One girl , six friends: A Fre...

By Magic_Musician

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Fred and Jamie were friends but they wanted more. Jamie had two dreams in life. one to start a band with her... More

About O/C and characters.
Chapter 1 : Start of the Winter holidays.
Chapter 2:First night in the burrow.
Chapter 3: The Joke shop and confession.
Chapter 4 : Back to the burrow
Chapter 5: The Music room
Chapter 6: The question ?
Chapter 7: Christmas day.
Chapter 8: The idea.
Chapter 9: Sleepover.
Chapter 10: Morning after
Chapter 11: New years eve.
Chapter 12: Caught.
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Rhiannon and George.
Chapter 15: Moving day.
Chapter 16: Shopping.
Chapter 17: Valentines day.
Chapter 18: Ron's Birthday.
Chapter 19: Holiday Pt.1
Chapter 20: Holiday Pt.2
Chapter 21: Home time.
Chapter 22: Pregnant?
Chapter 23: Big news.
Chapter 24: Family.
Chapter 25: Date night.
Chapter 26: Twins Birthday.
Chapter 27: Girls day.
Chapter 28: Party Time
Chapter 29: Friends
Chapter 30: Rhi's Birthday.
Chapter 31: Trouble in paradise.
Chapter 32: Invite.
Chapter 33: End of a era.
Chapter 34: Reunited.
Chapter 35: Best friends.
Chapter 36: Ginny's Birthday.
Chapter 37: Getting ready.
Chapter 38: The Ball.
Chapter 40: Fun times.
Chapter 41: The office
Chapter 42: Double date.
Chapter 43: Romeo.
Chapter 44: New addition.
Chapter 45: Rose Weasley.
Chapter 46: Hinny.
Chapter 47: Clubbing.
Chapter 48: A Problem.
Chapter 49: Theme park.
Chapter 50: Jamie's Birthday.
Chapter 51: Winter days at the Burrow.
Chapter 52: It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Chapter 53: Beautiful girl.
Chapter 54: New year.
Chapter 55: Family time.
Chapter 56: Marriage.

Chapter 39: Fun day at Burrow.

14 1 2
By Magic_Musician

(TW: Sexual content) 

The next day Jamie decided to sleep in and cuddle with Fred. So when she woke up she got closer to Fred and wrapped her arms around him and fell back to sleep.  It was rare Jamie slept in because she was so used to waking up at the crack of dawn. 

While the couple were sleeping all other sibling sand guests in the house had woken up and had all joined each other in the living room of the burrow all of them dressed in their pj's talking while Molly made breakfast. 

"Morning." Charlie said as he plopped down on the couch. 

"Morning brother." Percy replied. 

"Mums making breakfast." Bill announced. 

"Thank Merlin I'm starving." Ron said while Hermione sighed from beside him. 

"It's really quiet in here. Is it just me? " Harry asked. 

"It's because Fred and Jamie are still asleep and they are the loud ones." George told the group. 

"We should wake them up." Ginny said and the whole group agreed, even Fleur and Bella. 

"Well what should we do?" George asked. 

"We should throw water or something over them." Charlie suggested. 

"Is that all we can think of?" Ginny said unimpressed. 

"It's basic but funny we should do it." Rhiannon said. 

"Alright this go and remember to be quiet." George said as him and Ginny filled two buckets of water and then all of them headed upstairs. 

They all walked into the twins room and saw the couple cuddled up together asleep. Many of them were surprised that Jamie and Fred didn't wake up due to them walking in the room. Many of the girls in the room such as Rhiannon , Fleur , Bella and Hermione were in awe due to the way the couple cuddle up together. Charlie muttered the word simp aiming it towards Fred and Bill just let out a chuckle while he stood in the doorway with Percy knowing not to intervene. Rhiannon moved over and sat on George's bed so she could see the prank upfront. 

George counted down from three at Ginny and they splashed the water over Fred and Jamie. Making Fred spring up knocking Jamie off the bed taking the duvet with her. 

"What the fuck." Jamie said as she sat up. "George Fabian Wesley and Ginevra Weasly." Jamie shouted. 

"Shit." Ginny said, as she ran out the room. Everyone else laughed at her as they stayed in the room. 

"Ahaha Fred got a boner." Ron laughed so did everyone else except Jamie who just threw a pillow at Fred while she stood up while wrapping the duvet around her as she had no bottoms on as she was only wearing Fred's t-shirt which was now soaked and stuck to her body. 

"Leave him alone. Not like you've never had a boner before." Jamie said back harshly, making Ron turn red. 

"Why are you wrapping the duvet around you Jamie?" Hermione asked. Jamie thought that she was one of the smart one's. 

"I have no trousers on and didn't feel like giving you all a show." Jamie said back snappy. She was kinda angry as she had been woken up by water being tipped over her. 

"So are you going to get out." Fred said in his deep morning voice , giving Jamie butterflies in her stomach.  Everyone just stood there not moving. 

"I think we will stay. Come on everyone, this sit down." George said as Jamie and Fred groaned in annoyance. The older sibling and their partners left  and the others sat in the room. 

