
By _PinkBird_

102K 2.6K 462

When a letter pops up from Lauren's deceased mother, she's thrown into a world of money and power. Shipped o... More

The Brookes


2K 64 4
By _PinkBird_


The moment I see that bastards face all I can see is red, all I can feel is rage, all I wanna do is sock him in the face and ruin that golden boy look of his.

He's looking at me like a lost little puppy. Well boo hoo. No scratch that I like puppy's. He looks like and ugly troll.

"I have nothing to say to you." I look him dead in the eye. I turn to leave but he cages me in with his arms preventing me from opening the door. Strong fucker. I really need to hit the gym...

"Let me explain," he sighs and turns me around but I look anywhere but him. Hmmm maybe I can take that bottle of bleach on the shelf and pour it on him and ruin his black hot as sin top, or I can take the broom and stab him with it. Decisions decisions.

"This was all Roger you have to believe me Lauren," he pleads. "Don't say my fucking name," I sneer at him.

He stares at me like he's not sure what to say. I'm still caged between his arms and start to feel antsy when I smell his cologne. Ugh why does he have to smell so good.

Ya I think I'm gonna go with the bleach...

"Ok if it was your dad then tell him you want out." I cross my arms. He drops his arms on the door and runs a hand thought his hair.

"It's not that easy. What he says goes. He doesn't care what I think. All he cares about is getting back at your father and Liam and nothing will stand in his way." He explains to me.

"The mans dead. He still holds a grudge?" I ask. He laughs but there is no humor behind it. "You could accidentally put sugar in his coffee and he'll burry you six feet under. Roger never lets anything go." He tells me.

He calls his dad Roger? Why?

"There might not be anything to change the circumstance, but don't you dare think that I'm ok with this. Do you realize what your family did to mine? My mother took me away to avoid this very situation. She's dead's now and all her work was for nothing." I start to choke and try my hardest to hold back the tears.

"Lauren..." Nicks moves to comfort me. "Don't touch me. Never again." I state and he runs a hand through his hair. I'm starting to think that he does that when he's stressed.

"Here's the thing Nick, I'll play the good little wife that the public and your father want me to be, but I'll never, never look to you as my husband, the one who would love, support and do anything for me because your anything but that. You toke that away from me." I stare him dead in the eyes.

"So mark my words, I'll make you regret what you did till the day you die." And with that I turn around and walk out the door and keep walking till I'm out of the school.

No way in hell am I going to class after that.

A crack of thunder erupts and the sky and rain starts to poor down. Great, just fucking great!

I starts running and running till the cold makes me numb and the burning in my lungs vanishes. The only thing I love about the rain is that it's a blessing in disguise. No one can see your tears. But I'm the one who has to feel the pain in my heart.

How could this have happened to me? Why did it have to happen to me? I'm only 17 and I'm getting married to a man I despise.

My whole life, I wanted my future husband to be my knight in shining armor. Oh how naive I was then...


Fuck fuck fucking fuck!

When Lauren left the janitors closet It took everything in me to not run after her. I know it would have made things a billions times worse. She just needs to be alone right now and I'll respect that.

"Fuck!" I scream knocking over all the contents on the shelf to my left. I start pacing back and forward running a hand through my hair.

This wasn't supposed to happen. I mean it was, but it was never supposed to end this way. I never expected to catch feeling for the girl who now hates my guts and can't bare to look at me.

What the fuck am I gonna do now?

She said she'll play the part so why am I so upset? I should be thrilled about it, after all it'll make Roger happy and finally view me and a son he's proud of. If that's even possible.

But how am I gonna feel when everything from now on will be fake? I don't think I can handle that.

I step out of the closet when suddenly I'm slammed into the lockers. I come face to face with Grayson fucking Brookes.

"Look what we have here." Grayson smiles. Believe it or not we used to be friends and don't give a shit about the family drama till things started to change. So I know right now there's no warmth behind his smile. In fact he's fuming. Not that I blame him. Maybe which is why I'll let him do whatever he plans to do.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up here today," he sneers and tightens his grip on me.

"You don't fucking deserve my sister nor will you ever," he screams in my face clutching his fists on my shirt.

He brings his arm back and swings, punching me right in the face. My head snaps to the side like a whip lash.

I tase a metallic flavor on my tongue and lick off the blood. I make no move to hit him back.

Keep it coming Brookes.

"What? Not gonna fight back?" Grayson says, throwing his arms out wide.

"I deserve it." I merely shrug my shoulders. "Damn straight you do," he charges and punch after punch after punch until everything turns black.

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