One girl , six friends: A Fre...

By Magic_Musician

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Fred and Jamie were friends but they wanted more. Jamie had two dreams in life. one to start a band with her... More

About O/C and characters.
Chapter 1 : Start of the Winter holidays.
Chapter 2:First night in the burrow.
Chapter 3: The Joke shop and confession.
Chapter 4 : Back to the burrow
Chapter 5: The Music room
Chapter 6: The question ?
Chapter 7: Christmas day.
Chapter 8: The idea.
Chapter 9: Sleepover.
Chapter 10: Morning after
Chapter 11: New years eve.
Chapter 12: Caught.
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Rhiannon and George.
Chapter 15: Moving day.
Chapter 16: Shopping.
Chapter 17: Valentines day.
Chapter 18: Ron's Birthday.
Chapter 19: Holiday Pt.1
Chapter 20: Holiday Pt.2
Chapter 21: Home time.
Chapter 22: Pregnant?
Chapter 23: Big news.
Chapter 24: Family.
Chapter 25: Date night.
Chapter 26: Twins Birthday.
Chapter 27: Girls day.
Chapter 28: Party Time
Chapter 29: Friends
Chapter 30: Rhi's Birthday.
Chapter 31: Trouble in paradise.
Chapter 32: Invite.
Chapter 33: End of a era.
Chapter 34: Reunited.
Chapter 36: Ginny's Birthday.
Chapter 37: Getting ready.
Chapter 38: The Ball.
Chapter 39: Fun day at Burrow.
Chapter 40: Fun times.
Chapter 41: The office
Chapter 42: Double date.
Chapter 43: Romeo.
Chapter 44: New addition.
Chapter 45: Rose Weasley.
Chapter 46: Hinny.
Chapter 47: Clubbing.
Chapter 48: A Problem.
Chapter 49: Theme park.
Chapter 50: Jamie's Birthday.
Chapter 51: Winter days at the Burrow.
Chapter 52: It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Chapter 53: Beautiful girl.
Chapter 54: New year.
Chapter 55: Family time.
Chapter 56: Marriage.

Chapter 35: Best friends.

18 1 0
By Magic_Musician

(T.W: Sexual content. Nice and smutty. ;) ) 

The next morning George and Lee had woken up before Jamie for once. They could see Jamie and Fred cuddled up together sleeping peacefully. 

"It took them long enough, I thought they would have gotten back together after three days." George said sitting up in his bed. 

Lee sat up and stretched his arms. " Well at least they are back together now. They look so cute."  

"Cute - really." George said back to Lee. As the two friends were talking about random things Hermione walked in and looked at Fred and Jamie asleep together a tear slid down her cheek. Lee and George were just looking at her. 

"It's the hormones. Well it's good to see there back together." She said and left the room. 

Eventually Jamie woke up. She kissed Fred's forehead, got out of bed and put a pair of shorts on. Then went downstairs to join everyone else. 

"Morning Sweetie." Molly said to Jamie as she went to sit down. 

"Morning." Jamie smiled as she sat down and started to dish food onto her plate. While Jamie was dishing up food Fred came downstairs in just his pyjama pants and he sat next to Jamie. They smiled at each other and Fred lent in for a kiss and Jamie kissed Fred. Everyone at the table just looked at each other except Lee, George and Hermione. 

"So are you two like dating again?" Ginny asked. 

"Yea." Fred just answered back while dishing up his food, Jamie just smiled. 

"Should have seen them sleeping - cuties. "Lee smiled. George, Ginny and Charlie all laughed. Making Jamie role her eyes at the siblings. 


It had been a week since Jamie and Fred had gotten together and the two of them had just woken up. Jamie smiled up to Fred and smiled at him, he smiled back. 

"Morning Darling." Fred said in his raspy morning voice, turning the already horny Jamie on even more. 

"Morning Freddie." Jamie said as she rolled over and straddled Fred. His eyes sparkling and his face had a giant grin on it. 

Jamie kissed Fred and he welcomed her mouth straight away. He moved his tongue into the kiss fighting for dominance. Jamie moved the kiss down Fred's neck hitting the sweet spot below his ear making him let out a low moan. Jamie smiled and continued to kiss down the bare stomach and abs of Fred leaving little purple marks as she went along. 

