One girl , six friends: A Fre...

By Magic_Musician

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Fred and Jamie were friends but they wanted more. Jamie had two dreams in life. one to start a band with her... More

About O/C and characters.
Chapter 1 : Start of the Winter holidays.
Chapter 2:First night in the burrow.
Chapter 3: The Joke shop and confession.
Chapter 4 : Back to the burrow
Chapter 5: The Music room
Chapter 6: The question ?
Chapter 7: Christmas day.
Chapter 8: The idea.
Chapter 9: Sleepover.
Chapter 10: Morning after
Chapter 11: New years eve.
Chapter 12: Caught.
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Rhiannon and George.
Chapter 15: Moving day.
Chapter 16: Shopping.
Chapter 17: Valentines day.
Chapter 18: Ron's Birthday.
Chapter 19: Holiday Pt.1
Chapter 20: Holiday Pt.2
Chapter 21: Home time.
Chapter 22: Pregnant?
Chapter 23: Big news.
Chapter 24: Family.
Chapter 25: Date night.
Chapter 26: Twins Birthday.
Chapter 27: Girls day.
Chapter 28: Party Time
Chapter 29: Friends
Chapter 30: Rhi's Birthday.
Chapter 31: Trouble in paradise.
Chapter 32: Invite.
Chapter 34: Reunited.
Chapter 35: Best friends.
Chapter 36: Ginny's Birthday.
Chapter 37: Getting ready.
Chapter 38: The Ball.
Chapter 39: Fun day at Burrow.
Chapter 40: Fun times.
Chapter 41: The office
Chapter 42: Double date.
Chapter 43: Romeo.
Chapter 44: New addition.
Chapter 45: Rose Weasley.
Chapter 46: Hinny.
Chapter 47: Clubbing.
Chapter 48: A Problem.
Chapter 49: Theme park.
Chapter 50: Jamie's Birthday.
Chapter 51: Winter days at the Burrow.
Chapter 52: It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Chapter 53: Beautiful girl.
Chapter 54: New year.
Chapter 55: Family time.
Chapter 56: Marriage.

Chapter 33: End of a era.

17 1 0
By Magic_Musician

Today was a end of a era it was the last day someone in the group would be leaving Hogwarts. It made Jamie sad to think about this but also happy that she was able to see Ginny more. She did miss her.

Everyone would be at the burrow when Ginny arrives home obviously the Weasley's would meet there sister from platform 9 3/4. 

Jamie had woken up showered and gotten dressed in her work uniform. Since Jamie and Fred broke up they didn't avoid each other but didn't try to find each other either. They just didn't want to step on any boundaries. However Jamie still needed to work to get money. She didn't know if Fred was working but George defiantly wasn't as Jamie could hear him snoring from Rhiannon's room. Jamie ate a quick breakfast of toast then walked down the street to the shop. 

The doors were open so Jamie just walked in and started to stock shelves before opening time because she couldn't see any other workers. Just before the shop opened Jamie opened  the tills and decide it would be best to work at the register as soon as the other shop members were no where to be seen. The shop opened and Jamie could only see one other worker her name was Jessica. So when the shop was pretty empty Jamie asked Jessica to go on the tills while she went to the office. 

When Jamie walked in the office her eyes met Fred and there was silence before anyone talked. 

"Hi Fred."  

"Hi Jamie. Do you need anything?"  He asked. It was a bit painful to Jamie that Fred called her, her full name. 

"Oh yes. Erm there is only me and Jessica working in the shop. I was just wandering if there are meant to be any others working today." Jamie told Fred. 

"Shit really we are meant to have six floor workers today. George must have fucked up the scheduled again. I will owl Lee he will come round. " Jamie nodded and went to walk out the door "I have a question." Fred said before Jamie was able to leave.

"What is it Fred?" Jamie asked. 

"Can you please do the maths thing you did the other week I really can't do it. I will go and work on the shop floor."  Fred asked. 

"Yer i'm fine with that, like I said last time I don't mind doing maths." Jamie told Fred. Fred stood up smile at her and walked out. 

Jamie left the office door open because I was warm in the room. She also took off her blazer then sat down on the office chair. The pile was bigger than last time meaning Jamie have to get a move on. Once again the twins had written a list of items that were needed so the job was easier for Jamie to do. She decided to inventory first as it was easier after she finished that she started doing the finances and numbers for the store. The maths what Fred calls it but to be honest it wasn't that hard Jamie just though Fred either doesn't understand it or can't be arsed doing it. 

