One girl , six friends: A Fre...

Bởi Magic_Musician

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Fred and Jamie were friends but they wanted more. Jamie had two dreams in life. one to start a band with her... Xem Thêm

About O/C and characters.
Chapter 1 : Start of the Winter holidays.
Chapter 2:First night in the burrow.
Chapter 3: The Joke shop and confession.
Chapter 4 : Back to the burrow
Chapter 5: The Music room
Chapter 6: The question ?
Chapter 7: Christmas day.
Chapter 8: The idea.
Chapter 9: Sleepover.
Chapter 10: Morning after
Chapter 11: New years eve.
Chapter 12: Caught.
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Rhiannon and George.
Chapter 15: Moving day.
Chapter 16: Shopping.
Chapter 17: Valentines day.
Chapter 18: Ron's Birthday.
Chapter 19: Holiday Pt.1
Chapter 20: Holiday Pt.2
Chapter 21: Home time.
Chapter 22: Pregnant?
Chapter 23: Big news.
Chapter 24: Family.
Chapter 25: Date night.
Chapter 26: Twins Birthday.
Chapter 27: Girls day.
Chapter 28: Party Time
Chapter 29: Friends
Chapter 30: Rhi's Birthday.
Chapter 31: Trouble in paradise.
Chapter 32: Invite.
Chapter 33: End of a era.
Chapter 34: Reunited.
Chapter 35: Best friends.
Chapter 36: Ginny's Birthday.
Chapter 37: Getting ready.
Chapter 38: The Ball.
Chapter 39: Fun day at Burrow.
Chapter 40: Fun times.
Chapter 41: The office
Chapter 42: Double date.
Chapter 43: Romeo.
Chapter 45: Rose Weasley.
Chapter 46: Hinny.
Chapter 47: Clubbing.
Chapter 48: A Problem.
Chapter 49: Theme park.
Chapter 50: Jamie's Birthday.
Chapter 51: Winter days at the Burrow.
Chapter 52: It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Chapter 53: Beautiful girl.
Chapter 54: New year.
Chapter 55: Family time.
Chapter 56: Marriage.

Chapter 44: New addition.

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Bởi Magic_Musician

It had been three days since Jamie left the flat and she talked to Fred, Rhiannon or George.

Jamie woke up all alone just like she had gone to sleep. She had no person to cuddle up to and admire. Jamie hoped that Fred would come to his senses and notice that Romeo and Jamie hadn't gone on a date and that Romeo was just a friend.

Jamie got out of bed and walked into the living room, she could hear Romeo snoring from Rhiannon's room so she quietly put on a record on the record player then went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

She decided pancakes were what she wanted. They were easy to make and were delicious. Jamie quickly made the food and woke up Romeo, while eating the two talked about the current situation with the Scamander family and Romeo explained that he also fell out with his mother. Ending in him being kicked out and currently looking for a place to live. Jamie asked the question of why Romeo hadn't got a place as the family was loaded and Romeo told her he had been cut off. Not even Rhiannon had been cut off from the family fortune.

After eating Romeo headed off to have a shower and Jamie decided that she would clean up the kitchen and living room as the flat was filthy. Jamie cast a cleaning charm so it was less messy then was cleaning up what the spell didn't as she was someone arrived by floo powder. Jamie looked from the kitchen and saw George.

"Hi George." Jamie smiled, as she continued to clean.

"Hi." George said, as Rhiannon arrived by floo.

"Hi Rhi." Jamie smiled, she didn't want her friend to be mad at her for being friends with her brother. She didn't even know the whole story about Romeo.

Jamie walked back into the kitchen to put some rubbish in the bin, her back facing the fireplace and the others meaning she didn't see Fred arriving.

As Jamie was in the kitchen Rhiannon asked a question, "Where's Romeo?"

"I'm bathroom showering." Jamie shouted back.

She walked back into the living room and saw Fred, "Morning Freddie." Jamie smiled and went up to Fred to kiss him. Fred didn't kiss back letting Jamie know he was pissed.

"So what are you doing today?" George asked Jamie, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Tidying, the flat was a mess." Jamie answered.

"It was bloody clean the other day .What did you do?" Rhiannon asked. Making Fred think of the worse.

"Well, we ate Chinese food and loads of snacks. Then we were messing around throwing popcorn at the TV cause we were watching some God awful Rom-com movie." Jamie answered back truthfully. When Jamie said messing around Fred's heart sank.

"Wait, if he stayed here where did he sleep?'' Fred asked.

