The Chronicles of Boruto

By Zsabertooth

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When he returns to Konohagakure, The Village Hidden in the Leaves, after years of training and travelling; Uz... More

CHAPTER 01: Three years later...
CHAPTER 02: Team 7 reformed!
CHAPTER 03: Unexpected Reunfication
CHAPTER 04: Team 15
CHAPTER 05: To Sunagakure!
CHAPTER 06: The Solo mission.
CHAPTER 07: Information
CHAPTER 08: Contention
CHAPTER 09: The Silver Twins
CHAPTER 10: The Mystery of his Injury
CHAPTER 12: Konohamaru's mission
CHAPTER 13: We've rebelled before
CHAPTER 14: Expected?
CHAPTER 15: A Strategy.
CHAPTER 16: People die all the time!
CHAPTER 17: Recovering...
CHAPTER 18: The Chunin exams.
CHAPTER 19: One weird dream.
CHAPTER 20: Nakamura Vilson
CHAPTER 21: The midnight sparring session.
CHAPTER 22: The Sealing Jutsu
CHAPTER 23: A battle within himself
CHAPTER 24: Share.
CHAPTER 25: With my eyes closed
CHAPTER 26: Dreams with meaning.
CHAPTER 27: Farewell for now...
CHAPTER 28: Declaration of war
CHAPTER 29: Another consciousness
CHAPTER 30: Kashin Koji
CHAPTER 31: Breaking news
CHAPTER 32: The divine tree
CHAPTER 33: His power
CHAPTER 34: Code's Kāma.
CHAPTER 35: The Uchiha clan massacre.
CHAPTER 36: Invasion!
CHAPTER 37: The Jōgan's new ability.
CHAPTER 38: Momoshiki's return
CHAPTER 39: Kakashi's advice.
CHAPTER 40: Wish me luck.
CHAPTER 41: Shutting an emotion.
CHAPTER 42: The second group of resistance.
CHAPTER 43: The mystery of his desertion.

CHAPTER 11: Himawari's conference

1.3K 35 11
By Zsabertooth

Uzumaki Boruto

He had had many instances in his life when he had been admitted to the hospital and his mother worrying her mind out because of it. But there weren't many days in which the information didn't reach his mother. And this time, as Boruto thought, maybe that was the case.

Boruto stared at the full moon as he headed home from the hospital, Sarada and Mitsuki had already departed to the Hokage building, so he had to walk alone... well, not that he was complaining, but still, it would have been much more fun with his friends around.

The lights were all turned on in his house, indicating his mother and sister were present there and had not gone to visit his grandpa, whom Boruto planned to visit after a good night's sleep, tomorrow. He rang the bell once and waited patiently for the door to be opened by his cute little sister. But surprisingly, this time, his mother answered it. "I'm home, Okaasan"

"Welcome home Boruto, I heard you went on another mission with Mitsuki and Sarada, is that why you're late?" she asked him kindly, not knowing at all of his tragic incident, which had caused him to stay at the hospital for half the day.

"Oh, yeah. But I arrived earlier dattebasa, I had a blackout... so, I had to get admitted and—" his mother's face, like Boruto, had predicted, quickly lost its colour and worry coated it.

"What happened? Why? are you okay? Did anyone hurt you? Why didn't anyone inform me you were in the hospital?" his mother rambled quickly taking him by the shoulders and hugging him. A smile formed on his face. Boy, how much he had missed this when he had been travelling away from the village... his mother herself was one of the main reasons Boruto wanted to stay in the village...

"I'll try answering mom, so, I was about to confront these rogue brothers but I fainted for some reason and I don't know why. Yes, I am definitely okay, no one hurt me mom... for the last part, I don't know that myself dattebasa!" Boruto answered taking a deep breath while his mother pulled away.

"I see... I just finished cooking dinner, please go call Himawari, she's in her room" his mother asked. Boruto nodded and removed his ninja sandals.

He knocked on her door for the third time, and he still didn't receive an answer. So, he slowly opened it and walked in. there was a small lump under the bedsheet on her bed, oh, she was asleep... well, he had to wake her then.

