Shipping(Hartbig fanfiction f...

By NeonBullet207

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As Hannah and Grace take the roads of love,they pick up a few friends,forgive old enemy's,and watch the mirac... More

Chapter 1-Almost
Chapter 2-Waiting
Chapter 3-Time
Chapter 4-Half First Kiss
Chapter 5-Fangirls and Bad Dreams
Chapter 6-Telling
Chapter 7-Missing you
Chapter 8-Wide awake
Chapter 9-Home
Chapter 10-Dreams
Chapter 11-Your way
Chapter 12-Good
Chapter 13-Tweets
Chapter 14-The Video
Chapter 15-Out on the town
Chapter 16-Playboys
Chapter 17-Cakes and Plans
Chapter 18-No Spark
Chapter 19-Apologies
Chapter 20-Mester
Chapter 21-The 1z
Chapter 22-Date Night
Chapter 24-Talk and Tears
Chapter 25-Warm Places
Chapter 26-Talk to me
Chapter 27-I love this
Chapter 28-I'm sorry?
Chapter 29-Nice talking to you
Chapter 30-Planning
Chapter 31-Letter
Chapter 32-Call him!
Chapter 33-On Our Way
Chapter 34-I love you
Chapter 35-Mourn before the Storm
Chapter 36-Mr.Mellet
Chapter 37-Hailey Kate Hillers
Chapter 38-Well,you are cute
Chapter 38-Baby got Back
Chapter 39-Teaser
Chapter 40-Well...
Chapter 41-Proposing?
Chapter 43-Good Luck
Chapter 44-Honeymoon

Chapter 23-Breakfast & Lunch

659 12 2
By NeonBullet207

Hannah's POV


I wake up with Grace on the floor and I am in the middle of the bed,naked.I must have kicked Grace out of the bed last night.She still looks cute with her hair stuck on her face and her legs tangled in a mess of blankets with her bare ass sticking up.

Getting out of bed I pull the blankets back on the bed.Careful to pick up Grace and not wake her  put her on the bed.She stirs a little and pulls me down on the bed with her.She burys her head in the crook of my neck and soon falls asleep again.Kissing her forehead I climb out of her hold and put the comforter back on her.I get dressed and I smile at her peacefulness and leave to go to the kitchen to make a breakfast.

"And your going to here me roararararar"I laugh as I go to awnser Mamries call.

When I get to my phone the ringing stops.I call her back and go back to the kitchen.

"Bitch,you better start awnsering when I call."I hear a loud voice.

I laugh at her,"Mamrie,calm yourself."

"I cant after last night.Why do you think im up so early."

Finally I notice the time.8:27."Damn Mamrie."I say clearly shocked,"What happened?"

"Can I come over?"

"Of course.Grace is still asleep so about 11 could be good.We can go out after you get here."I tell her getting pans out to make pancakes.

"Sure.See you later."

After we hang up I get everything out and start to make things.

Carefully,after almost a hour of making dozens of pancakes,I stack some on a plate and get some orange juice ans I go to wake Gracie.

Carefully opening the door I see her spread out on the bed with her shirt pulled up a little bit,drooling on the bed sheet.

I put my hand up to my mouth to stifle a giggle.Tiptoeing over I have to keep my hand over my grinning my mouth thinking about what I will do.

Climbing to the side that she isnt taking up with a limb I lay next to her face faceing her.I finally take my hand away and slide it down to the exposed skin on her side.Pulling her closer I kiss her face,every inch of it.

When she does wake up, she only stirs and falls asleep agin.I resort to the next option.Keeping our foreheads together,I start to tickle her.She imeadiatly wakes up,laughing,she screams and trys to kick my hands off her sides.I just climb on top of her though,getting me to straddle her.

"HANNAH!"She screams.I finally stop and she glares playfully up at me.

"I have breakfast."I coo.

She smiles and pushes me off of her and straddles me,"This is new."I joke.

"Ha ha,very funny."She says sarcastically.

She kisses my forehead and climbs off of me.She gets dressed in shorts and one of my t-shirts.Shit.I follow her out to the kitchen and sit with her.I grab my own plate.

"How did you sleep?"I ask putting syrup on my stack of 2 pancakes.They are decent sized.

"Well,after we finally went to sleep,"She giggles,"you kicked me off the bed,literally.You used your foot,in your sleep,and kicked my ass out of the fucking bed."She is laughing now.

"Sorry babe."I say.

"Its okay."She giggles.

We finished our breakfast and we both get in the shower.Nothing happened,we just decided it would save money on water.

After showering and getting in our clothes for the day we hang around the living room watching crap TV waiting for Mamrie to show.During Keeping Up With the Kardashians we hear a knock on the door.

"Why the hell are you knocking?"Grace yells from the couch.

Mamrie comes in and smiles,"Becasue,I really dont want to walk in on you two fucking each other or in the middle of a topless make-out session or some shit."She laughs sitting next to Grace.

I giggle,"So,what happened?"I ask trying to be calm as possible but failing miserablely.

"Woah,chill Farto.It actually went great."She pauses before Grace puts her hand on the older womans shoulder.

"Mames,you okay?"She asks.

"Hm,oh,yeah,sorry."Mamrie says snapping back to realty,"He took me to a really nice resturant by the beach and we just talked about things and then I started to talk about it and he got confused and then I got confused but then we worked it out."She says smiling.

"Are you guys going out?"Grace asks.

"No,we are probley going to go out on a few dates."She says.

"Mamrie,thats great!"I say getting up and hugging her.

"Now we are all not single!"Grace yells joining our hug.

"Okay bitchs,I'm hungery.Where are we going to eat?"Mamrie says pushing us off.

