Chase Me To My Grave (used to...

By AmariannaRose

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Nadezda (means "hope" origin Slavic) Vāsuki-Nāgī is the daughter of Cissie who is an mediocre butcher/cook wh... More

My Hero🦸‍♂️
💐🌹First Date Fears😱😨
Taking The Long Way Home🛣️🏡
When The Past Returns To Take You Away From Your Future
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Back Where She Belongs.... With ME!!
Life As A Zombified Non-Zombie🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️
Hard Headed Soldier🪖
🤕🧠What A Headache💆🏻‍♂️💆🏽‍♀️
💔👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨In Love With The Heartless🥰💘
He's All The Rage😠💢😡
👁️👁️Well Would You Look At That!👀🙈!

Heading "Home" Once Again🏡🏠

90 1 0
By AmariannaRose

A few weeks after their Honeymoon Chase and Nadezda are "forced" to head back to Seattle when his sister in law is killed and he takes over as the CEO of Fillmore-Graves they get a tour of the building he will now be in control of and "meet" the souls he will be in charge of who seemed to be having some sort of celebration when they arrived "it looks like they heard of your arrival"  Nadezda teases softly with a low tone from the doorway of the locker room as they look inside at the bouncing men who were hollering along with the song that was playing while drinking bottles of beer Chase chuckles with a smirk then kisses her lips before walking into the locker room and giving his new charges a heart attack he walks over to the DJ and slides the needle of the record player off the record making the music stop which makes the men around him stop their partying and stare at the stoic looking man who was actually looking past them at his wife who was now leaning up against the doorframe with a soft smile on her face and her arms crossed along her chest his mind briefly went back to what the man who gave them the tour of their new "home away from home" asked him in in a low tone when he saw Nadezda's camo outfit "is she mocking us?!"  and his smiling reply of "possibly"  the man made a face as he looked at a smiling Nadezda who heard not only the mans question but her husbands reply "discovery day is coming"  Chase tells his now silent men who were smart enough to stand at attention at the mere sight of him "or haven't you heard?"  Chase asks as he starts to walk towards yet not to his wife "what's it going to take to wake you zombies up?"  he asks softly as he stops walking "there are six dead already six of our own you've gotten soft and lazy"  he says as he finally takes his eyes off his wife and walks around the group that surrounds him looking each man in the eye "we're supposed to be protecting the zombies who came out of the basement of Max Rager why aren't we?"  he asks softly his eyes once again meeting his wifes "Carey Gold gave us the night off for the wake"  one of the men says and Chase brings his attention to him and he walks over to the man as he replies "from now on, if you need more toner for the copier, or you want to get your kid in a new elective, you see Carey Gold anything related to the defense of our species, you see me and only me understood?"  all the men chorus "sir! yes, sir"  Chase hides a smile when he hears his wife softly chuckle from her spot at the door no matter how soft and/or low the beautiful sounds that flowed from her lips were he always heard them for he couldn't help but listen to and for them "I went through Fortesan's inventory, and I noticed he was missing six cans of Super Max I'm wondering if someone thought it would be fun to steal it for the party"  Chase says as he walks away from the one who spoke then around the circle of men that still surrounds him after a small pause the DJ says as he takes his headphones off his neck "uh.... that was me, sir I-I took them I-I didn't think anybody...."  