The Venom of Izuku Yagi

By DeadlokAU

548K 11.3K 8.2K

Izuku Yagi, quirkless girl, twin to Izumi Yagi, daughter of All-might and Green-Psycic. Abused? Check, Neglec... More

1: Prologue of Torture
2: A friend and powers?
3: Another friend?
4: Growing in every sense of the word
5: New powers
6: UA enter stage left
7: Izuku's hero trial
8: Birthday reminisce
9: First day at U.A.
10: Quirk testing
11: Prejudice
12: Letting them back in
13: Second day at U.A.
14: Hero training
15: True power
17: A morning without Mei
18: Prior to the USJ
19: The USJ, the straw
20: The hero commission, the camel
21: Bringing the idiom together
22: The return
23: Dorms: BEGIN
24: Dorms: PLANS
25: Dorms: Momo
26: Dorms: Kyo
27: Pranks - Well maybe a bit more
28: Prank aftermath and Sports festival prelude
29: Sports time
30: Black and purple
31: Purple and Pink
32: Calming nerves
33: Date
34: No internships?
35: Miracles
36: A brothers punishment
37: Actions have consequences
38: A hobo's wrath
39: Trial by trial
40: Little party all across the city
41: Another normal day
42: Ice Girl's Sins
43: Power moves
44: Final exams
45: Shinso trial
46: Losing isn't failure
47: End of Exams and start of vacation
48: Welcome to I-Island!
49: An old, very angry, friend
50: Coincidental meetup
51: Party gone wrong
52: Wolfram? WolfDone
53: Two more collars
54: Settling in
55: The attack begins
56: Uncle Dabi or Uncle Touya?
57: Dabi's sweet revenge
58: Say hi to the Traitor!
59: inTERMIssioN And TalEs
60: The only canon ship
61: Little big fight
62: Villains to corruption
63: Out of the hospital...
64: And onto the streets
65: Our Bean doesn't kill... right?
67: Back at UA
68: I'm not good with words
69: Back on track
70: Shie Hassaikai
71: Meeting
72: The massacre
73: One last obstacle
74: Rest at last
75: Last to rest

16: Recovery without Recovery Girl

10.9K 218 68
By DeadlokAU

Mei was busy tinkering with her babies, so when the door opened, she didn't even notice it. Though when it closed she did and turned round to face the goop monster.

'Hey Venom, I'm making some super cute babies right now, what's the ma-' Her head snapped back realising Izuku wasn't in control, 'Venom why are you in control?,'

'Exercise... biased... past people... pain... explosion...  death... saved.......... tired...' Venom the proceeded to collapse as the goop lost all structure, falling off of Izuku's blood stained but much better body. The goop though instead of flowing out went back into the girl as her veins could be seen shifting colour as the goop filled her system.

Mei's eyes widened at the sight of it, tearing up just as fast, 'I-Izu?!' She jumped forward, cradling the small girl in her arms, 'Please, please be ok... don't die please. I NEED YOU!' She sobbed into the unconscious girls chest.

One or two hours passed and the sound of sobs lessened as Mei held herself back, keeping herself steady by holding onto the one she loved. Power-loader however had no idea, so he didn't know what he was doing when he banged on the door to the unusually silent workshop with some of the 1-A students who managed to recover.



'Mei? Are you ok?'


'Mei, I'm coming in, please.' Mei panicked as the uncovered form of her girlfriend lay in her arms.

'NO, YOU COME IN HERE AND I'LL USE ONE OF MY BABIES ON YOU.' Childish screams could be heard as one of the two types of reaction. Silence followed as a heavier set of footsteps carefully made their way away from the scene.

Not ten minutes later two sets of footsteps arrived at the door from different direction, some mumbling ensued before a lighter knock on the door was heard.

'Mei?' Nezu asked, 'May we come in, it's just me Shota and you sensei?'

'Nezu?' The pink haired girl hoarsely whisper yelled as Izuku started to shift

'Yes, it is I'

'You know... you and he know.'

'Know what?'

'Yesterday... please send Sensei away.' Muttering could be heard from the other side of the door before angry stomping could be heard as the person left.

'Mei, it's just me and Shota now, please let us in. We've been trying to find Izuku, we need to see if she's ok.'

'It's unlocked.' As she said this the door slowly opened and the two men stepped into the workshop before the taller of the two close the door, using the locking mechanism to close it from the inside.

Mei looked up at the two with her tear stained and gaunt face as she shifted her body to let the two men see the black veined girl, covered in bloody and broken clothes. The two let out a sharp gasp before slowly making their way over, careful not to scare the terrified girl in front of them. The principle shifted his beady eyes from his unconscious niece to his future in-law.

'Mei what happened?'

Mei started shaking, 'I don't know, I was working the they both came in but Venom was in control, he said something about an exercise, bias and explosion then death' The two men looked at each other, 'But he said he saved her but he was tired, then he collapsed and the goop went back onto her body, turning her veins like this.' She held onto the light unconscious girl tighter.

Nezu stole one last glance at the girl before hopping up onto Shota, 'Mei, we should get her to recovery girl.'

