Kubokai Oneshots✨

By Pr3ttyB0yz1nD3m4nd

13.3K 304 483

edit: discontinued for now ahah so this was going to be a multifandom oneshots book buttt I lowkey gave up on... More

[intro ig]
[breakfast times]
[class times]
['just say hello already']
[aren isnt jealous... well]
author's note
I Like Your Boots (But Your Laces Are Coming Loose)

[proposal times]

1.8K 48 156
By Pr3ttyB0yz1nD3m4nd

Aren's hands were hot and sticky as he walked around the bedroom of their shared apartment, fiddling around with the cravat that was hanging from his neck;; he could feel the small box pressing against his leg from the depths of his pocket.

They had been together 3 years;; three blissful years, which were the best three years of his life,, laughing and smiling with his boyfriend. He hoped those three years would expand into an entirety together..

Kuboyasu bit the edge of his lip, taking in his appearance in the mirror.. It was what he would normally wear to something fancy,, the suit jacket with the turtleneck and tie;; he hoped that it would be good enough that kaidou would be impressed even though its what he usually wears to fancy stuff.. tbh this is the fanciest he had probably dressed up for their anniversary in a while.

Gently, he ran his finger tips over his other hands fingers,,the looming thought of:'if he said yes a loop of metal would be sitting on one in a year or so' playing back and forth on his mind

A faint smile flickered over his lips just at the thought of marrying the man he loved since second year. Then his thoughts were broken by a  familiar sound.

"Babeeeee, dark reunion stole my contact lenses again!!! I can't find the lil tubbie anywhere"Kaidou called from the bathroom, his head peeking out from the door, his ruby eyes squinting;; looking vaguely in the direction of his boyfriend which to him rn was just a grape coloured blob.

[Dark reunion, something that Kaidou continues to blame for any mishaps that may occur.]

A soft laugh rolled from aren's lips, his head turning in greeting of the smaller bluette. Before looking down at the side, the lil pokemon contact lenses box blinking back him, he picked them up and he gestured for kaidou to take them. "you really need to start keeping these in the bathroom"the taller male smiled, a bandaged hand taking them, and itching the back of his smaller neck.

"i diddddddd i swearrrrr!! dark reunion just moved them so i couldnt find them!" the bluette soon pouted, he turned, it was his turn looking at his reflection in the mirror and with a lil concentrating smile the contacts were placed over his irises,,, he could finally see.

he could finally see that aren was, dressed up? kaidou tilted his head looking at the purplette up and down.. he knew it was their three year anniversary but they never made a fuss about anniversaries of sorts. maybe a box of chocolates is what they got each other or some sort of teddy bear.. anyway anniversaries for them usually just meant them sitting on the sofa binging random animes.Thats what they enjoyed so it was what they did. they enjoyed the simple moments together not the fancy ones. However, this year seemed different.

"Are you finally showing that you are working with dark reunion??" kaidou then laughed,, he was mainly looking at how underdressed he looked in comparsion to him.. it was jeans and a baggie t-shirt;; an hxh t-shirt to be precise that was tucked into the black fabric, a deep coloured choker draped down his neck. it definitely wasn't what you would call 'fancy'.

aren didnt care he thought kaidou looked cute.

aren just laughed and wrapped his arms around his shorter bfs waist and whispered against his ear "maybe i am working for an organisation.. and that organisation is the 'i'm going to give my dorky boyfriend all the hugs in the world' society"he then laughed and pressed his lips against his cheek,, 

kaidou's eyes widened as he felt aren's warm breath on the back of his neck,, "wait is that a real thing??? do i need to protect ppl from it?? are you dangerous???" he then got out of aren's arms and warningly/jokingly pointing the tv remote at his taller boyfriend, a concerned yet adorable look spreading over his face.