"You want this Freddie?" Jamie questioned as her fingertips skimmed the waistband of his pj bottoms. 

"Yes Please J." 

Jamie pulled down Fred's pj bottoms and his boxers revealing his length. His tip sparkling with pre-cum Jamie moved her hand up and down Fred's length letting her fingertips work the tip. Fred let out little grunts letting Jamie know he wanted her to go faster so Jamie entered Fred's tip into her mouth and swirled her tongue over the tip. 

She bobbed her head up and down his length and took as much as she could letting out hums that sent vibrations into Fred. Fred had Jamie hair in his hand and was pushing her head down as far as she could go, he could see the tears escaping from her eyes and he wiped them away. Jamie could feel the wetness in between her legs and her heat throbbed for Fred. 

"I'm close." Fred moaned to Jamie and she stopped. Fred let out a frustrated grunt. 

"I want you to finish in me Fred." Jamie smiled as she stripped off her clothes and hovered over Fred. She kissed him as she lined her entrance up to his dick. She lowered herself onto Fred making them both let out pleasuring noises. Jamie didn't move for a second so she could get used to Fred's size but when she was ready she began to ride Fred. 

Fred liked being in charge but the pair hadn't been this close in a long time and he really didn't care. Jamie was amazing at sex and Fred was having a great time. "Oh Fuck J - you are so good and tight." Fred said as his hands slapped her behind. 

Jamie let out a loud moan as Fred's hands connected with her behind. " Oh - Freddie " Jamie's hands were on Fred's abs as she gripped onto them as she rode Fred. The couple were enjoying themselves very much. Letting each other know that they were by their moans and comments.


While Jamie and Fred where having fun Rhiannon had returned home from her week away. When she got into the flat she shouted for Jamie and she didn't get the answer. Rhiannon then heard the reason why Jamie didn't answer as Jamie and Fred's moans could be heard from the bedroom. Informing Rhiannon that they had gotten together in the last week, good for them Rhiannon thought. 

Rhiannon went to her room and silenced the couples room as she walked past. 


"I'm close J." Fred said again. 

"Same Freddie."  Jamie rode harder and could feel Fred release inside her as he let out a grunt. Jamie rode through his high until she met her high as she released all over Fred. 

Jamie slowly got of Fred and laid back down next to him. "That was fucking good." 

"It was darling." Fred said as he kissed Jamie's sweaty temple. "I think we should shower." 

Jamie hummed in agreement Fred stood up and went to the bathroom. He turned on the water and returned to the bedroom waiting for Jamie. She went to stand up and could feel the ache between her legs. Fred just giggled. 

"I think I tried to hard." Jamie said as she hobbled over to Fred. Fred scooped Jamie up and carried her to the shower placing her in it before he got in. 

The pair help each other wash their hair and clean themselves. Showering together was not a sexual thing but a thing to feel close together. As the shower washed away the sweat and dirt the couple just stayed under the water together. 

"I love you." Jamie said as she kissed Fred. 

"I loved you." Fred said as he bopped Jamie's nose making her let out a chuckle. 

They got out the shower and got changed into their clothes for the day. Jamie charmed her hair dry and put it up into a simple ponytail. They left the room to make some food and where greeted by Rhiannon who was making breakfast in the kitchen. 

"Rhi. "Jamie smiled and ran up to her friend hugging her. 

"Jam. Soooo I guess you two are together by what I heard earlier."  

"Yup Sorry." Fred said as he put his hands around Jamie's waist. 

The three ate their breakfast just chatting about the passed week and what had happened updating Rhiannon on any gossip. Rhiannon told Jamie and Fred about her week at work she had helped some elderly wizards in Scotland so it wasn't a hard job. 

"Well I better get going."  Fred said as he stood up and kissed Jamie. 

"Bye." Jamie and Rhiannon said to Fred as he to the floo to wherever he was going. 

"We better get going, we have a fun place to be." Jamie smiled at Rhiannon. 

"We do. Let me grab my bag."  Rhiannon said standing up. Jamie charmed the dishes to wash themselves then got her bag.


