One girl , six friends: A Fre...

Oleh Magic_Musician

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Fred and Jamie were friends but they wanted more. Jamie had two dreams in life. one to start a band with her... Lebih Banyak

About O/C and characters.
Chapter 1 : Start of the Winter holidays.
Chapter 2:First night in the burrow.
Chapter 3: The Joke shop and confession.
Chapter 4 : Back to the burrow
Chapter 5: The Music room
Chapter 6: The question ?
Chapter 7: Christmas day.
Chapter 8: The idea.
Chapter 9: Sleepover.
Chapter 10: Morning after
Chapter 11: New years eve.
Chapter 12: Caught.
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Rhiannon and George.
Chapter 15: Moving day.
Chapter 16: Shopping.
Chapter 17: Valentines day.
Chapter 18: Ron's Birthday.
Chapter 19: Holiday Pt.1
Chapter 20: Holiday Pt.2
Chapter 21: Home time.
Chapter 22: Pregnant?
Chapter 23: Big news.
Chapter 24: Family.
Chapter 25: Date night.
Chapter 26: Twins Birthday.
Chapter 27: Girls day.
Chapter 28: Party Time
Chapter 29: Friends
Chapter 30: Rhi's Birthday.
Chapter 31: Trouble in paradise.
Chapter 32: Invite.
Chapter 33: End of a era.
Chapter 34: Reunited.
Chapter 35: Best friends.
Chapter 36: Ginny's Birthday.
Chapter 37: Getting ready.
Chapter 38: The Ball.
Chapter 39: Fun day at Burrow.
Chapter 40: Fun times.
Chapter 41: The office
Chapter 42: Double date.
Chapter 43: Romeo.
Chapter 44: New addition.
Chapter 45: Rose Weasley.
Chapter 46: Hinny.
Chapter 47: Clubbing.
Chapter 48: A Problem.
Chapter 49: Theme park.
Chapter 50: Jamie's Birthday.
Chapter 51: Winter days at the Burrow.
Chapter 53: Beautiful girl.
Chapter 54: New year.
Chapter 55: Family time.
Chapter 56: Marriage.

Chapter 52: It's the most wonderful time of the year.

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Oleh Magic_Musician

Jamie woke up early Christmas morning as the winter sun shone through the window. She could hear the faint snores of Fred and George. She smiled to herself and she took a deep breath in. "MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU CARROT TOPS." Jamie shouted, making Fred and Geroge wake up.

"Fuck off." A grumpy George said.

"Fuck me." Fred said as he stretched. "Merry christmas." Fred said to Jamie as he gave her a kiss.

"Do I get a kiss?"  George asked. "You woke me up."

"Fine." Jamie said going over to George's bed and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Happy?" 

"Very. Fred looks pissed."

"Shut it." Jamie shoved George as he laughed.

"I think you woke the house up." Fred said as he heard stops coming from the stairs and a baby crying.

"Shit." Jamie said as an angry looking Hermione stomped in the room.

"You can look after her. It's too early and I want to go back to bed." Hermione said, handing Jamie the baby and leaving the room.

"Shut it up." George moaned.

"I think she's hungry. I ain't breast feeding it." Jamie said, making herself giggle.

"I'll go and get a bottle." Fred said as he left the room.

George drifted back to sleep and Jamie got comfortable on the bed with the baby in her arms. Jamie felt pretty cosy and like she could fall back to sleep. As she was about to, Fred came back in with the bottle.  Jamie just stared at him in awe.

"What?" he asked with a grin.

"You look cute."

"Cute? Not hot."

"Nah you are sexy. Also thanks." Jamie said as she gave the baby the bottle.

"We will be doing this one day." Fred said.

"Will we? You know my rule." Jamie said.

"Yes you have to be Mrs Weasley."  Fred said, sweating slightly.


Everyone was now awake and all sat in the living room with their breakfast. Everyone could feel the christmas spirit as the house smelt of cinnamon and fire.

Charlie and Jamie had sat down together in the corner of the room gossiping with each other.

"So you have been with my bro for over a year now , well minus the bad patch but you know that was someone else's fault. "

"Yer Finley remember him merlin and yer I love your brother." Jamie said with confidence.

"I don't know how you have done it." Charlie confessed. 

"Well I loved him before we even started dating so It hasn't been that hard." Jamie confessed.

"I remember. I knew from the day I met you, you had feelings for Fred and would be besties with George."

"Really dragon boy. Anyway, how's your love life."

"You know, dating many people. None of them being the one."

"Don't sweat it. I have a feeling the perfect person is around the corner." Jamie told Charlie.

"Really, well I think I'm moving back to England so there will be many new magic and non magic people to meet." Charlie said and Jamie's face lit up.

"No way. That means I can spend more time with my fav carrot top." Jamie said as she hugged Charlie.

"What's going on?" Fred said as he stole Jamie away.

"I think I'm moving back here. Miss the family." Charlie told Fred.