Chase brings his attention to the dark skinned man as he speaks.... Nadezda who has never seen Chase in full soldier "work mode" jumps when she hears a gun go off and hears the dark skinned man grunt in pain as he gets shot in the chest by her husband and the fear she thought she had finally gotten over comes back in full force "don't do it again"  Chase says to the DJ as he puts his gun away then he says as he starts to walk out of the room "we've got lots to do tomorrow, boys and girls be on time" his eyes lock on his wife who once again was trying shrink into the tiniest hole possible and he starts to regret his actions for he knew what had pushed her to once again act like that but he HAD to teach "his boys" a lesson he HAD to be the hardcore soldier he was known to be but he didn't want to do it if it meant he'd once again lose his wife the cost of her shrinking back into the pit of despair she was born into was too high "Nade!"  he says softly with a low sad tone as he reaches her he gently touches her arm and feels her jump out of her skin and recoil at his touch "I'm sorry mia bella!"  he whispers softly and she walks away from him he follows her with sorrowful eyes hoping against all hope he would soon get his wife back.... which much to his surprise and delight didn't take long for all he had to do was put his gun in the security of his office safe and lead her outside it was then Nadezda felt that she could breathe again and she wraps her arms around her husbands neck and hugs him not caring if the whole world sees that the "evil"" soldier man has a heart Chase breathes a sigh of relief as soon as he feels her body press tightly up against his and he gently wraps his arms around her and breathes in her soft scent once she lets him go he takes her hand and leads her to his vehicle then they drive to the house Nadezda rented for them for Fillmore Graves had actually rented out the same hotel room Nadezda had lived in when she was kidnapped by her father and she didn't want to relive the death of her father or the fact that Chase had somewhat became her father after he ate some of his brain so she asked Chase if they could find a actual home to live in during their stay which he had agreed too they found a nice two bedroom ranch house.... Chase plans on using the second bedroom as his at home office so he doesn't have to spend too much time at work and can actually spend as much time as possible with the woman he loves.... once they get to their new home Chase makes Nadezda supper as she takes a warm bubble bath and relaxes a little more being the "horrible" romantic that he is Chase turns the dinner he made into a candle lit dinner for two and a half.... yes I included the adorable beggar of a spoiled pup White Fang.... Chase's eyes just about bulge out of his head when he sees Nadezda walk into the dining room in a her lingerie he grips ahold of the chair he stands before as his knees become weak at the sight of how sexy she looked in it "what?!"  Nadezda asks with a chuckle in her tone Chase shakes his head and smiles then says breathlessly "you look....!"  she chuckles with a smile and replies "I just got ready for bed.... should I go change?!"  he quickly shouts "NO!!"  she laughs he chuckles with a smile then pulls the chair he was holding onto for balance out for her and she walks over to where he stands gives him a soft kiss then sits down and he pushes her chair in then walks over to his and sits down they serve themselves then eat in a peaceful silence Chase's eyes never leaving his smiling wife's after dinner they take care of their dishes and the leftover food then Chase serves himself desert by making love to his wife in their bed and gives into his zombie side's hunger for her letting it take over as he thrusts inside her as fast, hard and deep as he can go while listening to his wifes moans and feeling her nails scrape his back as she revels in his power and once they were spent Chase falls asleep with a self satisfied smile on his face holding his sleeping wife as gently to him as possible while petting White Fang.... who bounded into the room AFTER the humans made love.... who as always was laying near the bend of her hip with his own eyes closed....