 The two then apparated to a tattoo shop. This was the start of their girls day. Rhiannon and Jamie had wanted to get tattoo's for a long time and today was finally the day. 

The girls walked into the shop and were greeted by the tattoo artists. They were told it would take a couple of hours for Jamie's tattoo to be done and about an hour for Rhiannon's. The girls finalised their designs and were set. 

They both sat on chairs next to each other. Rhiannon's tattoo was going to be on her thigh and Jamie's on her lower back. When they were ready the tattooists started tattooing. Jamie didn't mind the pain, it wasn't that bad, Rhiannon said it hurt but was tolerable.  

The girls just chatted while they were being tatted. "Does Fred know you are doing this?" Rhi asked. 

"No does George know you are doing this? " Jamie asked. 

"Nope. Guess we can show them at the same time." Rhiannon suggested. 

"Ron knows I was talking to him about it. You know he has a tattoo?"   Jamie told Rhiannon. 

"Wow really. what is it?"  

"It's a Lion. It's tiny and on his back. "

For the rest of the session the girls and tattooist just talked about random things. When Rhiannon was done she just sat down again and waited for Jamie to be finished. 

"You're done." The tattooist smiled cleaning the new tattoo. 

Jamie looked into the mirror and was amazed by what she saw. It was what she just wanted. The tattoo held many meanings. Rhiannon had had a book tattoo with flowers round it and Jamie had gotten a snake.  

"It's amazing Jam."  

"Thanks Rhi yours looks amazing too. " 

The girls paid and left the shop. Next they had to go and meet Ginny, Hermione and Molly to get dresses for the ball. So Jamie and Rhiannon apparated to the dress shop in Diagon alley. They walked inside and the others were waiting for them. 

"Hello sweetie's." Molly said as she greeted Rhiannon and Jamie. 

"Hi Molly." Rhiannon said in the hug. 

"Hi mum. Can't wait to get you all dressed up." Jamie smiled. 

"We have been told that we have the shop to ourselves and that the dressing rooms are in the back." Hermione points out. 

"Alright but make sure we all see what you try on cause I want us to all look fabulous."  Ginny points out. 

"We need to look the best there." Rhiannon says. 

All the girls split off choosing dresses and going into the changing rooms trying on the dresses and showing the others. Ginny found her dress pretty fast as she knew what she wanted to look like so she joined Rhiannon in the hunt to find a dress. 

Hermione was struggling and Jamie and Molly noticed. So they decided to help her find a dress that fits comfortable with her baby bump. After Hermione and Rhiannon had successfully found a dress Jamie and Molly were left to find a dress. 

Jamie went into a changing room to try on a dress when Molly walked in. Jamie's back was facing Molly and she gasped. 

"Jamie West what is that." Molly said pointing at Jamie's back. 

"Don't be mad mum, it's a tattoo." Jamie said to Molly. 

"Yes I know but off a snake."  

"Remember I am a slytherin and it has meaning to it. A snake sheds it skin meaning new beginnings. Like when I started a new beginning when you took me in and a new beginning when me and Fred started dating. "  Jamie said, persuading Molly that the tattoo is a good thing.

"Fine I will let you off but next time give me a heads up."  Molly said as she left the dressing room. 

Jamie put on the dress and she knew it was the one. She walked out and Hermione, Ginny and Rhiannon all gawped and said it was amazing. Then Molly walked out looking like the queen she was. 

"Moll you need to wear that." Hermione practically screams. 

Once everyone had the dresses they wanted they went up to the till and paid. Then they went to the three broomsticks to get a drink. Everyone got a butter beer and the three girls talked for a bit just chatting about life and how excited they were for the ball. The four younger girls were also discussing Ginny's birthday and how they are going clubbing. 

Once everyone went back home Jamie and Rhi returned to the flat and put away their dresses. They then decided to get out the firewhiskey and drink and dance to music the girls were having so much fun.  They missed having time alone. 

While the girls were dancing they twins had come round via the floo network. Jamie walked up to Fred and kissed him. " Come dance." Jamie said as she dragged Fred back over where her and Rhi were dancing. 

