:50 P.M


"All the preparations have been made, your majesty"

"Shut your trap."

Dark heterochromatic eyes sent a glare that immediately vandalized any temerity the creature had. The prince made his way to the door, not before glancing at the creature, a gesticulate to follow him which directly got implemented to.

"I can't believe this," The prince complained in a modulated voice. The upshot of being royalty for his nineteen years of life.

"What's wrong, your majesty?" The creature flew around his shoulder causing a vein to visibly appear on the side of the prince's forehead.

"You dare to ask me what is wrong when all of this is your accountability?" Veldra frowned as he walked quickly in the long hallway.

"No, your majesty. I apologize."

"Keep it, you useless animal," He grumbled lowly.

The prince made a turn to the right and walked for a while until he reached a wide corner with less decorative pieces all over. He put his hands behind his back in a loose lock while staring at the map layed out before him. It seemed to be of high quality technology and his frustration percolated slowly upon looking at the screen. It showed a red dot; his quarries were on the move according to plan.

"Keep watch over this and if anything goes wrong, you won't be let off the hook this time easily, yeah?" He narrowed his eyes slightly and the flying creature quickly nodded in fear.

"Good. I'm going to the throne room," He said before heading off to the mentioned place. As soon as he entered, he walked over to the door on the left side of the high throne and stepped inside. He closed the door behind him before going to lay on his king sized bed.

'A king sized bed for a future king,' Veldra smirked faintly as he stared at the ceiling. He couldn't wait for the final stage of his plan to be completed after so much setting up. Prince Veldra wasn't satisfied with the whole dimension and it's entire human race he owned and ruled, if they can be considered humans. He knew of the existence of another dimension and thought it was boring how none of them were capable of using supernatural powers like over here in D.I.M 2.

However, all of that changed when Cesal reported to him that there might be a possibility of some people who were gifted with supernatural powers in D.I.M 1. Veldra wasn't the type to believe something easily, but had second thoughts about the word from his wingman because it was coming from his most loyal pet after all. After telling him to investigate further into it, Cesal had just started to become excited to use his powers for his master and please him.

People in D.I.M 2 were devoted to their ruler. Their prince.

Veldra knew just how much power he owned, but still wanted more and the only way he could prove to the world how potent he is, was the acquisition of D.I.M 1. There was a serious impediment holding him back from his legation which he found out about and that was the reason his plan started in his first place. First, he needed to know who were the supernatural powers holders. According to Cesal's daily reports, it was a person named Zen and another named Cicero.

Eliminating both of them was the most unexacting and brisk choice and that's exactly what he tried to go for.

There was many ways he could kill Zen and Cicero as long as Cesal could teleport into D.I.M 1. The blue head's supernatural power was teleportation and amending. It was a great convenience for him; having a useful pet and all. He advised him to not engage in close combat in view of the fact that their combat skills was a blind spot for them. The technique in order for the trial of the assassination of Zen an Cicero was bombing the school they go to.

But, it didn't go well.

Therefore, he switched to another method which was another bombing attempt. The thought was on the edges of his brain because he acknowledged its benefits more than anything. It was fast in causing death for anyone around it. As well as a beautiful scenery for everything in the vicinity. Whether they get injured or not, seeing the smoke curve around the blazing fire as it shoots up and destroy everything around it. It was beautiful.

A great chance to display such panoramas of domination.

The bombing of Jiryu's mansion was their second retort and it's main goal wasn't to necessarily kill Zen or Cicero, but rather their allies. Jiryu's information wasn't hard to get a hold of due to his popularity amongst businesses. Killing him off, would cause the duo sorrow and pain.

That also didn't go well.

The bombing weren't working out and so he had to change his plans once again.

His current retort was now in action and it was planned out carefully.

There's no way it can go wrong. It will be perfect.

After all, he did gain a new alley.


Zen blinked in puzzlement when he felt something cold and wet perch on the top of his head without warning. He looked up before touching his head and feeling an iciness on his hair.

"It's snowing," Kazuo vocalized as he shook his head from the falling snowflakes.

