One girl , six friends: A Fre...

By Magic_Musician

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Fred and Jamie were friends but they wanted more. Jamie had two dreams in life. one to start a band with her... More

About O/C and characters.
Chapter 1 : Start of the Winter holidays.
Chapter 2:First night in the burrow.
Chapter 3: The Joke shop and confession.
Chapter 4 : Back to the burrow
Chapter 5: The Music room
Chapter 6: The question ?
Chapter 7: Christmas day.
Chapter 8: The idea.
Chapter 9: Sleepover.
Chapter 10: Morning after
Chapter 11: New years eve.
Chapter 12: Caught.
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Rhiannon and George.
Chapter 15: Moving day.
Chapter 16: Shopping.
Chapter 17: Valentines day.
Chapter 18: Ron's Birthday.
Chapter 19: Holiday Pt.1
Chapter 20: Holiday Pt.2
Chapter 21: Home time.
Chapter 22: Pregnant?
Chapter 23: Big news.
Chapter 24: Family.
Chapter 25: Date night.
Chapter 26: Twins Birthday.
Chapter 27: Girls day.
Chapter 28: Party Time
Chapter 29: Friends
Chapter 31: Trouble in paradise.
Chapter 32: Invite.
Chapter 33: End of a era.
Chapter 34: Reunited.
Chapter 35: Best friends.
Chapter 36: Ginny's Birthday.
Chapter 37: Getting ready.
Chapter 38: The Ball.
Chapter 39: Fun day at Burrow.
Chapter 40: Fun times.
Chapter 41: The office
Chapter 42: Double date.
Chapter 43: Romeo.
Chapter 44: New addition.
Chapter 45: Rose Weasley.
Chapter 46: Hinny.
Chapter 47: Clubbing.
Chapter 48: A Problem.
Chapter 49: Theme park.
Chapter 50: Jamie's Birthday.
Chapter 51: Winter days at the Burrow.
Chapter 52: It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Chapter 53: Beautiful girl.
Chapter 54: New year.
Chapter 55: Family time.
Chapter 56: Marriage.

Chapter 30: Rhi's Birthday.

17 1 0
By Magic_Musician

(T/W: Sexual content ;) )

Jamie woke up in Fred's arms he was fast asleep snoring quietly with his mouth slightly open. Jamie just stared admiring her man , She loved him so much. Since that night when Fred was upset the pair had been spending a lot of time together. Jamie had started properly working at the joke shop again the two had been on dates and Jamie and Fred's  favourite part was that the pair has been having lots of sex. Also since that day Jamie had become close friends with Finley and when she wasn't with Fred she was with him and Rhiannon.

While Jamie was admiring Fred he had woken up and noticed Jamie had been staring at him. "Morning darling, enjoying what you see?" 

Jamie smiled at Fred's words. "Morning to you handsome and yes I am enjoying what I see very much." 

Fred pulled Jamie into a tighter hug bringing there bodies closer together. 

"Well I don't think that is your leg poking my thigh." Jamie chuckled. 

"It's my third leg. "Fred said in a seductive voice, Jamie just laughed at him. 

"Well I think I should give this third leg a bit of love." Jamie said back to Fred kissing him. 

While kissing Fred replied back. "I . Would . Like . That . very . much." 

While still kissing Jamie moved and straddled Fred. Jamie kissed down Fred's neck making sure to kiss the sweet spot near his ear. He let out a quiet moan letting Jamie know he was getting impatient.

Jamie took off her top exposing her chest and Fred's face had a massive smile on it.  The pair went back to kissing and while they were doing so they undressed each other making themselves fully exposed. 

Jamie was on top but Fred liked to be dominant  so he flipped the pair over so he was on top, Jamie was not complaining. Fred whisper into Jamie's ear making her skin on edge and her turned on top the max. " I can't wait to fuck you. Darling." 

"Please do , Wait the silencing charm." Jamie said while trying to reach her wand on the bed side table but Fred pinned her hands above her head. 

"You're just going to have to be quiet, can you do that?" Fred questioned Jamie loved the rough side of Fred and she nodded to his statement.

Fred pumped his dick a couple of times before entering into Jamie and she let out a quiet moan as she was still not used to his size. Fred pumped in and out of Jamie pleasuring the both of them. After Fred knew Jamie was comfortable her moved Jamie's legs to go over his shoulders so he could go deeper. 

This was one of Jamie's favourite positions as every time Fred thrusted into her he hit her G-spot.  

"Faster Freddie- Fuck. " Fred obeyed Jamie's comment and started to pick up the pace bringing them both close to finishing. Fred was letting out small grunts as he was thrusting and Jamie was letting out quiet soft moans,  they weren't exactly being quiet. 

"J i'm going to cum." Fred said while thrusting fast and holding onto Jamie's legs. 

"Me to Freddie." Jamie said back and with a couple of more thrusts Fred came inside Jamie, he still continued thrusting through his high until Jamie finished a minute later with a loud moan that would defiantly would be heard by George. 

