Just This Once || Erenxreader...

By erensbitchh

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°°Only he was too naive to realize that love cannot be ignored°° ••• Broken promises, unrequited love, and sh... More



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By erensbitchh

When you walked back outside to join Sasha, like you had promised, you found yourself in a large crowd of cheering people.

You made your way through the crowd, pushing through people, as you tried to make your way to the bar to see what was going on. When you finally made it to the front, you saw Jean and Reiner both sitting at the bar. They each had an arm propped up, hands clasped together.

"Y/N!" Sasha spotted you from beside the bar, and practically pounced on you. "What took so long?!"

Judging from the excited smile on her face, you guessed that whatever was going on would distract her, so you didn't really think she would notice if you ignored her question. "What's going on?" You asked, pointing to the boys who were getting ready to arm wrestle.

Sasha's face lit up. "OMG y/n you're just in time! I told you I would figure out a way to get Reiner to strip!" The brunette jumped up and down with joy.

"What do you mean? Is the loser going to strip or something?" you asked with a laugh.


"So how do you know that Jean is going to win?" you asked, slightly confused.

Reiner was a huge guy. The man was a tree. He was roughly the same height as Jean, although Jean may be a little bit taller. But he was buff. Jean may have height over Reiner, but you had no doubt that Reiner was probably stronger than Jean. He was pure muscle. You were almost kind of worried for Jean.

Sasha just laughed off you confusion, and smacked your arm playfully. "Oh please! Yea, Reiner may look like a walking tank, but he is too drunk half of the time to even grip a pencil. Plus, Jean is stronger than you think, don't count him out".

You watched as Connie leaned over the bar, raising his hands to his mouth so that he could speak to the crowd.


The crowd responded with a cheer, excited with the idea of seeing either Jean or Reiner strip.

You turned your attention to the two boys, curious to see what their reactions the situation was. Reiner had an lazy grin on his face, obviously confident he was going to win. Seriously, when was he going to catch on that Sasha kept finding ways to make him strip at parties.

Jean, on the other hand, had a playful relaxed smile on his face. He looked confident as well, but not cocky, like Reiner. He even looked a little laid back.

Connie began the countdown, and the crowd shouted out the numbers with him.

"3, 2, 1... GO!"

Immediately, both Reiner and Jean's arms tensed up. You found yourself immediately entranced by the veins and muscles rippling through Jeans biceps, examining how they ran up his arm, all the way to his large hands.

Both of the boys had concentrated looks on their faces, teeth clenched together, knuckles turning white. Neither one of them had been able to move the other's arm yet, and you could tell that Reiner was getting frustrated. Sweat was starting to bead up on the blond boy's forehead, and you could of sworn that you saw his arm shake a little.

Damn, I knew Jean was strong... but holy shit. Reiner's arm is starting to shake already.

A smirk grew on Jean's face, as he began to slowly start to push Reiners arm down. Reiner struggled, but it was clear that he couldn't fight off Jean's strength. A few seconds later, Reiners arm hit the table with a loud thump, and Jean released his hand.

Connie jumped forward, and grabbed Jean's arm, pumping it into the air.


There was a collective booing from the girls in the crowd, but it quickly stopped when Connie resumed his speech.

"REINER, HOWEVER, WILL BE STRIPPING FOR YOU!" Connie slapped Reiner on the back, and the drunk boy just grinned, as the crowd cheered him on.

Reiner stood up, and wobbled a little as he made his way over to the pool.

Sasha clung to your arm, and started laughing hysterically. "I told you I could get him to strip!"

"Hey, you wouldn't have been able to without my help!"

The two of you turned around to see Jean standing behind you, still smiling like a handsome drunk idiot.

You couldn't help it. The feeling of guilt that washed over you as his eyes met yours. The memory of what you had just done not even 15 minutes ago, played through your mind.

You forced it down. You weren't dating Jean. Neither of you had even confessed any feelings yet. The two of you were just flirting right? And plus, you were free to have sex with who ever you wanted. And so was Jean. Until the two of you were official, you were allowed to do whatever the hell you wanted.

You returned his smile, and allowed him to sling an arm around your shoulder.

"Didn't know you were so strong, Jeany boy" you teased, as the three of you turned to watch Reiner continue stumbling to the pool's edge.

"I know, I'm pretty amazing right" he said jokingly as he looked down at you.

"Pffft" you shoved him a little, but he just laughed, and wrapped his arm around you again.

"I am kinda sad that you won, though. Now I don't get to see your cute ass". You slithered a hand around Jean back and gently grabbed at his butt, causing the boy to jump in surprise.

"HEY! My butt is not cute, okay?" he protested. Then he leaned down to your ear, "And if you wanted to see it all you had to do was ask".

The two of you just laughed, and your attention was brought back to Reiner when the crowd started to chant his name.

Everyone watched as Reiner lifted his arms, and pulled his shirt over his head. His back was to you, and you had to admit, his body was just as nice you remembered. Reiner threw his shirt off to the side, and moved his hands down to his shoes, which he tugged off one by one. Next he moved onto his pants, pulling the sweatpants down to his ankles before kicking them off to the side as well.

