One girl , six friends: A Fre...

By Magic_Musician

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Fred and Jamie were friends but they wanted more. Jamie had two dreams in life. one to start a band with her... More

About O/C and characters.
Chapter 1 : Start of the Winter holidays.
Chapter 2:First night in the burrow.
Chapter 3: The Joke shop and confession.
Chapter 4 : Back to the burrow
Chapter 5: The Music room
Chapter 6: The question ?
Chapter 7: Christmas day.
Chapter 8: The idea.
Chapter 9: Sleepover.
Chapter 10: Morning after
Chapter 11: New years eve.
Chapter 12: Caught.
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Rhiannon and George.
Chapter 15: Moving day.
Chapter 16: Shopping.
Chapter 17: Valentines day.
Chapter 18: Ron's Birthday.
Chapter 19: Holiday Pt.1
Chapter 20: Holiday Pt.2
Chapter 21: Home time.
Chapter 22: Pregnant?
Chapter 23: Big news.
Chapter 24: Family.
Chapter 25: Date night.
Chapter 26: Twins Birthday.
Chapter 27: Girls day.
Chapter 28: Party Time
Chapter 29: Friends
Chapter 30: Rhi's Birthday.
Chapter 31: Trouble in paradise.
Chapter 32: Invite.
Chapter 33: End of a era.
Chapter 34: Reunited.
Chapter 35: Best friends.
Chapter 36: Ginny's Birthday.
Chapter 37: Getting ready.
Chapter 38: The Ball.
Chapter 39: Fun day at Burrow.
Chapter 40: Fun times.
Chapter 41: The office
Chapter 43: Romeo.
Chapter 44: New addition.
Chapter 45: Rose Weasley.
Chapter 46: Hinny.
Chapter 47: Clubbing.
Chapter 48: A Problem.
Chapter 49: Theme park.
Chapter 50: Jamie's Birthday.
Chapter 51: Winter days at the Burrow.
Chapter 52: It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Chapter 53: Beautiful girl.
Chapter 54: New year.
Chapter 55: Family time.
Chapter 56: Marriage.

Chapter 42: Double date.

10 1 0
By Magic_Musician

(T/W: Sexual content. ) 

Jamie had woken up like any normal day; shower, get dressed and breakfast. It was the weekend so Jamie wouldn't be working at the shop and tonight she had plans to go on a double date with Fred, George and Rhiannon. So last night Jamie had owled Hermione to see if she could come  visit her because it could be the last time Jamie saw Hermione before she gave birth.  Hermione obviously said yes for Jamie to come round and spend the day with her. 

While cooking breakfast Rhiannon waltz into the room and sat at the table. "You cooking some for me?" She asked. 

"If you want." Jamie huffed. 

Jamie plated up the food for both of them and placed the food on the table. Rhiannon thanked Jamie and the pair dug into their food. They both ate quickly and talked about their plans tonight. It was said that the two girls would get ready at their place and the boys would come round and pick them up. The girls had trusted the boys to decide what the date was, meaning it could be anything. 

"Well i'm meeting Hermione for a bit because I suppose it will be the last time I see her before she pops." Jamie said to Rhiannon. 

"Say hi to her for me. I need to go out and buy an outfit for tonight." Rhiannon replied to Jamie. 

"What style of outfit are you going for ?" Jamie asked. 

"Casual but date night like. So it will fit wherever we will go." Rhiannon replied. 

"Sounds good. I will dress like that too."  Jamie said. "I also should get going before Hermione shouts at me for being late." 

"Have a good time."  Rhiannon said. 

"You too, see you later." Jamie said as she stood in the fireplace. She took a handful of floo powder and slammed it down. "The burrow."  Jamie shouted  transported to the burrow. 


Jamie landed in the living room making Mr Weasly jump as he was sitting reading the paper. 

"Sorry Dad, Morning." Jamie said, making Arthur smile. 

"Morning Jamie. Molly made some porridge this morning if you have any room."  

"I will always have room for Mums porridge." Jamie smiled and started to walk to the kitchen. 

As she walked into the kitchen to her surprise the table was filled with all the boys from the family except Percy. 

"Are you kidding?" Fred said as Jamie stood there smiling.

"Hello boys. " Jamie said ignoring Fred's comment. 

Hello's could be heard from the brothers. "Why are you here?" Fred asked. 

"I came to see Hermione." Jamie answered "What are you doing here?" Jamie said and raised an eyebrow. 

"You will have to wait until tonight to find out why the twins are here." Charlie butted in. 

"Okay dragon boy. Aren't you meant to be in Romania or have you come back to England for good." Jamie said while getting her food. 

"Oh shut it. I'm going back once Hermione has the baby." Charlie said back. 