"No way. If you do, tell us and we'll help you." Fred said.


Eventually everyone had finished eating and it was time to open presents.

So everyone sat in the living room all being warmed by the blazing fire. All you could hear was happiness. Everyone chatting, sharing the Christmas spirit.

Jamie sat there with Rose on her knee while the Golden trio plus Ginny opened their gifts together. Jamie was filled with joy because everyone loved their gifts. Everyone gets their annual sweater from Molly.

Then the troublesome trio opened their gifts, the three of them giggling at the funny joke gifts they had been given. Some things never changed in the Weasley household and Jamie, George and Fred being the troublemakers who could light up a room with their humour.

Then Molly and Arthur opened their gifts. They appreciated anything they brought. Every year Arthur would get a new muggle product and this year  he had gotten an ipod. He was thrilled and said he would secretly use it when he was at work on the rare occasion he goes.

Finally Fred was to give Jamie her gift. She had no clue why he was to give it to her separately but she played along. So Jamie got off her seat and walked away from Fred to hand over Rose back to Ron. As she was doing so everyone was smiling at her.

As she turned around Fred was on one knee in the middle of the room.

Jamie felt like the whole world was frozen, her blue eyes locked with Fred's honey ones.

"Jamie West, will you marry me?"

Jamie being so stunned didn't answer straight away a smile just grew on her face as she stared into Fred's eyes he could tell what her answer would be.

"It would be an honour Fred Weasley" Jamie said walking closer to Fred.

Fred got off the floor and held onto Jamie's hand where he placed the ring on her finger.

Both of them kissed not giving a care in the world to those who saw them. But it wouldn't be a normal day if something stupid didn't happen.

"ewe." Could be heard from George. Making everyone laugh.

"Oh Merlin we are actually going to be related, well through marriage." Harry said as he shared a hug with his already adopted sister. "I know Harry." Jamie said into Harry's neck.

Jamie walked over to Fred and wrapped her arms around his neck "I love you so much." 

Fred kissed Jamie "I love you. You like the ring?"

"Yes I do, how did you get it? I could never find it after mum and dad passed away." Jamie asked.

"Well your mother was an amazing woman. She was amazing at telling the future and the summer the accident happened she told me where the ring was. So when you, me and mum were sorting the house out I went looking for the ring and found it. I have had it ever since. I was going to give it to you years ago when we turned 18 but I knew I would propose some day. So I kept it. "

"Oh I  love it. My mum and dad would be so happy about this. I need to tell Rhi asap." Jamie said, going over to the desk. Jamie knew that Rhiannon wouldn't be able to come over. She would be spending the day at her home as her dad was back from the hospital. He wasn't getting any better and wanted to be home for the holidays to see Rhiannon and Romeo.

Dear Rhi,

Oh my Merlin. I am now writing to you as future Mrs Weasley. Fred did it he actually proposed. With the family ring he has had it since my mother and father passed. Can't wait to gossip when we get back. Hope your family is well. Say hi to your dad and Ro.

Lots of Love.

Jamie xx

Jamie attached it to pigwidgeon and he set off on his journeys.

For the rest of the afternoon everyone helped make dinner. People cutting vegetables or helping cook the meat. Or even setting the table. Cough Fred, George and Charlie.

After everyone joined in, dinner came fast and it was served. The surrounding areas of the table had fairy lights lighting up the night sky and the air was magically heated.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying the food. Jamie loved it. She hadn't had a meal that was this delicious in such a long time between her and the twins they were alright at cooking but nothing like Molly.

Jamie sat in between Hermione and Ginny. The three of them were talking about marriage.

"I can't believe it let me see the ring." Hermione said and Jamie showed mione her hand.

"Is it really a family ring?" Ginny asked.

"Yes he's had it for years. Guys this had been a plan for a long time." Jamie said.

"Oh how romantic. Ronald would never do anything like that." Hermione huffed.

"I think he will the Weasleys have a soft spot. Plus the way he's been acting wouldn't shock me if he does propose." Jamie said and Ginny nodded along.

"I can't wait for my wedding . Jamie please stay for a few more days so we can go wedding dress shopping. " Ginny asked.

"I will but not for my dress. Your big day is first." Jamie said and Ginny agreed.

"Oh I do love, love." Hermione said. "Oh while we are talking about good things. I will start my new job at the ministry soon. So hopefully I will be on my way to becoming minister in a couple of years ."

"That's amazing Mione.I'm so proud of you two." Jamie said as she hugged them both.

After dinner the girls continued gossiping outside while they opened a bottle of wine. Each of them becoming a tiny bit tipsy eventually the three of them were joined by their boyfriends or in some cases fiance.

"What are you talking about?" Fred said as he snuggled up to Jamie.

"Nothing much. Just gossiping, girl talk." Ginny said to her brother.

"What are you guys out here for?" Jamie asked.

"We wanted to see our amazing partners." Harry said, not so convincingly.

"More like you were bored." Hermione said.

