Complete Dragon Ball Super On...

By Piccologirl1994

89.5K 925 236

Hi guys, here's the second part of season 2. Come here as I explain a brief explanation of what's on here. Al... More

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Season 2 Complete: An Important Announcement

Chilled X Female Ice-jin Reader

758 6 1
By Piccologirl1994

Idea is by ArmadaGirl101. This is the reader from the Xenoverse, enjoy.

This is (Y/n)-Chan, the female Ice-jin of the Xenoverse. She is a (height) and (weight) young fighter with her long (color) tail, and (color) gem plates from head, top shoulders, abdomen, shins, and lower arms. Her exoskeleton skin is mostly (color) with (color) nails. Her face is rather unique to most ice-jins: her eyes are (color), an unusual color for the race. (size) nose and (size) circular ears made her face look more pretty, face is (thin or normal with bone cheek), and her lips are shaded color (color). As a female, she felt more comfortable as she wore her (color) spandex shorts/pants, (sleeveless or v-neck sleeveless) shirt, revealing a little cleavage of her (size) breasts. As well as wearing her (insert favorite item from the game).

Recently, she was enrolled as the new Time Patroller after the incident of Dabura turning everyone in Wonton City into stone. She was the only one who did not get turned into stone and tried her best to stop Dabura; however, since he took Supreme Kai of Time hostage, she felt useless. Until the heroic experienced Time Patroller and Goku came and saved the day. She looked up to the Time Patroller and trained hard every day to become stronger. Thanks to her training and help out the community services, she was able to become part of the patrollers.

Today is her first day at work and cannot wait to be part of the important missions. However, as hours went by she was only told to wait out while veterans went on missions. She was rather bored watching Supreme Kai of Time sorting out Scrolls of Eternity and wanted much more for excitement. As she and Chornoa were finished sorting out the scrolls, until one of them started to glow. (Y/n)-Chan was in awe of what this meant. Once Supreme Kai of Time and (Y/n)-Chan looked into the scrolls, it turns out Towa and Mira are back.

 Towa placed mind control of the ice-jin known as Lord Chilled, fighting against a Saiyan known as Bardock. Bardock is badly injured. "Oh no!", Chrona exclaimed, "This is terrible! If we don't do something quick, Bardock will be under Towa's control again!" The short kai turned to (Y/n)-Chan: she hummed, placing her finger on her chin while looking at the grinning female ice-jin. (Y/n)-Chan cannot wait as she is excited to be called out to an important mission.

Chronoa sighed, "Then I guess I have no choice", and (Y/n)-Chan smiled. However, she sensed a big ki and turned behind her. Her (color) eyes shop open and sees one of the best and powerful Time Patrollers of the Xenoverse (insert your old main avatar character or a popular one from Youtube like Dumplin or someone). She turned around and greeted him/her; he/she shook her hand. Once they greeted, they turned back to Chronoa. She nods, "Right, I need you two to stop Towa and Mira from capturing Bardock. Think you can handle them?" Both of them nodded in agreement. "Then I wish you both luck", she said. Once both patrollers held the scroll, both vanished.

Meanwhile, in earlier times before age 550, Towa and Mira are in a nearby area of Planet Plant. Towa was able to manipulate Chilled under her control and fought against Bardock. Bardock and Chilled clashed in brutal punches and ki attacks. However, Chilled was overpowering the Saiyan. Bardock received a hard hit by the attack and lay unconscious on the ground. Towa smirked, "Excellent, Bardock is out. Go placed the mask on him and we'll be on our next plan Mira'', she commanded. Mira nods and was about to fly over there; until the Time Patroller (insert character name) clashed into a fight with him. "What the?!?", Mira grunted as he received a hard punch. While they fight, Towa growls softly and turns to (Y/n)-Chan who is behind her.

Towa frowned, "So you Time Patrollers are onto our plans. I may suggest you back out and we can leave quietly", she advised. But (Y/n)-Chan threw his ki blast at her. Towa dodged it and she and (Y/n)-Chan clashed into a fight. For a few minutes, (Y/n)-Chan throw every move, every ki attacks including her signature ultimate attacks at Towa. But the scientist dodged them swiftly and used her staff to manipulate time. Once the Time Patroller felt herself stuck, Towa let time flow again and landed multiple hits on her.

The Ice-Jin felt her stamina decrease and felt a trickle of small blood dripping down her face. She gritted her teeth, hate to lose to a villainess. While she wiped the blood off her lips, staring angrily at Towa. But what she doesn't know is that Bardock is unconscious on the ground and mysteriously Chilled snapped out of Towa's mind control. Once he's back into his sanity, his eyes first open to see (Y/n)-Chan injured badly. He was lovestruck by her appearance and decided to pay her a visit.

(Y/n)-Chan try to think of a plan before getting rescued by her senior. But she noticed Towa's face staring at something or someone behind her. (Y/n)-Chan turned around to see Chilled standing behind her. She blushed, cannot believe that this Ice-jin is actually looking at her in awe. He bowed to her and took her hand, then kissed it, "Salutations my lady", he greeted her, "You poor maiden got injured by that wrenched woman. Allow me to fight her for you." (Y/n)-Chan stood beside him, "I...I appreciate the help, but she's mine to fight. If you want to help me, then don't try to get in my way", she said. Nodding, both of them charge at Towa.