"Okay. Have fun guys." Jamie said as she left the kitchen and went to find Hermione. 

Jamie walked up to Hermione's and Ron's room and knocked on the door. 

"Who is it?" Jamie could hear Hermione shout. 

"J" Jamie answered. 

"Come in." Hermione shouted through the door and Jamie walked in. Hermione was getting changed but she looked like she was struggling. 

Jamie put her porridge down on the nightstand and walked over to Hermione to help her pull her shirt over Hermione's now large round stomach. "Bloody wish this baby would come." Hermione huffed. 

"You have two weeks that is all, then you will have a baby Weasley or Granger running around." Jamie said hoping to make Hermione feel better as Jamie sat on the bed eating her food. 

"Yer and you better be their godmother. Because I can not handle Ron now let alone while i'm pushing out his child." Hermione said with a smile. 

"I promise you I will be there. I will be right by your side as soon as I find out you're birthing my godchild. " Jamie smiled. "What do you hope the gender will be?" 

"Good question. I want a girl but Ron thinks it will be a body due to the strong Weasley genes of boys." Hermione answered. 

"Well I hope it's a girl. Then we can dress her up and spoil her rotten."  Jamie said getting giddy about how she would soon have a child that she could spoil. 

"Oh imagine. But we should stop dreaming about me giving birth to a girl because it could equally be a boy." 

"Very true Hermione But talking about girls, where is Gin because I know she is back from her first quidditch match as a professional and I need to talk to her about it." Jamie asked Hermione. 

"Either in her room or outside practising. Want me to come with you, if she's outside I could do with some fresh air." 

"Yer ,come on." Jamie said as she stood up and took Hermione's hand and grabbed the now empty bowel. 

The girls walked to Harry and Ginny's room and it was empty meaning Ginny was in the garden. The girls walked down stairs and back to the kitchen. 

"Oh my Merlin. What are you doing back." Fred said as Jamie walked into the kitchen. 

"Nice to see you too. I'm trying to find Gin. I suppose she is outside." Jamie said, looking at Harry. 

"Yup." Harry replied. 

"Well get out." Fred said. 

"Was about to anyway. If you're this secretive this date night better be good." Jamie giggled as she left out the back door with Hermione. 

"Well he sounds a bit pissy." Hermione commented. 

"Him and George are planning a date night. I just think he wants it to be perfect."  Jamie answered, looking for Ginny. 

Eventually Ginny spotted the girls and came down from flying. "hey girls." 

"Hey Gin." Jamie said. 

"Should we go and chill in the quidditch shed it's cold outside and I think if Jamie walks through the kitchen again Fred's head will blow off." Hermione said. 

"Sounds good, why can't Jamie walk into the kitchen though?" Ginny asked. 

"Fred and George are planning a date night for tonight." Jamie said and Ginny nodded. 

The three girls walked into the quidditch shed and sat down on the plastic chairs that were in there. Over the years the shed had gone from being storage to having all the quidditch things in it and having a heater and chairs for when the siblings were playing and needed a break. 

"Turn on the heater please Gin." Hermione asked and Ginny obeyed. 

"So how was your first professional match? " Jamie asked Ginny and her face lit up. 

"It was bloody amazing. I have never felt so good on the pitch. The whole team is amazing and i'm the seeker that makes me the most important and I love how I get to catch the snitch. When I did catch the snitch the crowd went wild and I don't think I had smiled so much. You will have to come to one of my matches." 

"I will hundred percent come to one of your matches. it sounded like you are enjoying the professional life." 

"Yes definitely this was my dream." 

"Well one of us had to achieve their dreams." Hermione said, changing the mood. 

"What do you mean, Mione, one out of the three?" Ginny asked. 

"Well you achieved your dreams of becoming a professional quidditch player, my dreams can't come true now i'm a mother and Jamie hasn't achieved her dreams." Hermione said. 

"What was your dream then mione?" Ginny asked another question. 

"I want to be the minister of magic. Obviously but now I have to be a mum." Hermione said. 

"You do not. You can still be minister. You will just have to start your dreams next year after you have the baby. You can still be minister and the greatest mum. I will always be there to look after my goddaughter." Jamie told Hermione.

"See that makes two out of  the three eligible to achieve their dreams. So Jamie, what is your dream??" Ginny asked. 

"I can tell you that Jamie wanted to be a famous musician and marry Fred Weasley." Hermione said. The hormonal pregnant woman was starting to get on Jamie's nerves. Good job the baby was due soon. 

"It was my dream Hermione .But I grew up and noticed that music wasn't going to be the life I wanted. It meant that I would have to leave the twins, you, Gin , Harry and the other Weasley's and Lee. I think you guys are more important and I am happy with just performing at the odd party and playing with you guys when you have time. And for marrying Fred. Well I am dating his handsome ass and all he talks about is how he's going to marry me so I think that dream is going to come true." Jamie smiled. 