"I actually wanted to see you, the others followed." Ron said in Hermione's ear.

"Anyway, where were we?" Jamie asked.

"oh we were talking about crushes we had in school. " Ginny giggled. "Sorry guys."

"Ahh yes. Oh where do I start." Jamie said.

"Oi." Fred said.

"What. You were a hoe when we were at Hogwarts. You expected me to follow you around like a puppy?" Jamie said.


"Bloody hell Fred." Ron said.

"Right, I'll go first ." Ginny practically shouted. "Obviously Harry, then Dean Thomas, Michael Corner and I'll even admit maybe Neville a tiny bit. "

"Really wow I have competition." Harry said, making everyone laugh.

"Right my go." Hermione said. "Well, Ron obviously I didn't really hide my feelings then there was Krum. " A huff from Ron could be heard. "Then this guy in Ravenclaw. I kissed him a few times but that was it."

"Wow, go on Hermione." Jamie said. "Right my turn."

"Here we go." Fred and Harry said.

"So Fred was one, a bit obvious. Then Romeo also a bit obvious. There was Roger Davis, the ravenclaw captain. Bill."

"WHAT!" Fred said.

"Your brother is hot. I still fancy him now. "  Jamie smirked at Fred.

"Really?" He said shocked he Knew Jamie was joking.

"Right let me finish my list, and finally the bloody baron and maybe even Peeves. Just don't ask."

"You girls are weird." Ron said.

"Do not judge some of the people you have fancied are not the greatest people." Hermione said, referring to Ron's tiny crush on Pansy Parkinson years ago.


It was now well into the night and many people were either watching a movie in the living room or in their rooms going to bed for the night. Somehow Jamie and Fred had ended up in the bathroom. As they didn't want to be alone.

"I need to shower so badly. I stink." Fred said.

"I know I can smell." Jamie said, getting onto the counter.


"You said it first. " Jamie said.

Fred got undressed, Jamie enjoyed the show he was not one shy man. "You got a bit of drool there." Fred said, pointing to Jamie's lip.

"Shove off. You got naked what did you expect?"

"For you to get naked."

"No, we are at your parents house. " Jamie said.

"So hasn't stopped us before." Fred said, making Jamie go slightly red in the face.

"Fine." Jamie said as she started to strip while Fred got into the shower.

Once she was fully undressed she got into the shower. "Happy now?"

"Yes." Fred said with a large smile on his face.

The couple showered normally but with them two being alone and naked it didn't take the couple long to start something.

Jamie's back was against the cold shower wall as her legs were wrapped round  Fred's waist. Both of them engaged in heavy sloppy kisses. They both needed each other and were so desperate.

"Fuck, you want to do this?" Fred asked.

"Yes Freddie." Jamie answered, resting her head on Fred's shoulder.

Fred entered his throbbing cock into Jamie's soaking cunt both of them letting out moans of relief. Fred started off in a slow pace giving both of them the pleasure needed but it lacked excitement.

"Faster" Jamie said to Fred and he obeyd picking up the speed giving them both the extra pleasure they needed to get closer to finishing.

As Fred threw his head back. Jamie could see his exposed neck and strong muscles holding onto her. She took this opportunity to mark Fred. She sucked and nipped at the skin on his lower neck and shoulders leaving little purple marks. Fred let out small moans of happiness.

As they were both coming closer to finishing. Jamie threw her head back against the wall allowing Fred to attack her chest with the little purple marks and making sure to pleasure the nipples. As he did so Jamie let out a moan that was suppressed by Fred's hand covering her mouth.

"Be a good little slut and keep quiet for me." Jamie felt more than butterflies in her stomach when these words came out of Fred's mouth.

As Fred came close to finishing her thrusted faster in and out of Jamie. Making him finish, leaving him to continue through his high till Jamie came. Which she did suppressing her final moan in the crevice of Fred's neck.

He let her down and helped her up in the shower. He could tell she felt weak; he did go pretty hard.

"I love you." Fred said as he washed Jamie and himself and wrapped a towel around her.

"I love you. First fuck of being engaged and i would say it was pretty good. "

"It was, but don't call it a fuck. We made love." Jamie said.

"okay." Fred said as he gave Jamie a kiss.

The two of them snuck back into Fred's room luckily George had gone home. Fred helped Jamie get changed and put her into bed. Then out on a pair of pj bottes and joined Jamie in the bed. He cuddled up to the girl he loved and made sure she had everything she needed.

He was proud of what they had become. He had been wanting to propose to Jamie for a while and when he finally did he felt like his life was the best it could get.

"Night darling, I love you." Fred said as kissed Jamie on the forehead.

"Night sexy, I love you." Jamie said as she fell to sleep.

(A/N: sorry for being a shitty author and not writing in ages life has been hectic. However I hope you all like this chapter. I also forgot how cringy it can be writing smut. I'm going to attempt to write more and I mean it but with college, work and music my life is hectic. Love ya xoxo - J )

(word count: 2595 words)

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