Business or pleasure...

By matilda2208

21K 191 10

Brooke Gray was just your average 24 year old woman. She moved to London to become an interviewer for a big c... More

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768 7 0
By matilda2208

Ugh, I hate getting up early for work especially on a Monday morning. I was only with Tom yesterday, but I feels like a lifetime ago that we admitted our feelings for each other.

We're meeting up when I get off from work today at my place, that's the only thing that's keeping me going this morning.

I take a sip of my coffee before returning to curling my shoulder length blonde hair. After finishing it and grabbing a croissant I make my way to the tube and head to work.

"Morning Milly, how are you?" She is honestly flawless I don't know how she looks so good effortlessly.
"I'm great thanks Brooke, I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch together in your lunch break?"
"Sure" whilst I'm in the lift heading to my floor I pull out my phone and text Tom

Brooke- hey tommy x
Tom- hey love, u ok x
Brooke- yeh, we still on for later at mine?
Tom- yeh text me ur address and I'll be over at half five x
Brooke- will do, got an interview with a film director today. I'll give it to you after that bye x

I set up the computer and begin to prepare the questions for my 11:00 interview. After typing everything out and giving my desk a quick tidy

I check the time and it's 10:50. I head downstairs to grab an iced caramel latte from the cafeteria. Whilst walking back to my office in a hurry I'm not looking where I'm going when someone bumps into me.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry Miss Gray. Here, come to my office and I'll get you my jumper and a fresh iced coffee". It's only then I realise that when we collided my coffee spilt all down my teal shirt. Fuck.

"Thank you, I appreciate it Mr??" I stand there awkwardly waiting for him to tell me his name

"Beck. Jamie beck, I work on the floor below yours. I edit the reports for typos and errors. So my job isn't as amazing as yours".

As we walk into his shared office he opens a draw and passes me a navy blue plain jumper. It's a bit big on me but it'll do until I can get changed at home.

"Thank you Jamie, I'll bring it to work tomorrow, I best go back to my office though I have an interview in 3 minutes. But thanks for the jumper". I give him a short smile and make my way to my office, I do feel slightly uncomfortable taking a strangers jumper even if we do work in the same building but I have no other options I can't walk around all day with a coffee stain on me.

As lunch creeps up once my interview is over, I make my way to go meet Milly. "Hey Milly, should we go find a table then grab something to eat". Whilst we walk toward the food stands milky grabs my arm and stops me.

"Oh my god Brooke! Who's jumper is that, have you got a boyfriend?".
"Sorry to disappoint you Milly but not I don't have a boyfriend. Jamie and I bumped into each other, I wasn't looking where I was going and my iced coffee spilt all over my shirt so he leant me his jumper for the rest of the day".

She looks at me confused before saying "sorry it's just having a guys jumper on gives off the impression that you have a boyfriend. Anyway do you at least think he's cute?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me and winks.

"No Mills, I don't think he's cute, I hardly know the guy" I say whilst giggling.
I grab a Greek salad and a strawberry and banana smoothie whilst Milly gets a chicken salad and a hot tea.

"So Brooke, how have you found your first few days working here then?".
"Great yes, this is my dream job. It's honestly amazing being able to work here."

After discussing work then having a causal chat just getting to know each other better we say our goodbyes and I start typing up the notes for my previous interview.

An hour later I check the time, it's only four but I've finished work so I'll head home and get ready for seeing Tommy.

I unlock my front door, and walk into my kitchen to go make an iced latte. Whilst getting the ice out of the freezer I swear I hear someone whisper my name.

I turn around and see Tom standing in front of me. I jump out of my skin and scream loud enough to make him put his hands over his ears.

"Tom, what the fuck how did you get in here. You scared me to death!"

"Relax love, I thought I would come over and surprise you. After a little digging I found a spare key hidden under the plant pot. I hope it was ok?".

"Yeh, that's fine just don't creep up on me next time".

I finish making my drink and we head into the living room.

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