Towa quickly dodged their attacks and tried to get Mira and retreat to their base. But Chilled and (Y/n)-Chan blocked her escape. She turned behind her when the senior Time Patroller aimed at Mira and Mira got hit by the (insert ultimate attack). Mira yells out in defeat and falls unconscious, onto the ground. Towa gasps and then frowned at the others. They completely surrounded her. Towa had enough, "Alright, I might as well do this!", and took out her staff. (Y/n)-Chan rushed over to stop her, but it's too late: Towa gained Bardock's mind and manipulated him. Behind them, Bardock under Towa's control attacks her and Chilled. "Damn it!", (Y/n)-Chan says while dodging and fighting Bardock.

But then her eyes spotted Towa knocking the senior patroller off and helping Mira to stand. Thankfully for her, Mira's alright. Towa turned to them, "This isn't over yet Time Patrollers. This is just the beginning", and then Bardock gave her and Chilled a huge ki blast at them, blinding them with debris. They cough as they shield their eyes, once the dust stops, they turn to see no signs of Towa, Mira, or Bardock. (Y/n)-Chan clenched her fists and looked disappointed, "Shit, I failed the mission", she mutters. She cannot go back to the Time Nest, she will be seen as a big failure if she comes back empty handed. Chilled can tell that (Y/n)-Chan is sad for allowing the foes to escape.

The senior time patroller stands up, flies over to her, and places a hand on her shoulder. (Y/n)-Chan looks up at him/her, giving her a reassured look, "Fear not (Y/n)-Chan, we will get them. And eventually save history including our world." (Y/n)-Chan smiles and nods; then she turns to Chilled. She was told not to interact with beings in a timeline, but she cannot resist him. "Give me five minutes here", she told him/her. Once the time patroller nods, he/she stays at a nearby area.

(Y/n)-Chan turns back to Chilled who waited patiently; both of them were silent, don't know what to say to each other. But Chilled can tell how she fancies him. (Y/n)-Chan cannot hide her blushing face since she felt embarrassed of meeting him like this. She cannot let the suspense kill her time; she finally spoke, "Well...hi I'm (Y/n)-Chan", she greeted him. 

Chilled is interested in her more and extends his hand to her. Once she placed her hand on his palm, he leaned in and kissed it. "I am the infamous space pirate known as Lord Chilled. And I do say that you look lovely~", he commented. (Y/n)-Chan blushed, giggled by his words, "So, I know we just met and sadly I have to head back to my timeline. But...", she tries to explain. But she was trailed off by Chilled's action. He hovers in the air, facing her at the same level, then he leans in, kissing her lips. (Y/n)-Chan blushed, found herself kissing him back.

He pulls apart and hovers back on the ground. She smiles, "You are a handsome man, you know that?", she commented. Chilled nods, "Well I am the strongest being, so of course I am handsome." Both hugged each other; then she waved at him, "I hate to say bye to you, but I promise I'll see you again", she called out to him. Chilled hate to see her go, but he knows that she isn't from around his era, "Fear not, I shall wait for you the next time you come." Once they bid their byes, she and her senior vanished. Chilled stood there in lovestruck, then he resumed his day back to his ship.

Meanwhile, both (Y/n)-Chan and her senior appeared back to the time nest. Before them are Supreme Kai of Time, Elder Kai, and Trunks. (Y/n)-Chan can feel nervous facing them; then she bows to them, "I have failed the mission, I'm sorry Supreme Kai of Time", she apologized. Expecting to be fired or expelled from Conton City, instead she felt Supreme of Time's hand petting her head. She looks up and sees Supreme Kai of Time's face: not mad. "It's alright (Y/n)-Chan, you did your part", she said and to the senior time patroller. Elder Kai hummed, "So those two escaped and managed to use Bardock for their plan?" "This could mean one thing and that's not good", Trunks added. "Fear not you two", Supreme Kai of Time said, in spirit, "We'll take them down. Next time they mess with time, you all will make sure that everything will be ok."

Everyone nodded, and the time patrollers showed the reassuring look for hope and determination to prevent disasters in their time, their era, and to restore histories back to normal. Hours later, (Y/n)-Chan helped Supreme Kai of Time resorting and reorganizing the shelves; but her eyes caught the still glowing corrupted scroll into a separate area. Since Bardock is in Towa's control, they will isolate the scroll till everything's fixed. Supreme Kai of Time sighed, "Well great work today, I'll be heading to rest. Go finish up and have the time off." (Y/n)-Chan nods, "Yes, thank you Supreme Kai of Time", she thanked her. Once she nodded back, she left the area. (Y/n)-Chan glances back at the scroll and smirks.

Meanwhile, Chilled was relaxing on his chair in his ship. However, time distorted; suddenly he found himself back to Planet Plant. "What!?", he exclaimed, "I'm back here? How? I just left that planet?" But as he said that, (Y/n)-Chan appeared. Chilled completely remembered her and smiled, "Ah, my lovely (Y/n)-Chan came back!", and he watched her give him a hug. 

He blushes as he feels her boobs touching him. Once she pulls out of the hug, she smiles, "I know it felt sudden, but I must say that we should hang out on a date", she said. Chilled couldn't be anymore happy, "How about we travel the universe to your heart's content?", he suggested. She nods, "Sure, why not to the north end of the universe?", she asked. Chilled nodded and escorted her to his ship.

Once the ship's engines roared, they instantly started traveling. As the two lovers shared a kiss, (Y/n)-Chan looked forward to spending a long time being with Chilled, her handsome little lover. Eventually once she finds the Dragon Balls, she can either wished for him to be a bit taller, or wished he existed in her era? Why not both? Yeah, that sounds better for her. And so she and Chilled began their relationship as they look forward to their future together.

The End

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