One girl , six friends: A Fre...

Por Magic_Musician

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Fred and Jamie were friends but they wanted more. Jamie had two dreams in life. one to start a band with her... Mais

About O/C and characters.
Chapter 1 : Start of the Winter holidays.
Chapter 2:First night in the burrow.
Chapter 3: The Joke shop and confession.
Chapter 4 : Back to the burrow
Chapter 5: The Music room
Chapter 6: The question ?
Chapter 7: Christmas day.
Chapter 8: The idea.
Chapter 9: Sleepover.
Chapter 10: Morning after
Chapter 11: New years eve.
Chapter 12: Caught.
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Rhiannon and George.
Chapter 15: Moving day.
Chapter 16: Shopping.
Chapter 17: Valentines day.
Chapter 18: Ron's Birthday.
Chapter 19: Holiday Pt.1
Chapter 20: Holiday Pt.2
Chapter 21: Home time.
Chapter 22: Pregnant?
Chapter 23: Big news.
Chapter 24: Family.
Chapter 25: Date night.
Chapter 26: Twins Birthday.
Chapter 27: Girls day.
Chapter 28: Party Time
Chapter 29: Friends
Chapter 30: Rhi's Birthday.
Chapter 31: Trouble in paradise.
Chapter 32: Invite.
Chapter 33: End of a era.
Chapter 34: Reunited.
Chapter 35: Best friends.
Chapter 36: Ginny's Birthday.
Chapter 37: Getting ready.
Chapter 38: The Ball.
Chapter 39: Fun day at Burrow.
Chapter 40: Fun times.
Chapter 41: The office
Chapter 42: Double date.
Chapter 43: Romeo.
Chapter 44: New addition.
Chapter 45: Rose Weasley.
Chapter 46: Hinny.
Chapter 47: Clubbing.
Chapter 48: A Problem.
Chapter 49: Theme park.
Chapter 50: Jamie's Birthday.
Chapter 51: Winter days at the Burrow.
Chapter 52: It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Chapter 53: Beautiful girl.
Chapter 54: New year.
Chapter 56: Marriage.

Chapter 55: Family time.

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Por Magic_Musician

(T/W: Sexual content) 

"Fred wake up." Jamie said as she shook the red head. It had been three days since the party, Jamie still rocking a little bruise on her cheek from fighting. Fred had also started working properly again and actually helped in the shop.

"I swear to Merlin, I will personally go round to the burrow and get your mum to come wake you up." With Jamie saying this Fred shot up.

"I'm awake, no need to get mum.", Jamie giggled. "Morning darling." Fred said as he grabbed hold of Jamie around the legs and kissed her thighs. She then lent down, giving Fred a kiss on the lips. "Why are you waking me up on our day off so early?" Fred questioned.

"Fred, it's 10 am. We have to be at the burrow around midday. It's family day and all your siblings are going to be there. Percy is even coming round today and Bill and of course my favorite Weasley Charlie."

"Yes, yes I know my brother's names." Fred said, still holding onto Jamie.

"Well I'm excited to see them and the family and my sweet baby Rose and Victoire." Jamie said as Fleur had recently given birth.

"Well I'm not that excited. I saw them everyday for like 18 years. I will get up in a minute" Fred said Jamie just huffed and walked out the room.

"Fine. "Jamie said as she walked away. As she walked into the kitchen she could smell pancakes being cooked. "I hope you are making some for me." Jamie said to George.

"I think if I didn't you'd snap my head off." Geroge laughed to himself.

"Hey." Jamie giggled. "You love me really." Jamie said and George nodded.

"I do. What do you want on the pancakes?" George asked.

"Just some syrup."

Once the pancakes were placed on the table Jamie and George dug into the food.

"Rhi said she can come round to the burrow today." Jamie said with a mouth full of food.

"Yer, she mentioned it the other day. I just told her to come whenever. I think she is seeing her dad."

"I think so. Romeo mentioned something." Jamie told George.

While the pair was speaking. Fred had come out of the bedroom and started making his own food. Using up the rest of the pancake batter. Once he had finished he decided he would sit on Jamie's lap. "Fred!"

"Yes love?" Fred said pretending not to know why Jamie said that.

"Would you mind sitting on a chair?"

"But you are a perfectly good seat. You're comfy." Fred said.

"I don't care. Please just sit on a chair, just while you eat." Jamie said and Fred obliged.

"Mate. Would you like to put on some clothes? I can see your dick." George said

"Well you are lucky I'm wearing boxers." Fred said, scoffing his face.