"Hey Hima, Hima! Mom's done cooking dinner, I heard she made steak!" his tiny sister still didn't reply so he tried nudging her sleeping form a little.

She woke slowly and sat straight on her bed to rub her eyes, "Oniichan? You're back?"

"Yeah, mom's cooked dinner already, let's go eat..." he whispered trying to excite her about dinner because she pretty much looked drained of energy right now.

"Ok..." she responded but before he could leave the room Hima called him back, "Oniichan, can you train with me after dinner?"

Boruto smiled, giving her a thumbs-up, "of course dattebasa!" he would have politely refused if it hadn't been his sister; he was an inch away from falling asleep... but still, he didn't want to see his younger sisters' eyes lose hope or the profound excitement.

After a happy dinner and fun training session with his little sister, Boruto removed his jacket and threw it before jumping on the bed. He had taught Himawari how to apply chakra more effectively in the shuriken since her aim was already good, she could even curve it perfectly. She had been pretty interested in learning the Rasengan, which, with no success, only drained her of chakra... but by the end of the training session, she had even thanked him and asked to train her more often which he had obviously agreed to.

The following day, Boruto obviously woke up late, but right in time for breakfast. Once he had brushed his teeth and taken a leak, he made his way over to the table where the three other members of his family were present. "Hey Boruto!" his father greeted halfway through eating; his mother gave him a look, making him gulp down the food.

"I'm surprised you have time for breakfast these days, Tousan..." Boruto remarked, accepting his plate of grilled and delicious-looking fish.

"Huh! I can't manage two shadow clones without my breakfast these days dattebayo!" his father said whilst pouring him apple juice. Boruto scoffed, he was happy his father could make it home often these days... well! Not like it was for him! Himawari needed their father!

"Oh, and Boruto, I heard your grandpa was sick, and your father has very important work with the cypher corps, so, none of us can attend Himawari's parent-teacher conference... could you please see it through?" his mom requested. And since he had nothing else to do, Boruto decided he could go.

Himawari turned to him and tugged at his sleeve, "aren't you coming inside with me, Oniichan?" she asked him curiously, probably wondering why he had stopped halfway through the entrance of the academy.

"No Hima, I'll be there for your conference, until then, you skip ahead and be a good girl, okay?" Boruto said giving her a pat. She smiled at him before meeting her friends and walking into school. He had heard from his mother about his Hima being the topper in her class in all aspects. Boruto had also heard she was quite popular, which he had frowned upon, popularity always invited trouble... didn't it?

Boruto visited his old class and teacher before attending his little sister's conference. He arrived at Shino sensei's office before his sister. He knocked on the door before entering. "Yo! Shino sensei! Long-time no see, dattebasa!"

"B—Boruto?" Shino sensei blanched upon seeing his ex-student. "What—? When did you get back?" he questioned in surprise.

Boruto took his seat across Shino sensei, "a few days ago... sorry I didn't get to visit you dattebasa, I had missions and—"

"it's quite alright... at least you remember me... that's because, when your father returned to Konohagakure—" Shino sensei started but was cut off by the door slowly squeaking open. His tiny sister peeked through the gap. "Ah, Himawari, please come in"

"Thank you, Shino sensei!" she sat next to him after bowing at Shino sensei.

"But Himawari... I don't see your guardian—"

"Oh, that's going to be me today dattebasa!" Boruto thumb pointed at himself.

Shino sensei raised an eyebrow, "why couldn't Naruto or Hinata attend the meeting?"

"that's because grandpa is sick and dad has some serious business with the Cypher corps..." Boruto said, sighing, "I am the only available one dattebasa..."

"I guess I have no choice then... so, in theoretical studies, Himawari excels above the others, and in the rest... well the same, she tops above all the others in ninjutsu too. However, I still haven't received any information on whether she wants to continue as a ninja or not"

Boruto looked sideways at his sister, who was nervously rubbing her hands, before replying: "she is Genin already right?"