"In Rhi's room." Jamie said and Rhiannon gave Jamie a look of disappointment.

"Don't give me that look. You should listen to what he has to say, he has it worse than you right now." Jamie said, looking at Rhiannon.

As Jamie said that Romeo left the bathroom, walking into the living room. "Rhi." He said looking at his sister.

"Ro , go and put some clothes on and come back out here." Jamie said as Romeo stood there in a towel and the look on Fred's face was not a good look.

"OK." Romeo said as he walked away back into Rhiannon's room.

"Well what did he tell you because if he tells me I won't believe him." Rhiannon said the twins just wanted to know the gossip so stayed quiet.

"Well he fell out with the family too. So your mother kicked him out and cut him off from the family money. I think that's why I saw him yesterday as he was on his lunch break."

"Lunch break?" Rhi said.

"Well he needs a job as he is homeless and has no cash." Jamie said.

"So where is he staying?" Rhi asked.

"No clue. I let him stay the last couple of nights as I didn't want him wandering around." Jamie said.

Romeo walked out and went to sit next to Jamie on the couch until Fred moved and sat next to Jamie. Leaving Romeo to sit next to his sister.

"Are you really homeless and have no money?" Rhiannon asked her brother.

"Yup. I guess J told you what happened. I have been staying at Pucey's. I got a job in the alley. I'm doing alright." He told his sister.

"So you're not here to creep on Jamie and don't call her J." Rhiannon said, knowing only Fred calls her that.

"Nope, why would I do that? We are friends." Romeo said and Jamie nodded.

"So you're not here to take back my girlfriend." Fred interrupted.

"No. Jamie is just a friend. I gave her up for you Fred. Why would I take her away." Romeo responded, giving Fred new information and making Jamie smile.

"Ro is just a friend he has been for years. Friends can hang out and boyfriends and other friends shouldn't suspect anything they hear from a ratty ex." Jamie said out loud. Letting Fred Know she disapproved of Fred believing Angelina.

"Well some of us have insecurities." Fred said. George, Rhiannon and Romeo all backing away to the kitchen. So they could hear the argument that is about to happen but not be part of it.

"Well someone shouldn't have insecurities. Especially not about their girlfriend cheating." Jamie said.

"Well sometimes when an ex is seen with my girlfriend I get worried." Fred shouted back.

"I have no clue why. I have a perfect boyfriend that I love which I left my ex for which the ex suggested." Jamie shouted back.

"Sometimes love is ignored." Fred shouted back.

"Well I don't ignore it. Why would I cheat on you Fred. I have followed you around like a puppy since we were 11 as I was in love with you. It's been ten years." Jamie said back, she held her tears back as she never liked crying.

"10 years?" Fred questioned.

"Fred, you know this. When I met you on the train I fancied you. I would never cheat on you. " Jamie said.

"But." Fred said point to where Romeo was.

"I was a distraction." Romeo said.

"It was easier to have a distraction while you were dating Angelina and other girls." Jamie huffed. "Romeo even knew we weren't anything serious. He fancied Penelope Clearwater , yes Percy's ex." Jamie said.

"See problem solved." George said, receiving a smile from Jamie.

"I don't know why there was a problem in the first place. Most probs because my boyfriend is petty." Jamie smiled.

Before Fred could disprove of the statement a Jack Russel patronous lit up the living room. "Oh God. Jamie it's happening I need you. I think I'm going to faint." Ron's voice could be heard.

Jamie jumped up and grabbed her want. "Hermione's in Labour." Jamie said before she apparated away.


As soon as Jamie got to the hospital Molly was there to greet her.

"Where is she mum?" Jamie asked.

"Down the hall, fifth door." Jamie nodded and ran straight to the room.

"Thank Merlin you are here. These two are useless." Hermione said, meaning Ron and Harry. Harry stood there not knowing what to do and Ron looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Well good job I'm here to see the baby into the world. How many centimetres dilated? " Jamie asked.

"Nine. Been having contractions all morning. " Hermione huffed, holding out her hand for Jamie to take. Hermione huffed through the contraction she was having, Ron was trying to shout encouraging words at her.

For the next two hours or so Jamie and Ron helped Hermione through the contractions. Harry had left the room as he was just standing their and the midwife said only two people in the room allowed.

So Harry went and sat with the whole family in the waiting room, including Rhiannon and Romeo.

"How is she?" Molly asked.

