By bldramama

13.7K 849 52

Win had imagined a thousand fantasies for his wedding but none of them were anything like this. All he knew w... More

A little acceptance and comfort.
It's Normal To Be Scared
Nothing Hurts Like First Heart Break
It's Not Your Fault Either
I Should Have Been There For You
Bright Is Warm
They Have Supportive Friends
Drunk Shenanigans
They Talk The Talk
He Is Cared For Too
No, I Don't
Cuddles and Snuggles
Never leave me
Hold Me Please


2.1K 68 2
By bldramama

Tu sat in front of the mirror looking at herself dressed in the beautiful wedding gown they had chosen for today.

"You can do it Tu, you are going to be fine, you are an Opas-Imjakorn for crying out loud!!! You can do it" Tu hyped herself up as she worked on her hair, she was determined to get through this and nothing was going to stop her.

Knock Knock

Tu turned around startled at the knocking, her heart beating fast, the veil she held in her hand had fallen to the ground.

"Tu, it's me Win, can Phi come in?" Her brother's voice filtered in.

"Y-yeah Phi, come in" Tu stuttered out, she didn't want to see her brother though, in the whole family if anyone could break her resolve it was her brother, not that he had to do much, he was just too good and Tu couldn't hurt him for the life of her.

"Hello, if it isn't the lady of the day, looking stunning as always, maybe even more stunning today" Win hyped her up smiling, just like he always did, whether it was dropping her off at her class or seeing her after he fought someone for her, she did cause him a lot of trouble throughout her life and she wasn't proud of it.

"Phiiii~" Tu whined as a small smile crept upon her face, it was really hard not to smile in her brother's presence it really was and she loved him so much, it was nearly breaking her heart to leave and the pain must have shown on her face because her brother's smile disappeared.

Win dashed forward cupping her face as he cooed at her, worried at the tears that formed in her eyes.

"Nuuu, Tu what's wrong?"Win asked.

"I am gonna-" Tu started, her voice getting choked, "gonna have to leave you" She finished barely holding back the sob that almost slipped through her.

"Hoi ! are you this sad about that?"Win laughed lightly as he hugged her tightly.

"Stop laughing, why are you being mean?!" Tu whined, as she buried her face in his chest.

"Aish, you are acting like you are moving to a different country, it's literally a 30-minute drive from his house to ours you know, even less if you let that idiot drive. So don't worry too much okay, Phi will make sure to annoy you every day" Win laughed louder, not noticing the way she had stiffened at his words.

"Yeah phi, just a little far from you" Tu pulled back, smiling.

"Exactly, now should I send in Love and Film to help you fix your make up? We don't want the bride looking like an ogre on her wedding day" Win teased.

"Shut up and get out, you nosy brother!!!!" Tu shouted at Win laughter bubbling out of both of them.

"Okay okay, phi is sorry, but seriously are they supposed to leave the bride to be alone on the wedding day?" Win asked looking around.

"It's fine Phi I can take care of myself you know," Tu smirked at Win who just made a face in return.

"Yes your highness" Win mock bowed, "take this, by the way, I almost forgot what I came here for," Win said as he handed her a bouquet.

"Thanks, Phi," Tu whispered smiling at him.

"Tu can I ask you something?"Win asked, Tu could tell he was nervous with the way he was rubbing his neck, Tu smiled at her brother nodding.

"You are happy right?"

And just like that, the happiness that had formed in her heart had faded again, as she was reminded of her faith, however, she forced a smile, nodding as enthusiastically as possible.

"Yes, Phi! I am happy" she said, smiling wide to hide the pain in her heart.

"That's good," Win sighed relieved, " You know even P'Bright is my best friend, you can still come to me with problems, I am still your older brother and I promise to help you out, even if I have to punch PBright to set him right." he said seriously, maintaining eye contact with Tu.

"Yes phi" Tu let out a wet laugh, she was doing this to her brother wasn't she, how could she do this? How could she do any of this?

"Tu I will always love you, you know," Win said as he finally pulled her into one last hug.

"I love you too, Phi thank you for everything."

"Okay I am going for real now, don't want mae to go crazy looking for me"

"Don't you have the best man duties?" Tu teased Win, to which she received a simple flick at her forehead, and just like that her brother had run away.


Win was laughing as he had run away after hitting his sister, his laughter died down as he came to the lake near the venue, everyone was busy preparing for the wedding and Win should most definitely be helping them out.

He would help make sure his sister will have the best wedding even if it meant torturing his own heart a little more but Win would be fine.