While doing the work Jamie decided to put on the radio and as she worked she sang along to the songs. In between singing and doing paperwork Jamie once again didn't notice that the store had closed and Fred was stood in the doorway of the office. 

"Oh shit Fred you scared me. "Jamie jumped once she saw the giant red head stood in the door frame. "Wait was Fred Weasley admiring me."  Jamie smiled. 

Fred smirked. "Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't." 

"Well i'm flattered. I have finished all of the paperwork for you so you dont have to worry about the maths."  Jamie told Fred. This was the first time the two had been alone since they broke up and it was easier to speak to each other. The two were even able to flirt, the spark was still there. 

"Thanks do You want to apparate with me to the burrow we have to be there in five minuets."  Fred asked. 

"Yup let me just grab my blazer and wand. " Jamie said as she stood up and got her wand and blazer what she threw over her arm not wanting to wear it. "Ready."  Fred smiled the two connected hands the first physical touch since the break up and they apparated to the burrow. 


The two walked through the doors together and all eyes were on them, they were still holding hands. Once they noticed they let go it made Jamie crave his touch even more. 

"Well, Hi stop staring you gingers." Jamie said. 

"Jamie." Molly said knowing she was offended. 

"Sorry but you were all staring at me and Fred. We only bloody walked in together because we came from work. " Jamie said. 

"Also Georgie you messed up the rota and there was only J and Jessica working today. Good one mate."  Fred said. Jamie's heart warmed once Fred said her nickname again. 

"Right come on Weasley's we have to go a get Ginny." Mr Weasley said and the Weasley's left the house. Leaving Jamie, Rhiannon , Hermione and Harry alone.

"I'm going to ask first but what was that Jamie." Harry said before the girls could. 

"What was what?" Jamie said clueless.

"You and Fred holding hands." Hermione pointed out. 

"We apparated, you have to hold hands to apparate." Jamie said clearly motioning hold a hand. 

"Yer but you walked in holding hands."  Rhiannon said. 

"Did we?" Jamie said , she knew her and Fred did but didn't want to make it a big deal. "It must just be muscle memory." 

"okay." Rhiannon said sarcastically. 

"anyway Harry Ginny is going to be back to day. You are deffo getting laid tonight." Jamie said to Harry. 

"Jamie." Harry said going red. 

"Sorry. It's just me and the twins talk like that and it's awkward when we do now." Jamie laughed. 

While the other waited for the Weasley's to return they just sat in the living room chatting and  drinking tea. 


While the Weasley's were at the train platform waiting for Ginny Fred was also questioned on the topic of him and Jamie. He said the same thing Jamie did. George told him just to make a move again, Ron agreed. Molly even said to get back together so the room doesn't feel awkward. So Fred then explained that when him and Jamie are alone it isn't awkward it's everyone else who makes it like that.  So everyone agreed to act normal and Fred said he would make a move when ready.  

Finally Ginny got off the train and was greeted with hugs from everyone. After the family was reunited the Weasley's apparated back home. As soon as the others in the house heard the pop they all stood up with excitement. 

Ginny walked through the door and ran straight up to Harry and engulfed him in a hug and and kiss. They were really cute together. Jamie just smiled at how happy they were. 

"Welcome home Gin." Jamie said walking up to her and Ginny pulled her into a hug. 

"I have missed you guys. "Ginny said moving form one person to the next baring hugs. When Ginny saw Hermione her face lit up Ginny hadn't seen Hermione in ages and her stomach had defiantly grown since then.

After everyone was settle back in Ginny grabbed Jamie and Hermione dragging them up to her room. Once they were in the room she locked the door and made the girls sit on her bed. 

"So we need to girl talk because it's been so long and Luna isn't the greatest at it." Ginny said. 

"Well I don't have much Gin. "Hermione said. 

"I bet you do."  Ginny smiled. 

"Well I can't do many things being six months pregnant. I mean there has been no drama between me and the boys and me and Ron are fine." Hermione told Ginny. 

"Really nothing to tell at all. Do you know the sex of the baby?" Ginny pleaded as she needed gossip. 

"No me and Ron want to find out the gender when it is born." Hermione stated getting a little pissed. 

"Well Jamie you obviously have gossip." Ginny said. Jamie just looked at Ginny as Ginny didn't know that Jamie and Fred were no longer dating. 

"Er I made this friend but we are no longer friends cause he made me lose something important to me." Jamie told Ginny Hermione nodded. 

"What did you lose? "Ginny asked. 

Jamie just sat there thinking. She then looked at Hermione as she had a lump in her throat and knew she would cry if she said Fred's name.

"She lost Fred, Gin." Hermione said Jamie just faked smiled. 