"Angry, 9cm so soon there will be a baby. She won't let go of Jamie and Ron is being called every name under the sun. He also looks like he is going to throw up or faint, so yer. Going good." Harry said as he sat next to Ginny.

"Omg I can't wait to see my niece or nephew." Ginny said.

"I think it's a Boy." George said.

" Agreed." Charlie and Arthur said.

"No, it's going to be a girl." Fred said.

"Do you think so?" Mrs Weasley said.

"Jamie thinks so. She is never wrong." Fred said, trying to subside his anger from arguing.

"Well you guys enjoy the birth. Me and my brother have some business to attend to." Rhiannon said as her and Romeo walked away. The only person who knew where they would be was Jamie.

Have you guys called Perc?" Harry asked.

Arthur nodded, "He's on his way. Bill is and so is Fleur but being heavily pregnant she can't apparate."

"Wow so many babies and grandchildren being born. You guys better start popping them out so they can all go Hogwarts together." Molly said, George having a big smile on his face as he wanted a child.

Back in the hospital room the midwife had just checked Hermione. She was 10cm dilated and ready to push. She had hold of Jamie and Ron. The doctor told her to push, so she did as she screamed. "Mione, you can do this." Ron said.

"Come on push." Jamie said, bruising the hair from Hermione's face.

Ron looked down to the bottom of the bed and he turned green. "I can see the baby." Ron said.

"Come on, Hermione push, one big one." Jamie shouted through Hermione's groans.

After some more pushing and screaming a cry was heard through the room. Smiles could be seen on all the faces of the people in the room.

"It's a girl ! Dad, do you want to cut the cord?" Ron nodded and was handed the scissors.

The baby then was cleaned off, weighed and handed to Hermione.

Jamie was just talking with the nurse and Hermione and Ron had their moment.

"Jamie." Ron called and Jamie turned round and walked over.

Ron handed over the baby to Jamie. She took the baby. Hermione was exhausted and was falling asleep and Ron left the room.

Jamie stood there cradling the baby and talking to it, "I knew you would be a girl. Everyone else thought of a boy. I also know what your name is going to be as your mummy told me. Welcome to the Wesley and Granger family Rose." As Jamie was talking the family had come in.

"Aww." Ginny said quietly, coming over to look at the baby.

Ron picked her back up and introduced her to the family. "Meet Rose Granger - Weasley."

"I'm so proud Ron." Molly said to Ron for the first time, his smile was wide. "How are you Hermione?"

"Exhausted. I have no clue how you did that so many times Molly." Hermione said with her eyes closed.

"Aww poor thing. Right guys this leave Hermione alone. She has just pushed a baby out of her. I don't think she wants everyone around her." Molly said, pushing the family out the room.

Ron tapped Jamie and Harry. "I will stay here with Mione. Go and take her down the hall so she can meet the whole family. " Ron handed the baby to Jamie as Harry was too nervous and the two walked down the corridor.

"Look at us Harry. We have a family. We have responsibility. It feels nice not to be the only West now. She ain't blood but she is family." Jamie smiled at Harry.

"It feels amazing, auntie Jamie." Harry smiled.

"Uncle chosen one. " Jamie laughed.

As Harry and Jamie walked into the waiting room everyone crowded around them. All of the family said how beautiful Rose was. How she had Red hair that looked a little frizzy like Hermione's and how she had Hermione's bright eyes.

"I think I have baby fever." Ginny said, looking at Harry.

"Daddy chosen one." Jamie laughed.

"You want one more than me." Harry laughed. The family kind of went silent. It was known Jamie wasn't a big baby fan so hearing that she had baby fever was weird.

"Okay Harry a bit too far." Jamie smiled, looking up to Fred.

"Besides that Gin you are too young. You have a great career. " Jamie said.

"I do but I do remember that conversation in the quidditch shed with you and Hermione. You were the one who said you can be the Minister of Magic and a mum to Hermione." Ginny said back.

"Oh shut it. If you get pregnant you can ride a broom." Jamie smiled, shutting Ginny up. "I say after Bill's baby is born it will be George next."

"Really! Wow" George smiled as Jamie handed him the baby.

"By the way, where is Rhi and Ro?" Jamie asked.

"They left, said they had to do something." Fred answered.

" Okay thanks. I will be back in a min." Jamie said as she walked away , not knowing Fred was following.

Jamie turned onto a ward he had never seen before. He knew that people who were on the ward were either really ill or bad. So he secretly followed Jamie.

Jamie walked up to a bed on the ward. "Hi guys it was a girl , Rose." Jamie said as three people cheered.