The next day Chase didn't get to see Nadezda until the Mayoral Candidate's fundraiser he searched for and hoped she would actually come and was curious as to what she'd be wearing if she did he finally saw her as he was speaking to Liv Moore who he was introduced to by Carey Gold the Fillmore-Graves Executive.... "you do understand the urgency, don't you?"  Nadezda hears Chase say to some blonde he was standing a little too close to it was a wonder the poor woman could breathe in his presence especially with how.... persistent.... he was being.... "zombie island won't be ready for some time if D-day happens before we're ready we could face extinction"  Chase tells the woman he stands before.... "let the poor woman breathe for a second Chase"  Chase hears the most beautifully soft exquisite voice he has ever heard in his life tease softly he looks over Liv's shoulder and sees the sight he's been waiting to see all day his smiling wife standing in the most gorgeous gown he has ever seen standing behind the blonde he stands only an inch or two away from he smiles and takes a step back as Liv turns to face Nadezda who smiles at her "you'll have to excuse my husband he has no off switch when it comes to work"  Nadezda says to Liv with a smile on her face then she holds out her hand for the blonde to shake as she introduces herself "Nadezda Graves though he just calls me Nade"  Liv smiles as he reaches out and shakes the hand of the dark haired sultry woman before her and says with a smile "Liv Moore"  Nadezda asks curiously "you came with.... Justin right?!.... sorry I'm still learning their names we've only been here for 32 hours after all"  Liv nods with a chuckle then replies with a smile "that's right"  Nadezda says "I'll go see if I can get him off early it isn't fair that you both came here for a date and ended up working"  Liv's smile grows Nadezda carefully maneuvers herself around Liv and kisses her husbands cheek then whispers into his ear "I'll be right back.... you owe me a dance!"  Chase smiles then watches his wife walk away enjoying the departing view as much as he did the entry as he whispers smoothy "I look forward to it!"  then he says out loud to Carey "Carey I should probably meet this mayoral candidate we're bankrolling"  then he says to Liv as he stretches his hand out for her to shake "nice meeting you Miss Moore, having one of our own on the force is good for us all and that's a great dress"  Liv replies with a half corner smile as she shakes his hand "not as great as your wife's"  Chase chuckles then walks away.... much to Liv's surprise Nadezda was true to her word for as soon as Chase left her side both Justin and Peyton walk towards her at the same time "man my bosses wife is a miracle worker!"  Justin says as he smoothly struts over to her "yeah no kidding!"  Liv replies with a soft chuckle in her tone "why don't we have any drinks yet?"  Peyton asks once she reaches them "what happened? I-I thought you were getting ready at home and coming with us"  Liv asks as she turns her attention to her friend "I had too much too do I came here straight from work"  Peyton says "from now on, could you at least pretend that this takes some effort?"  Liv replies pointing at her friends dress and swirling her finger around in a circle Justin chuckles softly Peyton smiles "free booze!"  Liv says Justin laughs softly "oh, uh, grab me a scotch I need to talk to my boss"  Peyton says as she watches Floyd Baracus the zombie Mayoral Candidate and his son walk down the stairs towards the party.... Chase once again searches for his wife this time with his whole body and not just with his eyes once he finds her he slides his hand along her waist and swoops her into a dance he looks down and sees her smile up at him as she lays her hands on his chest once their bodies meet "I hear swooping is bad!"  she teases he chuckles with a smile then replies "I rather like it!"  she laughs softly and he kisses her lips "I see you were successful!"  he says as he looks over her shoulder and sees the dark skinned DJ he shot standing next to the blonde woman he just met not to long ago "I usually am though I suppose being the bosses wife helps a little too!"  she replies "just a little!?"  he says with a fake appalled tone she chuckles then kisses his lips making him smile "gosh I really am a lucky man!"  he whispers softly as he looks into her eyes "no I'm the one who's lucky if it wasn't for you I'd still be....!"  she starts then stops not wanting to finish what she was about to say he slides his hand up her cheek and she leans into his touch then whispers softly "thank you!"  he replies with a soft smile "there's no need to thank me mia bella...."  he stops when he feels her shiver and not in a pleasant way....