"Can you get out? I want to get change into something not wet." Jamie said utterly pissed off sitting back on the bed next to Fred avoiding the wet patches. 

"Nope." George said. 

Jamie huffed and walked over to the twins wardrobe and got some clothes out for herself ,Fred following behind her as he also wanted to change. Jamie and her dramatic ass stomped out the room and walked into the bathroom locking the door behind her. She turned on the shower and before she could take off the wet shirt there was a knock on the bathroom door. 

"Who is it?" Jamie asked. 

"Fred can I come in please." 

Jamie opened the door and let Fred in and went back to what she was doing. She took off her wet clothes and got into the shower while Fred spoke to her. 

"I'm sorry about that?"  

"About what, you didn't do anything. " Jamie replied. 

"I know but there my siblings." Fred said. 

"They are practically my siblings as well. I'm going to hit one of them with a beaters bat at some point." Jamie said back as she let the water in the shower cover her skin. 

"One day they will be your siblings fully that day you will be Mrs Weasley." Fred said very confidently. 

"Oh really when will that be?" Jamie replied 

"One day J, I just don't know yet." 

"Well we aint planning any wedding you have to propose first. Also are you getting in or standing there boner boy." Jamie said. 

"Oi rude. " Fred said as he stripped and got in the shower. 

Fred moved closer to Jamie in the shower and Jamie gave Fred a kiss which he immediately welcomed. The pair washed each other's hair Jamie making Fred's bright red hair go silky. After they washed each other's hair they washed each other it wasn't meant to be in a sexual way but Fred was involved. 

"Fred you're getting a bit touchy." Jamie said as Fred's hand lingered over her breasts. 

"What's wrong with that J?" Fred said as he kissed Jamie then moved over to the crook of her neck, hinting he wanted some action. 

"Freddie, your family are in the house." 

"It's never stopped us before." Fred said still kissing Jamie she did nothing to stop it. She was enjoying herself as she moved her head back in pleasure. 

Fred's hands moved to Jamie's hips as hers went around his neck. The two joined lips kissing under the shower. Jamie's hands moved from Fred's neck down the front of his body over his abs to his hard dick. She started to stroke it slowly as Fred let out a small grunt. 

"You need to be quiet Freddie, you don't want the family to hear." Jamie said in a seductive voice.  

"I don't care."Fred said as he smiled at Jamie while she pumped his length. 

Jamie continued what she was doing until Fred was close to release and Fred moved away." You want to do this?" 

"Yes." Jamie said as her lips connected with Fred's neck leaving a purple bruise.

"Jump then." Jamie did what Fred asked as she jumped and Fred held onto her. 

Jamie's back connected with the cold wall in the shower as she was pinned against the wall by Fred attacking her neck leaving purple and red marks. Jamie's hands going to Fred's back lightly scratching it. Both of the pair were very eager to have sex as it had been a number of days since the last time they had done anything. 

"Fred please." Jamie plea as she wanted him inside her. 

Fred obeyed and aligned himself at her entrance and lowered her down gently until they were both comfortable. When they were Fred thrusted into Jamie as she rode Fred. the pair pleasuring each other, both of them knew they wouldn't last long. The pair had to contain their moans due to the lack of the muffliato spell. The only thing that could be heard was the water and their skin connecting. Fred thrusted harder into Jamie ,making her muffle a moan into Fred's shoulder. Fred's hands gripped onto Jamie's ass and one of Jamie;s hand was held tightly to Fred's bicep and the other onto his back. 

Fred sped up the pace more making him close to release and hitting Jamie's g-spot. Fred didn't last long and came inside Jamie muffling him groan into Jamie's chest. Fred still thrusted through his high until Jamie came muffling her moan. 

Fred helped Jamie get down and the pair washed the remains of their love making off them and got out the shower. They dressed themselves and walked out to meet the others. 

Everyone was sat in the living room eating breakfast when Jame and Fred came down stairs. 

"You took forever in the bathroom." George said to the couple. 

"I had a shower." Fred and Jamie said in unison. 

"Well sweeties your breakfast is in the kitchen." Molly said. 

Jamie and Fred walked to the kitchen and got their breakfast but before they left the room Jamie got out her wand and charmed her and Fred. 

"what was that for?" Fred asked. 

"Our necks looked like we had been bitten by a vampire." Jamie told Fred and he chuckled as the pair walked in the living room together and sat down. Fred sat on the chair as Jamie sat in between his legs as there were no more spots left to sit. 

While everyone ate breakfast the group chatted and talked about how great the ball was minus Mrs Scamander, even Rhiannon mentioned how bad her mother was sometimes. After breakfast Jamie helped Mrs Weasley charm the dishes then found the girls all chatting outside so joined them. All the girls were sat near the banks of the pond that the Weasley's had; they were all gossiping about something.  

"Hi girls." Jamie said as she sat down. 

"Hi." All the girls said back. 

"So Jamie, how was your morning." Rhiannon asked. 

"Pretty good actually." Jamie smiled. 