"Making all three of us happy with our lives. Jamie is happy and I'm happy and after you have the baby and start your little family. You can start training to be minister. " Ginny said, making the three girls all nod in agreement. 

The girls spoke for a couple of more hours until Jamie needed to go home.  So the three of them walked back into the house through the kitchen where the group of boys no longer sat. Jamie walked in the living room to see Fred and George saying goodbye to their parents. Looked like they were off to sort out the date. 

"Bye Jamie." George said as he stood in the fireplace and went off. 

"See you later J." Fred said as he walked over and gave Jamie a peck on the lips. 

"You are going to love what they have planned. " Molly said as Jamie hugged Molly and Arthur goodbye. 

"I hope I do they looked very busy earlier. Well I better get going. I do need to change. " Jamie smiled and took the floo network home. 


As Jamie walked out the fireplace Rhiannon walked through the flat door. "Ah perfect timing." Rhiannon said. 

"Perfect, Guess what I saw the twins today at the burrow and they were busy planning. I only know they were planning because Fred wasn't being clingy and all the boys were sat round the table." 

"Wow I can't wait. I managed to find a casual date outfit. So you know fun." Rhiannon answered back. 

"Right we better get ready then." Jamie said as the pair split off to do their thing. Jamie got into the shower and quickly washed her hair and body making sure her legs were shaved. 

After her shower Jamie charmed her hair dry and for it to have natural waves. Her hair looked different but good this way. She then put on some natural makeup as Jamie had no clue where the date was going to be. After making sure she looked fabulous Jamie put on a casual autumn dress and a pair of simple heels. 

She walked out of her room and into Rhiannon's and sat on the bed while she watched her best friend get ready. "You are looking good." Jamie said. 

"Well thank you. Same goes for you." Rhiannon replied. "The boys should be here in a bit, while we wait wanna do a shot?" 

"Do I want to do a shot? What kind of question is that. Yes." Jamie smiled and the girls walked to the kitchen.

Rhiannon grabbed the bottle of firewhiskey and Jamie grabbed the shot glasses. Rhiannon filled the glasses to the brim. 

"On the count of three." Rhiannon said and Jamie nodded. 

"One, two , three." Rhiannon shouted and the girls both downed their shot. 

"Impressive." George said, standing in the kitchen entryway. Making the girls jump. 

"Shit. You scared me, I didn't hear you walk in." Jamie said as she put the glass back on the counter. 

"I think it's because Rhiannon and you were too busy taking shots." George tutted. 

"It was only one Georgie." Rhiannon said as she went up and kissed him.

"Not to stop the show but where is Fred?" Jamie asked. 

"Oh in your room most probably looking for something he left." George answered, Jamie nodded and left to go to her room and when she walked in there stood Fred. 

"You alright Freddie?" Jamie asked. 

"I left something here and I can't find it." he said. 

"What did you leave?" Jamie asked, knowing what he was looking for. 

"My wand." He said embarrassed. 

Jamie laughed. "It's in the bedside table drawer." 

Fred walked over to the bedside table and opened the drawer. He took out his wand and smiled. He then looked down again and something caught his eye. Fred pulled a pair of handcuffs out the draw. "What are they?" He said with a smile. 

A subtle blush crept up on Jamie's face. "I forgot they were in there. Gin gave me them." Jamie smiled. 

"Well we can thank Ginny for later tonight." Fred smiled and Jamie giggled. 

"Will we." Jamie said. 

"We will." Fred said as he put the handcuffs in his pocket. 

The couple walked back out into the living room to meet the couple. "Got what you needed?" George asked. 

"Sure do." Fred said, holding his wand up. 

"Really. " Fred just nodded at his brother's remark. "Well this get going."  The twins took their girlfriend's hands and apparated them to the date. 

"Your place?" Jamie question. 

"Yes, wait until you get inside." Fred said, covering Jamie's eyes with his hands as he guided her inside. 

Both girls stood there with their eyes covered until the boys removed their hands. When they did the flat looked more magical than magic. The living room had fairy lights everywhere and the floor had pillows and blankets all over it and the coffee table was full of snacks. On the couch were two sets of matching pyjamas. 

"Wow" The girls said. 

"We got all dressed up for this. You could have told us to wear something less dressy." Jamie said being her stubborn self. 

"Well that is why there are pj's for you. You get to match me." Fred said, running over to grab the matching pyjamas. 

"We are having a movie night with snacks and drinks. With all of our fav movies." George said, giving Rhiannon her pair of pj's. Rhiannon and George had a blue matching set and Jamie and Fred had a red matching set. 