'NO, no hospitals, no nurses, that's the rules. Venom's better.' The two adults glanced at each other again.

'Rules?' The chimera asked

'Yes, to stop us getting sent away, me, Izu and Rai came up with them.'

Nezu rubbed his chin, 'So you are confident in Venom's ability to heal?'

'Yeah... he's healed Izu a few time already. This isn't the first bomb she's survived.'

'And what would the other be?'

'Well it...'

Izuku bolted up and gasped for air as the two adults jumped back. Mei just looked at the girl in her arms before hugging her tightly, soaking the green-haired girl's chest. Said girl blinked a few times before looking around and seeing her girlfriend sad, so like any normal person she started stroking her pink dreadlocks, calming her down.

Once the sobbing had stopped, the girl looked up at the two adults in the room.

'Hi.' The two just stared back at her like she was crazy. Nezu quickly coughed to cover up his shock and bring his coffee infused friend back to reality.

'So... finish up in here, then come meet us up in my office, a few things need to be talked about.'

'Oki!' She said before turning her attention back to Mei.

The two adults then silently back away, making their way out of the door and into the corridor, careful not to make a sound, before Nezu pulled a sign out of nowhere, making Shota put it on the door, so the two would no be disturbed. Silence engulfed the two until Shota spoke up.

'She was too relaxed, even if All-might sabotaged the camera's and we couldn't see what was happening, the who school heard those screams and explosion.'

'Indeed' His animal companion replied, 'But that's not the issue at the moment... well it is but for now let's focus on dealing some justice.'

'Expelling students is always my favourite part of being a teacher.'

'Indeed, alas though we cannot do such a thing.'

Shota grumbled, 'Bloody corruption.'

'I know, but at least Bakugo will be punished in his own home.'

'Why not just expel him?'

'Well it seems like that Yagi bitch and explodugo could possibly be dating, if we expelled him and she revealed it, it would not be pretty.'

'Again, fuck the corruption.'

Nezu sighed but was silent until the two reached the office and made their way in, meeting three families instead of two.

'Todoroki's, what do I owe this pleasure?' The rodent asked with genuine kindness and curiosity.

'Well' Enji replied, 'It seems one of the students took it too far in a training exercise, so I'm here to see that their punishment is severe enough.'

'Ah' Nezu said as Shota set him down in his desk, while curling up in his special chair beside it, 'Then we have a problem. See that student will not be punished and I also assume you haven't been told the whole story.'

'It seems so old friend' The man stated, glaring at his two children, 'So since my brats won't say a word, please do start from the beginning.'

'All in due course, first the two other families here today, I wish to make it known that if you were any other students, your stunts would get you expelled. But since the world we live in is unfair you get to stay, you'll only wish that I expelled you right here and now.'

The two children started sweating porously, while Mitsuki spoke up, 'Would you mind explaining, a mother does need her reasons for actions.'

'Of course Mitsuki, now today was hero training and it since we had an odd number, this gave a perfect opportunity for one hollow and vain number one hero to get revenge of a student who wiped out his record while beating his daughter in the entrance exams. He set himself and the rest of the class up against them. Three students who were close friends saw the bullshit and dropped out, the others were blind or like the four in the room, all in for it. Now I cannot confirm their reasons for joining in, so I cannot lay the blame on them. But Toshinori? Now this is going to be fun. You violated so many laws and safety rules at the school, you endangered your class by fighting the strongest person on campus for a grudge. Then you go an sabotage the cameras so we have no evidence against you, however you forgot to erase the part of you erasing. Funny no?'

'Ah we...' The man tried to reply

'Have no excuse? Indeed. Now said student is luckily one of the nicest and kindred souls I have ever met. And I know you all do to.'

Enji raised a flaming eye-brow, 'Who is it?'

'Wel-' The door opened and in stepped a Venom covered Izuku with a Mei hugging on the outside of the goop on her back. Izuku froze walking in, her past right in front of her. 

'H-Hi!' She mumbled, her aunts and uncles she had dealt with, but every one of her problems in a room. It set her on edge, which Venom quickly started to mentally abbreviate, reminding her of the technique he taught her. She breathed in calmly then breathed out, blocking those six from her mind, erasing their existence like they did to her.

'Venom!' The four adults shouted.

'I never got to thank you, these new suits you made for me and my wife has made out hero duties so much easier!' Enji announced

'Indeed, he is no longer always overheating and I'm not always cold, thank you' Rei said

'And those nano-tech mannequins you have us with holographic features are a godsend' Mitsuki says.

'Yeah, they make designing so much easier' Her husband agreed

'Hehe' Izuku/Venom chuckled, 'Well when two amazing pro heroes and two of the best designers come to my doorstep, how can I not give them my all.' The four smiled at him before it clicked for the flaming hero and he scowled.

'So Venom, I take it you're the kid you smashed my kid's heads together?'

Izuku froze, afraid of him but was too honest to lie, 'Yes and no, it was Venom and it was in a training exercise.'