Rhiannon had gotten George to dance. Jamie was dancing and Fred was just stood there smiling admiring his girl. Jamie motioned to dance and he nodded no Jamie pouted so he swigged a gulp of firewhiskey and danced with Jamie. They were dancing and Fred put his hand on Jamie's lower back and she flinched, Fred noticed so he stopped the music. 

"You alright J?" Fred asked bring everyone in the rooms attention to her. Jamie just looked at Rhiannon. 

"I'm fine." Jamie smiled. 

"It didn't look like you where." Fred said as he lifted the back of Jamie's shirt and saw the tattoo. "What is that."  

"Fuck." Jamie muttered under her breath as Fred seemed mad. "It's a tattoo you can't be mad at me Rhi's got one too." 

Rhi lifted her skirt to show her tattoo on her thigh. Jamie lifts her shirt to show the twins. 

"Mines some book and flowers and Jamie's is a snake."  Rhiannon told the twins. 

"Wicked." The twins said in unison. "It's hot." 

"Really." Jamie said as she wrapped her arms round Fred's neck. 

"Hell yer. It's sexy and a snake what a true slytherin."

"Oh shut it carrot top." Jamie laughed. Fred stopped her laughing with a kiss what Jamie indemnity accepted. The couple ignored George and Rhiannon and walked over to Jamie's room. 


Fred shut the door behind him and pulled out his wand and muttered "Muffliato" . They kept kissing. Jamie had jumped and wrapped her legs around Fred. He walked to the bed and slammed Jamie onto it. 

"Ouch my back." Jamie said sitting up. 

"Sorry." Fred mumbled as he went back in for a kiss. He managed to pull Jamie's top off and her trousers leaving her in underwear. Jamie did the same back to Fred. 

Fred broke their kiss and started kissing down Jamie's leg leaving purple bruises on the inside of her thigh. Fred kissed over the fabric that separated him and her wetness Jamie let out a moan telling Fred she was getting impatient. 

"You want this darling?" Fred asked. 

"Yes Freddie." Jamie said back. 

Fred hooked his finger into Jamie underwear and pulled it off her revealing her wetness ready for Fred. Fred kissed Jamie's heat then brought his tongue to her clit where he circled it at just the right pace. Jamie let out moans letting Fred she was enjoying it she ten let out a bigger moan when Fred inserted two fingers in her making sure they hit her g-spot. 

"Oh Freddie- Fuck." Jamie moaned and Fred was moaning, sending vibrations into Jamie making her closer to finishing. 

As Jamie squirmed under Fred her back was being rubbed and it hurt it. "Fred, my back hurts." Fred stopped and paused for a minute until he had an idea.

"Sit on my face." 

"Really. "Jamie asked and Fred nodded. 

Fred got onto the bed and laid down. Jamie hovered over Fred turned round and angled herself on top of Fred's face. Fred grabbed hold of Jamie's thighs and got back to work. While Fred was working his magic Jamie moaned. She moved down close to his dick and took it in her hands making sure Fred got his pleasure. When Fred moaned sending more vibrations into Jamie she took Fred's whole length into her mouth. 

The pair were both getting each other off at the same time and they were both close. Fred could feel Jamie's walls clenching around his fingers and Jamie could feel Fred's dick tensing in her mouth. 

"Fred, i'm coming." Jamie moaned onto Fred's dick as she came onto Fred's face. He licked up all of Jamie's released as he released himself into Jamie's mouth and she swallowed. 

Jamie got off of Fred and she laid down next to him. "Two orgasms in a day what a lucky girl I am."  

"Two for me too. One day I will give you as many as I can." Fred said back to Jamie. 

"Please do. Sex with you is the best thing ever." Jamie giggled. 

The two cleaned up and put some clothes on in case someone came in the room during the night or in the morning . They then got under the covers and snuggled up together. 

"Night Darling I love you." Fred said as he kissed Jamie's temple. 

"Night sexy, I love you." Jamie said as she rested her head on Fred's chest. 

(Who two smut scenes in a chapter. Hope you enjoyed I actually edited this chapter properly. xoxo) 

(Word count: 2853 words)

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