Fred pushed Jamie into his room with a smile. "change into these."

"Okay." Jamie said as she took the clothes from Fred's hand. 

The pair began to strip. Fred sneakily looks at his girlfriend and admires her beauty. As they were getting changed Fred threw the handcuffs from his pocket onto the bed making the couple smile at each other. Once they were both dressed they went back into the living room and sat down on the floor. When the four of them were cosy they turned on the first movie. 

While watching the film the four snacked on all the treats and drank the butter beer. All of them were enjoying themselves. Fred had his arm around Jamie and her head was resting on his shoulder. "I love you." Fred said into Jamie's ear. 

"I love you." Jamie said back as she gave Fred a kiss. 

The two cuddled while they watched three more films until the four all went to bed. Jamie wasn't tired and it looked like Fred wasn't either. "You tired ?" Fred asked. 

"Nope." Jamie smiled and Fred walked up to her and kissed her. 

Jamie kissed Fred back. Fred's hands moved to the low of Jamie's back and Jamie's hands were locked around Fred's neck. "Well I guess we will put them handcuffs to use darling." 

"I Guess we will Freddie."  Jamie smiled as the pair backed up to the bed still kissing. 

Jamie felt her back hit the bed and she felt Fred hover over her. Both of them had grins on their faces. Jamie's hands moved over Fred's body as she took off his t-shirt, Jamie loved how toned Fred was and how attractive his body was. Following Jamie's actions Fred took off Jamie's top and bra, sucking on her skin and then her nipples making Jamie let out a gasp of pleasure. 

Fred grabbed his wand and cast the silencing spell onto the room. The pair made their way to the top of the bed where Fred pinned Jamie's hands above her head as he sucked and kissed the skin of her breast and neck leaving little red marks that would turn purple with time. 

Fred grabbed the handcuffs and cuffed Jamie's hands to the bed leaving her wanting him more. Fred kissed down from Jamie's lips to the waistline of her pants. "You want this darling?" Fred asked for consent. 

"Yes please." Jamie said in a gasp. 

Fred pulled down Jamie's pants and underwear leaving her naked and vulnerable right in front of him. Fred could see that Jamie was wet through and he got more hard then he already was. 

Fred pulled Jamie's legs apart and licked her wetness until he reached the clit. Making sure he sucked the clit. Jamie felt Fred's fingers inside of her bring her please. She let out little moans as Fred moved his fingers in and out. 

Fred worked his magic until Jamie was close to finishing. He felt how her walls tightened around his fingers and he could hear her moans of pleasure. As Jamie was about to release Fred pulled out his fingers and stopped sucking her clit. 

"Fred." Jamie let out an upset moan of his name. 

"I want to be inside of you." Fred answered back. 

"then fuck me then." As Jamie said that it set Fred off. 

Fred pulled off his pants and boxers and lined himself at Jamie's entrance. He slammed into her not leaving her any time to get used to his size. He kept thrusting and Jamie's whimpers of pain turned into pleasure. Jamie was desperate to touch Fred and mark his body. 

"Oh fuck - Faster." Jamie shouted. 

Fred obeyed and started to thrust faster bringing them both closer to release. 

"Take my hands out the cuffs." Jamie said as Fred thrusted into her. Fred kept thrusting while he un-did Jamie's hands. 

Jamie pulled Fred closer and held onto his back leaving crescent shape marks on his back. Fred moved Jamie's leg over his shoulder giving the pair a new angle so Fred could go deeper into Jamie. Now Fred was thrusting into Jamie's g-spot and Fred had a cocky smile on his face as he heard the moans and mumbles Jamie was saying. 

"Fuck I'm close J. Please come on my cock." Fred whimpered.

 "I'm close, go harder."  Jamie said and Fred did, bringing Jamie over the edge and she came all over Fred's dick. 

Jamie's release made Fred come to his high and he came inside Jamie. Both of them breathing heavily as their high ends. 

"Well I'm definitely tired now." Jamie laughed. 

"Yup you have worn me out. I do say I like the handcuffs." Fred said.

"Agreed, maybe next time I can use them on you." Jamie smiled and Fred smirked and lifted an eyebrow. 

After getting their breath back the pair cleaned themselves and the room and then got into bed. Sleep took both of them pretty quick as they were worn out from their late night activities. 

"Thanks for such a fun night. I love you." Jamie said drifting to sleep. 

"I enjoyed tonight. We should do something like this again and I love you more." Fred said as he fell to sleep. The pair cuddled all night long as they dreamed about each other. 

(A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while life has been stressful. But i'm back. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will try to upload more frequently. xoxo) 

(Word count: 3358 words)

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