'Mhm' His wife hummed before the four adults suddenly bowed


Izuku and Mei just stood there in shock, well Izuku stood, Mei clung onto Izuku. Izuku smiled, 'It's ok, you had nothing to do with this. And Enji sorry about smashing your kids heads together, it was more Venom than me.'

Enji looked up, 'But you are Venom?' he asked confused

'Ah' Izuku/Venom gasped, 'I never told you my quirk did I? Well Venom is the name of my quirk, it's a sentient type whose looked after me for a while now. Venom, do you want to say hi?'

'Why not Kid?' Venom said popping out on top of Izuku's head, 'And Bonfire, I'm sorry about doing that, it was quick efficient and I needed a little revenge.' The room froze and Izuku started panicking.

Enji stared down the new goop head, before bursting out in laughter, 'I like you, not only have you kept two of my favourite support designers safe you have a good mouth on you.' His face then turned serious, 'And what do you mean by revenge?'

'Simple, Momo.' The man froze as his wife picked up the conversation

'Would you mind explaining?'

'Sure, I know the Yaoyorozu's very well along with the kid here. So trust me when I say they're scared of you.'


'Indeed, the number two hero coming in, whose known for his violence, asking if his son can date their daughter? You see how it can be interpreted.'

'But I made sure he was on his best behaviour?'

'Maybe, but in actual fact it just scared them more. Please try and talk to them, I do believe they think it's a quirk marriage, which is why they asked me and the kid to step in, in case things go sour.'

'Mmm, that is troubling. I see what you mean. Don't worry though, I myself will fix this. But what do you mean just in case things go sour?'

'Izuku Yagi.'

The room froze up again, before Mei shouted out.

'VENOM, we're keeping her safe!'

'Yes but she is the reason why I don't trust that boy.'

'BUT, AND, UGH. Venom you owe me pizza!'

Izuku/Venom chuckled, 'Sure Mei.' She said before turning to the gasping adults, 'I'm sorry but I cannot tell you anymore about her. She is safe and healthy but she has asked to not be linked to her past. And I assume you can tell why I don't trust your offspring?'

Enji started to tear up, fire building in the corners of his eyes, 'Indeed and I don't blame you. I believe they have changed but still...'

'It's ok, I don't blame you. The girl is safe though and she wanted me to tell you four that she holds no animosity towards any of you. She does want to see you but is still scared.'

Enji wiped his tears away, 'Of course, we will wait until she is ready.' Izuku, Venom and Mei smiled.

'Now then' Nezu said clapping his hands together, 'Onto the matter at hand. Since we cannot confirm the Todoroki twins involvement they will not be punished. However the two other students can be tied to the scene, first Izumi...'

'If I may interrupt.' Venom said, 'The girl did nothing wrong, in fact the screams were of me scaring her as to incapacitate her. No physical harm came to her, it was all psychological.'

Nezu hummed, 'Of course... so Miss Yagi, I guess you are free as well now. BUT Bakugo, the explosion and your position when found clearly signify your evolvement. Not only that but Venom here sustained life threatening injuries. With clear intent to kill you launched an attack, honestly you should be sent to jail as what you did was nothing short of villainous. however we due to your... connections... you are getting a ONE time pass. You will still be punished by your Sensei as he sees fit however, just know that you are on your last legs here. Any problems with that Masaru.'

'None' he said glaring at his son, 'And when you get home, you're banned from all quirk usage when not at school or in a life-threatening situation.'

Nezu chuckled, 'Indeed a wise choice, now To-shi-no-ri. You're teaching licence will be revoked and you will be on provision. Any teacher, apart from your wife, will have to be with you whenever you teach. You will have to personally fill out the forms for this incident and write personal apology letters to the rest of class 1-A that aren't in this room and Venom as well as Mei, considering she had to see her lover almost die.'

'HAH, YOU OWE ME 500 YEN ENJI' Rei yelled, causing Enji to sigh and Nezu chuckle. Izuku and Mei just looked confused but turned back to Nezu.

'On top of this, any and all exercises will have to be run by me personally a week in advance. Now that was just for you're sabotage, for placing yourself in that fight with the wrong intentions you will become the teachers lapdog for the rest of the year. Any teacher can pawn off unimportant paperwork onto you and you will have to accept or be fired. Understand? Good. I've also contacted Gran, he will be here shortly to beat some sense into you. Don't try to run this time or I'll have him stay longer.' The buff man gulped, 'Now all of you apart from Venom, Mei and Shota are dismissed.'

The three families took their leave, the students with their heads down quiet and the parents fuming for different reasons. Once gone Nezu cleared his throat.

'Now Izuku, Mei. I'm here to warn you. The government's ban on quirkless heroes is probably their first step, so please be careful.' The two nodded, 'Second we will be putting dorms into place soon, I know it will be challenging keeping you identity a secret Izuku, but we've made provisions for that. The parents will be asked and everyone will be moved in before the sports festival. Any questions?' Izuku and Mei shook their head. 'You may go.'

The two took their leave as Nezu sighed. Shota shot him a look and understood what was happening, internally face-palming as well. This next year was going to be a pain in the ass.

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