Little Snow Princess

By GreenPuggy

30.3K 965 82

Your a princess traveling from a snowy kingdom to Ulstead. Your kingdom is has gotten word of Ulsetad being a... More

Meeting Udo
Getting Settled
The Tundra
It'll be ok
I love you
I'm sorry
Your ok
I shall help
Oh no
Losing Everything
Let's talk
Scars and Beauty
Elurra visits
Not so easy
Listen and Learn
Time To Go
His Perspective
Calm Before the Storm
The Truth
A/N, but it's Great News
Finally Together
One Year
Deadly Proposal
πŸ‹A/N about LemonsπŸ‹
A Break
Are you ready?

Don't die

772 29 2
By GreenPuggy

Alright, I drew a picture of the reader's mother. A.K.A the hornless fey. It was drawn by your author (AKA me, Chris) meaning it wasn't picked off the internet. 


I was sitting in Connal's cave with Borra leaning against one of the cave walls. "How are the humans?" I asked plainly. "Two of the men died during the avalanche, and the one who survived says that Queen Ingrid is starting a war," Borra said. "What will become of the human?" Connal asked, raising a brow. "We will interrogate him a little more and then kill him," Borra said. Before Connal could speak, I spoke first. "What has the human said?" I asked, crossing my arms in curiosity. "He said that there is to be a wedding tomorrow. Queen Aurora and prince Philip shall be wedded," Borra chuckled as he spoke then continued. "That could be our time to strike. We can kill the King, Queen, and their Prince," Borra said. "Then what? You kill the Queen and her family then what? What will you do next?" Connal asked. "Then go after every other kingdom," Borra said. "Borra, now your just speaking madness. Killing Queen Ingrid I understand, but to destroy other lives, that had no part in her attempt to start a war, is just cruel," I said, frowning my brows at him. Borra turned to leave Connal's cave, his wings already open, ready to fly away. "What about y/n's kingdom?" I asked. Borra didn't answer and flew away. 

Connal came up to me, crouching to match my sitting height level. "How is y/n?" he asked. "Her back is getting worst. Bruises have started to form around the two red marks. She can't lay down on her back without pain," I said, trying not to remember how much pain y/n was in. Connal hummed in response, sitting next to me. "I'm sure she'll be ok," Connal said with a small smile. "I am too," I responded also with a smile. After a while of sitting in silence, Connal broke the silence. "I need to help with the preparations of the Spring Festival tonight," Connal said standing up. "Alright, and I should go and check on y/n," I said, standing up as well. I waved to Connal and began to walk towards the tundra. As I walked through the rainforest, I saw Shrike and Ini gossiping by a tree. When they saw me, they quickly ran up to me. "How's y/n?" Shrike asked. "She's fine other than her back," I said. Ini reached into her sack and pulled out a holding cup, filled with a purple liquid. "Here. I made it. It will ease some of her back pain." Ini said, handing me the cup. "Y/n will be thankful for this," I said with a small chuckle. Shrike and Ini smiled in agreement. "Oh before we forget, we made this dress y/n," Shrike said while digging into Ini's sack and pulling out a neatly folded dark blue dress.  I took the dress, holding it securely in my hands with the medicine ontop. "Oh and before you go, here. Y/n was wearing it when you brought her to the healing chamber," Ini said, holding out a silver locket. It had a long small silver chain connected to a large silver circle with small diamonds decorated around it. I took the locket, examining its beauty. "I took it from y/n while she was unconscious. I thought there was some poisonous substance in it. When you give it to her, tell her I'm sorry," Ini said, her voice full of guilt and regret.

I took the locket and placed it next to the holding cup on top of the blue dress. "Did you open it?" I asked. "No. I'm not sure what's inside of it," Ini said. "I'll ask y/n," I said. Then I left, walking through the rainforest and to the tundra. Just as I was a few feet away from my hut, Mika and the other tundra children up to me. "Udo, is y/n going to be ok?" Mika, along with the other tundra children, asked. "Yes, she is going to be fine. Her back just hurts a little. Nothing more," I said with a small smile. Mika then handed me a bright blue flower. "Please give this to her," Mika pleaded. "I will," I said, waving to the children as I walked back to my hut. I pushed back the grey curtain, blocking out the small snowflakes falling, and walked in. Y/n was sitting next to the small fire I had made, her eyes still the beautiful blue color they were from yesterday. Feuer was asleep in her lap. "Sorry for taking so long," I said, crawling into the hut. Y/n giggled as she saw how much I was carrying. "I see you have your hands full," Y/n said with a smile. "Yes, I do. It's all for you. Ini made a position for your back. She and Shrike also made you a dress for the festival tonight. Ini also wanted me to give this to you," I said while placing everything next to y/n. I handed the locket to y/n and her eyes lit up with excitement and relief. "I knew I had this with me when I arrived here. Where did Ini fine this?" Y/n asked. 