"Wha-....?!"  Chase starts to ask then he sees the Mayoral Candidate standing behind Nadezda with his knuckles pressed up against her back "get your hands off my wife!"  Chase growls with a low threatening tone he didn't care who the man was no one touches his wife in a way only he should! Baracus takes a step back and lowers his hand once he sees Chase's eyes burn zombie red and hears the dark threatening tone in his voice Nadezda turns her body but stays in her husbands arms keeping her back lightly pressed up against his chest Casey did not look happy that Chase had threatened the one they were suppose to suck up too even if he did have a "good reason" to do so and the first thing Nade sees is a man holding a gun and pointing it at the ass who thought it was smart to touch her in a way she didn't want to be touched by someone who wasn't her husband Chase looks at his wife oddly when she pushes Baracus' arm making him fall just as a loud shot rang out frightening everyone in the ballroom he looks up and sees what she saw and starts shooting at the man who shot at Baracus Liv rushes over when she see Baracus' zombie rage activate and she tries to calm him down not realizing that he was heading towards the woman who saved his life instead of the man who was aiming to shoot him "so much for a thank you!"  Nadezda whispers Liv looks up at her and Baracus' body shoots up ready to attack until he saw Chase point his gun at him instead "I warned you once I will not do it again!"  Chase growls darkly while keeping his zombie rage in check "you're the center of attention once again what will you do now "Mr Mayor"?!"  Nadezda mocks staring Baracus in the eyes as she lays her hand on her husbands gun and lowers it to his side and Baracus calms down once he realizes she's right there were one too many photographers taking pictures she walks over to him and growls letting her own zombie rage show "if you EVER touch me again in ANY way I will LET him shoot you is that understood!?!"  Baracus nods with a shocked expression on his face for he's never seen a zombie who's rage burns gold instead of red there was a look of pride in the now smiling Chase's eyes then one of surprise for he also saw the golden rage in his wifes eyes which he has never seen before just another surprising factor in the seemingly human zombie he had married.... oh and by the way before I forget before they came back to Seattle to live Chase took Nadezda's words somewhat seriously and he had her ask Blaine for a scientist brain for him to eat a very specific scientist brain one who loves to cook and he worked out a way to eat brains without the side effects so that he could eat "regular" food with his wife who could somehow still keep some of it down though he does tend to "sneek" some of the "no side effect" brains he configured into her meals as well so maybe that was why she can still keep her meals down they don't really know.... she asked Chief by the way not Blaine.... Chase walks over to his wife and cups her chin with his fingers rubbing the side of it with his thumb "I didn't know you could do that!"  he whispers softly with a matching smile "you look absolutely divine by the way!"  he adds she chuckles softly then teases with a smile "good enough to eat?!"  he hums "Mm-hmm"  then kisses her lips "I should probably work my charm and see if I can't pay one of these morons to make "Mr Mayor" here look like a hero for a night.... good publicity's the best publicity after all right?!"  she asks he smiles then says "let me do that!"  she replies "right money works better huh?!"  he chuckles then kisses her lips and whispers "I just don't want them touching you!"  she whispers back as she places her forehead on his "I know!"  he chuckles then kisses her forehead before walking away and making her suggestion a reality not only that but he also took every camera that was in the building phone or otherwise and erased every picture that had his wife in it for he was also the only one allowed to have her picture anywhere seeing her husband take everyones camera and phone gave Nadezda a idea she walks over to Justin and Liv and asks "do you want to know how you can make up for my "gift"?!"  Justin chuckles with a smile as he and Liv look at her "sure!"  Justin says with a smile "if you got time when he's done scaring the Bejesus outta people can you take our picture?!"  she asks handing her phone over to him he chuckles then replies with a smile "sure!"  Chase watched his wife hand Justin her phone with a curious expression on his face but he didn't find out why she did so until he had finished going through all the cameras and phone he had confiscated and erased the surprisingly low amount of pictures of his wife that were in them.... they were mostly in the photographers who took pictures of the shooting and its aftermath.... once that was finished he walked over to them and as soon as he reached her side Nadezda took his hand and lead him to the "perfect" place to take a picture "I'm torturing them!"  Nadezda whispers into his ear "and you!"  she coos softly then she slowly scrapes his lower lobe with the tips of her teeth and he smiles when he realizes what the plan was and he wraps his arm around her waist them prepares himself to smile for the picture once it was taken Nadezda thanks Justin and Liz then sets them free from their short duty.... after she gets her phone back.... she looks up at her husband who looks down at her and smiles then he kisses her lips and walks away to finish whatever he had to do since he was officially still on duty but he did intend to make everything up when he got home which he did

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