"Honestly. Just ignore it. Let him be , you know it's hard for this man to keep clothes on. You shared a room for many years." Jamie said to George and he hummed in response. "Anyway, we all need to get ready. So I'm going to get changed." Jamie said.

The bedroom was a mess and needed cleaning desperately. There were clothes everywhere and Jamie didn't have a clue where anything was. The only thing that she had managed to get on was her underwear and a pair of tights as she knew she wanted to wear a dress.

Fred had entered the room and could see Jamie on the hands and knees with her ass up in the air looking for something under the bed. He thought the sight in front of him was beautiful. It made his heart beat faster but also made his dick hard. Fred edged closer to Jamie and he took her hips into his hands and he thrusted against her. Humping her. "Fred!" Jamie said, sounding annoyed.

"Yes babe?" Fred questioned.

"Was that necessary. " Jamie stood up.

"Sorry you looked so good and, I don't know why I thought to do that." Fred smirked.

"I'm not even that bothered that you did that, but your hard ass dick poking into my ass cheek hurt." Jamie chuckled.

"Mmm, well you're the reason it's hard. " Fred said, taking hold of Jamie. As she kissed him back. The pair slowly made their way to the bed.

"We need to leave soon. " Jamie said while Fred kissed her neck.

"We can be quick. If you want to do this?"

"Yes I want to do this. Fuck it." Jamie said to put her hands down Fred's boxers giving his length a few pumps.

"Yes." Fred whimpered as he lowered Jamie onto her back and then ripped a hole in her tights, Jamie making a shocked noise.

Fred pulled his boxers down and moved Jamie's underwear to the side. She was wearing one of his favorite thongs. "Ready?" He asked and Jamie nodded. Fred entered her and they both let out a small moan. Fred moved fast but made sure he was hitting all the right spots for Jamie. He knew he could burst at any moment. Looking at Jamie alone could do that, but he wanted Jamie to finish at the same time.

Jamie let out small whimpers of please as Fred fucked her. He kissed all down her neck and breasts. Leaving small bruises on her chest. Jamie's fingers dug into Fred's back and her eyes let a tear go from the pleasure she was feeling. "Fuck, Freddie " Jamie whimpered.

"Come on darling." Fred said, and with a few more thrusts the couple reached their climax together. After that the pair quickly got dressed and were ready to go.

"George. "Fred shouted letting his brother know he was ready to go.

"Coming." George said as he came from his room. "Good fuck?" George asked sarcastically. "Please just use the silencing charm. It's one simple word and flick of the wand."

"Oh shut up. I hear you all the time." Fred snapped back.

"Okay, stop being snappy, the pair of you we have to get to your mums, we are already late. Jamie said.

"Well -" George went to say but was stopped by Jamie's finger being pointed at him.


When the three got to the burrow everyone was there and they had all said their hello's. The house was packed and Molly was trying to be the best host possible. Jamie thought Molly was trying too hard, it was on her children and their partners and kids. Molly looked stressed and with getting older it was becoming harder for her to run around and tend to everyone. So while everyone was chatting in a big group Jamie went to Molly in the kitchen.

"Hi, mum" Jamie said as Molly was frantically trying to cook food.

"Hi, darling, is everything alright? Do you need anything?" Molly asked.

"No I don't, but I would like it if you sat down. " Jamie said.

"I can't do that. I have too much to do." Molly argued.

"I will help. Please just sit down. And don't say No." Jamie stood her ground.

"But- "

"Mum... " Jamie said as she looked out the window and waved. " Look Rhiannon just turned up and she would be happy to help."

"Hey ,Jamie and Molly." Rhiannon said as she hugged both Women.

" Rhi, would you mind helping me? So I can give Molly a break." Jamie asked.

"I'm more than happy to, I don't think I'm prepared to go out in the other room and chat with 100 people." Rhiannon giggled.

"Oh I do love you girls. Out of all my children's partners who would have thought the bloody twins would have the best ones." Molly smiled. "But don't tell the others that. I obviously love the rest. Especially Hermione."

"I won't mum. And I better have always been my favorite, since the day you met me. "Jamie laughed, making Molly laugh.

"Always. However you were a lot quieter then." Molly laughed.

"I love you mum." Jamie said while she finished cutting up veg and putting it into the cauldron.

"This soup smells amazing Molly, I can't wait to eat it. I'm so hungry." Rhiannon said.

"Well props to you girl for cutting the rest of the veg and helping putting other things together. Let me just put the rest in." Molly said standing up. " Jamie, go in the cupboard and get the giant wooden spoon." Molly commanded and Jamie obeyed.