"Fuck that was good. Morning sex is good."  Fred said placing himself on the bed next to Jamie. 

"It is, but any sex is good." Jamie said back to Fred and he nodded in agreement. 

The two decided to shower before getting ready for work. After they had showered it was 9am meaning George would have to open without them. So the pair quickly got dressed into there work clothes. Jamie did feel some soreness from the morning's activities but decided to just take a painkiller and ignore it. 


The two went down to the shop and started working Jamie was on the floor helping customers and stocking shelves. Jamie was helping people all the way up to her brake time she needed to sit down she was tired.

When her brake came around she went upstairs so she could get a coffee it looked like George was also on his brake. Jamie prayed that George hadn't heard her and Fred morning actives but she knew she moaned loudly. 

"Hello Georgie." 

"Hello Jam." Jamie just smiled and shook her head at the nickname George had adopted from Rhiannon. 

"Good day?"  Jamie asked. 

"It was alright apart from this morning when I could hear my brother and best friend having sex." 

"Sorry about that. My fault. So you excited for tonight ?"  Jamie said going red in the face. 

"Hell yer. I miss Rhiannon and it's her birthday and her best friend and boyfriend are working." 

"I know. Also you saw Rhiannon yesterday. You can't miss her that much." 

"I do but tonight I get to see her. I can't believe you are having a party at your place."  George said.

"My place will fit everyone in. We are only having the group and some others come over anyway we better get back to work Fred's working alone with the workers and the workers don't do much." 

The two made there way back downstairs and went straight back to working. Fred was in the office doing all the hard stuff which Jamie though was funny as the twins had like six owls between them, they weren't the brightest tools in the shed. 

After Fred had been in the office for two hours alone he summoned Jamie into the office. 

"J I can't do it. Why is maths and inventory so hard. " Fred huffed, Jamie gave him a hug. 

"I will do it maths isn't so hard." Jamie said and Fred gave her a kiss on the forehead. "You can leave me in here and you go out and do what I was doing." 

"Ok babe. Thanks so much." Fred said and left the room. 

Jamie sat at the desk and got straight onto working. Fred had so much paper work on the desk and Jamie knew how to deal with most of it. She finished the invoices and accounting part of the papers making sure the finances of the shop was dealt with. She then dealt with inventory and what the shop needed to stock up on luckily one of the twins had made a list so it was easy. Then finally there was a bunch of papers with new product ideas and other things that Jamie didn't need to deal with so she put them in folders so they were organised. 

What Jamie didn't notice was that she had been working for hours the shop was empty and Fred was stood in the door way to the office.  Jamie smiled at him when she notice he was there and he smiled back at her. Jamie walked over to Fred and hugged him. 

"How are you so good at this stuff?" Fred asked. 

"Because sometimes I did listen in school. " Jamie looked up and smiled at Fred. 

"Well you can stop now because we have a party to attend and I think you were meant to be at yours like half an hour ago." Fred said giving Jamie a kiss on the top of her head. 

"Shit really. I better get going."  Jamie kissed Fred and walked out.

"I love you." Fred shouted to Jamie as she left the shop. 

"I love you Freddie." Jamie said as she walked out the shop. She then apparated to inside her flat. 


"Your late." Rhiannon said as soon as she saw her. 

"Sorry I got caught up working. You go and get ready birthday girl I will sort out the place." 

"Thank you , you are a babe." Rhiannon smiled then went off to shower and get ready. 

Jamie placed a spell on the place to clean it. Then she made sure to get all the drinks out and put them on the side she also cast a charm to make the drinks chilled as no one likes a warm beverage. Then Jamie spelled the kitchen to make some food as she knew defiantly Ron and Harry would want feeding. After all of that Jamie put up the decorations and while she was doing that Finley had turned up and he began helping. 

"Thanks for that Fin." Jamie said to her friend. 

"No problem anything for you babe." Finley smiled. 

"Right the party stars in like half an hour and I haven't even gotten ready so you can greet people if they arrive and I will shower really quick because work makes me sweat and get dressed." Jamie said then left to get a shower.  

Jamie showered quickly then went straight to getting ready she first did her hair by charming it dry then to straighten it. She then pinned it out of her face. next she did her make up and sadly there was no spell to do this. While doing her make up Fred walked into the room and sat next to her watching what she was doing. 

"Freddie stop staring. "

"Sorry but it's fascinating can you do some of that on me?"  Fred asked pointing to Jamie's eyeliner. 

"Sure I was finished with my make up anyway. "Jamie leaned over to Fred and started to apply the eyeliner. As she was doing this Fred's hands moved to Jamie's hips and he tugged on her towel making it fall off.  "Fred!" 

"haha- sorry but you are sexy." 

"Well thank you. But really did you need to do that." Jamie then walked over to her wardrobe not giving a shit that Fred was looking at her. She then put on her underwear and one of the many party dresses she owned. Today she went for a simple pink dress and a pair of silver heels. Jamie then looked back over to Fred with the eyeliner on and did he look sexy. It turned Jamie on just by how good he looked. 