After all, what're another few hours compared to six years.

He took a deep breath looking past all of his feelings, focussing on just one thing.

It's my sister's wedding that's all, it doesn't matter who she is marrying, it's my sister, and even if the groom is the man I have been in love with for the past six years I am gonna be happy.

For my sister.


He patted his pockets for his Phone, snapping out of his thoughts and wiping the tears that seemed to have succeeded in escaping.

"Yes, mom?" Win asked, doing his best to sound as happy as he could.

"Win where are you? Mama needs help" His mom said, sounding in a hurry.

"I am coming, gimme a second mom," Win said as he hurried back making sure he looked presentable.

"Win thank god you are here" His mom sighed relieved.

"What's wrong mom?" Win asked worry lacing his words.

"We are sort of running low on the purple orchids, can you go pick them up, no one else is free"

"Yeah sure mom, I got this don't worry." Win smiled at his mom, she truly was a huge worrywart.


Win walked in the entrance an hour later carrying four baskets of purple orchids, the beauty of the flowers soothing his aching heart.

"Mom I got the flowe-" Win froze, his words fading as he looked at the sight before him.

His father was on his knees in front of Bright's mother, his mother sobbing into her hands, everyone standing tensed as Bright's mum tried to get his father to stand up.

"W-what?" Win tried to ask but his voice came out barely above a whisper, his heart squeezing tight as panic started rising in him, his father was on his knees and his mother was cry- no she was sobbing barely able to form words all the while Bright's mum and uncle tried to calm them down.

His grip slackened on the baskets and they fell to the ground making everyone's attention to focus on him.

His mother was the first one to react to him, she staggered up to him collapsing in his arms as she continued to cry.

"Mom, what happened?" He found himself asking, sounding every bit scared as he felt.

"Tu-" His mom choked out and his blood ran cold.

"WHAT? WHAT ABOUT TU MOM?! IS SHE OK?" Win asked, fully panicking, he looked around when his mother just continued crying, his eyes begging for answers, he wanted to rush to his sister if something was wrong with her but he couldn't leave his mom like this either.

"Tu -" He heard his father say as he staggered to his feet, " Tu is gone," he said barely above a whisper.

"What?" Win asked, his face paling as the worst scenario crossed his head.

"She ran away!" His father said with more strength, his eyes were red probably from the unshed tears.

"She-she.... Ran" Win asked, not understanding why.

I had just talked to her, she had told me she was fine, said that she was happy, did she lie? Why would she lie to me? Did I do something wrong? Was I bad? Of course, I was bad, I should have paid more attention to her. I should have -

"Stop that nuisance"

Win shook out of his thoughts, staring at Bright who had a hand on his head.

"I know where you are going with your thoughts, don't blame yourself for anything Win, none of you have to blame yourself, it wasn't your fau-" Bright started.

"LIKE HELL IT WASN'T MY FAULT! DON'T SAY IT WASN'T MY FAULT." Win shouted at Bright, shocking everyone in the room.

"It was my fault, I should have paid more attention to her, I should have paid more attention, I should have-" Win choked on a sob.

"Win. calm down" His father said standing strong, knowing he needed to support his wife and son.

"Dad," Win said, voice breaking.

"It wasn't your fault, it was our fault," His father said with a finality that gave no space to argue.

His mom cupped his face as she had also stopped crying and wiped his face.

"Calm down my little bunny, we are going to figure it out, just breathe" His mom smiled at him and he felt like a small child again being comforted by his parents.

And so he did, he breathed in deeply, calming himself.

"I know you are worried about Tu but there is a bigger problem at hand," His father said, confusing Win.

"We have two hours until the guests start coming and the fact that Tu ran away will create a big problem for our business and family status." Bright's mother said, looking worried.

"B-but Tu?" Win asked, shocked at everyone's disregard for his sister's absence.

"Dew, Nani, and Toptap are looking for her, along with some other friends of theirs, hopefully, they will find her soon or else we will hire professionals to find her," His father cut off his questions.


"No buts right now Win, I get it you are worried for your sister even I am worried for my daughter, but I know she can survive a day or two out on her own. If she made such a big decision she must have known what she was doing. Just believe in her" His father said with finality that shut everyone up.

"I- I have a plan," Bright said, standing up straighter.

Everyone was looking at him now, including Win who had calmed down now and the feeling of guilt was making way into his head for shouting at his friend, who had just been trying to help him out.

"We only announced the marriage between the families, not about the people, so..." Bright trailed off, as everyone else connected the dots.

The silence that took place was uncomfortable in many ways.

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