This just made aren laugh harder,,shaking his head in protest,, his nose softly scrunching up, glasses sliding up his face as he did so. He took the remote from the smaller boys' hand and placed it on the side his arms returning to the smaller's waist. "One. I can only be dangerous when you are sad and you need hugs and two. You're a dork, shortie"

"I'm your dork"

"You're my dork" he returned, booping the tip of shun's nose. "Now come on, get ya shoes on I wanna take you somewhere".

~Time skip~

The place, aren was taking shun was only a 10 minute walk at most maybe 15 if you see a cute animal on the way and decide to pet it[that happens more often then you think]

There hands were almost glued together as they walked Kaidou gently swinging their arms back and forth as he took in the scenery,, it was a lazy August afternoon, the soft sun was beating down on their smiling faces. It glinted off aren's glasses as he tried to find the perfect spot.

"Why do you keep looking around?" Shun asked as he walked along one of the metal pathing sections that slipt the pavement from the grass,, his hand firmly clasped into aren's so he wouldnt fall.

Aren didn't reply he was still searching,, they were at the park, there are several places that could be considered romantic,, but this had to be the perfect spot.

He then saw it,, a band stand,, it was freshly painted and had strings of vines and flowers weaving up on the supports,, it was the place where they had their first kiss if aren could remember correctly,, it was a few months after they met,, and they were messing around eating gummy worms and jelly pots,, the soft sound of music playing as they asked eachother random questions, one of them was: 'have you ever been kissed?' the answer was they both hadnt,, well until that day.


An excited smile spread over kuboyasu's face,, and he took kaidou's hand and dragged it up the small hill a 'you'll see' playing on his lips,,

Kaidou raised an eyebrow;; confused yet intrigued. "It better not be a prank" he then groaned.

"Course not,sugar" aren let out a wide reassuring smile,, it spreading over his face,, he rested his arms on the side of the band stand looking out into the horizon...

He took a breath,, he was more preparing himself about what he was going to say than enjoying the scenery.. The sun gently highlighted his features,, 

'shit he is handsome' Kaidou thought he saw how aren was fiddling with his hands. Shun walked over to join him.

Taking one of aren's larger hands in his own, shun rested his head against his boyfriend's arm."whatcha thinking about?" Shun asked quietly,,his eyes looking into the distance along with kuboyasu's..

Kuboyasu played with his hands when he had something on his mind.

This time he only had one thing that was playing on his mind and that was the proposal. What shun would say. He was thinking about how beautiful shun looked in the summer light,, but he always looked beautiful,, like he belonged on the front cover of some sort of fashion magazine that teruhashi used to show them in class;; he was slowly stirred from his thoughts by his hand,, his fingers wrapped over the top of kaidou's giving them a squeeze, his lips found the top of his head.

"You." aren smiled softly as his lips came up from his curls.

"What about me are you thinking about?" Kaidou replied.

"How much I'm in love with you"

"And how much is that?"shun smirked teasingly, and he jokingly poked aren's shoulder.

"more than anyone has ever loved anyone;; more than the largest oceans,, more than the solar system and all the stars in the sky,, I adore every lil thing about you,,from how your smile lights up any room,, how you smell like soft linen and lavender candles,, how your eyes look like rubies in the sunlight,, how you have used the same book mark in every book you read,, the gengar one,, cus you are afraid that you are ruining a manga writers hard work;; how you say thank you to doors when they open.. How you see past my past,, how you dont care about all the lil mistakes I make,, how you can't cook and yet you always insist in helping me in the kitchen,because you dont want me to do everything.. How you-" aren said it was almost unconscious everything that he was thinking about shun in that moment spilling from his mouth as if it were water,, he didn't realize he was rambling until he heard shun's voice again.

"You really think that?" Shun answered quietly,, if you asked shun Kaidou, Mr ex-nerd about 7 years ago 'if he would meet someone that makes him feel as special just like aren does;;' he would say no easily,, sometimes when he wakes up to his face in aren's chest he can't believe it,, he all thinks its some dream, but it isnt a dream it was all real.

