Twists and Turns \Ziam

By zarrywhoziamyeah

9.1K 262 95


Special Phrase
the beginning
the beard
the new
The opposite of win
The green boy
The wild guesses
The revelation
The unexpected
the breaking
the tempest
The end of it
the almost-make up
the reunion
the blessing
the ring
the new danielle
the end of the end
the future

the birthday

312 10 2
By zarrywhoziamyeah


Last night, he had thought his life couldn't get any worse than it already was, he had been so damn wrong again.

He is twenty. He should be at the top of the world, celebrating, dancing around. Waking up to a raw cake and a smiling Zayn, smelling of vanilla with flour in his hair. He wakes up to a Harry, a Louis and a Niall, standing all around his bed wearing party hats. Niall is strumming madly on his guitar as they sing a badly harmonized birthday song, despite the fact that they are world wide singing sensations. Liam smiles at them, the absence of Zayn hitting him like a truck because these days whenever Zayn is absent from his side, something is up and that something is definitely wrong.

“Look who turned into a man today,” Louis hoots, jumping on the bed.

“I am the baby now,” Niall says, following Louis' lead.

Harry sits on the edge beside Louis, making a confused face, “I am the youngest one, not you Niall.”

“Yeah but bro, you look way older than me so don't kill my buzz,” Niall retorts, “Plus look at me, I don't even have chest hair yet.” To make his point clear, he lowers the neck of his tank top revealing his bare chest.

“Adolescence,” Louis says solemnly, reaching up to pat Niall's head, “is a hard time for everybody.”

That makes Niall laugh to the point where Liam thinks he is going to wet his pants. Typical Niall.

“Where's Zayn?” Liam asks, getting up a little to lean against his pillow.

The atmosphere in the room changes from careless to tense in a second. As Niall stops laughing and goes back to fidgeting with his guitar, saying, “I should have brought more Coco Pops.”

Louis smacks Niall on the head as Harry says, “He had to leave.”

Liam knew that, he had figured. Because if Zayn was still here, he wouldn't have let anybody else wake Liam up.

“To where? Why?” Liam inquires.

“Some family thing with Perrie,” Harry answers, “They have to be sighted together in order to erase all doubts.”

“To be honest, I think they did it because they didn't want you to stay with him today,” Niall says and Louis smacks him again.

“Can you not be so blunt for one second?” he scolds.

“He's not wrong,” Liam sighs, “I don't know what they have against me but they are determined on making my life a living hell.”

“It's not just you mate,” Harry says, “Louis is supposed to take Eleanor to his charity event in a week.”

“My dear Harold,” Louis says assuringly, reaching out to hold his hand and rub soothing circles on it, “It will just be a day.”

Niall rolls his eyes at them and Liam just wishes that Zayn was here. Like Louis is for Harry.

“Okay so how about we get up, make Liam a splendid cake, and go to like the Funky Buddha, and dance all night to the best song ever?” Niall sings.

“You do know that I want to kick you in the balls right now, right?” Louis asks.

Niall starts rapping “all liam really wants for his birthday is a big booty hoe, zayn-malik is his big booty hoe” in response until the boys struggle to carry Liam downstairs, explaining how he should spend some time with them before going out with Sophia. That is when Liam remembers that he has to do that too and he groans in annoyance because his friends just had to remind him about that.

While the boys make him cut a cake in only his boxers, he can think of just one thing only. Zayn. And where is he, and what he's doing, and why hasn't he called. He can't help but checking his cell when Louis opens a bottle of champagne, or when Niall suggests they play beer pong which they do, and after which Liam is on the edge of drunk, one more drink down and he will be gone, or when Harry tells him he should get ready because Sophia would be here soon or when Harry helps him put on some random tank top and football jersey or when Sophia does arrive wearing a disgusting yellow that reminds him of vomit. He keeps checking his cell, not one text message from Zayn. So he checks his twitter to find no tweet from Zayn but that he understands, because Zayn doesn't like wishing over twitter. “It looks so fake Li, come on! And why do I even need that stupid site when I can do this?” And it hurts right now to go over the details of what Zayn does after that, but it does involve a lot of tickling and whispering and tongue. Liam wishes Zayn was here right now doing that, he wants to hear his voice, he wants his birthday wish and his birthday kiss and his birthday sex. And his Zayn.

What he gets instead is Sophia's hand in his, a white and pink fancy looking birthday cake, and cameras flashing him incessantly, as he tries to hide his face somewhere, any fucking where because his head is aching, and Sophia drags him away from all of it and he is grateful when they finally step in the club. Only to be surrounded by screaming girls again, who don't waste a second in grabbing him and there are cameras again as he smiles like he is at the top of the world when in real he feels like he is lying at the bottom of a dark pit, unable to climb up.

The drinks Andy keeps handing him help a lot, so he keeps on downing them, without questioning. They taste weird, one burns his throat, but he doesn't care. There's a hazy picture of Zayn in his mind, and all it is doing is making him ache.

Fuck Zayn really. It's his birthday and Zayn should be here, but he isn't. He should be the one giggling into his neck, running his hands through his hair, dancing against him. And he isn't. He is with that white haired witch and her family and he hasn't even fucking called once. Liam has a right to be as angry as he is now, he has a fucking right to enjoy himself and make Zayn jealous. And he just wants Zayn so much right now. He just misses him so much that he's angry. Just yesterday Zayn was with him and now he is not and nobody could ever understand how that is making him feel.

He just really misses Zayn. And Zayn is really fucking annoying because he still hasn't wished him. That git.

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