"But." Ginny said, confused. 

"You got busy with ze Fred didn't you." Bella asked. 

"Why you want to know." Jamie smiled at Bella. Bella was welcomed straight away into the group of girls when her and Percy got together  but she wasn't around much due to her and Percy living in France.  

"Bella her and Fred are always getting busy. And from what I saw on your neck this morning you definitely did." Hermione said, making the girls laugh. 

"Oh shut it Granger." Jamie said while laughing. 

As the girls were laughing the boys came out as it was a sunny day all of the boys dressed in shorts and t-shirts. 

"Well hello ladies." Charlie said as he sat down. 

"Well Hello handsome." Jamie said 

"Oi where's my hello handsome." Fred said as he sat down next to Jamie. 

"Hello sexy." Jamie said to Fred. 

"Thank you." Fred said as he gave Jamie a peck.  

"Sh what you guys doing out here." Ginny asked. 

"We are going swimming in the pond." Harry said as the pond had been charmed to be clean and safe to swim in. 

"You can join if you want." Ron suggested. The girls nodded and Bella, Fleur , Hermione and Ginny went inside leaving Jamie and Rhiannon outside. 

"Why are you two not swimming?" George asked. 

"We don't have costumes." Rhiannon said. 

"Rhiannon Ginny or Hermione can give you one of there's and J has one in our room." Fred said, Rhiannon nodded and stood up and walked in with Jamie. 

Once Rhiannon had gotten a costume from Ginny, her and Jamie went up to the twins room to find Jamie's costume.  Rhiannon had chosen a purple two piece that didn't show off to much skin and she had changed into it and she looked amazing. Finally Jamie found the bikini Fred said he had put in here and when Jamie turned around to show Rhi she laughed. 

"There is no fabric to it." Rhiannon laughed. 

"Oh Merlin. I swear Fred..."  

"Just put it on. It might look good on." Rhiannon suggested. So Jamie put it on not to lie Jamie did look good but she didn't want the others to see her in it. 

"You look amazing ,Jam. You will be fine." Rhi said. 

"I swear if my nipple pops out or something." Jamie said, making Rhiannon chuckle. 


While the two girls were inside all the others were outside. 

"Where is Rhi and Jamie." George said, getting impatient. 

"No clue. I bet J's fussing over her bikini." Fred said smiling at his twin. 

"oh no Fred what did you do?" George asked. 

"All i'm saying is minimum fabric." Fred smiled. 

"You are such a arsehole sometimes." Hermione said as she had heard the conversation. Hermione was just happy sunbathing as she didn't feel like swimming while being seven months pregnant.

Eventually Rhiannon walked out the back door and sat next to George and gave him a kiss. "Looking good babe." George said to Rhiannon. 

"Where's J?" Fred asked. 

"Helping your mum and you're an ass. She doesn't like what she is wearing."  Rhiannon said to Fred. Then Rhiannon and George left to go in the water. 

Five minutes later Jamie walked out the door with a jug of lemonade and cups. But all Fred was focused on was how good his girlfriend looked. 

"Hey guys. Mum made lemonade." Jamie said as she placed the lemonade down and sat next to Fred. 

"You look so hot right now." Fred said to Jamie. 

"Thank you but I feel like my nips are going to pop out of the top." Jamie said, making Fred shake his head trying not to laugh.  He wasn't going to lie Jamie's breasts looked really good in the top. "Did you buy this cause I didn't?" Jamie asked about her bikini. 

"Yup. Worth it." Fred said, Jamie nudged him. 

"Well hello. " Charlie said as he came up to Fred and Jamie.

"Hello Charlie." Jamie said back. 

"Nice bruises." Charlie said as he pointed to Jamie's neck , Chest and her hips.

" What do you- "  Jamie looked down and could see some of the hickey's Fred left on her breasts and the marks on Jamie's hips where Fred had held onto her. 

"Same for you brother." Charlie pointed at Fred. Jamie looked over and saw the marks she had left on his neck. 

"Oh Merlin." Jamie said. 

"What's wrong? The others are not bothered by them. I bet most of them have hickeys but covered them up." Fred told Jamie. 

"It's not that I was speaking to mum and dad. That's why your dad was looking at me weird. Oh my Merlin I'm so embarrassed." 

"So what not like mum  and dad doesn't know that we all have sex. I mean they have most probably heard us and Mione's pregnant." 

"True well do you want to go swimming?" 

"Come on." Fred said, he stood up, took Jamie's hand to help her up then the pair cannon balled into the water. 

For the rest of the day all the sibling sand Friends swam around sunbathed and gossiped. It was a great time for all the Weasley's to bond before they all split again. Percy would be going back to France, Charlie back to Romania and Bill back to his home. 

For dinner they had a barbecue that included burgers, hot dogs, grilled chicken and corn on the cob. With salad and many other things. Everyone was enjoying life and was happy together. After dinner Jamie and Fred left and went back to the twins place where the two got in bed together and fell asleep after a fun filled day. 

(Word count: 2559 words)

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