Aren nodded, a soft smile over his lips. "Always have"

Shun looked away, a smile on his lips,, aren instantly thought it was cute,, both of their cheeks were dusted pink.

"I love you too" shun said quietly,, but sometimes he doesn't think him just saying 'I love you' was enough especially since kuboyasu was amazing,he too loved everything about the purplette as well, he made him feel safe like just hearing his voice means that he is okay,, he loved how caring he was, how he gets along so well with his younger siblings,, he even gets along with sora sometimes. When she isnt being a salty butt ofc.

They stayed their in a comforting silence, for a while.. Aren making occasionally glances at shun.. He then softly laughed.

"Do you remember when saiki said how we were like a married couple that one time?"aren asked. His fingers slowly making their way to his trouser pocket,, in his palm he took the ring box, fiddling with the lid opening and closing it softly, mainly out of nerves.

"Bahah yehhh we were embarrassed for an hour.. But I suppose that comment made me realize how much I liked you" shun answered, shyly rubbing the back of his neck,, the pink glow refusing to fade.

"What if we were a married couple?" Aren then asked quietly looking out at the horizon once again,, he took the box from his pocket.. Kaidou raised an eyebrow at the question not sure what his boyfriend meant or was implying.. "Like if I got down on one knee right now would you say yes?"

"No-" Kaidou started

"No?" Aren said,, his eyes widening, almost in shock,, mainly disappointment. he was very disappointed,, he wasnt sure if he should just run right now.. If shun actually hated him and was lying.

Kaidou immediately shushed him with his hands waving in front if his face aren fell quiet, letting him continue"no, no let me finish" he smiled,,"no question has ever been easier for me to answer,, yeh,, ofc I would say yes,, I haven't loved anyone as much as I love you,, you make me so so so happy I dont think anyone has made me smile so much,, I would love to be with you forever to be your husband,, you make me feel safe,, you smell like dark chocolate and cinnamon that alone makes me feel safe,, you are patient with me if I mess stuff up, you dont make fun of me,even with the whole dark reunion thing, you are honestly in my eyes the most perfect guy.. Not to mention you are extremely handsome, you are the perfect package and you are mine,, i have no idea how that happened" shun's smile was wide very very wide,, as he mused about the man he loved more than anything in the world,, he was too busy being caught in his words that he hadn't noticed that aren wasnt by his side anymore.

"Wait where did you-?" Shun said confused after he realized



Aren cleared his throat, he was down on one knee next to the shorter man, a wide smile also over his face,, the ring box resting safely in his larger hand.

"I mean- it would have been awkward if you did say no" aren joked looking up at him,, shun was finally the taller one..

Kaidou was frozen in surprised. 'wait it wasnt a hypothetical question?' Even though he wanted it to be real didn't think it would be,, but now he was looking down at kuboyasu's wide smiling face and nodded,, happy tears had started pricking his eyes, warm tears running down his face,, he was smiling.

They were both smiling like idiots.

Aren had started happy crying now as he slipped the ring onto his finger. aren rarely cries.

"Sorry that its not the prettiest,, it was my mum's,, kinda went through the wars a few times" aren laughed as he wrapped his arms around the smaller waist.

'He said yes he actually said yes'

Aren couldn't be any happier... 

Shun couldn't be any happier...

They looked their eyes like idiots all smiley and wide like they didnt have another care in the world in that moment..

"I really wished I got changed into something fancier" shun giggled slightly,, wrapping his arms around his new fiancée's shoulders.

"But you look cute" aren pouted and kissed the top of his forehead, slowly peppering kisses down the ridge of kaidou's nose before placing his lips against the Bluette's. 

"i love you" aren muttered

"i love you more"

"i love you most"

They stayed their for a while,, just happy in each others presence happy and excited for what the future might hold,, but they knew if they were together their future would be good.

[2342 words]

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