The place was really started to get colder and the wind wasn't blowing harshly, but it carried a frosty temperature that was enough to make to get the person with the thickest clothing to palpitate.

"I don't care," Zen said, puffing a little.

Kazuo stayed silent for a while as they walked through the unfamiliar place. He glanced at Zen who had a irked expression on his face. The guy's nose was starting to increase in a pink tint from the chilly weather, giving away his intimidation. He didn't see Zen as a terrorizing guy even though he usually gets mistaken for one ascribable to his harmless ability to easily get ticked off at anything. Kazuo knew how to read and identify the type of a person as soon as he studies them for a while and Zen wasn't not violent neither too subtle during his anger moments.

Once the redhead calms down, his intelligence surges to above average, although, he doesn't get to Cicero's level. Kazuo was sure that Cicero knew Zen more than anyone else. As much as Zen is angry, he never saw the red head's ego reach as size as big as the world; which meant that he wasn't too self-absorbed.

The raven head didn't realize that Zen stopped walking and engaged in a conversation with a random girl. He walked back a few steps to see what was going on.

"So if I don't know the time, that means I'm from another dimension?" Zen scoffed. Kazuo looked between them.

The girl wore pointy sunglasses and had a notable bright red lipstick on. She had her blonde hair tied into a slick ponytail with a beanie on her head and wore a light brown fur coat along with a long sleeved red dress.

She gave Zen a dumbfounded look, "Well, you don't know the time in here and we consider time to be precious because Prince Veldra says so."

"Prince who?" Zen frowned.

"Oh my god! I can't believe you don't know the prince. You're not from here. How'd you get into this dimension?" She removed her sunglasses as if to take a better look at the red head,"Not bad."

Zen grimaced slightly, "I'm fifteen."

"You didn't answer my question. How'd you get into—Hey!" She yelled when Zen snatched her phone from her hand. The red head quickly pressed the home button and the screen showed up before him, all while he tried to avoid her swinging attempts to grab her phone back. He took one look at the screen.

6:20 P.M

He allowed her to take her phone back.

"Jeez! You outsiders are weird as hell," She looked at Zen and Kazuo with impudence and walked away dramatically, her ponytail swinging side to side angrily.

"Six-twenty," Zen mumbled and shoved his hands into his pockets, "That isn't much of a difference, right?" He looked at Kazuo.

"Actually, there's no difference at all," Kazuo revealed, "When you went to talk to Cicero, it was one in the afternoon. The black hole appeared hours after that. It was around five in the afternoon. Now, we've been in this place for a while, so I'm guessing an hour has passed."

"I thought I might figure something out if there was a time contradiction," Zen explained, "Still and all, the month and day were completely different."

Kazuo raised a brow, "You sure?"

"It was ten weeks or so back in time. That makes us fifty two days behind our normal dimension," Zen made a quotation mark signal with his fingers on the word 'dimension'.

"Great observation. So, you're saying time goes by really slow in here compared to our dimension?" Kazuo nodded to himself.

"Yeah. I'm also saying that two dimensions exist and we just happened to get into the second one," Zen looked around, "Nothing is out of the ordinary other than the fact that we're back in time," He concluded.

"And a prince apparently rules this dimension," Kazuo added.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Zen told the raven head.

"Same here. You think this has anything to do with Cesal?" Kazuo scratched his head, unsure if Zen would agree.

"Cesal? I mean, he is insane," Zen shrugged.

"Am I now?"

Both of them turned their heads, their eyes catching the exact person they spoke briefly of, standing right behind them with a lighthearted grin.

Cesal Lixen's light, blue, untied hair fell just above his collarbones. His neck was accessorized with a black choker and he wore a simple white t-shirt with red lines on each short sleeve and along his collar. Grey sweatpants and sneakers on the bottom.

"Speaking of the devil," Kazuo whispered.

Cesal rolled his eyes, obviously catching on to what Kazuo said. He turned on his heel halfway before returning to standing straight, "Which way do you prefer it?"

"Prefer what? Kazuo asked. Zen stared at the blue head with spite.

"Getting kidnapped."


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