"Ini took it off of you while you were unconscious when you first arrived here. She said she was sorry for taking it," I said. "It's ok. I've missed it," y/n said while staring at the locket. I sat next to y/n and started to pet Feuer's head. "If you don't mind me asking; What's inside the locket?" I asked. "My mother," y/n said, then she turned to me. "Would you like to see her?" she asked hesitantly. "Of course," I said, shifting myself closer to y/n. She then opened the locket to reveal the picture of the hornless fey. 'The hornless fey is just as beautiful as the story describes her.' 

"She's beautiful," I said. "She is. No wonder why my father fell in love with her," y/n said with a smile. "Wait, she loves your father? He took her away from her home and she loves him?" I asked. Y/n frowned her brows at me, making me instantly regret asking. "Sorry," I managed to say, turning my head away from y/n's gaze. "It's...alright," y/n said. I then pulled out the flower from Mika. "Oh, Mika wanted you to have this," I said handing over the flower. Y/n took the flower and placed it in her hair with a smile on her face. She then took the holding cup and drank the liquid, not bothered by the disgusting taste. Then the sound of the tundra fey flying towards the desert for the Spring Festival. "We should get ready. The festival is about to start," I said, standing up. "Ok, I'll change into this dress and meet you outside the hut. Feuer shall stay here," y/n said, picking up the dress. I nodded and left my hut, giving y/n her privacy. 

After 5 minutes of waiting for y/n, she emerged from my hut and she was beautiful. Her dress showed her back and the top of her breast. Her dress went to her feet, and her hair was tied into a ponytail. She still had the flower in her hair, and she had her mother's locket around her neck. " do I look?" y/n asked shyly. "Very beautiful," I said, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Y/n's face went a bright red as she dug her head into my chest. "Thank you," y/n mumbled. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her. Soon we started to walk towards the desert, my hand on her waist and her hand on my side. "If you don't mind me asking; What's it like in Senara?" I asked. "Well, it's like the tundra. It snows most of the year, we also have seasonal festivals," y/n said. "You haven't told me much about your life, Udo," y/n said, looking at me with her beautiful blue eyes. 

"Well, I, like many others here, was born here. I am an only child and was raised by my mother and father, who died from an illness when I was 12. After my parent's death, I raised myself. I became very mature at a young age, and all the younger children looked up to me. I started to teach the younger children, which caught the attention of the elders. They thought that because of how great my teaching skills, I'd make a great chief. That's how I became the chief of the tundra fey," I said. "The elder made the right decision to make you chief," y/n said while kissing my cheek. Instantly my face went bright red. Y/n giggled, and we continued our way to the desert. 

After a few more minutes of walking, we finally made it to the desert biome and were now standing at the bottom of the mountain, where the festival was being held. I picked y/n up bridal style and flew up to the top of the mountain, where most of the fey were already drinking and dancing. I put y/n down gently on the ground. She clapped her hands together in excitement as she watched the festival. "Y/N!!!" Ini and Shrike screamed as they ran up y/n with open arms. The three hugged for what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes. "Are alright?" Ini asked. "Yes, I'm fine," y/n replied. "You look beautiful. I knew that dress would look good on you," Shrike said as she, Ini, and y/n stopped hugging. "Thank you. I really like this dress," y/n said, doing a quick spin. "I'm going over to the children. If you need anything, come and get me," I said, walking over to the children and leaving y/n with Ini and Shrike. 

Your POV

"I'm sorry about taking your locket," Ini said. "It's ok, Ini," I said with s small smile. "Borra has been talking about a wedding tomorrow. He says that that would be the best time to attack Ulstead," Shrike said. "What has Ulstead done to you all for Borra to talk of such things?" I asked. "Ulstead has been trying to find our home for many years. Although they have failed multiple times, they are our worst of enemies," Ini said, folding her arms. "It is about time we did something about it instead of sit here and quiver in fear," Shrike said. "Girls, we are here for a celebration. Not to talk about war," I said, putting my hand on both Ini and Shrike's shoulders. They agreed, and together we talk about anything that came to mind. As Ini talked about her relationship with Borra, I turned and saw Maleficent, sitting on a rock, alone. I excused myself and walked over to Maleficent. "Hello Maleficent; Can I sit with you?" I asked. Maleficent looked at me hesitantly, then nodded her head, and I sat next to her. 

