bItChY FoRgE (Aloha x Army)

Oleh Bruhmomemt69

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Pee Lebih Banyak

Inky Snow Resort... Noice
Oh... haha, I was Just Kidding...
Please Answer Me
Mask is dead
Mask isn't dead. Yay...?
Drama at the Diner :o
Cafe time yayay


607 9 23
Oleh Bruhmomemt69

Shush if you’re wondering why I'm suddenly updating just scroll all the way down

Cringe warning!


Army felt the sunshine shining directly at his eyes. He forgot to close the curtains last night, and struggled to open his eyes from the brightness. He turned to the side on the bed, backtracking what happened yesterday. Um…. I went to Albacore Hotel to meet Aloha, and he… oh he’s with me right now!
Army opened his eyes and Aloha’s face was right in front of him. He was grinning mischievously.
“Mornin’ Army~!” He leaned forward and pecked Army’s cheek. Army smiled, and pushed Aloha off him. “Owww…” Aloha whined. Army ignored him and got out of the bed. He yawned and spread his arms out, but Aloha quickly dove right in and squeezed Army as tightly as he could with his arms. “H-hey! Aloha! Let go!” Army blushed, and struggled to take Aloha’s hands off his hips. “Aw, c’mon Army, I know you like this~” Aloha whispered in his ears. This caused Army to blush even more, and change in his squid form. He plopped right to the ground and Aloha groaned. “Tch, you’re so boring, Armyyyy.”
The orange squid got back to his kid form and walked down the stairs to make breakfast, while the other was right behind him. They both walked to the kitchen, which, by the way, was near the closet, where bItChY fOrGe was. And no, she did not decide to leave, she stayed right in the closet the whole night.
Forge was sleeping quietly in the closet, using Army’s jackets as a blanket. Of course, she dreamt about her and Army being together, and Aloha watching them from a distance. But, dreams don’t come true when it’s Forge’s dreams. >:]
Anyways she woke up to the sound of Army frying bacon on a pan. “...huh..?” she whispered, and got up, but hit her head on the ceiling, which caused a “BoNK.”
Aloha’s head quickly turned to the closet. “...Army…? Did you hear that?” he asked, nervously. Army didn’t take his eyes off the bacon, and nodded. “Why don’t you go check it out? One of my jackets probably fell or something.” he replied. Aloha got up and walked over to the closet. “But I don’t think a jacket would make that sound…”
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! Forge thought to herself. Welp, she was doomed.
    Aloha grabbed his hand on the doorknob to the closet, and just as he was about to open it, Forge barged out.
    Aloha fell to the ground, his mouth wide open. “What the fuck? Forge? What the fuck are you doing in Army’s closet?” he asked, demanding for an answer.
    Army turned down the heat on the stove thing sdbfsh and walked over, and his eyes met with Forge’s. “What??? Is???? Going???? On????” he questioned, staring harshly at Forge.

    So she did only what she was best at.
    She kicked Aloha in the shin, grabbed one of Army’s jackets, and sprinted right out the door. “H-hey!! Come back here!” The two boys chased Forge. Aloha was faster out of the three, so he caught up with Forge and grabbed her hood from her parka. She got pulled back, and Aloha kept holding on until Army finally caught up with them. Forge, being the bItChY fOrGe that she is, kept sticking her tongue out at him. Aloha rolled his eyes, but then realized that everyone was watching them. He grinned, thinking of a plan.


K thats it since my lazy ass wanted to play Danganronpa instead of writing this jshdfja.
I’m not in the Splatoon fandom anymore, I find no interest in it than I did last year. Sorry about that, but I did start writing the next chapter in like December 2020 and never finished it. Totally did not forget it ahahahah. So have this unfinished thing… I’m not even gonna check it for mistakes I’m just gonna end up cringing.
    Also I think it’s been a year since I started writing this. Thank you to everyone who enjoyed it and commented on it. It really did make my year brighter especially with Covid and everything. 
    Though the coroika/splatoon fandom is full of pedos and people who ship incest there were many nice people and thanks for making it a very enjoyable ride excluding the “jApAn’S cOnSeNt aGe iS 13” people if you know what I’m talking about.
    I remember when I stated that I’m gonna continue this, and I really wanted to. Back then I was pushing myself for you guys, but not for me. Lol it's not good to do stuff so you get accepted by people but not from you. Hey, don’t take this stuff seriously I’m just a 14 year old who used to like writing fanfics about gay squids. Like woah what a phase amiright?? 13 year old me was so obsessed. Lmao. But anyways.
    I feel like I don’t have the authority to write all this since I’m not like Arianna Grande or whatever. All I did was write stories about something I was interested in last year and people who were also interested just read them.
    But I’m gonna delete Wattpad on my phone because I really don’t want to read fanfics anymore. For personal reason sjhfskja
Thanks for the amazing months, I had a lotta fun :)

Hope you have a great day/night!

Thanks for reading all the way down.

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