"Lets get chinese."I suggest grabing my keys and shoes.

"Sure."Mamrie says and we look at Grace for a awnser.

She nods and grabs her phone and some cash.

"You dont need to bring money.Its my treat."I say.

"No."She says following Mamrie out the door.

"Im driving so yes."I say closing and locking the door.

She sighs in defeat and we go the car hand in hand,"I will never get over how cute you two are together."Mamrie squels.

"Woah Tyler."I joke.

She rolls her eyes and gets in the backseat.

When we leave the driveway,a squirrel runs out in front of us causing me to slam on the brakes.

"OW!"I hear Grace and Mamrie yell

"Are you guys okay?"I say.

"Yeah,seatbelt just pushed into my skin and rubbed a little."Grace says rubbing her neck.

"Sorry."I say and continue driving.

When we reach the chinese resturant we walk in and sit down waiting for a table.I  grab Grace's hand and pull it up to my lap.I play with her fingers until I hear someone clear their throat.I look up just in time to see someone walk in.

I can feel the tension in the room,"Sam."I breath out.

"Hannah?"Graces says squeezing my hand.

Sam is my ex-girlfriend from a while back ago,back in my junior year of college.I never really dicussed it with anyone,even Grace,because she broke my heart.She said that she was straight after she was cheating on me with the guy next door my own dorm for a month.We never got to serious as to sex and such because she kept saying she wasnt ready but we did go out for almost a year and I had fallen in love her.Not the same kind of love as I am with Grace of course because with Grace it feels like I am on a cloud around her but when I was with Sam,I felt more like a rock.Sams excuse as to why she didn't tell me sooner was because I was to sweet for her to break my heart.After all that I could barely leave my dorm in fear that I would see Sam making out with my dorm room neighbor.

Although I almost left my dorm room completely after being woken up by a bedframe banging and moaning coming through the thin wall.But lucky for me I had my roomate there to comfort me.

Looking around the room her eyes lock with mine.We stare for a minute before Grace kisses the top of my head and Sam looks away.

We are finally seated after a bit and then the intergation begins.

"Who was that?"Mamrie asked.

"Yeah,and why were you stareing at her."Grace asked concerned that I was going to leave.

"She,um,is my ex."I say looking at the menu before me.

"Oh.We can talk about it later,if you want."Grace,who is sitting right next to me,says taking my hand in hers and smiling down at me.

I smile back a look back at the menu still clutching Graces hand.

After ordering drinks we start talking about random things like about what we dreamt last night and what our babys names would be if we got married to our celebrity crush and what projects we hope to work on at some point.I learn that Mamrie was dreaming about a talking potato crashing into Vidcon and Grace was dreaming that Grace and I got married at a resturant in a little town in Ohio and then we went honeymooning in Antartica.

While talking about how Mamrie may want to do a sequal,Sam walks by with her head down being guided by a guy I faintly recignize as the guy she cheated on me with.As she passes,Grace squeezes my hand really tight and Mamrie stops talking for a second and giving me a sympathentic look.

The rest of the lunch goes great until we are about to leave.As we stand up,I see someone else standing up not to far away and coming towards us.

"So,I see you replaced me."I hear a familiar voice behind me as I fish my credit card out of my wallet.

"Damn right I did."I say stopping and spinning around to look at the dark haired girl getting pissed,"And I am 100% happier with her than I ever was with you.At least she wouldnt let our relationship go on for a month while fucking my dormroom neighbor."

"So you miss me yet."she says uncaring that Grace was right there.

Then I lose it.Before I even know what I am doing,my hand,balled up in a fist,comes swinging through the air and hits Sam right in the cheek bone.

Grace looks at Sam,who is holding her face on the floor,and gives her the ring finger,"You,most defidently,dont deserve the middle finger."she spats.

Mamrie on the other hand says nothing.Her face is almost the same color as her hair.All the does is stare intently at Sams face as if she is trying to cut it off with her eyes.What she does next is unexpected,well,kind of.She actually spits on her.With salvia.

I didnt notice it before but the entire resturant has stopped eating and is stareing at us.The only sound you can hear is the snicker from someone on their phone watching a video with headphones in and a baby crying on the other side of the room.

We quickly leave and I just leave 2 20 dollor bills on the table to cover everything.Getting in the car I feel the anger leave my body and sadness replacing it.I feel saltly hot tears glide down my face and I just let it out.Grace and Mamrie try to comfort me but every memorey from the time I spent with Sam all come back to me and it makes me ache.

After about 5 minutes Grace suggests that she drives because people are leaving the building and are giving me weird looks.I agree and we switch spots.Before I get into the passenger side Grace kisses me after giving me a warm hug.It helps a lot.

Silently we make our way back but get stuck by traffic,"Well,Im not going to be bored waiting in this L.A. traffic."Grace says turning on the radio and Wreaking Ball comes on.Of course.But the girls sing to it anyways,getting me to laugh at their silliness and eventually getting me to sing as loud as possible with them.

Getting home finally after 30 minutes of being stuck in traffic and another 5 just to get back to our place we all collapse on the couch and we watch Real Housewives while Grace and I cuddle and Mamrie on the other side with her feet up touching mine.

After a few episodes Mamrie has to go to a last minute meeting.Tonignt will be fun.



3 reasons why I hate snow

1.Its cold

2.I lose days that I can have off later from school.

3.I cant go anywhere.

Along with 3 my mother cant go anywhere really either because in just the past two days we have probley gotten a foot and a half of snow(0.4572 meters)and Hannahs book arrived and we cant get to it......FUCK YOU SNOW!


Qotd:Do you like snow?

Aotd:When it gets me two hour delays.


Stay Awesome


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