"Yes, obviously... that's because her headband indicates—"

"If she is a Genin already, then why bother asking career options and all dattebasa? When someone becomes a Genin, it means they're root to becoming Ninja!" Boruto said, being confused himself.

"She became a Genin because she was promoted and passed the exams with shining colours. That's because: she is the daughter of Lord Seventh, who is known to be the greatest shinobi to have ever existed, and also because she inherited her talents from Hinata, who was a master of Taijutsu and—"

"Sensei, sorry to interrupt dattebasa... but— but you could give her a little more time to decide... right?" he hopefully asked his former teacher.

Shino sensei adjusted his glasses before replying, "the Chunin exams are coming up this year, after several years, it's going to be held in Konohagakure. That's because the other five villages hosted all the previous Chunin exams"

"I see..." Boruto's head lit up suddenly, "then that means we can apply for becoming Chunin!" he said excitedly. Now he could become Chunin easily and be in league with his friends without them making fun of him being a Genin still.

Himawari raised her eyebrows at him, "are you still a Genin Oniichan?"

Boruto laughed faintly, "haha! As if! People like me have a different promotion that is far beyond Genin or even Chunin dattebasa!"

"OH! Really Oniichan?" his sister asked, her eyes filled with admiration.

Boruto nodded with his chin in the air, "of course, dattebasa!"

Shino sensei coughed into his fist, "moving on, I don't think I can choose her to participate in the Chunin exam if she doesn't have the resolve to become a ninja"

"don't worry sensei, we'll figure it out in time dattebasa. Right, Hima?" Boruto asked his younger sister, who nodded slowly. "So... I guess that's it for the meeting? We'll leave then, Shino sensei!"

"I hope to see you later Boruto" Shino sensei nodded at him as they left. 'That wasn't so hard he thought to himself, well, good thing Shino sensei was his younger sister's homeroom teacher...

"Then, do you have any remaining classes today then?" Boruto asked his sister while noticing her comfort level decrease. A gang of her age boys walked toward them from a distance.

"No Oniichan, shall we go home now?" she asked him with pleading eyes, he saw her glance nervously at the gang who were nearing. Hima pulled at his sleeve, but Boruto didn't budge.

"Who are you guys?" he asked the boys, who had caught up. Himawari held his hand and hid half of herself behind him.

"Why should we tell you?" a boy walked out and stood in the centre, he looked about half of Boruto's height, but still, Boruto admired the kid for his guts, "just because you're taller and older than us doesn't mean you can boss us around!" he remarked. Boruto cringed, these kids were probably common school bullies...

"Do you know them Hima?" Boruto asked pulling his sister in front of him. She nodded silently. "Do they bully you?"

"Oh! If it isn't Himawari-Chan!" another boy spoke, "is this the big brother you always seem so proud about?" he sneered at her.

"you kids, don't ever interact with her ever again, okay?" Boruto looked at each of them observantly.

"Hey! Didn't I ask you not to boss around?" the kid pulled out a kunai and threw it at him, Himawari yelped, but Boruto didn't even have to move an inch for it to miss him.

"What!? Did it miss? No way..." he jumped back and made hand signs, "fire style: howling buffalo Jutsu!" he blew with all his small being, but nothing came out. "Ugh... that was only a decoy! Watch out for the real one!" as far as Boruto knew, this kid was the only kid who had advised him to watch out for the real one and told him what and what were decoys...

The kid and all his friends rushed towards Boruto at the same time with their hands raised in a want-to-punch posture. Boruto pulled Hima behind him and kicked all of them back in a matter of milliseconds due to the fact that they were all open.

And judging by their facial expression of shock and awe, they probably hadn't seen him move at all. The centre kid recovered quickly and rubbed his forehead, "you—you— you are so cool!" he stared at Boruto with googly eyes. Boruto was taken aback at the reaction, one second the kid tries to harm him, and the next he's adoring him? 'This must've been how Sasuke-san felt years ago...' Boruto smiled to himself.

"Er— so, I made myself clear right? Don't ever disturb or annoy her ever again!" he said before turning back and walking toward the exit of the Academy with his happy sister. Kids could be interesting after all...


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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