Molly put the rest of the ingredients in the cauldron and stirred the vegetables together. Once it was all mixed the three girls relaxed and sat at the table to chat even more. George had strolled into the room and seen Rhiannon.

"Hey babe" He said as he sat down next to her and gave her a kiss. "What are you three doing here? " He asked.

"The girls were helping me finish the food. Jamie says I'm being a stress head and need to stop running around." Molly told her son.

"You were." Jamie interrupted.

"Mum, you do know it's only your children who are here. it's not like the minister of magic is here ." George said.

"I know. But I want you all to be happy and have good food." Molly said.

"Anybody would be happy with sandwiches and some juice." Jamie told Molly. " Do we look fussy? I know at least five of your children will eat anything without hesitation.

" I know. " Molly chuckled.

"Anyway. Everyone has split off into groups. Some are outside, some in the living room or in their rooms unpacking. I have no clue how you still fit everyone in this house." George said as he stood up. "You coming babe I'm heading outside?"

"Yes, you're such a good mum." Rhiannon said as she stood up and left the room with Rhi.

"She adores you, you know." Jamie said to Molly as it was just the two of them.

"Really. " Molly said with a large smile on her face.

"Yes, her mum's not the best and her dad is ill. So she likes it here as she feels love and gets things. I think that's why she chose a job that she travels with as it allows her to stay away from home and meet people who are nicer." Jamie informed Molly.

"Well, I guess it won't hurt to adopt another one. I think her and George will be together for a long time anyway. I can't wait for the day all my children are all settled down. "

"You will get there one day Molly. Ginny is next with the wedding that's next week. Then Perc and Bill are already married and Ron is practically, he is so in love. I mean me and Fred aren't going to split. George is happy and Charlie is happy doing whatever."

"Or whoever." Molly giggled. Jamie had never heard her say anything like that.

"Mum!" Jamie gasped.

"Oh what. I have so many kids. Think how they are made. Also all of you are going through teen years at the same time . I hear things in this house. And you are not innocent yourself Jamie." Molly said, making Jamie blush.

"I'm gobsmacked. Merlin, I feel bad for you. I think I better go." Jamie said as she stood up and made her way up the stairs as Molly laughed in the kitchen.

Jamie walked into the twins room to find Fred lying on the bed, playing with something.

"You alright darling? You look a bit red."

"Your mum has practically confessed to hearing her kids have sex. And said I'm not innocent. Jamie said to Fred and his mouth was wide open trying not to laugh.

"Oh my merlin. I mean it doesn't take a genius to know that. Look how many grandkids my mum has. I'm not embarrassed by it. " Fred said confidently.

"It's your mum we are talking about. not the Hogwarts corridors." Jamie said, making Fred laugh.

"Oh well. It's in the past. Can't do anything about it now." Fred said tapping the bed, "Come lie down with me."

Jamie smiled and got on the bed next to Fred. She comfortably snuggled up to him while they talked and eventually fell asleep.


Jamie was woken up by Fred lightly shaking her and whispering babe into her ear. When Jamie opened her eyes. "Mhm."

"Wake up sleepy head." Charlie said as he jumped onto the couple. Ron Followed after .

"Eugh boys. " Jamie said.

"Mum said the food is ready. None of us knew where you two were." Charlie said.

"Mum said we shouldn't disturb you cause you might not be sleeping. But then I thought you have been gone for like three hours and nobody lasts that long." Ron laughed.

"Hey, bet you I could." Fred said. As he started wrestling his younger brother.

"For Merlin's sake. Stop being rude and stop wrestling. What is with this household and sex. This get some food. I'm hungry. " Jamie said, trying to get up.

The four of them eventually walked downstairs and outside to where the large table stood. They sat down and had food with the family. Jamie took Rose off Hermione and let Hermione have her dinner in peace. The whole family talked about life and everyone had smiles on their faces.

After dinner Fred and Jamie made their way home. George and Rhiannon decided they would stay the night at the burrow. This left the couple alone in the flat. And unlike others who would spend time to have fun by having sex, Fred and Jamie decided to get drunk and spend the night building a fort in the living room, while watching movies and eating chinese food. Where the two eventually fell asleep in the fort with loads of pillows and blankets wrapped in each other's arms.


(A/N : I'm back it's been a while (since march) Sorry about that life was hectic and I was finishing college. So now i'm free until september except working five days a week as I will be going to university. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. - J xoxo ) 

(word count: 2379 words) 

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