"Hello Mr Scamander." Jamie said.

"Hello Miss West or should I call you Mrs Weasley. " He joked. Fred smiled as he overheard the conversation.

"Not yet sir." Jamie giggled.

"Well , can you tell these two to stop being so miserable. I'm just dying." Mr Scamander said.

"You two your dad says cheer up so cheer up and Edison you are not dying." Jamie said.

"Why would you say that?" Mr Scamander, Edison asked.

"I can tell. You will recover someday." Jamie smiled.

"You can always tell." Edison joked.

"Dad, how can you lay there and laugh?" Romeo asked.

"Because Jamie said I ain't dying. Only joking because if I might die I want to die happy. " Edison said.

"You won't die. When Jamie says she knows she knows. It's like she's magic." Rhiannon joked.

"Exactly. Right it's nearly my tea time so you guys can go, and Ro don't worry about your mother she can be a bitch. When I get out of here I ain't going back.'' Edison said. The reason why he was in hospital was because Mr and Mrs Scamander got into an argument about their children and their life choices. Mrs Scamander was furious that Edison allowed his children to do whatever so she tried to poison him. He was poisoned just before the ball in summer and was still in hospital as the wizard and witch doctors didn't know what the poison had in it.

"Bye dad." Romeo and Rhiannon said.

"Bye Mr Scamander." Jamie said.

As the three walked away Jamie pointed at Fred to join them. He was shocked he was caught. "You don't walk quietly." Jamie smiled as linked arms with Fred.

As they were walking Fred pulled Jamie into a spare room.

"Fred what -"

"I'm sorry for being such a petty bitch." Fred apologised.

"Thank you. I would never cheat on you. I love you." Jamie said.

"I love you." Fred said as he gave Jamie a kiss. The pair couldn't fall out for long. "Is it true what Harry said?"

"I told Harry it would be nice to have a baby. It can be lonely sometimes when you see all your family together and me and Harry have nothing. Well now we have Rose." Jamie smiled.

"Wow I never fought about that. You will always have me. I want to have a baby. " Fred confessed.

"Really. One day we will. I have to be Mrs Weasley first. " Jamie smiled.

"Well according to Rhi's dad you are." Fred smiled.

"Edison loves you. Well from the things I have told him. Please don't mention him to anyone else. The whole thing about him being in hospital is a secret. " Jamie said.

"I will keep my mouth shut." Fred said.

"Thank you." Jamie said as she kissed Fred.

The couple walked back into the waiting room to see nearly everyone gone. It was just Harry and Percy who had just arrived. The little group of them walked into the hospital room, where Percy held baby Rose and spoke to Hermione.

"It's amazing. Me and Bella are trying." Percy said.

"That fantastic Perc. "Jamie said as she gave him a hug.

"When are you going to start trying?" Percy asked Jamie and Fred.

"She said she has to be Mrs Weasley first." Fred replied.

"You better propose soon then. I want Jamie to be officially part of the family. It's about time, 10 years you have had." Percy said. Fred was shocked.

"I told Percy I fancied you the first time I met him." Jamie giggled. "That's why he teased you about it." Hermione had overheard and she giggled.


Everyone had ended up at the burrow to celebrate the birth of Rose. Molly had cooked a big meal and everyone who was there ate. Rose had to stay overnight in the hospital for check up but Hermione came home as she was well and recovered.

"Wait, it's October third, nine months after dad's birthday. " Charlie said.

"Oh God." Ginny said.

"You had sex on dad's birthday." Fred said.

"So." Ron said.

"I did too." Fred said, as he fist bumped Ron.

"Alright. Stop talking about who had sex on dad's birthday." Jamie said. "It's late and I helped deliver a baby today. I'm tired." Everyone nodded in agreement and headed up to bed.

Jamie changed into her pj's and got in bed next to Fred for the first time since they had argued. Both of them really happy to be sleeping next to each other.

"Night Freddie, I love you."

"Night J, I love you."

Both of them fell asleep easily and without struggle. They were cuddled up and slept with smiles on their faces.


On the 3rd October 2000 a little girl Rose Granger Wesley was born to Hermione Jean Granger and Ronald Bilius Weasley. She was Molly and Arthur's first grandchild but wouldn't be the last.

(A/N: Hermione has finally given birth if feels like she has been pregnant for the whole story. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I think the birth year adds up to the timeline but I have no clue. xoxox) 

(Word count: 3142  words)

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