Reiner was left in just his boxers, and the people around him were shouting at him to take them off. Finally, Reiners thumbs hooked inside the waist band of his underwear, and he tugged the material down. The only thing you could see was his white ass cheeks.

A few of the girls gasped on the other side of the pool, and stared wide eyed at Reiner's front. Everyone else was cheering Reiner on, and some people were whistling.

"FUCK YES, YMIR OWES US 50 BUCKS!" you heard Connie shout, and you turned around to see him and Sasha high five.

You turned back around, and Reiner had still not jumped into the pool.

"Reiner, you're supposed to jump in now!" Jean laughed.

"Hey Reiner! Stop clenching your ass cheeks!" you shouted. At this, Jean nearly fell over with laughter, but you managed to keep him standing with your arm around him. Reiner turned around to give you a snarky remark, but you didn't hear what he said.

No wonder the girls on the other side of the pool were speechless.

That would hurt...

Jean noticed what you were staring at, and his expression darkened a little bit, but you didn't notice.

Before anyone could say anything else, someone shoved Reiner into the pool. More and more people began to jump in, some with clothes on, some without.


The rest of the party was a blur. You had swum in the pool with Jean, Connie, and Sasha, and you guys had played a drunk game of chicken, which had resulted in a trip to the ER.

Connie had accidentally hit his head on the side of the pool, and needed stitches. You, Jean, and Sasha had gone with him, mostly because Sasha was the only one sober enough to drive, and you and Jean had whined like little kids until she had agreed to let the two of you come along.

"Connie, stop picking at the bandages!" Sasha slapped his hand away from his forehead, while trying to keep her other hand on the wheel as she drove.

"But it's itchy" the boy groaned. Connie was slumped in the passenger seat.

"Can we stop and get burgers" Jean whined, as he raised a bottle of vodka to his lips to take a sip. Once he he did, he passed the bottle to you, who was sitting in the seat next to him, your legs resting on his lap.

"Mmm, yes please I'm starving" you took the bottle from Jean, and took a sip.

"Whoah where did you get that!" Connie exclaimed, as he reached for the bottle.

Sasha's eyes met yours in the rear view mirror, and she quickly turned around, and snatched the bottle before Connie could grab it. Then, she pulled the car over on the side of the road, and turned around to face you and Jean.

"Where the hell did you get this?!" she scolded you and Jean.

You and Jean turned to look at each other, and the two of you burst out laughing.

"I'm serious! I told you guys no more drinking when we left the party! Who gave this to you?"

"I took it from the bar" Jean said sheepishly, obviously not used to Sasha acting serious.

Sasha sighed and then turned to Connie, "And you!You just busted your head open! Don't let those two be a bad influence!" She poked at his chest, and he held his hands up in a surrendering motion.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry" the hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Sasha turned the car back on, and began to drive again.

"So, about the burgers..." Jean started, as he propped his feet up in the center console.

Sasha just laughed and shook her head as she pulled into the McDonalds drive through.


Sasha decided it was best that the boys spend the night at you guy's dorm, since the party was no doubt still going on, and Sasha wanted to make sure Connie didn't rip his stitches.

As soon as Sasha opened the door, she dragged Connie inside, and you followed her, dragging Jean. Who knew he got drunk so easily? Either that, or he must have been drinking long before you arrived.

Sasha dragged Connie over to her bunk, and dropped him on the pillows. She pulled a blanket up to his chin, and then started removing his shoes.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get something to clean his forehead with" Sasha said as she left the room.

Jean was considerable heavier than Connie, and you didn't see why he had to pass out in the car. You managed to get him into your bed, and then you repeated Sasha's actions, and took his shoes off. Then you moved to his hands, and took off his rings, placing them on the bedside table.

Sasha returned, and glanced at the tall boy passed out on your bed. She gave a small laugh.

"I'm not gonna even try to get him under the covers" you sighed. "Why are sleeping boys so heavy?"

Sasha climbed up her bunk, and straddled Connies sleeping figured as she cleaned around his stitches with a wet cloth.

"I think the real question is why are they so dumb? I mean, what kind of person cracks their head open and then reaches for a bottle of vodka?!" the brunette laughed.

"I mean, this is Connie we're talking about"

You retrieved a blanket from the closet, and threw it over Jean. He was so tall that the blanket didn't cover his whole body, and his feet were hanging out. You remembered how he hated when his feet were cold, so you pulled the blanket down, leaving his shoulders uncovered.

A glance at the clock on the bedside table told you that it was about 2:15 A.M. You wished you could pass out just like Jean and Connie. You wanted nothing more than to go to sleep, especially when you knew you were going to have a horrible hangover in the morning.

"Alright, I feel like shit, I'm going to bed".

"Okay, goodnight y/n."

You turned off the light, and then laid down next to Jean. You didn't cuddle up next to him or anything, because to be honest, you really didn't feel great from all of the alcohol. Instead, you just slept next to him, and let sleep pull you under. After all, you had had a really long night.

Reiners butt definitely looks like this —> [ Y ]

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