We sat in silence, not even daring to look at one another. "About what happened...I didn't really mean for it to happen," Maleficent said slowly. "It's ok...I'm not upset about it. You don't need to apologize anymore," I said. "You sound just like Aurora," Maleficent said while looking down. "Is Aurora your daughter?" I asked hesitantly. "She was my daughter. Queen Ingrid filled her head with lies, and she believed them. She has chosen her side, and I have chosen mines," Maleficent said, straightening her posture. "I'm sure she still loves you," I said, giving her a small smile. "You are a very hopeful girl, aren't you?" Maleficent joked. I couldn't help but giggle as Maleficent flashed me a small smile. "You are just like her. Aurora," Maleficent said, looking back down at the ground. "Maybe if you talk to her, you two can rekindle your relationship," I said. Then a little girl came up to Maleficent and I, holding a small branch out to Maleficent. Maleficent took the branch and looked over to Udo, who was looking back at us. I waved to him, and he waved back. "You two are in love, I assume," Maleficent said. "Yes, we are," I said. "Be careful. From personal experience, love doesn't always end in the best of ways," Maleficent warned me. Just as I was about to ask what she meant, she suddenly got a horrified expression on her face, and the branch she was holding died as she dropped it. Then she ran off the side of the mountain and flew outside of the nest with Connal and Borra not far behind. 

I then walked over to Udo, who was sharing the same confused expression as I was. "Should we follow them?" I asked. "No, we don't need to make a scene. Let's just try not to think about it," Udo said. I nodded in agreement and went back to talking with Ini and Shrike. 

9 am, After the Spring Festival

Udo and I were walking by the Phoneix painting. The festival was over, and everyone else either got drunk and fell asleep where they stood or went to their hut. Luckily Udo and I didn't drink much. "I'm starting to get worried about Maleficent, Connal, and Borra," I said. "Me too," Udo said. After Udo said that, Maleficent, Borra, and Connal came flying back, but something was wrong. Borra was carrying Connal and placed him under and tree near the Phoenix painting. "What happened to Connal?" I asked, crouching next to Connal's body. "Humans...they shot him," Maleficent said, crouching in front of Connal's body. "He protected us," Borra said pacing back and forth. The elders came and surround Maleficent, Connal, and I.  They began to use their magic to try and save Connal, but it wasn't working. "This is it. This is my breaking point. The humans have made their decision. They chose war and we shall give it to them," Borra said.

Borra turned to a scout standing nearby. "I'm calling a meeting. I want every chief, chieftess, and warrior there. One of my friends is dead and it's time to prepare for war," Borra said, clenching his fist. The scout nodded and flew away. Borra turned to Udo. "I expect you'll be there," Borra said then flew off, not far behind from the scout. Udo turned to me, and I could already tell what he was about to say. "I'm sorry y/n, but one of my friends is going to die. I can't let this go," then he flew off, following Borra. I turned to Connal, who was grunting in pain. I held his hand, letting him know that I was there with him. "You're going to be ok, Connal. You're not going to die," I said, feeling tears build in my eyes. "No y/n. It is my time. There is no saving me," Connal said between his heavy breathes. I turned to Maleficent, tears already pouring from my eyes. "Can't you save him?" I asked. "I'm sorry. All I can do is end his suffering," Maleficent said. "What is your decision Connal?" the forest elder asked. "Please...end my suffering...I've made my choice," Connal said, squeezing my hand tighter. The elders stopped using their magic, and Maleficent put her head against his. After a few seconds, Maleficent stopped, and Connal let out a gasp as his body disappeared and was replaced with beautiful yellow flowers. As soon as the warmth of Connal's hand was gone, I broke down and cried loudly. Maleficent shifted herself over to me, putting her hand over my shoulder, trying to soothe me. The desert elder walked up to us. "They are gone. The fey have left for Ulstead," the desert elder said. Suddenly, I felt a burning sensation coming from Maleficent's hand. I turned to her and could see the anger build in her as her eyes turned from emerald green to a bright yellow. I started to feel the same anger as Maleficent. My two red marks on my back began to pulse, making me want to claw at my back. "Your father is with Queen Ingrid. He is helping. He brought his men from his kingdom to Ulstead. She has manipulated him and Aurora. They are both in danger," The rainforest elder said. "The fey will lose. My father's army is too large. All the fey will die," I said, feeling myself and Maleficent grow even angrier. The tundra elder came up to me. "I figured you say that. Unlike Maleficent, you haven't discovered your powers so I brought someone who has," the elder said, stepping aside to reveal who was the hornless fey. My mother. 

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