"What. NO!" Ginny shouted with a gasp and a tear slid down Jamie's face. 

"Fuck sake why am I crying. I'm sorry Ginny. I love him I really do. But this dickhead of a person kissed me and Fred saw it and it made us fight then he broke up with me. So I shouted at him then three days later went clubbing with Ron and Harry. Where I then flashed Draco Malfoy as he was going to hex Harry. Fred knows about this. Then stupid fucking me apparated here with Fred obviously you have to hold hands I and forget to let go of his hand until everyone noticed. I fucked up big time."  Jamie said with tears rolling down her face as she notice what a knob she had been. 

"But you didn't do anything and HE broke up with you." Jamie just nodded. "I am going to have words with this boy. Ginny said getting up. She unlocked the door with her wand and began storming out .

"Ginny No! " Jamie shouted following after her. Ginny wasn't listening and was running down the stairs once Ginny got to the bottom of the stairs Jamie was sick of her shit and pulled out her wand. "Petrificus Totalus"   

Ginny froze on the spot and Mrs Weasley came running into the room and the others followed once she shrieked. 

"Jamie un-do the charm." Molly shouted at Jamie. 

Jamie just looked at Molly. Everyone could see that Jamie had been crying and they presumed Ginny had pissed her off as Jamie didn't cry much. Hermione had joined everyone downstairs and put her arm over Jamie. 

"I'll deal with it Molly. You guys can all go away."  Molly and Arthur left but the others stayed. "Do you not know what go away means." 

"Sorry but we aint going away. I want to know what bloody happened." Ron said and the others hummed in agreement. 

"Nothing happened. Now Ginny I know you can hear me and if you open your mouth I wouldn't even hesitate to jinx you." Jamie smiled took a breath and un-did the charm .

Everyone watched Ginny get up off the floor. "You are one crazy bitch you now that." Ginny said. 

"Yup I know that." Jamie said than walked away. She needed some fresh air so walked over to the pond in the garden. 

Times like this Jamie wished Charlie would be home he was always good at cheering her up , she also missed him very much he was the definition of the big brother she wanted. 

While Jamie was sat there gazing at the water the group was talking inside. Everyone wanted to know what happened and why did Jamie spell Ginny. 

"Ginny what they fuck did you do? "Fred shouted at his sister , he was mad. 

"Shut up Fred she got upset because of you any way." Ginny scoffed back. 

"Ginny please just leave this alone. You don't want to upset Jamie anymore." Hermione added. 

"I don't care Hermione. It's your fault. "Ginny pointed at Fred. "she upset because I made her tell me that you broke up with her. Then I got mad at you for hurting her so I was coming to shout at you. " Ginny yelled. Fred just stood there frozen feeling guilty. "See you don't even want to say anything about it." After Ginny said that Fred stormed out of the house and went to join Jamie at the pond. He knew they could both use each other as a friend at least right now. 

"Really Gin. There was no need." Harry said to Ginny. She just scoffed and walked up to her room and Harry followed. Hermione and Ron went back to there room and Rhiannon and George went to chill in the twins room  


"Hi J." Fred said as he sat next to Jamie. 

"Hi Freddie." Jamie said still staring at the water. 

"I'm sorry about Ginny, she just so- " 

"Annoying, She cant keep her mouth shut. No doubt she told you guys what I was so pissed about." Jamie said finishing Fred's sentence. 

"Yup and she made me out to be the worst person in the world." 

"Well." Jamie joked and the two laughed . Jamie rested her head on Fred's shoulder.  "I still love you. I will wait for you to be ready for us be in a relationship again. I know what you saw must have been upsetting. Also thanks for smacking the shit out of Fin I punched him but I think you did worse. I got Rhiannon to shout at him when she shouts it's scary." 

"I love you and Thanks he deserved it." Fred smiled and Jamie looked and Fred. Both there eyes sparkled and the next thing both them knew there lips had touched and a spark had been lit. The kiss was full of passion and care but it had to end. 

When the kiss broke both of them had red cheeks and were blushing. Jamie had a giant smiled on her face and had butterfly's in her stomach. Fred had the same smile and the guilt was gone as Jamie understood him. 

Jamie placed her head back on Fred shoulder and the pair continued to talk about random things. what the pair didn't know was that George had seen them while looking out of the bedroom window. He knew they wouldn't be separated for long now he just had to wait for them to start dating again. 

(Sorry for the kind of crappy chapter. Also it's the Weasley twins birthday today so happy birthday to them. 🎉🎂)

(Word count  2431 words) 

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