Jamie walked back over to Fred and kissed him. the kiss go deeper but before it could go anywhere Jamie broke it. "We need to attend this party." 

"Do we. "Fred whined. 

"Yes now come on." Jamie grabbed Fred's hand and they left there room. 

Jamie joined the others while Fred got there drinks. The music was on and everyone was here. Rhi , George, Fred , Hermione , Ron , Harry , Lee and Finley. Sadly Ginny couldn't be here as she was still in school it was a good job she was leaving soon. 

Once Fred returned with the drinks the couple sat in the living room with the others. Jamie had to sit on Fred's lap due to lack of seating but neither Fred or Jamie was complaining. 

"Well happy birthday to my sexy best friend Rhi." Jamie said and the others cheered. 

"Thanks Jam. This get smashed. " Rhiannon said and the whole group erupted into cheers. 

The group drank the night away taking shots and drinking so much firewhiskey. Jamie and Lee ended up dancing together but they were both that drunk it looked like they were stumbling around together. Hermione eventually joined in, she was the only sober one there but she didn't mind not everyone was smashed. Then Lee shouted out that the group should play a game like they did at Hogwarts such as never have I ever and everyone agreed. 

So everyone was back in the living room sated how they were before. 

"Right who is starting?" Lee asked. 

"You asked you can start." George said. 

"Alright you all got your drinks?" Everyone lifted there cups to show Lee, Hermione's was filled with Juice. "Alright never have I ever walked in on someone in this room having sex."  

Jamie , Fred and George all took a shot. 

"Tell." Lee demanded. 

"I walked in on Rhi and George." Jamie said. 

"I walked in on Jamie and Fred like a week ago." George said. 

"I walked in on Lee this one time and George and Rhi same time as J did." 

"What when, You know what I don't want to know." Lee said. 

"Alright I will go next" Ron said. "Never have I ever had feelings for a friend." Everyone laughed and took a shot. "Tell ,I will go first Hermione obviously." 

"Ron." Hermione said 

"George. "Rhiannon said. 

"Rhiannon." George said. 

"Jamie." Fred said. 

"Fred." Jamie smiled. 

"Ginny and Jamie but not anymore." Harry confessed and Jamie and Harry laughed , Harry had a crush on Jamie years ago. 

"A girl from school , this random Slytherin." Finley said. 

Then finally it was Lee. "Well I have fancied like all my friends. You have Katie, Angelina, even George." Lee laughed. 

"Ok I will go. "Jamie said , "Never have I ever had sex in public." There were a couple of oohs from the group. Lee, George, Rhiannon and Fred took a shot that surprised Jamie.  "Spill then. "

"I mean I couldn't keep my dick in my pants at school once I had sex in the library and in the corridor and the common room." Lee said what didn't surprise the group Lee was know to be a ladies and men man. 

"Well me and Rhi did it the forest on a date." George confessed. 

"I also did it when travelling on the beach with this Spanish man." Rhi said again. 

Fred then whispered into Jamie's ear. "You have had sex in public it was with me. We have done it like two times in public." 

"What- Oh yer."  Jamie whispered back then she took a drink. 

"Okay tell us." Rhiannon said Jamie looked at Fred. 

"Alright first one is in the shop." 

"No way really." George groaned. 

"Yes way and the other time."  Fred said but was interrupted. 

"There's another time? "Hermione questioned as Jamie did tell Hermione about her's and Fred's sex life but Hermione only knew about the shop. 

"Right the other time was in the car after we went on a date in a car park."  Fred finished his story. 

"So you went dogging."  Rhi asked. 

"Yes not our proudest moment and to be honest I didn't think anyone saw so it wouldn't be dogging." Jamie said to her friend. 

For the rest of the night the group just chatted and drank much more. When it started to get really late people started to fall asleep. Jamie allowed Hermione to go to sleep in her bed as she was around six months pregnant. Ron soon followed her in there and then Harry. Jamie just though poor Hermione if both of them are trying to fit on the bed with her. Then Rhi and George went to her room. Lee and Finley fell asleep on the couches leaving only one place Jamie and Fred could sleep. 

In the music room there were bean bags and blankets. Jamie took two pillows off the couches and led her and Fred to the music room. 

"Well guess we are sleeping in her." Jamie said as she moved the beans bags to make a temporary mattress. 

"Lucky us." Fred said. Jamie stripped out of her dress and Fred stripped out of his outfit. The two got onto the makeshift bed and cuddled up together. "It's cosier than I though it would be." 

"Yer it is." Jamie said as she face Fred and gave him a kiss. "Night sexy."

"Night J , I love you." 

"I love you." Jamie said as she fell asleep. 

Everyone the next morning except Hermione would defiantly wake up with hangovers. Hopefully Hermione or Lee would make them all some hangover tea as they knew the recipe. 

(A/N: Drama to come xoxo) 

(Word count: 2660 words) 

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